Summoning Spell
Dean helped you up, out of bed, and you would have gone into the library right then if he hadn't stopped you. But he did, with a gentle hand around your waist. "Are you sure you don't want to get cleaned up and changed first?"
"No, I want to find my daughter!" You argued, but then you had glanced down. Maybe Dean had a point. You were only wearing a t-shirt and panties. "Fine. But give me five minutes." You insisted.
He didn't say anything else, but led you to the bathroom, promising to return with clothes shortly. You pulled off your clothes, feeling odd and out of sorts. Your body still held flab from when you were pregnant, but was quickly going back to the way it had been before. You chalked that up to the tiny bit of Angel Grace that still ran in you, knowing it helped heal bodies faster. You quickly slid into the shower, washing yourself off as fast as you could. By the time you shut the water off, Dean had returned, with a pile of clothes in his hands.
"Feel better?" He asked, and you nodded as you slipped on the t-shirt and yoga pants he had brought you. "I didn't have a chance to ask, but did they treat you okay? I know they're Demons, but I'm just wondering if..." He said awkwardly, trying to figure out if you had been assaulted or hurt too badly.
"No, actually. I only saw Astaroth once. Otherwise there was this nurse, a Demon one. But she seemed to regret her decisions. She was actually the one who helped me escape." You told him as you brushed your still wet hair.
Feeling much better, you followed Dean into the library, where Sam, Cas and Crowley were all waiting. Crowley came forward, pulling you into his arms. "I'm glad to see you looking better darling. I'm just heart broken that we couldn't rescue your daughter at the same time."
You let him comfort you for a moment before you pulled away. "Thanks Crowley. But I heard you have a spell."
Dean came over, his jealousy taking over and he pulled you into his side where you stayed, enjoying the comfort. "Yes I do. I told Moose and Squirrel about it, but I'm not sure how well it will work."
"What does it do?" You asked, knowing you would go to the ends of the Earth to get your daughter back.
"The only thing I could think of is summoning Astaroth and locking him in your dungeon until he talks. But because he's such an ancient, powerful Demon, the usual summoning spell wouldn't work. Luckily, I had all the ingredients at home for the other." He said, showing you a black velvet bag in his hand.
"Let's do this!" You exclaimed, needing to keep moving otherwise you would find yourself back in bed, depression and despair taking control over you.
Sam led the way to the dungeon, with the rest of you following along, Cas taking up the end. As Sam pulled the metal shelves away, you heard Crowley sigh behind you. "Home sweet home." He sassed. Both of you had horrible memories of this place. Crowley had been held captive for quite a while in here, left on his own while Sam and Dean had gone off on hunts. You, on the other hand, had been thrown in here, after they had found out you were a Demon. It had been some of the worst moments of your life, and you had never been sure you would have made it out of their alive. Dean must have felt you tense up, because he pulled you closer to him, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "I'm so sorry about what happened in here. If I could take it back, I would."
You took a deep breath, that along with Dean's words calming you down. Crowley placed the bag on the table, getting to work on the spell. As he worked, Sam continued to search the room, making sure everything was ready. "Okay, so we need a plan. Astaroth is extremely powerful. I hope this room will be enough to contain him. We need to make sure we have weapons at the ready."
"Your little pig sticker won't work on him, he's too ancient. But I have some hex bags dear old mommy taught me. Those should at least stop him long enough so I can send him back if need be." Crowley threw over his shoulder as he finished up the spell. "And we are ready."
"Y/N, you don't need to be in here for this. Why don't you wait in the hallway, so you're safe." Dean suggested, but you refused to budge.
"No. I need to be here. It's my baby girl, and I'm the one whose talked to him a couple of times." You insisted, as Crowley started chanting in Latin.
Cas stood at one side of the Devil's Trap, Sam at the other, with you and Dean in the middle. Hex bags had been given out, and all you had to do was wait for the spell to work. Soon a cloud of sulfur smelling smoke filled the tiny room, and you almost gagged on how thick it was. When it dissipated Astaroth was standing in the middle of the Devil's Trap, looking extremely pissed. His clear blue eyes had turned to white, his mouth in a snarl. "Who the hell summoned me?" He growled, before his gaze settled on you. "Oh, of course it would be you. Wanting your baby back, are you?"
"Give her back to me, you..." You started, but he just laughed.
"Or you'll what? Your knife won't do anything to me, and neither will the colt, that is if you still have it. I have the upper hand here." He smirked, as Crowley came striding over into his view. "Crowley, what are you doing with these weaklings. Why not join my army so we can make the world ours?"
"No thank you. I like things the way they are. But we do need to talk about getting Y/N's child back. You see, Y/N means a lot to me, and I can't see her hurting like this." Crowley said, but Astaroth just laughed.
"You know what's funny? I've hidden her, right underneath your nose. I need her to grow, and I needed a safe place for that until I'm ready for her. What better place than hell?" He said, before vanishing in another cloud of smoke.
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