Chapter 24: Fight
The noise of people's screaming and shouting sounded around the two young girls; loud blasts and the sound of metal on metal also joined the symphony of destruction. Bethany and Deanna tried desperately to break the chains that held them to the timer, neither of them getting anywhere with it.
The young brunette cried out as a small piece of metal from one of Ultrons flying robots broke off and hit her shoulder, cutting her tops fabric and slicing some of her skin too. Wincing slightly Deanna shuffled over to her friend and gently lay a cool hand in the injured area.
"How do we get out of these chains?" Bethany asked, hissing in pain as her skin knitted itself together under her blonde friends touch.
"I can help there." A voice replied, making the girls jump.
"Speedy!" The two young ones exclaimed, using their nickname for him and jumping to their feet. In the small time they had with the twins the youngest enhanced had become good friends with Wanda and Pietro. The older twins were the closest Bethany and Deanna got to siblings besides one another.
As the girls grinned the male Maximoff bent down and began picking at the chain locks quickly. After a few moments the harsh metal fell from the girls wrists, freeing them from their bonds. Instantly Bethany wrapped her arms around Pietro's neck while Deanna hugged his waist tightly.
"I'm glad you're okay мои маленькие ангелы." The silver/white haired male smiled, hugging the small children back. (Translation from Russian: 'My little angels'.) Bethany looked up in slight confusion before shrugging her shoulders and accepting his Russian term.
"Come on, let's get you somewhere safe yes?"
"Unfortunately you won't be able to do that." The metallic voice of Ultron replied as the other Avengers and Wanda joined the small group.
"Иллюзионист! Целитель!" Wanda called happily. (Translation from Russian: Illusionist! Healer!"
"Casta!" Bethany and Deanna exclaimed, using the nickname they had given to her. They ran up to the young woman and wrapped their arms tightly around her legs.
"Is that the best you can do?" Thor suddenly yelled, causing the youngest of the group to let go of the older brunette and stare up at the metallic figure. The robot almost gave a chuckle before shaking his head.
"Oh no. This is the best I can do." He lifted his hand up and in seconds hundreds more robots appeared.
"You had to ask didn't you?" Steve sighed, taking a glance at the blonde haired God. Bethany looked towards Deanna and Deanna towards Bethany. The pair nodded towards one another and slowly moved together, Bethany taking Deanna's right hand into her left.
A shout of "Protect the core!" Echoed around the small compact area and everyone jumped into position. Deanna tugged Bethany closer to the timer, away from the fight in commence. The two little girls looked around, watching as each individual Avenger destroyed robots in their own way.
Metal was flying everywhere and small grunts of frustration and concentration could also be heard. "This isn't going to hurt right?" Bethany whispered, causing Deanna to blink and look up.
"It did last time." The blonde admitted. "But this is the only way we can help." Nodding Bethany held up her right hand while Deanna held up her left. The young girls closed their eyes tightly and began whispering to themselves. After a few moments blue and green enters began swirling around the pair.
Seconds later the enters twisted together above the girls heads before shooting out in all different directions. The force smashed all the robots flying within a ten meter radius, sending their parts spiralling away from the group. "Ouch." Deanna murmured, rubbing her right shoulder.
"Well that worked." Bethany chimed, also rubbing her shoulder. "Shall we try again?" Glancing around at the still occupied team Deanna nodded and held up her hand again. This was going to be a long fight.
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