Chapter 12: Figure of light
After Tony's outburst both girls (after Deanna had healed which didn't take too long) made their way down to their floor once again. They both went to Deanna's room and sat in her bed facing one another. Bethany had her legs crossed under her while Deanna had her legs stretched out in front of her.
"I can't believe we've gotten into trouble already." Bethany sighed.
"We should have known it wouldn't last." Deanna replied, throwing herself back so she was lying on her back. "It never does."
"Why did we have to have the powers, why not someone else." The brunette girl murmured, burying her head in her hands.
"You were chosen for a reason children." A female voice floated into the room, making both girls frown.
"Now I feel like I'm going insane." Deanna muttered, the two looking towards a ball of light hovering just in front of the wardrobe. "J.A.R.V.I.S. close the curtains and lock the door please."
"Yes Miss." Within a few moment the room was dropped into darkness, the only light coming from the ball of light. The girls watched closely as the ball began to morph into the figure of a woman, with long flowing hair and a dress that was embroidered like one of royalty.
"Who are you?" Bethany asked as she and Deanna crawled to the end of the bed and sat in their knees.
"For now my name doesn't matter child, I am simply here because I heard your plea." The figure replied, her eyes watching the girls closely and her hands folded in front of her.
"Plea?" Deanna questioned.
"The question about your powers, a plea for an answer was it not?"
"Well yes."
"The story is a long one, one of myths and legends." The woman explained. "But I can tell you where to find the story, if you would like."
"Yes please, that would be very helpful." The brunette nodded quickly.
"The book you seek is known as 'Antiqua munia, novum welders'." The woman smiled gently.
"What does that mean?" Bethany asked, looking at her friend quickly.
"It's Latin for 'Ancient powers, new welders'." Deanna translated. "Our powers are from the past?"
"A very distant past, one that only I have seen. There is also another book that may come in handy for you both. It's known as 'Novem regna'." The figure said.
"Latin for 'Nine realms' that's the direct translation. But I can kinda of guess that if anything it's going to be called 'The nine realms'." Deanna said before her brunette friend could get a word in. "Why would we need that?"
"It will help you to understand your powers more." The woman replied "Do not worry if you cannot find what you are looking for instantly or understand the concept of controlling your powers as they get stronger. I will be here to guide you." With that the light disappeared.
"Curtains up and door unlocked please." Deanna said loudly. The curtains zipped up, letting light stream into the room. "So how do we get these books?" The blonde asked curiously.
"We ask someone to go and get them I guess." Bethany shrugged.
"Who'd know the best place to look for books like these?" Deanna asked, staring up at her ceiling.
"Pepper?" The brunette suggested, only to receive a shake of the head from her blonde friend. "Natasha?" Another head shake. "Clint?" Another shake. "Steve?" The blonde didn't say a word or move a muscle, causing the brunette to also stop. "Why Steve?"
"Steve's reads doesn't he?" Bethany nodded. "He'd be the best option next to Bruce I guess, but they'd want to know why and we can't tell them yet, not after what happened. J.A.R.V.I.S would also know but would tell."
"So then who do we ask?" Bethany asked. The pair paused for thought for a moment.
"There's bound to be a laptop in the tower right?" Deanna asked.
"Most likely many yes." Bethany replied with a nod.
"Then I know just what to do."
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