Chapter Thirty-Four- The Eye of The Storm
"All right, comms check. Can you hear me?" Happy asked Peter, his voice echoing in Clara's ear. They sat in the cockpit of Happy's jet, heading through London as they aimed for Tower Bridge.
Peter appeared on the left-hand-side window, clinging onto the outside of the jet. "Yeah, I can. It's just a little loud out here." He called back, shouting to be heard over the sound of the rushing wind.
Happy twisted to face him, accessing the outfit the boy had created during the flight. "I like the new suit." He commenting, giving his approval.
"Thanks!" Peter replied, Clara imagining a look of great pride under his mask.
Clara saw something in her peripheral vision and looked forwards again, a huge storm cloud billowing over the Tower Bridge. "Whoa." She commented, lightning slicing through the swirling grey as she spoke.
"You sure that's not real?" Happy asked them, his mind not seeing passed the illusion Beck had created.
"Yeah!" Peter told him, his voice higher than usual. "It's just a hundred times bigger than I expected."
"Still the same play?" Happy questioned dubiously.
"Uh-huh." Peter confirmed nervously, looking to Clara in hope she could provide some sort of reassurance. Clara's eyes were still fixed on the storm before them, though, and she failed to see what it was he wanted from her.
"You need to get high enough so Beck doesn't see Peter coming." She told Peter, hiding her own anxieties to the mission. Clara felt sick with worry as she turned to face him again, her stomach twisting and churning as she tried not to think about everything that could go wrong.
"Copy that. Stay sticky." Happy told Peter as he pulled back on the controls. The jet reared upwards, pushing Clara and Happy into their seats and Peter crouched closer to the aircraft's body, letting the slipstream pass over him.
"Clara?" Peter called out, waiting for a response before continuing.
Clara turned to face his way. "What's wrong?" She asked, fearful that something had already happened to his suit, or that he had noticed something that would affect their plan.
"Just- I just want you to know, in case something happens," he began, swallowing nervously as he looked between her and the storm ahead, "I- I really don't want you to move away."
Clara's lips parted and she tried to hide her shock from what he had said - and what he knew he meant from it. Maybe she hadn't made a mistake back in the Netherlands. Maybe it work out okay, just as long as they both survived the battle they were marching into. Maybe Peter felt the same way about her, as she did him. "I don't want to move away, either." She told him, though her words were more muttered as she gazed towards him.
Happy raised and eyebrow, shrinking into his chair a little as the feeling of him intruding on a private conversation grew. Peter was unsure of what to say next, a mixture of relief and trepidation of what was to come filling him with anxiety. "Hey, Happy?" Peter asked, resorting to his usual plan of using humour to relieve himself from awkward moments.
"Yeah, Kid. What is it?" The man asked.
"We need to have a serious conversation about you and my aunt!" Peter said, letting go of the surface as he spoke.
Happy's expression dropped into one of abject horror causing Clara to snicker a little. "Ohhh, you're in trouble." She giggled. He shot Clara a glare.
With the cockpit falling into another silence, Clara could hear the music seeping from the speakers. With a light frown, she realised which song was playing. Slowly, she turned to face Happy with a raised eyebrow. He seemed to have realised too, his face flushing a deep red as he let out a nervous laugh. "I don't know why this song is on here."
He jabbed his finger onto a button, switching from Fleetwood Mac's 'Everywhere' to 'The Chain'. "Better." Clara noted with a nod, the corners of her lips downward turned.
A few seconds later, they heard a grunt come across the comms. "Peter? Are you in?" Clara spoke.
"Er, yeah..." He sounded in awe as he looked over the spectacle in front of him; warping waves of projections and flying drones moving in perfect harmony as they orchestrated the performance of a lifetime. "That's awesome."
"Okay, Parker." Clara said, switching her mind to mission mode. "You know what to do."
Peter jumped from drone to drone, leaving a string of webbing linking each device and creating his own intricate design. "Oh, I hope this works." He said, leaping from the last drone he attached his webbing to, and tapping the insignia on his chest.
An electronic current was sent through the silky material, hitting each device in turn, though the effect was almost instantaneous across the network. The wall of projections fell to reveal the drones beneath it.
At the sight, Clara had to focus even more to keeping her heart rate under control, the feeling of the swarm of devices bringing the warm sensation back to her palms. Still, she suppressed it; not allowing it to take over.
Turning her attention to her own task she had set herself, she opened Flash's current live-stream. "Okay, they just left the bridge - looks like they're rounding the west-side of the London Tower itself."
"Got it." Happy acknowledged.
"You ever been there?" Clara asked conversationally, earning a disbelieving glance from Happy as he wondered how the two students could be calmer and more collected then he was. "They've got some pretty cool twilight tours."
"Well, if it doesn't get destroyed, I'll check it out." He said distractedly, putting his focus into landing safety and avoiding any tourists running under the wheels. "There they are!" He pointed forwards, and Clara leaned closer to the window, peering towards the ground.
MJ, Ned, Betty, and Flash were running through the crowds, periodically glancing over their shoulders to where they had last seen the drones. Clara glanced back down to her phone, Flash's live-stream still showing. He wasn't speaking to his audience now, just running as fast as he could alongside the three other students.
Clara looked to Happy with determination behind her eyes. "Let's go save the world."
"I don't think this is a world-wide catastro-" Happy began.
Clara interrupting, a hint of amusement in her tone. "Shut up, Happy."
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