Chapter 13: Help
Slowly but surely Bethany and Deanna made their way down to the lab, the first place they went looking for a laptop or computer. Once there the pair split up until Bethany called "I've got a laptop that's logged on." With a smile Deanna hurried over to her friend and climbed onto the chair next to her.
"Great, now let's find the emails." Deanna smiled, pulling the device towards her.
"How do we know the emails will be logged in?" Beth asked, leaning forward to watch what her blonde friend was doing. "In fact how do we even know that they have emails?" Deanna didn't reply and simply kept typing away at the key bored. Seconds ticked by until the blonde smirked. "Who are you even emailing?" The brunette asked, getting irritated at the fact her friend was ignoring her questions.
"Ever heard of Jane Foster?" Deanna asked, pulling up a new email page and typing away quickly.
"Sure she's the famous astrophysicist along with Darcy Lewis and Erik Selvig." Bethany nodded. "They've been on the news many times, especially Mr Selvig."
"And what are they well known for?"
"They found Thor we he first came to Earth didn't they?" Deanna nodded. "After that Jane kind of devoted her life to find him again, in turn turning to Mythology to help her." Deanna nodded again and waited for a moment. "You're emailing Miss Foster aren't you?"
"Yeah. She's the only person that will know where to find these books without asking too many questions. Now do me a favour a proof read this before I send it."
To Miss Jane Foster,
The signing at the end of this email is one you won't know but for now I want you to know that, that doesn't matter for we need your help more than you need to know who this email is from. We know that you are the best person to come to about Mythology, this is why you are getting this email and no one else.
You see we are looking for two books by the names of 'Antiqua munia, novum welder' and 'Novem regna'. They could also be know as 'Ancient powers, new welders' and 'The Nine Realms/Nine Realms'. We understand that retrieving these books may be difficult but we have all our faith resting in you, Miss Lewis and Mr Selvig.
Of course this is very short notice but we need these books as soon as possible. Once you have them in your possession could you please bring them to the Avengers Tower in New York, we will be awaiting your arrival and I'm sure Thor would love to see you all too.
Please do not reply to this email, we wouldn't want to cause any trouble. Thank you for your help and we are looking forward to meeting you when you arrive at the Tower.
The Illusionist and The Healer
"Yeah that's good, but if you don't want her to reply what makes you so sure she'll do it?" Bethany asked as Deanna sent the email the deleted it from the sent box.
"It's a chance for her to get her hands on new Mythology books and meet people who also sounded interested in what she likes." Deanna replied, jumping off the seat and waiting for the brunette to do the same. "And if that doesn't convince her then the idea that she can see Thor again defiantly will."
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