Chapter Fifteen - The Fire Monster
Amidst the panic, Clara disappeared from view, taking the moment to hide from those around her. There were bigger things to worry about than anyone seeing her, or not seeing her, as the stone of the decorative statue was pulled apart by molten lava.
The figure seemed to swell before contracting, a moment later erupting, a colossal figure growing instantaneously from the ground. Clara raised her hands, the purple light spreading from the palms of her hands and radiating out to create a wide barrier.
Pieces of rock flew into the shield, creating ripples across the surface. She barely felt a thing as they tapped against the force she projected, the sensation similar to light rain sprinkling against an umbrella.
Her head spun to her right; a green cloud rushing passed her to stop a few metres away. Mysterio stood with hands held out in front of him and glowing green energy began blasting towards the creature, hitting it in the chest. A second later, a fire hydrant flew from its fixture and across the open space. The water sprayed up, hissing against the flaming beast, smoke billowing into the air.
Clara stared into the thick cloud, waiting to catch a glimpse of anything, once again raising her hands just in case she needed to protect herself. The square was clear of festival goers now, the screaming fading into the distance, barely heard over the roaring from the fire monster as it reared up like a mistreated stallion.
A flaming fist slammed into a building and Clara watched as Spider-Man leapt from the wall he clung to, landing on the carousel. The giant entity seemed to look around for a brief moment, trying to locate the masked hero. It didn't take long though, and another fist rained down into the fairground ride, launching the boy into the base of the Ferris wheel.
He fell to his hands and knees, raising his sight to look at the fire monster as it began to grow. "No! Beck, he's got the carousel – he's getting bigger!" Peter's muffled voice called out.
"Night-Monkey!" Clara frowned, looking around for the source of the voice. Her breath stuck in her throat when her eyes landed on her two classmates stuck at the top of the Ferris wheel. She scolded herself for not checking the ride sooner. "Night-Monkey! Help! Save us!" Betty continued to cry out.
Clara ran forwards, swerving around flaming obstacles until she reached Spider-Man. She stood next to him, staring up and feeling as if she was a million miles away from the top. Another monstrous roar sounded behind them and both teenagers span to face the other way. In two steps, the atrocity was towering above them, raising his arms above its head.
"Shit." Clara mumbled, watching in slow motion as they began their journey downwards. Peter ducked down, holding arms above his head, knowing he had no time to move. Mysterio was across the square, sending a new blast of energy into the beings back. It had no effect though; the Elemental didn't even flinch.
"William, what the hell is this? This wasn't in the choreography!" Mysterio yelled into his headset, too far away for anyone to hear him. He watched helplessly as the creature brought his fists down to the floor, about to destroy his only chance of obtaining the E.D.I.T.H. technology.
Clara braced for impact, an instant flash of purple encasing them in the nick of time. She clenched her jaw, feeling the immense weight behind the Elemental. Her legs already ached as they withstood the first blow, her heart pounding against her chest. She had never faced such a being – she had never faced that amount of power.
"What the..." Peter looked up from his position, seeing as he wasn't dead. The soft purple glow surrounded him like he was trapped in a snow globe. He looked around the space, no one except him within it. He looked up into the sky, Quentin Beck hovering over the shoulder of the creature unmoving. "Mr Beck – What's going on?" He asked. Why wasn't the man helping him?
"Get this goddamn script back on track otherwise there will be a bullet in your fucking head! Do you hear me William?" Beck screamed.
The second blow struck the protective shell Clara had formed and this time, she felt her feet pushing into the dusty floor, the gravel created from the destruction crushing under her sneakers. She glared at the flames as they wrapped around the shield, daring them to try and come any closer, daring them to try to get past her defences.
"Mr Fury, are you seeing this?" Peter asked with a panic to his tone. Unsurprising, considering the situation he had found himself in. He heard a crunch and he looked to the floor.It had been the only sound, other than his own voice, that hadn't been muffled by the soft violet glow.
Two oblong shapes had been pressed into the dust, a swirling pattern within the shape showing the impression from the sole of a shoe. "Mr Fury there's someone else here!"
Clara could barely hear Peter as blood began pounding in her ears, all of her focus and all of her energy diverted from the rest of her senses to sustaining the barrier and enduring the third blow that was sure to hit any moment.
This time, the creature hit her with a raging anger, infuriated that with all its might, its blows were barely denting the spherical cover. Clara let out a cry of defiance, tears searing her eyes and her arms burning in agony. Peter almost fell back at the sound, staring directly towards the invisible girl, no longer straight through.
She roared as the fire monster struck her for the fourth time, both fist thudding down onto the shield in unison, cracks appearing in the ground where the purple light met the dusty floor. Peter's jaw fell agape in fear, Mysterio was glowing the familiar green again and he was back in motion, but surely he wasn't going to reach them in time.
With one final, almighty strike, the abomination that towered above them bellowed louder than they had ever heard it rumble before. As the flames connected with the force-field, Clara felt herself grow weak. She couldn't take much more, her energy draining as she held back the creature, doing nothing but biding time for the rest of Fury's task force to arrive on scene.
Peters eyes widened as a colour began to appear in the spot he was staring at. Once-white sneakers came into view first, who ever was protecting him coming into sight from the ground up. Skin-tight, black denim jeans began fading in next, the legs appearing, and then the hips. Tucked into the waist band of the jeans was a loose-fitting t-shirt. The realisation hit him like a tonne of bricks, before her face had even began to blink into existence.
"Oh, my God." He muttered, unable to tear his eyes away. Her face was coated in dust, clear streaks running down her cheeks where saltwater tears had washed the dirt away. She was baring her teeth, a fury behind her eyes he had never seen from her before.
"Finally!" Beck cried out, the costume doing what he had originally planned for it to do. It swooped at a downwards angle, jets of energy burning rays of light towards the Elemental.
Clara gasped, the power hammering against her now too much, and she felt her body let go, falling forcefully to the ground. "Beck!" Peter shouted, rushing to the girl's side and swiping the limp body up in his arms before it connected with the hard surface. Mysterio pulled the attention of his creation away from the boy, the fire now soaring towards the older man instead.
Clara's head hung heavy, her eyes fluttering open and closed and she hung onto consciousness. She couldn't move; she could barely force a twitch into her finger. She felt a rush of wind pass her though as Peter carried her away from the battle ground, his legs working as fast as the could. He set her onto the hard ground, lowering her head gently to the solid surface. "Clara?"
Hands rested on either cheek, holding her face to look at the boy above her. Her eyes glowed with the reflection of fire, her cheeks flushed red from the heat, but her skin pale. "It's okay, I'm here." Peter reached one hand up, lifting the goggles on his mask so Clara could see him behind them. "It's me, I'm here."
As much as she tried, she couldn't stop her eyes from falling closed, sleep inching closer with each passing second. "What can I do?" She heard Peter ask, his voice sounding choked through the muffle of material.
He watched as her eyes fluttered closed, only this time they didn't open again. Peter looked from the body beneath him, to the Ferris wheel that was now two streets away. He looked to a white sign; a name sprawled across it. "Fury, there's a girl, she's on a street – the sign says 'Husova'. You've gotta help her, Mr Fury." He begged as he tucked her against the wall.
"I'm on it, Parker." Maria Hill spoke through the earpiece. "Get back to the square."
He hesitated, not wanting to leave the dormant girl alone in an unfamiliar place with no one around. "Now, Parker - Beck needs you in the square." Nick Fury's voice came through, kicking the young hero into motion.
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