20 years later
A gun shot rang around the large ballroom, startling the guests and causing the music to seize. Another shot soon followed after, causing the guest to scream and make a run for the exit. Glasses were smashed, instruments dropped to the floor and bits of food left on the tables and across the dance floor.
After a few minuets of chaos the room went silent, the only people left standing was two young men and three young women. Bethany and Deanna Stark both stood by the stage, their eyes watching the balcony above them. Cooper, Lila and Nathaniel Barton all stood under the balcony, watching the three escape/entrance routes.
The five young adults didn't moved or speak, their eyes trained on a specific place each. "Top floor on the west, there's three guys with snipers." Bethany muttered after a moment of silence, her voice low but picked up by the ear pieces the group wore.
"Middle floor on the east, four with snipers." Deanna replied, her eyes watching as the men closely.
"The North door is clear." Lila reported, before turning to her brothers.
"West door clear." Cooper replied. The team turned to the youngest Barton who still had his eyes trained down the East corridor.
"Get down!" He screamed, dropping to the floor as bullets pelted from the door way. More bullets rained down on the group, causing Bethany and Deanna to dive out of the way and under the balcony. Cooper bolted it over to his brother, pulling him to his feet and dragging him quickly out of the way.
"Cooper!" Lila yelled, pulling out a compact bow and set if arrows from under a table that was pushed up against the far wall. Miss Barton threw the weapon to her older brother while Bethany and Deanna each chucked a hand gun towards Nathaniel. Lila then pulled out her own weapon, electrified batons just like her Aunt Natasha.
"They knew we were here!" Nathaniel yelled over the noise of sniper shots, the men not ready to give up just yet even tho they couldn't see their targets. "They wanted us here!"
"Yeah well let's take them out now!" Cooper exclaimed, notching an arrow. "Before it gets too out of hand." Nodding the group spread out, each taking up a different position along the bottom floor under the balconies. Bethany's hands lit up a brilliant green while Deanna slipped off her heels and crouched down.
"Illusionist!" Cooper exclaimed. Nodding Bethany flicked her wrists up, the green mist spiralling upwards and latching onto one of the men with snipers. His body was flung into the air and an arrow lodged into his chest, causing all his movement to seize and his body to hit the bottom floor heavily.
Lila and Deanna bolted it up the stairs to the east, their weapons/techniques having to be close up to work. The two young girls reached the middle floor and attacked the four men while the three on the ground continued to take out the three on the west side top floor.
Minuets later everything went silent, all seven men now lying lifelessly on the floor. Peering over the banister Deanna smiled down to her sister and the two Barton boys. "Are we done?" She called. "These four haven't got anything on them!"
"Neither have these three!" Nathaniel called back, a smile spreading across his lips too.
"So now what?" Lila called, also leaning over the banister next to the only blonde in the group. Everyone exchanged looks at the question before shrugging lightly to one another.
"I guess we call Dad and ask him to pick us up." Bethany replied, referring to hers and Deanna's Father, Tony.
"Agent Ingley isn't going to be very happy." Cooper pointed out as he and Nathaniel held their arms out. Lila jumped into her older brothers arms while Nathaniel caught the smallest in the group in his.
"It's not our fault they had nothing on them." Nathaniel replied to his brothers comment. A giggle escaped Deanna's mouth as she slipped on her heels once more.
"Well let's go and face the Senior Agent!" Deanna exclaimed, linking arms with Bethany and Lila, leaving the boys to walk behind the trio of girls with small smiles stretched across their lips.
Back at the Avengers tower the three girls kicked off their heels and released their hairs from the elegant up-dos they had spun it into. The Barton boys shrugged off their jackets and loosened their ties before throwing themselves onto the sofa in front of the TV.
"So how did it go?" A voice asked as the original Avengers appeared in the door way before entering the room.
"Okay." The group of five replied together, Cooper flicking through the late night TV channels. Lila dropped in between her brothers, Bethany yawned and stretched before giving her Father a hug while Deanna tried to stop her Mother from messing with her hair.
"No information then?" Clint asked, hugging his three children in turn before sitting on the chair not far from him.
"Absolutely nothing." Nathaniel grumbled. Grinning Deanna patted the stressed males shoulder.
"Not the first time we've come up empty." She assured him.
"And we've been doing this since we were five years old." Bethany added as she and Deanna made their ways to the elevator. "We're going to get changed and whip off all this." The brunette pointed to the makeup she had on. Neither of the Stark girls were too keen on a lot of makeup, a little bit here and there was fine.
Once the girls were gone everyone let out a sigh of relief. "Do you know how hard it is to keep a secret from your two best friends when it concerns them?" Lila asked, throwing her head back on the sofa. "It's really hard."
"Don't worry, the surprise is tomorrow so you won't have to keep it for that long." Bruce assured.
"Is everything ready Tony?" Pepper asked, turning to face the billionaire.
"Yep." He replied, nodding his head a few times. "Who would have thought it's been twenty years since we adopted them?"
"And twenty years since they official began to work for S.H.E.I.L.D." Steve piped up.
"Twenty years." Pietro and Wanda echoed amazed.
"That's a bloody long time." Natasha finished.
Twenty years...
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