Explanations (R.E)
In the middle of the clinic of the the Azure Lane HQ is Olympus Mons. After 4 days of treatment he can walk without any major pain, but still has a bit of a limp and requires a cane to walk. Most of his wounds are still present however they are in the beginning stages of healing. Throughout his stay here he has tried to amass as much knowledge of this world as he can get.
Mons: Dot.
Dot: Yes Mons?
Mons: Do you think we'll ever get home?
Dot: Statistics show a .0005% chance of a return to our earth.
Mons: *sigh* I figured I just wanted to get a second opinion. Thank you, Dot.
Dot: Of course Mons.
The two other worlders sat in silence both coming to terms that they may never see their home again. This peace was interrupted by a small knock at Mons' Door.
Mons: Come in.
Ves: Hello Mons just checking in on your condition.
Mons: Ah of course.
Ves: Now this won't take long I am sorry in advance if it hurts.
Mons: Do not worry child it shall not bother me.
Ves: Child?
Mons: Oh sorry I tend to refer to other ships as my children part of the whole protection programming I guess...
Ves: Oh right... well, you seem to be healthy enough to move on your own accord. Normally I would discharge you but considering your...uh unique circumstances. It was determined it would be best if you remained in the hospital for now. If that's alright with you of course?
Mons: I see no problems with it, my dear. what about you Dot?
Dot: I Accompany you and where ever you go.
Ves: Alright, oh, and before I forget. The Queen and command wish to speak with you. Again is that alright with you?
Mons: Of course, I would rather enjoy meeting the leaders of this version of Earth. Instead of hearing stories from the little ones, *he proceeds to slowly lift himself off the bed before grabbing what looks to be a twisted cane of iron* now lead the way dear.
Ves: alright then follow me.
Le timeskip to the gazebo.
???: although he seems to be powerful your majesty. How do we know he isn't a sort of siren spy? From what Belfast described his ship was very futuristic looking.
Elizabeth: Hmm while a possibility Hood, Mons has appeared to be mostly peaceful from what Vestal reports he even helped Unicorn a few days ago and harbors no resentment from being brought her against his will. what do you think commander?
Commander: I believe we should give him a chance. Although Miss Belfast reported his ship looking more futuristic. It does not match with siren descriptions. I requested for him to join us today so we may get a judge of his character. I believe that's him coming down the walkway now with Vestal and Belfast.
Hood: My goodness he's tall isn't he Warspite?
War: He most certainly is.
3rd P.O.V. change to Mons.
Mons: I appreciate the escort dears I would most certainly get lost in this maze of a base.
Bel: Of course Mr. Mons, I was ordered along with Vestal to escort you to the commander and Her Majesty.
Ves: I also need to make sure you are fit to walk long distances on your own as part of your recovery.
Mons: Thank you my child, ah I believe that is the commander isn't it judging from the admiral uniform?
Slowly with the help of his cane, Mons reaches the gazebo and is greeted by the commander and the other participants of the "tea party".
Com: Ah you must be this Olympus Mons I have heard so much about?
Mons: Yes that would be me, admiral. * turns to Hood before genuflecting(slowly and painfully)* You must be her majesty, it is an honor to meet the legendary Hood herself.
Liz: *Shooketh* Ahem I believe you meant me?
Mons: I am sorry little one but I was under the impression Ms. Hood would be in charge. She is the flagship and pride of the Navy is she not?
Hood: Although I am flattered, Queen Elizabeth is her majesty.
Mons: Forgive me your highness I was not expecting a child to be in charge. Then again considering your name and service history I suppose it makes sense. *turns to genuflect toward Elizabeth* I apologize for my actions.
Liz: Hmph apology accepted simply because you know your manners.
Mons: And the child with the sword, you must be HMS Warspite her sister correct?
War: your assumption would be correct Olympus Mons.
Com: Ahem now that we have introduced ourselves. I ask that you sit down with us and introduce yourself.
Mons: Of course where are my manners?
Slowly Mons tries to sit down in a chair although he appears to be struggling. leaning heavily on his metal cane as this occurs Vestal and Belfast rush to help him, but Mons stops them stating he is "quite alright". He eventually sits down. Trying to get mildly comfortable in his seat due to his immense height. When he settles he turns to the Commander.
Mons: Sorry about that with my engines in the state they are, my legs are not in the best shape.
Com: You are fine Mr. Mons, now I think I speak for everyone here when I say we would like for you to properly introduce yourself.
Mons: Of course, I would be happy to oblige. Although I must show you something first. * proceeds to pull out a small chip with a hole in it from out of his inner coat pocket before placing it down on the table*
War: * With a firm grip on her sword* I knew it he is a spy he has brought a weapon to kill us all!
Mons: Goodness no! I mean you no harm, this is simply my A.I. chip. Do, if you would be so kind as to please say hello to our friends.
Suddenly to everyone's surprise. (except for Belfast and Vestal) A small blue woman who looks like a 1700s schoolteacher appears.
Liz: What is that thing?
Dot: Hello my name is Auntie Dot I am a 7th generation A.I. assigned until further notice to Cpt. Olympus Mons.
Com: If you don't mind me asking what is an A.I.?
Dot: A.I. stands for artificial intelligence, I am supposed to help Mons with his day-to-day actions.
Com: I see, now Mr. Mons would you mind introducing yourself?
Mons: Of course, I am UNSC Olympus Mons acting lead ship of the Thanatos-class dreadnoughts.
Liz: What is the UNSC and what do you mean by acting lead ship?
Dot: The UNSC stands for the United Nations Space Command.
Mons: and as for the latter question my older brother was the lead ship of the class. At least until his death which caused me to take up the mantle.
War: I am sorry for your loss.
Mons: Thank you my child but I have had my time to grieve.
Com: How many are in your class?
Hood: A question I have as well is are all ships in your world ship-boys?
Mons: As of before the incident that transported me here I was one of the last two Thanatos-class ships still operational out of an initial line of 5 and 3 more from a second line. For the latter question of where I come from there is no such thing as a ship-girl or ship-boy or at least by your definition for that matter. To answer why I am male, my class where often referred to as male since our job was as my designers put it "to be the knights of the cosmos".
Everyone at the party seems shocked that there was no such thing as Kan-Sens. As well as the prospect of his class of ships being almost wiped out. With Belfast's descriptions of his ship, he seemed to be invincible. They were terrified of what could manage to bring such colossal ships down.
Hood: but how are you one of us then if Kan-Sens don't exist where you're from?
Mons: I am not so sure myself my dear. I woke up like this before I was just the spirit of a ship.
Com: certainly strange, but I suppose there's no point in questioning it. I do have another question though we have received a description of your ship from Belfast. What were you fighting to be able to destroy a ship of your caliber?
As if a switch is flipped Mons goes from a cheery attitude and demeanor to a more violent and somber one. His mind recalls all the horrible events of the war and the seeming hopelessness of winning it. From the fall of Reach to the deaths of his brothers and the ships he was supposed to protect. Slowly, he clenches his fists in a sad rage. Causing him to dig into his palms with his fingernails.
Ves: M-Mr. Mons are you alright?
Mons: Wh-Ahem yes I am fine just uh... just some unpleasant memories.
Com: I apologize Mr. Mons I did not mean to bring up sore wounds.
Mons: Please Mons is just fine, and you have nothing to apologize for. Now as for the answer do want the long one or the short one?
Liz: I believe the longer one would provide more context to your current uh... situation.
Mons: Very well if it is not too impolite may I ask for some tea? this will be a long story and my throat is still recovering from the fires.
Liz: Of course, Belfast pour Mons some tea.
Bel: Yes your majesty.
Mons: thank you, my child, now *sips tea* I believe I should start from the very beginning it all began on February 3rd, 2525.
Liz: 2525!
Mons: Yes I am from the 26th century, now back to the story February 3rd marked the beginning of the Human-Covenant war. For a quick explanation since you don't know what the Covenant is. they are a religious empire made up of various alien races with vastly superior technology to humanity. back to the start though, it all began on Harvest one of Earth's outer colonies. An attempt to broker trade deals with Covenant went south as a fight between the two diplomatic parties broke out. Which lead to an official declaration of war. Things started going bad almost immediately we fought hard and delayed their advances, but ultimately Harvest fell. then they did something that had never been done. something that would truly mark this as a war of survival they glassed Harvest.
Hood: Glassed?
Mons: Dot if you would.
Dot: The process of glassing involves blasting the surface of a planet with superheated plasma. melting all components of the surface and mixing them into a slag-like substance. When it cools it gives off the appearance of obsidian glass.
Ves: Oh my god...
Mons: the story doesn't get much better. After Harvest was glassed the gloves were off. The UNSC gave Vice Admiral Cole the largest fleet that had ever been assembled at that point in time. He was ordered to retake Harvest at any cost. He eventually did after around a year. He then proceeded to chase the Covenant around the outer colonies for a while before returning to Harvest again. To fight a five-year-long battle that we had won... in a way.
Com: sounds like you guys were putting up a good fight winning almost.
Mons: Forgive me if I come off as rude, but you could not be more wrong. While we had won at Harvest numerous outer colonies had fallen with dozens glassed and the rest being simply abandoned. We were losing and we knew it, so several programs were put into place from the Spartan program to the Ouroboros program. The latter is the very same program that allowed me to be built. By 2536 the outer colonies were pretty much Covenant space and the inner colonies were now being targeted. strict policies to prevent the Covenant from finding important planets were put into place. Almost every ship that the UEG had was repurposed into military vessels. It still just wasn't enough. we fought like hell but we always lost and the few victories we had were costly. When New Constantinople fell Project Ouroboros was approved and put into motion. (okay real quick in actual Halo the project was put into place till around the late 40s but for the sake of the story it's going to be earlier)
Liz: what was this Project Ouroboros if you don't mind me asking?
Mons: Dot if you would.
Dot: Certainly, Ouroboros was a project that detailed the building of two new classes of ships the Infinity class and the Thanatos class. The Infinity class was designed to be the lifeboat of humanity if we would truly lose the war but Vice Admiral Stanforth Proposed a ship class that would be the sword and shield for humanity the Thanatos-class Dreadnought he stated simply in defense of his program "Go ahead and build your new supercarrier, take it and run to wherever the hell you think you'll go. We'll build something to defend the Earth, to defend us, not to run away and hide."
Com: Quite the Admiral.
Bel: A brave man indeed commander.
Mons: *sips tea* Yes he was. Eventually, I and my brother Thanatos were laid and built in the year 2538 in the dockyards above Reach. While our 3 younger brothers Odin, Hades, and Perses were built 2 years later in 2540. And in the year 2542, the last and youngest of my siblings, Tartarus, Anubis, and Hel were built.
Ves: Why were all your brothers named after gods but you are named after a mountain on Mars?
Mons: The Admiral's daughter, who named me, was Martian while the rest were from Earth. Back to the story, my brothers and I were sent out with various fleet groups to defend Earth's colonies. We were damn good at our jobs there is a reason we were called the knights of the cosmos. we would face whole battle groups, yet still, come out on top. However, humanity would still lose battle after battle. Slowly, we were pushed further and further then tragedy struck.
War: What happened, Mons?
Mons: * Finishes tea* Me and Thanatos were to take part in a massive strategic blow to Covenant. We were to destroy a massive refinery that produced the Covenant's fuel. A simple hit-and-run if you will. We knew this was big because they had called for two of us. Something unheard of at that point. It was called Operation Torpedo, we were to attack a nearby fleet to give the Spartans more time. When we dropped out of slip space that was when it turned south fast... there were only supposed to be 1 or 2 fleets. We ran into 4... 4 fucking fleets to make it worse they were being led by a super-carrier.
Liz: Surely the both of you could take on the super-carrier while the rest of the fleet engaged the Covenant fleet.
Mons: That is actually what we were ordered to do, but this super-carrier was roughly 2 to 3 times as large as us. To add on to that they had our fleet outnumbered 3 to 1. It was essentially a fucking suicide mission... *grips teacup so hard that it begins to crack* ... and they slaughtered us it wasn't even a fucking fight more like a massacre. The ships I was supposed to protect, my children. Were being killed left and right we had fought hard, but by the closing of the fight me and my brother were damaged badly. Almost 60% of all my systems were down. My brother... the oldest of us all, the wisest of us all, the very man that mentored me, the shoulder that all could lean on was damaged beyond repair his slipspace drive was broken he...
Mons chokes back several sobs.
Mons: He.. rammed right into the engines of the super-carrier and detonated his engines. Causing a reaction that detonated the entire ship. Taking him, the super-carrier, and several surrounding ships out immediately... after that, we retreated the mission was deemed a success. However, it came at a cost we lost every spartan that took place in the operation but 2. Then on top of that, we had lost almost 2 entire fleets...
Hood: My lord... I'm sorry Mons you can stop there if you're too uncomfortable.
Mons: No it's best if I finish now I may naught ever be ready again.
Ves: Don't push yourself, Mons. Are you sure you want to continue?
Mons: Yes my child now, where was I... r-right after Torpedo. I was called back to Reach for repairs and retrofitting. I was also given extra armour and a better engine system before being sent out again. Even after that whole operation, we were still losing. Then came the battle of Paris 4 in which I had to watch as my brother Odin was ripped to shreds by Covenant aircraft... After that, we were all retrofitted with more air defense cannons. It was after his death I was retrofitted with the experimental drone tech, and sent back out. I lost my brother Perses during the second battle of Arcadia. By the year of 2552, humanity was on her last legs. The UEG accepted the possibility that the war could be over in mere months. All remaining Spartans and Thanatos ships were recalled to Reach the military command world of the UNSC. It was here that I finally met my younger brothers Tartarus, Anubis, and Hel. Tartarus and Hel were sent into drydock to also be retrofitted. Soon after our arrival, Hades was called to Earth to help defend it. then Anubis was rushed to be sent out to engage a covenant fleet near Paris 4. I lost another brother that day... after about a month we were finally given the news as to why we were there. The three of us and several smaller ships were to escort the Pillar of Autumn. We were tasked to find a Covenant homeworld, kidnap one of their leaders, and begin peace talks. Unfortunately, that would never happen.
Hood: why is that so Mons?
Mons: Because my dear child, the worst-case scenario happened the Covenant found Reach. Soon after an entire holy fleet showed up at the UNSC's door. Immediately the defense fleet was tasked to wipe out the fleet, but we were outnumbered. Reinforcements were called for almost immediately. It would still take the bulk of the UNSC Fleet 3 days to arrive. In the meantime, I was ordered to guard the shipyard where my brothers were still undergoing retrofit. I wasn't strong enough *Begins to grip the tea cup cracking it further* several corvettes and capital ships arrived and attacked the shipyard. Although my brothers could still use some of their weapon systems. They couldn't move so they were slowly ripped apart. could only watch and listen to their screams of pain. *finally the teacup gives in and breaks causing everyone to jump and for the shards to go into his palm making his hand bleed*... I was forced to flee, forced to leave my brothers to die and pull back to the Aszord dockyards. I was ordered to escort the Pillar of Autumn to help protect its special cargo. it was there I received the damage you saw. After a final battle at the dockyards, a slip space malfunction brought me here. That my children is the entire story
Com: My god I-I am so sorry. I didn't know that you had to go through such things. I believe I speak for all of us when I say I'm sorry for your losses.
everyone either gives a confirming nod or a subtle yes.
Com: I can tell you have been through hell, and that's why I am reluctant to ask you this. Would you be willing to help us? anything you would ever need will be provided.
Mons: I was made to protect those around me. I cannot. and will not. back down now. Admiral I accept your offer the UNSC Olympus Mons is at your disposal. all I ask is a simple request in return.
Com: Thank you Mons as for your request name it and it is yours.
Mons: I wish to go and retrieve my ship.
Com: Very well, we will send you out with a small group tomorrow to go to your ship. now I believe we should bandage your hand, and then finish our tea party/
Mons: Thank you admiral that sounds lovely.
A/N: Holy fucking shit this took forever to write as for those who read this book the reason I haven't updated in a while is that school and work have been kicking my ass for a while as well as general laziness toward writing but today I got around to sitting down and finishing this chapter a fair warning the other chapters may not ever be this long again so there's that but other then that thanks for reading and comment to let me know what you thought peace
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