Chapter 2 - Familiar
Chapter 2 - Familiar
Pleb had checked out the library book. She had mainly checked it out to study for her history test. She had also checked out a second book. The Book of Prophecies: Past and Future. Mainly just for the humor. She didn't really believe in "prophecies" that much. The third was The Theories of History written by Prismirina.
Pleb pulled her long hair into a ponytail.
First, let's review the 12 Empires and their rulers
Crystal Cliffs: Gemini Anna Tay
Gilded Helianthia: Pearl Escent Moon
House Blossom: Katherine Elizabeth Blossom
Mythland: Sausage Mythical
Pixandria: Pix El Oxidized Riffs
Rivendell: Scott Dangthatsalongname Major
The Cod Empire: James Solidarity Delqua
The Grimlands: Eff "Fwhip" Whip Tay
The Kingdom of Mezalea: Joel Smallish Beans
The Lost Empire: Joey Graceffa
The Ocean Empire: Elizabeth Shadow Delqua
The Undergrove: Shubble Gnome Grace
The 12 Empires existed since year 1 up until year 1022. But you may be wondering. Why up until 1022? What happened? Well, I'll be going over that before we start talking about the separate empires.
The next section was named The Story of the 12 Empires. Pleb had forgotten entirely about studying at this point.
Out of the 12 Empires, 9 were there since for generations. The other 3 was created by their last ruler. Those 3 are the Cod Empire, the Grimlands, and the Undergrove.
The ruler of the Cod Empire was James Solidarity Delqua who was referred as "Jimmy." Jimmy was the younger brother of the queen of the Ocean Empire, Elizabeth Shadow
Delqua or "Lizzie." The ruler of the Grimlands was Eff "Fwhip" Whip Tay, who was the twin brother of Gemini Anna Tay, or "Gem." The ruler of The Undergrove was Shubble Gnome Grace, or "Gnome Shrub."
For starters, the ruler of Rivendell, Scott Dangthatsalongname Smajor was second in line to the throne. His older brother, Xornoth Tycer Smajor was first in line. But after killing his mother and father, Xornoth fled and eventually, banished.
The two brothers however are each a successor to a god. Scott and Xornoth Smajor were the champions of Aeor and Exor, respectively.
Shubble Gnome Grace entered history as an attempt to escape something that haunted her home. But it seemed that that thing followed her. And soon, it terrorized all the other Empires. This thing went by the name of Xornoth.
That's where she stopped reading. Because Pleb felt a strange sensation. A sense of something familiar. A sense of deja vu. As if she had heard this story before. But where...She searched her memories, trying to figure it out. But she didn't find anything. She frowned. Testing herself, Pleb tried to guess what the end would be. She let out an audible gasp when she saw that she was right.
After putting the cod and salmon in the reactor, chaos struck.
A majority of the empires blew up. The only empire that was mostly remained unscathed was Pixandria. But its emperor had gone missing.
In Crystal Cliffs, FWhip went to Gemini when his empire, the Grimlands, exploded. Him and Gemini both climbed aboard a dragon, leaving Crystal Cliffs and the Grimlands. The only one left in Crystal Cliffs was Gemini Tay's cat, Gandalf.
In Gilded Helianthia, Pearl Moon's soul was connected to her empire. So as her empire was destroyed, she slowly withered away.
In House Blossom, the flowers were wilted. Cracks filled with lava formed. And soon, Katherine left her empire. But not before planting a magical flower.
In Mythland, blood sheep rained from the skies. King Sausage then went to Gilded Helianthia where he failed to rescue his friend and watched Pearl wither away.
In Rivendell, Scott Smajor sacrificed himself to banish Xornoth from the world. He killed himself with a weapon called the Rune Blade. And because his soul was connected to Xornoth's, when Scott killed himself, Xornoth was also killed.
In the Cod Empire, James Delqua fled his empire, dethroning himself after seeing his dried-out cod pond and the dead cod.
In the Kingdom of Mezalea, Joel Beans saw the destruction of his palace. No one knows what happened to him or his empire after that.
In the Lost Empire, Joey Graceffa went insane and fell to his death. But not before completing his "ruler head collection."
In the Ocean Empire, Elizabeth Delqua failed the Ocean's Blessing. Her ocean was drained and she lost the ocean's blessing. Losing the Ocean's Blessing caused her memories of being the Ocean Queen to disappear. No one knows what happened to the Ocean's Blessing afterward. However, there are some theories to what happened.
In the Undergrove, Gnome Shrub gathered up her wolves. It is said that she returned to her original home. But it is unsure whether she made it or not.
Pleb closed the book. A few words stood out in her head. Crystal Cliffs? Gemini Tay? Cat? Gandalf?
This all seemed so familiar to her. Yet it seemed so foreign...
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