Chapter Two: Don't get in my way!
The drive continued in silence as Izuku quietly hummed to himself, the sound barely leaving his throat as Katsuki snored away just as quietly.
The road was smooth and the car just rumbled as they pulled to a stoplight. Katsuki stirred in his sleep, the first thing he was welcomed to was the light humming of the man next to him. The sound itself was nice and croaky, just barely above a whisper.
Izuku must've noticed that the sandy blond was awake—his humming ceased and his scarred hand reached to tug up the slipping blanket from Katsuki's shoulders. Katsuki blinked slowly, a stilled yawn leaving his throat as he sat up in a comfortable position.
He snuggled into the blanket more, crossing his arms underneath it. "Where are we now..?" Katsuki asked, likely near the ocean, Katsuki could smell the salty bay from here. Izuku smiled and tapped the steering wheel with the pads of his fingers, stepping on the gas once the light turned green.
"We're almost to the drop-off," Izuku started, focusing on the paved road in front of him, the roads weren't too busy--thankfully--and they weren't too far from the airport where they would take the plane to their destination. Katsuki let out a sigh as he blinked away the drowsy feeling of sleep away.
"Thank fuck," he breathed, Izuku smiled at him and rested his right arm on the console that divided them.
The green-haired hero shifted his attention to the clouds, it was brighter out this morning but now it was dim and cloudy. Katsuki let out a low grumble from his stomach, his cheeks puffing at the sound, he flared his nostrils, "Stop somewhere." The number 2 hero demanded, "I'm fucking starving."
Izuku nodded in agreement, glancing at the gas mileage he had left in their rented car.
They still had a few more hours until they arrived but still not enough to last them for that entire time.
"Can you see if there's a gas station nearby--like a truck stop?" the curly-haired adult asked, straining a little as he reached behind him for the map. Katsuki rolled his tired eyes--snatching the map from the struggling dork.
"For fucks sake, give me that--" Katsuki hissed. The Midoriya smiled in return, all too used to the retorts and remarks. He found them endearing at times like Katsuki didn't actually hate him that much.
Of course, there were times that it seemed like Katsuki genuinely hated his guts.
Izuku deflated at the thought.
The champagne-haired hero noticed and smacked the man's arm off the console before moving onto the map. Squinting slightly, Izuku noticed the gesture before leaning over and opening the glove-box, grabbing the reading glasses out of their case, and handing them to the blond.
Katsuki sent him a strange look before shaking his head and slipping them onto the bridge of his nose.
Fucking weirdo...
"There's a Truck-stop in about three miles, and a gas station in 2 and a half, here are your options--get fucking junk or some healthier junk." Katsuki folded the map up again and took off his glasses.
The bright exposure to his explosions messed with his eyes a little bit into his senior year--around the same time that Izuku and Uraraka had broken up. His hearing was about the same too, a little foggy and muffled, just the right excuse to squint and shout at everyone he came across.
Izuku hummed in gratitude, holding out the case for the man's black-framed glasses.
Katsuki sighed, glaring at the child of a man accepting the gesture anyway. Izuku let out a gently placed hum, experimenting to see if Katsuki would snap at him--he was pleasantly surprised when the blond only leaned back further into the car seat.
The intricate shapes of the clouds and the lulling sound of Izuku's humming made him more relaxed than he would've liked to admit.
"You have a shitty voice," Katsuki murmured, Izuku chuckled and shrugged helplessly, "I know.." he replied with a grin in his words.
Katsuki let his eyes settle on the passing cars and the won't ocean that they drove over. The salty smell and refreshing feeling of the breeze made his body shudder. It was brisk and the cold nipped at his cheeks and nose.
Huffing out quietly, Katsuki let himself relax for the first time around Izuku--of course, the nap was an exception, it wouldn't happen again.
Izuku, on the other hand, was very much relaxed--even with his picking ADHD, he felt more like himself around Katsuki despite all the things they went through together. He knew that even if Katsuki hated him--or tolerated him--he still had his back in tough situations.
A smile slipped onto his face, the green-haired hero continued to hum to nothing, in particular, his jade irises darting around the road. Two more songs played before they finally arrived, Katsuki kept his glasses on and placed a beanie on his head before shucking on a jacket from his carry-on bag as Izuku parked.
The green-haired Number 1 hero smiled to himself and put on a face mask and a black baseball cap with a pull-on dark green hoodie before turning off the car and locking it behind them once they grabbed their wallets.
The McDonald's in the back of the Gas station made both of them cringe inwardly at the smell but there was that or the over-priced gas station snacks. Izuku shivered and pulled his hands into the front pocket of his hoodie as the two branched off in different directions. Katsuki roamed about the beverages while Izuku filtered over to the snacks of different beef jerky and instant Ramen you could get.
He grabbed two bags of original Jerky and two more bags of assorted mixed nuts and chocolates for the two to snack on.
Turning around, his eyes caught sight of Katsuki coming over to him with two things of water and a large bottle of Red Gatorade. Izuku smiled under his face mask, his eyes crinkling at the sight before he skipped over to him.
"I got the snacks, thanks for grabbing the waters," the freckled adult gestured to the bottles before Katsuki huffed childishly and forced them into his arms to go check out.
"Eat shit and die." Katsuki growled, the curly-haired hero pursed his lips as he trudged along the aisle to the check out. Waiting behind a smaller woman that reached his chest. She was petite and wore a wool turtleneck sweater with some leg warmers that overlapped on her thick leggings.
"It's getting colder..." Izuku muttered to himself. Kacchan doesn't like the cold.
"Sure is," the woman in front of him turned around with a small grin, Izuku smiled back but realized that she couldn't see his smile and bowed his head in embarrassment. The woman chuckled and tugged his sleeve to get his attention back. The hero lifted his head and hummed curiously, "the man that you were with was looking over the scarfs over there," she pointed off toward the hero-themed scarfs on the rack next to the door. "He a big fan of Deku?" The sound of his hero name really caught his attention.
He perked up and turned back to the scarfs, examining them from his spot in line at the Deku themed Scarfs of his costume collars and small intricate designs from his gloves.
"I wouldn't call him a fan...more like he despises him," Izuku struggled to find the words at first, shrugging awkwardly as the woman smiled that bit wider.
"It sure didn't seem like it to me!" she giggled before she was called up to the register.
Once her items were checked out, they waved goodbye to one another before Izuku went to pay for the food and drinks.
{Short chapter compared to the other one, but I hope you guys enjoyed it, big plans for this story but just not enough time to get to it properly.}
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