Fright Night
Angel sat in front of the portal with a blank look, her eyes glowing purple. Behind her, Creed stood impatiently. He tapped his foot, but stayed silent. Through the portal there was a rustling sound, then several children fell through.
Creed smirked and walked up to them. His long legs made it easy to get there in a few steps, and the footfalls echoed off the netherquartz walls. He had taken after his father after all.
Angel sighed relieved and let her head falls. Though seeing through portals was what she loved to do, controlling people was a different matter. She wasn't as good at that yet, as she was spying. It took more effort.
She brushed her long blond hair out of her eyes, and stood up. The children didn't move in front of them, but she knew they were alive. The fluffy one was moving one of it's paws after all, and the girl with the black hair was moving her leg.
"Where's the other one?" Creed asked, counting the kids. "There should be one more"
Angel shook her head, exhausted. "I don't know where he went. I had him, for a moment, but he somehow was able to fight me. Then there was a crashing sound and he disappeared out of range with- someone else" She said. even her voice sounded tired. She looked at him with dull green eyes. "It was all I could do to get these ones in" She said, in a sweet tone.
Creed muttered under his breath "You know we'll have to go get him. He's the only one father really cared about getting"
Angel nodded "I know. And we will. I just need a rest" she leaned against the wall heavily. Her hand gently massaged the bridge of her nose.
Creed sighed and walked over to the nearest kid, Jessica, and picked her up. He placed her on her feet before picking the others up as well.
"Follow me everybody" Creed said as he started down the hall. Jessica hesitated as the others walked past, following Creed deftly.
Max stared at the house in front of him. It towered above the trees, but seemed to only be two stories tall. Large windows were positioned like eyes on the upper level, and the two identical front doors gaped ominously toward him.
Yet, around the front was a garden of bright flowers. As if they were an attempt to brighten up the terrifying nature of the large, grotesque house, they were planted in neat, straight lines along a welcoming path. It looked like a scene from a horror movie to Max.
"This- is where you live?" He asked cautiously as he followed Jonas inside.
"Yep" Jonas replied, walking blissfully calmly in through the maw of the house. "My dad built it"
"Why is it so tall?" Max asked as he hesitated to follow.
Jonas smirked at him. "My dad built it" He said with a small chuckle "you could say he's a big guy. Come on, you're letting the bugs in"
Max braced himself and leaped inside the house. The air seemed to chill around him, and despite the large windows out front, the interior of the house was dark and foreboding.
Jonas walked purposefully toward the kitchen, and Max stayed close behind. He glanced at the wood walls, wondering if they were supposed to be that grey.
"Hungry? I can cook us up some eggs while we wait" Jonas offered as he searched through the equally large pantry. Max shook his head.
He gazed around the room, taking in everything and at the same time, nothing. Everything around him was larger than it should be. He didn't understand who could use such a big pot, or stove, or even spoon. It was as if he had just walked into a giant's cavern. Like the ones from the stories his mother used to tell him.
Those were stories, Max thought quickly, none of them were real. Giants don't exist.
Just then, there was an explosion from downstairs. Billowing puffs of smoke rose from under the door set in the corner. Moments later, a small, coughing boy threw open the door and ran out of the smoke coughing.
He was covered in soot from head to toe. As he removed his goggles, Max nearly fell out of his chair. Around his eyes, the skin was blue.
"Are you okay!?" Max shouted quickly. Both Jonas and the man stopped and stared at him.
"Uh, yeah" The man said, rubbing his face. It smeared more of the soot away, revealing more blue skin. "The breaker just- broke"
"Uh hu, sure" Jonas said, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes. "it's always a broken breaker, isn't it?"
"Yeah" The man smirked. "it is, because it definitely wasn't a potion on magma resistance"
"But your skin is blue" Max said, still in shock.
Jonas burst out laughing. The man looked at him surprised. Then, slowly, a grin formed across his face.
"I know you, don't I?" The man grinned. As he walked closer, Max noticed his teeth seemed to be filed into points that glinted bright white in the sunlight.
"I- I don't think so" Max said, quickly jumping off the chair and away from the approaching man. "We've never met"
"Oh, but we have" the man laughed "I know your dad. He doesn't like squids. Did he tell you squids were bad?" The man asked Max, curiosity showing in his black eyes.
"Yeah" Max replied carefully. "he said they were evil, and never to be trusted"
Jonas watched, leaning calmly against the counter. His arms were crossed, and, to Max's amazement, he seemed bored.
"Well, did he ever tell you he was saved by a squid?" the man asked, raising an eyebrow.
"No" Max replied, eyes widening. "how? and why?"
"Well, it was while he was trying to race his buddies in a row boat race. He got swept out to sea, and couldn't get back. Then, somehow, his boat capsized" the man said.
Jonas rolled his eyes. "Yes, Colin, his boat just somehow was swept away, and then somehow tipped him out of it. On a perfectly calm day with no wind" He smirked.
Colin growled "Well, as I was saying-"
Max glared. "you're a squid, aren't you?" He asked bluntly. Colin stopped surprised.
"Well, yeah, but I was leading up to it" Colin said.
"I could tell" Max replied while rolling his eyes. "You're a bad story teller"
Colin took a step back and clutched his chest. "Ow, that really hurt"
"Oh go back to making things" Jonas laughed "you never were good at telling stories. Lying, yes, story telling, no. It's actually really surprising"
Colin walked off up the stairs grumbling. He stopped once to shoot Max a glare before disappearing. Moments later, the sound of running water could be heard faintly from upstairs.
"You've met Colin, it seems" A deep grumble said. Max whipped around, and slowly looked up at the tall, black form behind him.
So giants really are real, he thought, terrified.
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