Chapter 14 - Eve Escapes
Eve's P.O.V.
I couldn't let Aura do this! No way, no way at all! Mommy and daddy always told me stories about Unicron and Megatron and Starscream, and I wasn't about to let a whole 'nother war start up again because someone was being mean and selfish! I was fed up. And that fueled my powers. Enough that the door finally broke and fell off it's hinges. "HYAAH!" I looked around. "I did it!!! Wooohoooo!" I ran across and over to Aura's room. 'Aura! Don't worry! I broke out! I'm gonna get help!' I told her before taking off. 'I feel like I'm two again.' I thought to myself. It'd been forever since I was human. But I knew enough of the Nemesis, of Decepticons to know exactly where the exits were. And sure enough, found one.
the bad news was my disturbance set off the alarm and Velocitronian guards were showing up from let and right."Get her!"
"Uh oh!" I narrowed my eyes. "Hrrrraaaaaah!" I used my telekinesis to shove them away, though it was pretty hard. I rushed outside and screeched to a halt. I was definitely NOT on Cybertron! Instead, I was in an arena?! With Predacons?!! "Uh oh." Velocitron. Nice going Eve. They literally HATE Cybertronians as bad as Unicron! At least daddy told me that much...
"Welcome everyone to Velocitrons annual Predacon Games!" shouted the announcer. Everyone in the audience screamed and cheered, eager for the event to start. "Not good, definatly not good." I muttered.
It was confirmed when several Predacons marched out, all of them reminding me of Predaking the day he tried to make me into a snack. I had a plan for this, though. "... MOOOOOOOMMY!!!" I shrieked loudly as they charged!
Just as one Predacon was right in front of me and tried to move in for a bite, another Predacon swooped in, grasping me with its tail and hoisting me up into the air before tackling the Predacon to the ground.
As I was in the air, I got a good look at the Predacon who, technically saved me. He had a very similiar beast mode to Predaking but with a different colour scheme and slightly different features.
I gasped as one tried to attack him, and with my telekinesis managed to throw him away. My optics flickered purple. I was getting afraid. Mommy told me that there was a 'bad' emotion that made our powers amp up but lose our control. Mommy's was anger, Aunt Avis's was frustration, and mine was fear. And it was enough to blast back every single Predacon.
"Eve!" called out a voice. It was the sound of a mech. I looked down to see the Predacon the protected me, trying his best to move against my telekinesis. "Stop it! Stop this before it gets out of control!"
I took deep breaths, calming down that everyone dropped. There was a loud commotion in the bleachers. "Uh oh." I mumbled. "Not good. Not good at all!"
"Eve? Baby is that you?!" I heard a female voice call out to me and I looked down to see....
"AUNT AVIS!!!" I screamed, rushing over to her open arms... only to be grabbed by that big meanie, Ransack! "LEMME GO! LEMME GO!!!"
"Thought you could escape?" taunted Ransack. There was a loud roar as the Predacon who saved me ran forward, transforming into his robot mode. He did look similar to Predaking. "Let her go Ransack." said the Predacon.
"B-better listen 't them!" I took a deep breath in. "AURA'S UNDERNEATH THE ARENA!!! GO!!! HURRY!!!"
"Dusksmite, go scoop it out." said Avis. Dusksmite transformed back into his dragon mode and flew towards the entrance and flew right inside. "Scrap. This is why I hate these games." muttered Ransack. "You are coming with me, as for you, eliminate her!" A bunch of Velocitronian guards appeared, arming themselves and preparing for battle with Avis.
Avis's eyes glowed. "FEAR THOSE WHO HAVE THE POWER!" She shouted the Kari battle-cry, lifting them up and pushing them into the walls, her disguise dissipating, dark-energon purple optics glowing.
"What in Primus is she doing?!" yelled Ransack. "It's called winning bozo!" I mocked.
Avis easily stopped the guards. "GO! HURRY!"
I stomped on Ransacks foot and he yelled out in pain, followed by a good punch in the face. I raced to Avis's side, hiding behind her. "I won't leave without Aura and Mirage!" I stated.
"We'll get them." She scooped me up and ran inside, down the steps and screeched to a halt, seeing... "Shockwave." She growled. "Avis. Where is your sister?" "You'll be glad to know she isn't here. However," she placed me down and whispered, "when I fight him, go and break Aura free. I know you can do it." She stood up straight. "I'm here." She began to twist and bend the mech as I ran past, to Aura's room.
I made it to Aura's room and opened the door to see that she wasn't inside. "She must be still inside the med bay."
I ran in that direction and froze, seeing something that made me scream in horror. Aura was bleeding... my trigger pulled, and things flew in all sorts of directions.
Aura was sitting up against the wall, energon leaking out of her arms and chest. Mirage was protecting her while the nurses worked on her, and Dusksmite was battling the Velocitronian guards in the room.
I didn't think I screamed so loudly but, mommy says I scream like daddy, so it got everyone's attention.
The guards looked at me in shock, completely oblivious to Dusksmite. "What in the--" but was interrupted when Dusksmite tossed them to the wall, knocking them out. "Eve what are you doing here?!" asked Dusksmite.
"Who... who h-hurt her...?"
"It was Ransack." said Mirage. "When he realized you escaped he thought we were involved. When he didn't get what he want, this happened."
"He... I'm glad I punched him! 'An bit him!" I declared, then moved over and poked my helm up.
"He deserves it. The good news is we've stabilized her, she'll be fine." said one of the nurses. "Can she walk?" asked Dusksmite. "We believe so." answered the other nurse. "Aura?" I asked, tilting my helm. "I'll be fine kiddo." she replied with a smile. Mirage picked up Aura in his arms and faced Eve. "What do you say we get out if this joint?" asked Mirage.
Eve nodded. "Aunt Avis is outside, kicking aft!" "Lets move it." said Mirage. We all stormed out the room and took off down the hallway. "The exits this way!" I directed. When we ran out, I smiled and , running out to join Aunt Avis as she used her powers, along with me. We began to move in sync, using our palms and striking the air, the Velocitronians being thrown back as we moved in sync. "FEAR THOSE WHO HAVE THE POWER!" We shouted together as we hit the air one last time, knocking back Ransack hard into the wall!
"Lets go! I have a ship near by!" yelled Avis.
I nodded and ran with everyone onboard. "We... we did it!" I cheered once we got on board and in the air. "This ain't over yet." said Dusksmite. I looked out the window to see the Predacons from the games flying after us.
Avis's eyes glowed as she threw each one back, then cried out, clutching her helm. "Aunt Avis!" "You ok sweetheart?" asked Avis as she came to my side. Mirage took the wheel of the ship, trying his best to avoid the fire being breathed by the enemy Predacons.
"My head hurts!" I yelled. "I'll hold them off as long as I can." said Dusksmite. Mirage opened up the cat walk and jumped out of the ship, transforming into his dragon mode and attacking the Predacons.
Avis was running low on power, and worked hard to keep the numerous Predacons away. "A-Aura, are you okay?" I asked her.
"I'm fine Eve. Don't worry about me, it's just a flesh wound." replied Aura. I nodded in understanding and turned my attention back to the Predacons. Good thing Dusksmite was out there helping me take care of them. I don't know how much for of this I could take.
"Eve needs to rest, and Dusksmite needs back up." said Avis. "I'll help." Aura volunteered. "But your not fully healed yet!" said the nurse. "Don't worry about me. Our main priority is getting off this planet!" stated Aura. "Mirage, open the catwalk again." Mirage hesitated but followed her command. The catwalk opened to reveal the scene taking place outside.
Aura lit her right servo with blue fire, forming it into a fist. "Everyone has something that makes them special Eve. You have telekinessis, I have this." She fired a blast from her hand, striking one of the Predacons below.
"Cool!" Eve cheered, exhausted but able to send a telekinetic screech that made one reel to the ground.
"Eve you need to rest. There's no telling what that kind of power could do to the ship." said Mirage. Aura continued firing her fire blasts, assisting Dusksmite as much as she can.
"I'm fine!" I whined. "Eve listen to him!" Avis insisted, piloting them.
"Eve listen to her. Just rest for a few seconds if you need to, Dusksmite and I can-- Aaaah!" One of the enemy Predacons rammed itself into the ship and Aura fell through the opening of the catwalk. "Aura!" yelled Mirage. "Rampage take the wheel!" One of the nurses, the one named Rampage, took the wheel of the ship, and Mirage jumped out of the ship as well, going after his sister.
"AURA!" I shrieked, and Avis quickly ran over and tried to fly, but realized she was low on power. "Scrappit!" She cursed, but in a swift moment managed to hold Aura in the air and attempted to drag her inside. "P-Princess... h-hold on....!"
Mirage was holding on tight to one of the polls of the catwalk. "Avis, hold her still so I can reach her!" yelled Mirage. "Got it!" replied Avis. Mirage stretched out his arm towards his sister. "Aura! Grab on!" As Aura reached up to take her brothers arm there was a loud shrieked.
I looked down to see Ransack riding one of the Predacons towards us. "Stop them!" he commanded. The Predacon he was on fired a blast at Dusksmite, knocking him out of the way, then fired another blast at the ship. Avis was the unlucky femme. "AUUUGH!" She fell back, releasing her grip on Aura! "NOOOOO!" I shrieked, watching her fall into Ransack's arms!
"Got'cha." said Ransack. "No! let me go!" she yelled. "Release my sister! Now!" yelled Mirage. "I'm afraid I can't do that, Prince. But I assure you she'll be safe with me back in Velocitron." replied Ransack. "Finish them off!"
"AURA!!!" I screamed in horror. "NO!!!"
The group of evil Predacons grouped together and fired a giant fire blast. "Inside now!" yelled Avis. She grabbed Mirage and pulled him back inside the ship, closing the catwalk as she did so. "NO! NO! NO! NO!" I kept screaming, banging on the closed doors. Avis wrapped me in a hug and I began to cry.
Aura's P.O.V.
The blast from the Predacons struck the ship, sending it hurtling through the air, spinning around. I watched as the ship began to gain control again and steady itself. I knew Ransack was going to order another attack. I had to protect my friends, even if it meant me being sent back to Velocitron.
'Eve tell the others to go. You all need to get out of here!'
'Aura we're not leaving without you!'
'If you don't leave now, Ransack will call another attack and blow you all out of the sky!'
'Just do it! I know you'll find another way to bring me back, but now is not the time. Go!'
After waiting for a while, me, Ransack, and the rest of the Predacons watched as the ship took off into space, leaving the planets atmosphere. "Aw they left without you. How sad." mocked Ransack. "For them at least." He tightened the grip of his left arm that was wrapped around my arms and stomach making sure that I would break free, while using his other servo to signal the Predacons to return to the games. They did as they were told and we all flew back into the planets capital.
At least Eve was safe. Thats all I want right now.
Once the Predacons were secure, I was directed into a V.I.P. transport shuttle. Ransack grabbed my arm as he forced me into the seat next to him, while a few Velocitronian guards stepped in for extra security. "Now I know what your thinking Princess." said Ransack. "We aren't going back to that prison." "Where to then? A mental house?" I mocked. "Nope." he replied. "Better."
I looked out the window of the shuttle to see a huge castle like building. It had five towers, four on each corner of the building and one in the middle. It had a silver plating with some black and red highlights. Soldiers and guards were protecting every corner of this place. The front gates opened and the shuttle flew over an energon lake moat that surrounded the building. "Just think of it. In a few days, this will be your new home." said Ransack with a smirk.
Smokescreen's P.O.V.
For the past two days I've been cooped up in my house healing from the wounds I received from the attack at the Safehouse. The good news was, Ratchet said I could remove the cast he placed on my bad arm. You remember right? The one that was covered with dents, split energon, and scorched marks? Yeah, that wasn't so pleasant. I sat up from my birth and stood in front of my mirror, watching my reflection as I took off the cast. Good as new, better even.
I transformed my hand into a blaster, testing the gears to make sure nothing on the inside was still broken. Just three more days left. Three more until the marriage law is in effect. Three more days for us to save Aura. And three more days to kick Ransacks tailpipe. I left my house and made a b-line for the Elite Guard Police Station. Bumblebee has been keeping me posted on his mission on freeing Aura and Eve. I heard Predakings son Dusksmite got in on the action too. They were suppose to leave early this morning so they could return at any moment. Hopefully with the girls.
I pulled up in front of the station, and just as I transformed into my robot mode a huge shadow cast over me. I looked up to see Avis's ship soaring by, getting ready to land. I bolted inside and headed for the landing pad in the middle of the station. Bumblebee, Eylon, Knockout, and Ultra Magnus were already outside. "Smokescreen! You just made it." said Ultra Magnus. "Any word on their progress?" I asked. "Not since they entered Velocitronian air space. We assumed they lost their radio frequency signal a short while ago." answered Bumblebee. "Long story short, we don't know if they sucedded or not." stated Knockout.
"They better have. I cannot last one more day without seeing Eve." said Eylon. All of us anxiously waited as the ship landing on the pad and the catwalk leveled down towards the ground. Avis and Dusksmite were the first to exit the ship, followed by four robotic meanings I've never seen. Three of them were femmes and also Velocitronian, the last one was a mech who looked Cybertronian. "Guys, this is Rampage, Arsenal, and Mir--" said Avis but was interupted. "Mirage II?! Is that you?!" asked Ultra Magnus in shock. "Uncle Magnus!" cheered the mech. The mech named Mirage ran over to Ultra Magnus and gave him a hug. The second in command of the Autobots within a spark beat hugged the mech back.
"Your alive! Thank the allspark your not dead!" said Ultra Magnus. "What happened to you?" "It's a long story. I'm just glad to be back." replied Mirage. "Wait, wait, wait Mirage?! As in Prince Mirage II?!" asked Knockout in shock. "DADDY DON'T FORGET ME!" yelled a small voice. He looked over to see a young Cybertroian child run down the catwalk and towards the ex-con and Eylon. "Eylon!? Thank Primus!" cheered Knockout as he knelt down and embraced his daughter. He lifted her up and showed the girl her mother and the two embraced. Energon streaming their cheeks. "I missed you mommy and daddy." said Eve. "We missed you two baby." replied Eylon.
".... and Aura?" I asked nervously. That's when all optics were on Avis and Dusksmite. "I'm so sorry Smokescreen. And you as well commander. But, she's still on Velocitron." explained Avis. "It's all my fault I lost my grip on her!" "Avis calm down. We'll get her back. We just need a new stradegy." assured Bumblebee. "Bumblebee is right. We still have a few days." I stated. "And now that we have extra help, this time it's a guarentee."
"Did you manage to catch her location?" asked Ultra Magnus. "We did Ultra Magnus. But due to our recent attack it is most likely they moved to a different location than the underground prison beneath the arena." answered Dusksmite. "Then where? What could be more heavily guarded than an underground modified prison?" asked Knockout.
"We know." said a voice. We all turned around to see Wildstriker, Swoop, and Bulkhead emerge from inside the building. "Wildstriker, Swoop, weren't you two suppose to be guarding Strika?" asked Ultra Magnus. "We were, but we left with good reason." answered Swoop. "Explain yourselves." ordered Ultra Magnus. "We have reason to believe we know where Ransack could be keeping Aura." explained Wildstriker. "Where?" I asked. Bulkhead brought out a datapad and brought up a holographic image of a castle like building with five towers. "The Velocitronian Palace." said Wildstriker.
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