Chapter One: That's News to me.
Katsuki shifted his stature as he let out a deep sigh, rested his head on the back of his seat. His thoughts were muddled by sleep as he closed his eyes. He was exhausted, his boss had been running in circles about some lame-ass villain that wasn't worth his time.
The villain went by COUNTER SHOCK, his name expressing his Quirk. Counter Shock was able to take the power from other quirks and counter it with the same amount of force. Sort of like Fat Gum.
I just need some fucking sleep...Katsuki huffed lightly, crossing his arms and letting his breathing relax. His shoulders were tense with stress and responsibilities that he promised to not cave under.
He got this far, he wasn't going to let it go to waste from some overtime.
Right before he could drift off into some well-needed slumber the door to his office slammed open, revealing some of his sidekicks.
"Go back to Patrol you mutts, I'm on break--"
"But Mr. DYNAMIGHT!--" "What did I just say?!" Katsuki snapped, glaring down at the two shaking teenagers, they had a hell hound-like quirk that allowed them to be resistant to fire with the senses of an animal.
The first sidekick, Ayato Michi; known as Thing 1 in Katsuki's bland memory, stepped forward timidly, "we have a captive situation in a bank with COUNTER SHOCK leading a gang of misfits!" Michi stressed, his eyes darting from the floor to Katsuki's vile glare, "He's in your territory!" he adds broadly.
Katsuki's eye twitched at the statement, growling out a hoarse curse he stood up and stormed out of the room, snatching up his gauntlets that were stationed by the door.
"WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY THAT SOONER?! Dammit! Now I have to clean up the mess and fill out Goddamn Paperwork--That little shit is gonna--" more grumbles left the hero as he got further and further down the hallway. Leaving the two Sidekicks alone in the room confused.
Izuku scratched the back of his head, he should I put this--worried. He didn't want to say it out loud but his worries showed through his excessive moments. The green-haired hero barely managed to get Katsuki's number as it is but to think that the blond gave it to him in the first place was more than enough to put him in his place.
He was worried, concerned, practically on the balls of his feet--ready to launch himself out of his agency to protect the blond. But he knew to hold off, he's already known the taste of Katsuki's wrath at 100%. He doesn't need a review on that lesson learned.
The 25-year-old sank in his seat, his lips pursing into a deep pout as he shifted his weight between his resting elbows. Holding his phone close to his face.
Before he could mope any longer, Izuku's phone vibrated with an incoming call, the trembling device shocking him into slipping out of his chair with a loud thud. Grunting, the pro hero shot up from the floor, his phone falling onto his desk as he hurriedly fixed his messy appearance.
Clearing his phone, he let the phone ring a second longer before answering.
Izuku yanked the phone away from his ear, eyes blown open in surprise as he winced, "sorry, Kacchan, I was busy with paperwork..."
That's a total lie.
"I don't care what you were doing. Get your ass to my office, I've got a joint mission from the boss." Katsuki's voice seemed hoarse even more so over the phone's crappy audio. Izuku frowned, his eyebrows furrowed.
"A joint mission?" "Yeah, now get over here ASAP. I can't be bothered to wait for you in the first place."
The two heroes bid their goodbyes(more like Katsuki hanging up on Izuku when he was mid-sentence) the dark-haired adult was confused, he hasn't been on a joint mission since he was 18. Well, it must've been important for only them to be chosen for this job.
Izuku glanced down at his phone when it lit up with Katsuki's contact. His jade irises flickering down to the Address and smaller details to the task they were assigned.
It took no less than a few minutes for Izuku to make it to Katsuki's office. He walked in through the front, greeting a few people on the way to the sandy blond's floor.
Dread seemed to carry him to the large double doors, nerves bundling before he shakily grasped the doorknob. He a deep inhale, he pushed the door open, barely dodging the plant that was thrown at him.
"Oh, it's just you, tch..."
"What do you mean--"
"Enough ladies," a deep voice interrupted the banter between childhood friends and past classmates. The deep voice rumbled as heavy steps creaked the floorboards. Izuku stood straighter, beaming up at the hero in front of them. Despite nearing his older age, Gang Orca stood proudly as he glared down at the young adults.
Gang Orca shifted his gaze onto Izuku's tense frame, a soft smile forming as he bowed his head slightly, "thank you again, Deku, for coming here on such short notice," Izuku's cheeks grew warm at the praise.
Katsuki clicked his tongue, standing up abruptly as he made his way around his desk to stand next to the green-haired hero. Thankfully, he was still taller than the muttering brat. Once he got to the hero's side, he smacked him across the head swiftly, looking up at the Pro in front of them.
"What's the time frame?" he questions boldly, his tone carrying no respect in his words as he crossed his arms. Izuku shot the sandy blond a filtered glare before huffing quietly and turning his attention onto the Orca.
The Pro sighed out deeply, grabbing a pale yellow folder that had a few documents contained inside. Izuku couldn't help but stare, that's super thin...this mission really is fresh off the task board, The 25-year-old grabbed his chin in worry, Just how important is this to get sent out right away? Especially for it to be just me and Kacchan going on this.
Izuku, unfortunately, got ripped away from his concerned thoughts as Gang Orca cleared his throat.
"As I was saying," he pauses, sighing out before continuing, "this task is an undercover case. You will be infiltrating a Casino where it is suspected that a Drug Enforcement is being held. Concerning your question, Dynamight," Izuku could feel Katsuki shift beside him, "this mission will be taking place tomorrow morning, 5 AM. I would like for this to be completely done by the next following month."
Gang Orca took a small inhale, "if there are any complications along the way, we Pros will handle it from there. All we need is a Clear face and a steady base to set off a plan." Izuku nods firmly, his jaw tightening.
Katsuki lets out an exhausted groan as Gang Orca leaves the room. He had left behind the folder, Izuku scooped it up, eyes focused on the words, his hand stretching himself to blindly search for somewhere to sit comfortably. The sandy blond huffed, plopping down on the loveseat across the room from the softly muttering pro hero.
He was tired, they both were, they couldn't afford to use up the rest of the energy they had left to fight and end up nowhere.
And they both knew that.
And so, they stayed quiet--other than the small voice that left in hushed fast whispers from the green-haired 25-year-old.
Sweet and short, Izuku resisted the urge to laugh.
"Do you know much about this guy? The ring leeeaader..?" he trailed off, eyes darting from the paper to Katsuki's bulky body tossed lazily on the couch.
Katsuki rolled his eyes, "I only know how much the paper tells us, Deku," he retorts, "If I knew more, I would've already been out there." Izuku lets out a hum.
"That's why we have a month to complete it. Go undercover, fund the guy, get the information, take down the operation, and then we're golden. Gang Orca will take care of the rest." Katsuki's crimson eyes glared at the obnoxious sound of Izuku's foot tapping on the ground.
He hasn't changed one bit, Katsuki snarled, shutting his eyes before turning over onto his side, facing away from Izuku. The muttering man didn't notice, talking to himself as he read through the pages. There were only five pages, front-to-back, but this was barely anything.
Only mentioning the dates that the so-called Ring-Leader would be in the Casino and where he had been seen otherwise. The other pages contained the material sample Data on the authentic drugs that were used.
Izuku's nose scrunched, he hated taking jobs that contained drug use. Mainly because of knowing someone who went to such acts to being happy, only for them to die because it--Izuku shook the thought away, tearing himself away from the folder as he tossed it to the side.
He slumped in the chair, his costume felt itchy on his joints and the backpack he brought with him rested on the ground beside him.
Letting out a low grunt, he stretched his arms above his head, the light ticking of the clock posted on the wall luring him to gently flutter his eyes closed as he crossed his arms over his chest. The weighted feeling aiding his sleepy daze.
A tiny nap wouldn't hurt anything...
Katsuki glanced at the suit that rested on his bed, the hanger was in his hand as he stared at the black and red material that seemed like a dead weight to him. The suit itself was extravagant looking, it had neat seams and the blazer was a sleek jet black with a coarse marrow red maroon inside made out of silk.
The rest of the suit was normal as any other, a black and red vest and white button-up plus black slacks.
The only strange part to this is that they had to wear wigs as to not break their cover. Katsuki was given a white long-haired wig with some sunglasses and an earpiece so he could communicate with Izuku at any time throughout the mission.
By the sound of their target, he was very stingy and protective when it came to clothes. They had to be to his taste if you want to talk to the guy. It was undetermined if he was quirkless or had a minor quirk in the documents. The photos they were given showed the average guy you would see in movies--a well-rounded guy with a cigar hanging out of his mouth and a glare that would send on for miles, and an expensive wristwatch that didn't match the time.
"Why do I have to do this with him of all people..." Katsuki barked out a laugh as he shook his head. His phone, which was located next to the suit, vibrated and lit up with several different notifications. Grumbling incoherent curses to himself, he fished up his phone, his expression contorting.
「3 Unread Messages from Izuku Midoriya」
Kacchan!! I got a suit!
Did you get one too?
Oh! There's a wig--
Katsuki scoffed, he tossed it to the side, not bothering to answer as he hung the suit back up in his closet. Setting the wig onto his desk which was next to his bed, Katsuki quickly collapsed on top of his bed, crawling under the covers--not before setting an alarm, of course.
This is Fucking stupid.
"Is your Communicator on?" Izuku starts with a low hum that harmonized with the low rumble of the car.
"Yeah," Katsuki replies with a repressed yawn as he blinked away his tiredness. He didn't get much sleep last night, and Izuku--he never gets any sleep so he was more than used to pulling all-nighters.
Katsuki rubbed his eyes, leaning back in the car seat as he crossed his arms to get comfortable, his legs crossing in the chair. Izuku forced his eyes away from the Sandy blond, focusing on pulling out of the Agency's Parking Lot. Gang Orca lent them a car to use and two separate hotel rooms to stay in during the Casino investigation.
The two heroes were silent, the only sounds being the light wind whistling from their open rolled-down windows and the light chatter of the car's radio.
The early morning air was dewy and the air conditioning of the car helped them relax. Thankfully, since it was still dark outside, the roads weren't as busy along with the sidewalk. Most of the lights let them drive on by.
"Kacchan, you can sleep--" "Shut up."
More silence.
Izuku frowned resisting the urge to talk as he bounced his leg and drummed his fingers against the steering wheel to distract himself.
He forgot to take his ADHD meds this morning, That's what I needed to do today--Izuku pursed his lips, his hand reached up from the wheel to mess with them as he continued onward.
Katsuki glanced at the boy from the corner of his eye, huffing before reaching into the glovebox and tossing the pill bottle onto the green-haired 25-year-old's lap, "you forgot, didn't you? Fuckin' loser," the blond smirked, feeling somewhat more energized. Izuku hummed and unscrewed the bottle once they got to a stoplight. Taking two pills before uncapping some water that Katsuki handed to him as he traded it for the small container.
"Thanks, Kacchan!" Izuku smiles, small dimples forming on the corners of his rosy lips. The sandy blond merely shrugged as he tossed the bottle back into the glovebox--the rattle of pills dim over the radio.
Katsuki flipped through the different channels until finding one that he liked--Izuku quirked his brow.
"Why did you turn it off--" "Shut up, Deku."
This..this was definitely going to be a fun road trip.
「I know that it's been over a year or maybe two that I've touched this story--but here's a special gift for you, a planned out and completely different plot with some holes filled with humor! Thank you for the support on both the original and the newest version of this story, it's been insane! I hope that you like the new writing style for this story!! ٩( ᐛ )و」
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