Chapter Ten - E.D.I.T.H
Boredom forced Clara along the back row of the bus, the student moving to sit next to Peter. "Who's the guy up front?" She asked him, using a question she had been meaning to ask for a while to start a conversation.
"Who? Flash?" Peter looked across at her. "He's, well... He's Flash." He said, unsure how he should describe the student when he was entirely unlike anyone that anybody had known before – and not necessarily in a good way.
"Oh." Clara said, resting her head against the soft leather covered seat. "Is he as much of a dick as he seems? Or is he, like, one of those misunderstood HBO villains that, once everyone knows his sob story, is forgiven for all of his crimes?"
Peter narrowed her eyes thoughtfully, looking between Clara and Flash as he deliberated the idea. "Nah, I'm pretty sure he's just a dick." He shifted his position, the hour spent in the same seat, no matter how comfy the chairs were, was making him ache. As he moved, he nudged the bag tucked between his legs, causing a wooden case to fall out.
Clara bent over, plucking it from the ground before it had a chance to roll under the seats in front. She held the polished wooden case, running her fingertips over the surface as if mesmerised by the grain in the wood. "What is it?" She held it out for him, Peter holding it delicately in his grasp.
"I'm not sure." He sighed. "I mean – They're glasses, I just don't really know why I was given them."
He opened the box, staring at the accessory as if he was too afraid to touch them. "Well, have you read the note?" Clara pointed to the card tucked under the glasses. As she did, she read the company name printed on the visible side. Stark Industries. "Did Fury give them to you to help with the Elementals?"
"No." Peter shook his head. Clara noticed his eyes were a little more watery than before. "No, Mr Stark left them for me."
"As in Tony Stark?" She knew that was the only Mr Stark that could have given him the device, but she still found herself asking the question.
Peter tentatively picked up the glasses and put them on, reading the note aloud. "For the next Tony Stark, I trust you." He frowned, eyes slightly misted over with tears now, and he wondered if he had read it correctly, his eyes running back to double check.
Clara didn't say a word, letting him take his time. Though it had been more than half a year since Ironman sacrificed himself to save the missing half of the universe and most of the world had already recovered from the loss of the hero, she imagined the wound was still fresh in Peter's heart. "Say E.D.I.T.H." Peter continued.
He looked up with a start, a subtle flash of blue passing over the lenses. "Standby for retinal and biometric scan." Clara raised an eyebrow, hearing a soft murmur emanating from the device, but she couldn't make out what it was saying. "Retinal and biometric scan accepted."
"Hello?" Peter spoke, keeping his volume low. The murmur sounded again, the look on the Peter's face telling Clara that the voice was answering him. "So, he made you for me?"
As Peter continued the conversation with his new user interface, Clara felt her attention drift; conversations weren't so fun to listen in to when there was no way of hearing both sides. She watched the road roll past the vehicle, the mountainous road they travelled by morphing into a forested area, trees lining the mountain sides and blocking the view that stretched on for miles.
With nothing to look at and no one to talk to, she let her eyes fall closed, promising herself she would just rest them for a moment to sooth the headache still present from earlier that morning.
A few moments later she felt someone nudging her side and she peeked her eyes open, momentarily disorientated as she stared at the back of a chair. She closed her eyes again in protest, pressing her head into whatever she was leant against. What am I leaning against? She wondered; she hadn't fallen asleep in a window seat, had she?
"Clara, we're at a rest stop if you need anything." A voice asked her, Clara opened her eyes again and sat up lazily to look at its source. Peter gave her an apologetic smile. "I didn't want to wake you up, but I really need to pee."
She rubbed at her eyes, yawning and stretching in the seat. Clearly, she had hardly slept the night before. Apparently when Clara is drugged with tranquilliser, it actually makes her less restful. "Thanks." She mumbled, her voice groggy and her full bladder telling her she needed to go too. Her eyes settled on the frames that were much too big for his face. "They're nice. Very, er... hip. Very hip."
Most of the other students were off of the coach now, leaving just a few stragglers at the front about to step off, and Peter and Clara still at the back. "Find anything interesting on them?" Clara asked, getting to her feet and picking her bag up.
Peter hummed, looking off into the distance as if he was struggling to think of anything. "I can see other people's phone data, access the entire Stark satellite network and see everyone's personal files – even people that shouldn't have them."
"What do you mean?" Clara frowned, watching as he shuffled out from the corner seat.
"Like, people that Stark Industries shouldn't even care about, you know?"
"Including me?" She folded her arms over her chest subconsciously, trying to find the answer through the glasses, a brief flash of blue passing over the lens as Peter looked over at her.
"Yeah, it-"
"Well, don't look!" Clara scolded him, batting him on the arm. She turned away, starting towards the front of the coach with her backpack slung over one shoulder. Peter grabbed his own backpack, took off the glasses and put them in the case and back in the bag. He followed after the girl, jogging forward to catch up.
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