Mary laid asleep in your arms most of the way home, exhausted from her ordeal in Hell. You couldn't help but brush the hair back from her face, staring down at her peaceful, sleeping face. Dean drove the Impala down the darkened street, no music blaring for once. Cas had vanished, saying the car was crowded and he would catch up with you later on. Sam was nodded off in the front seat, his hair plastered to the window.
"Almost there." Dean whispered, startling you, and you reached forward, squeezing his shoulder with your hand. And his words were true, within five minutes he was pulling into the garage, shutting the engine off. Sam slowly woke up as Dean came around to your door, taking the sleeping child from your arms, staring down at her in wonder. You led him down the bunker's hallway, towards the room you had been beginning to think would never be used. Pushing open the door, you turned the light on, seeing the pale yellow walls, and the perfect little crib. A crib that your daughter now wouldn't fit in. Feeling tears fill your eyes, you turned to Dean who stood in the hallway.
"What are we going to do? She won't fit in the crib? We haven't even had a chance to use the new crib with her!" You started crying, the stress of trying to get your daughter, and the release of getting her back being too much on your system.
Sam stood there, a strange look on his face, before disappearing down the hall. Dean seemed as tired and out of it as you, and his face fell. "We will figure something out. Maybe tonight she can just sleep between us." He suggested, and you nodded. Turning to your room, you opened the door, stepping inside. You had no clothes that would fit her, all your baby clothes you had bought were too small, but at least you had a couple of larger diapers that would work until you could go shopping tomorrow. Dean gently laid her down on your bed, while you went into the bathroom, changing into your pajamas. Coming back out, you were surprised to see Sam in your room, a small wooden bed in his hands.
"Maybe this will work?" He suggested, holding it out. A small mattress was pressed to the wood, and it was the perfect size for Mary. "I found it the other day, and I've been working on it, knowing you would someday need a bigger bed for her."
Throwing your arms around his neck, you hugged him tightly. "Sam, you're amazing! Thank you so much, this is perfect!"
Dean took it from his brother, slapping him on the back, before placing it on your side of the bed. You ran back to the nursery, grabbing different blankets and bringing them back with you. Making her bed comfy and cozy, you changed her diaper while she started stirring in your arms. Singing to her softly, she fell back asleep, and you placed her in her bed. Standing back, you felt Dean wrap his arms around your waist, pulling you until your back was tight to his chest. You leaned back, letting your head rest against his chest. "We got her back." He whispered into your ear, and you had to smile.
"Yeah we did." You answered. "I just wish..." You started, but he stopped you.
"Shhh. I do too, but we can't concentrate on what could have been. I know it hurts, knowing we missed out on so much of her life, that we weren't there for her when she needed us. But we're here now, all together as a family. And that's what matters. Tomorrow, we will go shopping, get as many items as we need, and we will get to know our beautiful, amazing daughter. But for tonight, I just want to hold you in my arms, and fall asleep."
Turning until you faced him, you pressed a kiss to his lips. "You are so amazing. What would I do without you?"
"Still be a Demon." He teased, before pushing you down on the bed. "Now, get some sleep. Things will look better in the morning."
Watching as he slid out of his layers of shirts, leaving just a t-shirt on, before stripping down to his boxers, you waited until he climbed in the bed beside you, before cuddling against his chest. He brushed his hand up and down your arm, the motion soothing, and soon you fell asleep, safe in the arms of the man you loved.
"Mom! Mommy!" Mary screamed at the top of her lungs, waking you from a sound sleep. "Help!" She screamed over and over again, and shooting out of bed, you saw your tiny little toddler tossing fitfully in her little bed, tears streaking down her cheeks. Dean was by you in an instant, the gun in his hand lowering when he just realized it was a bad dream.
Kneeling down beside her, you pulled her into your arms, rubbing your hand soothingly along her back. "Shh Mary, it's okay. You're safe now. Your with your Mommy and Daddy." You told her as she woke up from her bad dream.
"Mommy!" She exclaimed, wrapping her pudgy little arms tight around your neck. "Bad guys. Scared." She said, her little mind trying to find the words she didn't even know.
Your heart breaking for your little girl, you pulled her onto your big bed with you, rocking her gently in your arms, reassuring her with soft words. Dean came back over onto his side, scooting in close, placing an arm around you while his other one brushed her hair back. Soon she was soothed enough that she had fallen back asleep, but you couldn't put her back in her bed. Not yet. Instead you placed her in between you and Dean, covering her with your blankets. "I hope you don't mind." You told Dean, and he shook his head.
"Of course not. She needs us. I just wish I could torture the people who did this to our poor daughter." He growled.
"It just breaks my heart to think about what she must have gone through, what she saw. No little child should have to go through that." You cried, wiping away the tears threatening to fall.
"I'll talk to Cas in the morning. Maybe there's something he can do to calm her. It's worth a shot." He said, before shutting his light off.
It took the two of you quite some time to fall back asleep, both of you staring down at your daughter, ready to comfort her if her nightmare came back.
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