"A warehouse? Couldn't you guys have gotten a little more creative?" You asked, as you tested the ropes that held you tightly to a chair in the middle of the room. "I mean, like a nice house, or even a restaurant or something. But a warehouse is like a calling card for Demons."
Devon smirked as he strode forward, before leaning down and placing his hands on each arm of the chair. "You think you're so smart. But you're the one tied to this chair, without a back up plan. Who knows when, or even if Dean can pick up your trail. Maybe you'll be dead, bleeding all over this floor by the time he finds you."
You shivered at that thought, letting it get to you more than you should. It wasn't for you, you had lived a long life. But it scared you that your daughter might not survive to have her own chance at life. "I don't believe you. He's probably on his way now."
Devon looked at the men with him, who were standing to the back of him, their faces blank. "I think before we get busy, we should have a little talk." They nodded, before one handed him a chair, and he brought it forward, sitting it down right in front of you. He was so close you could see the thin lines around his eyes, the slight scruff that covered his chin, and smell the stale breath he breathed towards you.
"I thought we were already talking." You couldn't help but smart off. He raised a hand, slapping you on the face hard enough to crack your lip open.
"Being a slut for the Winchesters sure has changed you. I remember when we were in Demon training camp together, you were a weak, shy pathetic piece of crap. But here you are now, with a little spit and vinegar to you. I like it."
You just turned your head, keeping your gaze off of him. You didn't want to smart off anymore for the fear he might retaliate and hurt your unborn child. But you knew if you tried to speak, you weren't sure you could stop those things from coming out.
"What? We're playing the silent game now?" He questioned, grabbing your chin roughly and turning your face until it was once again facing him.
"Devon, just tell me what you want?" You pleaded, tired, and needing to pee.
"I want revenge. Because of you, Ebony is locked in the deepest part of Hell, and we have no idea how to get her out." He spat at you, before standing up and pacing the room.
"That's her fault. She should have never tried to bring Lucifer back!" You exclaimed, but he wasn't listening to you.
"And here everyone thought you had died. You should have died! But then you came back, and human too!" He said, throwing his hands in the air.
"It wasn't my choice. Am I glad I'm back? Yes. But that was out of my control." You told him.
He turned back to face you, his eyes flicking black, showing that he had no interest to listen to what you were saying. He was on a one track mind, and that did not bode well for you.
Pulling a knife from his back pocket, he brandished it in front of you, close enough to your eyes that you could see the blood spots still staining the blade. "I know hurting you won't bring Ebony back. I get that. But our new boss, you see he's bigger and badder than Ebony, he said that killing you might get our minds back on the right track. He suggested it, and I never thought it would happen. But then, we happened to see you at the farmer's market. Must have been fate, right?" He said, before running the blade down your face, just hard enough to draw a thin line of blood.
"Your new boss?" You asked, holding still, not wanting the knife to dig in any farther than it already was.
"Yep. We found someone who is so much smarter than Ebony, stronger too. Not sure exactly what his plans are right now, but I do know they don't bode well for the Winchesters." He admitted, just as he dropped the knife to your fingers. "What do you think? Should we play the little piggy game?" He teased, and you flinched, waiting for the pain to come of losing a finger.
"Devon, Stuart, and Bob? What the hell do you think you're doing?" A familiar voice rang out in the empty building.
"Crowley." Devon stuttered, dropping his knife as he stepped back from you, "We were just, uh..." He tried, his tongue tied.
Crowley came out of the shadows, his hands in his pockets as he casually strode forward. "What do we have here. Why do you have my darling Y/N tied up?" He drawled in his accent, but there was a thin line creased on his brow, and you knew he was not happy.
"She jumped us, trying to kill us. We brought her here, to see why." He tried talking his way out of the corner, knowing he was in trouble.
"Devon, you are a lying weasel, why would I believe you know. You know Y/N is my pet." Crowley said, snapping his fingers and freeing you from your bindings.
"Crowley..." Devon tried one more time, before tilting his head towards you. It must have been code, because Stuart and Bob rushed forward, grabbing you, holding a knife to your chest. "You see, we won't give up so easily."
"You are a pathetic waste of Demon smoke. It's a good thing I got here before Dean did or you would really be in trouble." Crowley said, holding his hand up to smite him. Devon, being smart for once, noticed, and nodding to his henchmen, smoked out of his body just in time.
Stuart raised the knife, ready to stab you in the heart, but you dropped your weight suddenly, and the knife slid into your shoulder instead. Crowley growled at the sight, smiting both of them at once. You tumbled to your knees as the meat suits fell to the ground.
Just then the door burst open and Sam and Dean came rushing inside. Dean saw you, with the knife in your shoulder, and came rushing forward, taking you in his arms.
"My work here is done." Crowley said, before vanishing.
"Y/N, are you alright?" Dean asked, before pulling the knife out. It hurt, and you groaned, just as Dean pulled his flannel shirt off and placed it against the wound.
"I'm alright. It's just a flesh wound." You told them.
"And the baby?" He asked, glancing down at your slightly swollen belly.
"We're both going to be fine." You said, as he picked you up in his arms. "Dean, stop. I'm too heavy." You said, but he didn't listen. Sam rushing forward to open the doors, Dean carried you out, settling you into the backseat of the Impala.
Sliding in next to you, Dean gathered you in the arms. The bleeding had slowed down, and the wound didn't hurt nearly as much as it did before.
"This is why I should have gone with you." Dean muttered under his breath, pulling your shirt away to check on the wound.
"Dean, we didn't know it would happen. And I can't be a prisoner in the bunker. I was just caught unprepared, that's all. But we have more important things to worry about." You told him.
"What do you mean?" He asked, as he settled you back against him once again.
"Those guys were part of Ebony's gang. And they've found a new boss man. One they say is bigger and badder than she ever was." You explained.
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