chapter 6
I was sitting alone in the South west table, I looked around everyone had a friend with them , they were all laughing and having fun. In regal secondary school there where four categories of people. The popular kid, Football team including cheerleaders, Pop stars and Nods. I and Amanda never actually belong to any of the groups, we formed our own.
I look to the right there was; the football teams table, they were talking about football as usual, the cheerleaders where also there but I couldn't talk to them because I didn't know anything about football or cheerleading. I look to the left it was the popular Kids Table. I was asked several times to join because of my fathers wealth and like they always say good looks. They were not actually my type of people. All they did was to talk about shoes and boys, they never took their education seriously. It was always from one fashion line to the other. If I should got involved with them, I will be very distracted form school plus I couldn't leave Amanda sitting along. Now that there is nothing stopping me let me go for it. It will also be a form of punishment for my dad, what is worst than seeing you daughter flanking in school, that's if he cares.
Time to talk to the diva's Sandra, susi, Lisa , Chissa and Ami. Whatever they say goes, serious that was their slogan, but they said it in a more Chicky and annoying way.
I walked over to there table.
"Hey girls"
"OMG, precious you totos just accepted our proposal right". Sandra said in a chicky voice that got on my nerves.
"Yeah, so what are we doing"
" Totos Just talking, hmmmmmm where is your slave." Lisa snorted
"I don't have a slave" I interrupted.
"The girl that totos follows you around "Chissa gibed.
"Ohhhhhhh Amanda"
"Yeah what you said" susi said showing no interest.
"She is not a slave and she went back to her house" I grumbled
"OK we are having a party on Friday will you attend" Ami chirped
"Yes I'm totos gonna be there I got nothing better to do anyways" I tried to blend in
"The party is at Dan's house don't be late."
The bell rang and we all went our separate ways.
Miss down our English teacher came in ,I was sitting at the back row drawing some Birds.
"Good morning students"
"Good morning Ma"
" Precious ,help me to greet your parents."
"Okay MA" I said trying to avoid the conversation
"Congratulate them for their wedding"
My spirits broke. I didn't want anyone in school to discover my dad remarried. I wondered how she found out about the wedding because I never mention it to anyone neither did Amanda ,we both kept the wedding a secret even Trail who came , didn't know it was my dad's wedding.
But the damage was already done.
"OK MA, no problem" I said while hiding my face.
I felt like all eye where on me,at that point, I felt like disappearing.
The school bell rang for closing time, I ran out of the class to avoid questions form my classmate. I was walking home, I saw a shadow following me I turned and it was Lisa.
"Hey girl" she smiled.
"Hey "
" Congrats"
"Thanks "
"Like I didn't know your dad remarried"
"Yeah he did" I said with no interest.
"So how is your step mum"
" She is cool "
"I thought all stepmums are like, wicked"
"Well not all"
" I hope you didn't forget about the party"
" OK I'll be there" I said as I stood at the front of my house"
" Bye "
I know, I just lied big-time ,but let us not see it like that, it is like a character improvement or a personality improvement . Let me say a white lie. For example if someone ask you how are you doing you will say fine even if it's not true , that was the situation I found myself in, I couldn't badmouth her even though she deserves it.
Thanks for reading, sorry for the short chapter. Do you like precious relationship with the popular kids, please give your opinion, don't forget to vote and comment
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