Old Friends
Max stared into the fire. The flames leapt about with wild fascination. It crackled and hissed as thoughts raced through his head. He looked up briefly at Jonas, who sat across the fire, cooking several fish on a stick.
"So you- you really did know my parents" Max said.
Jonas nodded. He took a big bite out of one of his fish.
"Yep" He responded, his mouth full. "KNew them since they started dating. Well, little after that anyway. They started school together, got into some trouble, found me and a few of our other friends and the rest I told you"
Max nodded silently. "But- all the stuff you said-"
"I know, hard to believe right?" Jonas smirked. He wiped his mouth with the sleeve on his arm. "But, it's the complete truth"
"A talking enderman though?" Max asked skeptically. "Endermen don't talk"
"Watch it" Jonas said "That's my father you're speaking about"
"But they don't!" Max laughed "well, not english anyway. They've got their own, weird language"
"You act like it's impossible to learn another language" Jonas smirked, leaning closer to the fire. The flames danced around his bright green eyes, and cast shadows over his already dark skin. In the light, he almost looked like an ender himself.
Max shook his head. "Not for people, but mobs can't do it. It's impossible"
"What about squid then? They're mobs, but they can speak plenty of different languages. They're even smart enough to build new inventions and climb out of the water without dying"
"The squids are evil though, their king made a deal with herobrine" Max said indignantly. "Everyone knows that"
Jonas sighed and shook his head. "Moments ago, you said Herobrine wasn't real. Now you change your mind?"
"I never said he was real" Max replied, crossing his arms. He glared across at Jonas.
Jonas chuckled grimly, shaking his head side to side as he did.
"You've got your mother's determination" Jonas said "And her stubbornness. I'm guessing your father told you that line about the squids though, right? He always did hate Colin"
Max looked at him confused. "Who's Colin? You didn't tell me about him"
"That's because we're going to see him tomorrow" Jonas replied. He set the now empty stick down, and pulled a blanket from his travel pack. He threw it across the fire to Max, who stumbled to catch it.
"We- what?" Max asked, surprise and doubt in his voice. "I thought you were going to take me home"
"Take you home? And face your mother's wrath? I don't think so" Jonas laughed "Besides, you're going to need someone to protect you for a bit. Now get some sleep." He pulled another blanket from the pack, and draped it over his shoulders. "You'll need it for the hike tomorrow"
Max watched him and rolled his eyes. Everything pulsed around his mind, moving like a storm as he thought. Exhaustion hit him half way through an idea. It was too much for him. For the rest of the night, thoughts of his friends, dancing squids, and talking endermen filled his mind.
Angel sat in front of the portal. On the other side, she saw the group of kids. The familiar faces staring back at her sent a shiver down her spine. Especially the one in the very front.
Controlling them had been easy enough, except the one boy. She knew why, of course. Family can't control one another usually. But the others were easy enough. After all, children are easily persuaded.
And though she didn't get the one they were after. She felt proud of the ones lying in front of them.
"Did you get them all?" Creed asked sarcastically. He stood behind her, and knew fully well what had happened. He had watched.
"No" Angel growled. She stood up and turned to face him. "After all, there's one missing"
"You know what father will say" Creed cautioned.
Angel rolled her eyes and pulled a sweater she had lying by them over her arms. A shiver went through her again, and she felt cold.
"He'll say 'why didn't you get him? That was what you were supposed to do. We had one chance' and I'll reply 'well, we could always just go to the overworld and get him like we were supposed to' which will make him even more annoyed with us" Angel replied. Creed nodded, and let out a large sigh.
"I'll get these ones to their rooms" He said. He snapped his fingers and the group started to float.
Angel nodded. She stared into the portal hypnotically. Her eyes started to glow a deep purple.
Creed shook his head, and wandered off down the hall. The group floated after him, all still slumped in their half awake- half comatose state.
Angel sighed, and looked away. She would find him again. She had to. If she didn't, he wouldn't be pleased.
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