Chapter 3 - Books
Chapter 3 - Books
Galactic shut her dorm door shut with her foot.
"Hellooo," she called out in a singsong voice.
"Hi Galactic!" Someone with light brown hair appeared in front of the blonde.
"Hi!" A boy with short black hair appeared behind Honey.
"What are you two up to?" Galactic made her way to her room. The three had separate rooms. They were lucky enough to get a three room dorm. Typically, the students got two room dorms. Dorms could have anywhere from three to four people in them.
Galactic's room was considerably small. The walls were painted turquoise. Her ceiling was enchanted to look like a continuously swirling galaxy. Her bed was tucked away in the corner. At the wall across from her bed, was a bookshelf full of manga and fiction. Particularly, My Hero Academia, The Blue Exorcist, Demon Slayer, and a couple more. RIght next to the bookshelf was a desk.
"Homework...Can you help me with history?" Honey looked over at Galactic with hopeful eyes.
"Well, I don't really know much about it-"
"But you always get high grades on the tests!"
"I just go with my gut." Galactic threw her bag onto her bed.
"Lucky. I go with my gut. And then my gut tells me that it's wrong," Honey complained.
"Well, F."
She stepped into the closet to change.
"And that's why I don't have a wizard outfit," Honey sang from outside.
"You're just lazy," Ash said, teasingly. Honey huffed at their friend's teasing remark. "It's true and you know it."
"He's right!" Galactic called from inside the closet.
Galactic climbed up the ladder to her bunk. She glanced at the framed pictures on the wall. She wasn't sure how, but when she first stepped into the room, those pictures were already there. Honey had assumed that it was a couple of the things that Galactic had brought. Unusually, instead of being clear, the pictures were blurry. She could barely make out a picture of a dog or cat or some animal, a group of people and a couple more. However, some of them have been getting slightly clearer recently.
Galactic turned her attention to Honey who was humming softly as they spun around, making vines and flowers grow up the walls.
"Show off," Galactic teased.
"Not my fault your specialty is curses and mines are plants," Honey said, sticking their tongue out at the taller.
"Mines is much more interesting," Galactic said, sticking her tongue back at her friend.
"How rude," Honey said, playfully, rolling their eyes.
. . .
"Oi!" Drake slammed the door shut with his foot as soon as him and Ian stepped into the dorm.
"Don't slam it!" Pleb cried out, appearing out of her room. "You're gonna break it if you keep doing that," she huffed, crossing her arms in front of her.
Drake rolled his eyes. "You're no fun." He grabbed Ian's hand and dragged him to their room.
"Quite glad I don't have to share a room with you two." Pleb leaned against their bedroom doorway.
The boys' room was clearly split in half without even having to ask. Two different beds were pushed on opposite sides. Ian's side had fiery orange painted walls and an iron fireplace tucked away in the corner with a pile of firewood right in front of it. Nothing on Ian's side was made of wood. Not the bed frame or desk.
Drake's side had light gray painted walls with the occasional blue and green. There was a globe on top of his desk and a continuously spinning orb of water in a glass cup. Vines crept up the sides of the walls and abruptly stopped at the split in the room.
Ian shoved Drake back out the door. Pleb stepped out of the way. "Let me change," Ian said.
Pleb smirked at the taller.
"You're short," Drake remarked. "Shorter than Ian."
"HEY! I can hear you from in here," Ian cried.
"Fuck you," Pleb growled at Drake.
"I thought you were lesbian," Drake said, jokingly.
"I'll make sure to murder you in your sleep tonight."
"Let me help," Ian said, opening the door.
"Hey! You're supposed to be on my side."
"Just because we're both boys doesn't mean I don't want to kill you too."
"See, he's on my side," Pleb said, satisfied. Her face grew serious. "Okay, but I have something important to show you guys."
Drake and Ian exchanged worried glances.
"What?" Ian asked.
Pleb gestured them to follow her. The two boys followed the girl into her room.
"Oh wow. Your room is a lot nicer than how Drake decorated it," Ian said.
The pale purple painted walls had vines lined along them with flowers blooming on them. The bed was covered with a willow tree that was bent over, creating a canopy with its crystal leaves. The bed frame itself was lined with vines and flowers. Her desk was painted white and pushed into the wall, a couple feet away from her bookshelves. Sitting on the desk was a magically enchanted small glass cat.
Pleb headed over to her bed and picked up a thick sandy gold colored book. She threw it at Drake.
"Hey! You said tonight, you'll kill me! Not now!"
"Never too late to start," Pleb said shrugging. She stood in front of him and flipped the book to the page she wanted to show them. Pleb pointed at a line. "Look."
"Gandalf?!" Ian gasped.
"Crystal Cliffs?" Drake said, confused.
"Yes. In fact this book contains the history on the last year before an event that destroyed almost all the other empires that ever existed."
"Okay, why are you showing us this. This could just be recent." Drake closed the book.
"It was a thousand years ago," Pleb replied. "The last ruler of Crystal Cliffs was Gemini Anna Tay. Our school's name is the Crystal Cliffs Geminitay Memorial Wizarding Academy."
"Gemini had a cat named Gandalf."
"A cat," Ian said with a raised eyebrow.
Pleb picked up a leather-bound book. At the top, in golden script, The Theories of History. She flipped open to a specific page. "I don't know where they got their information."
Ian took the book and both boys read the shown page.
Let's go over the remains of Empires after the explosion.
Crystal Cliffs - Gem's cat, Gandalf was the only one left in Crystal Cliffs. As it turned out, Gandalf was an elderly wizard. And since Gem and FWhip left Empires, Gandalf has been taking care of Crystal Cliffs.
Both boys stared at Pleb.
"How did you figure this out," Ian asked.
"I was going to study for the history test. But as you can see, I got distracted."
"Quite obvious," Ian said, giving Pleb back the book.
"Anyways." Pleb took the an old, tattered, leather-bound book. "You two can look through these two books. I'm going to go out."
. . .
As she stepped outside, Pleb breathed in the mountain air. She walked down to another part of the dorms on the school campus. She approached a door and knocked on the door.
"Hello?" A woman with brown hair and hazel eyes opened the door.
"Hi!" Pleb smiled up at Michelle.
"Oh! Hello!" Michelle smiled.
"HI!" A boy with longish blond hair appeared, running around a corner.
"Hi Aled!" Pleb smiled at her 6-year-old friend.
"You two have fun. And don't get hurt," Michelle warned.
"We won't!" Aled beamed.
Aled grabbed Pleb's hand and dragged her away. Giving a small laugh, the black-haired girl waved at Michelle before letting herself be dragged away.
"What are we going to do?" Aled asked, beaming up at Pleb.
"Well, little vampire," Pleb said, rubbing the top of the blond's head. " Want to go explore, or do you want to cause some mischief?"
"Can we do both?!"
"I don't see why not." Pleb put the book in a cross body leather bag. "Come on!" She picked up the little boy and put him on top of her shoulders.
As soon as the two were about to step outside of Crystal Cliffs, they heard a voice behind them.
"What are you doing?" Pleb turned her head to see someone with blond hair and green eyes.
"Oh- Uh- Hi? Who are you?"
"What are you doing," the goat hybrid repeated. This time, it wasn't a question.
"We're going on an adventure!" Aled said, beaming.
"Well, if you're going on an adventure, at least let me come!"
A smile formed on Pleb's face. "Sure!"
The trio left Crystal Cliffs and began walking straight to who knows where.
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