Secret Passageways
Time doesn't move the same in Hell as it does up on Earth. You weren't sure if it had been hours, or even days since you had stepped in Crowley's abode, but you were biting at the bit, needing to get out and do something. To rescue your daughter. It made your heart hurt, to know you were so close to her, but yet so far. That she could be hurting, and you couldn't do anything about it.
Sam, Dean and Cas had been busy planning a mode of attack, while Crowley kept coming back and forth, trying to find out more information while trying to keep it hidden that the four of you were in his study. He had even brought food and drink, but your stomach was too knotted up to even consider eating the food.
"I think I've figured it out!" Dean finally exclaimed, as he leaned back in the seat at Crowley's desk. Sam and Cas had been on the other side, and they jumped at Dean's exclamation.
"What?" You asked, rushing over from your spot. He pulled you down in his laps, holding you close to his chest. You relished the touch, the rhythm of his chest calming your nerves a little.
"He's expecting us, but I don't think he knows exactly what all of us are." Dean started. "When we rescued you, he didn't know Cas and, I think even Sam, were there. If we can use that to our advantage, it might work."
"What do you mean?" Cas asked, doing the head tilt thing you were beginning to think was adorable.
"I think Y/N and I go in the front. He will be expecting that. But according to this map..." Dean said, holding the map up, "There is a small, overgrown trail on the far side of his land. While Y/N and I are hopefully distracting him, you will sneak in and help us from behind. We just need to see if Crowley's in with us, and if he will lend us some of his goons."
"Of course I'm in with you. Mary is like the niece I never knew I wanted." Crowley said from the doorway, surprising all of you. "But as for the goons, I might be able to scrounge one or two up, tops."
"I guess that's better than we could have expected." Sam said. "And if we have our angel blades, and the knife, we will have a little better chance."
"I have something better." Crowley announced, holding a couple of small, brown bags in his hands. "Witch work, learned from my witch of a mother. Throw these and they will immediately banish the demons in the area. I just plead that you don't use them with me in the room."
"Thank you Crowley!" You said, surprising him by throwing your arms around him.
"Now there, let's not get too touchy feeling please." He said, pushing you gently away, but you could see he was secretly pleased by the emotion. "But if we do this, we need to move now. I've heard rumors that he's trying to recruit more Demons onto his team."
"We move now." Dean said, standing up.
"Let me talk to a couple of my trusted helpers. We leave in five." Crowley said, shutting the door behind him. After grabbing your bag and making sure all of your weapons were there, you felt Dean wrapping his arms around you from behind.
"Dean." You whispered, leaning back into his chest.
"It's happening. We're getting our baby girl back. I can't wait to hold her in my arms." He whispered into your ear, and you turned until your head was pressed against his chest.
"I can't wait for you to see her. My arms ache for her." You told him, and he squeezed you tight.
"It will all work out. And then we will be a family again." He said, just as Crowley came back in, five Demons filing in behind him. They were all wearing suits, and looks of boredom on their face, and you recognized them all immediately.
"Are you sure they're trustworthy?" Sam asked, coming forward to stand next to his brother.
"Sam, it's alright, I know them. I would trust them most out of all the Demons Crowley could have picked." You explained. Even though you hadn't been friends with them, they had still been around while you had, and you knew they would do whatever Crowley asked.
"Let's go then!" Dean said, chomping at the bit. Crowley sighed, before walking over to his bookcase, and grabbing a book. "Crowley, it's not reading time. We've got to...oh." Dean argued, before watching the wall across from you slide open, revealing a hidden passageway.
"I don't think it's wise to parade you guys in front of everyone. We will keep hidden as much as possible." Crowley said, before grabbing a torch from the wall and heading into the dark passage.
You shrugged, before following along, with Dean right behind you, his hand comforting on your lower back. Sam came next, with the five goons following behind, shutting the door behind you. Down stairs, and around turns filled with cobwebs and scurrying mice Crowley led you. The smell of brimstone and fire became more prominent the farther you moved, and you knew you were almost to the end of the passageway.
Stopping suddenly, you ran into Crowley's back, which caused a pileup behind you. After everyone had sorted themselves out, Crowley handed you the torch. "This part is always tricky. I always seem to forget a step." He said, and you could see a dial etched into the stone in front of him. Taking a knife out, he sliced his palm, dragging the bloodied hand in a haphazard motion around the dial, before you heard clicking deep within. Soon, the door opened, and you could hear the cries of those being tortured, a sound that still haunted you to this day.
Crowley stepped out, waiting at the side until everyone was safely in the small, wooden room. After, some words were said in Latin, and the door slid closed. "We've had too many people try escaping through that door, so the spell was a must. Now come along, we're almost there."
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