Chapter 11: We'll Be Okay
Third Person's POV:
Walking back into Izuku's hospital room, they were surprised to find the three of them cuddling on the bed, Izuku between them, sound asleep.
Hizashi, who was trying to muffle his laughter, took out his phone and proceeded to take an unnecessary amount of pictures, though he wouldn't admit that he had asked (demanded) his husband to send him those pictures.
Because he didn't.
Sighing, he stepped into the room and next to the bed. Making sure not to disturb them, he gently pulled up the cover over them, smiling at the adorable scene.
He then went and sat on one of those uncomfortable hospital chairs.
He sighs, put his head in his hands, and tries to will the nasty migraine away.
He looks up again, smiling again at the children.
Then he frowns, remembering his conversation with Izuku just before his ... attempt.
His husband sits on a chair next to him, taking his hand in his, and drawing soothing circles to calm him down.
Aizawa went to speak, but a sudden lump in his throat stopped him. He could feel the burn of tears behind his eyelids, and he quickly closes his eyes, willing the tears away.
He knows though, that it didn't work when the first tear fall on their joined hands.
It seems from there, the dam just broke. Tear after tear fell from his eyes.
He could feel his eyes become puffy from all the crying.
It wasn't often that he cried, but when he did, it was hard for him to control himself. To stop crying.
His husband knew it though, and for that he was grateful.
"Shouta, love, I need you to talk to me, please. I can't help if I don't know what's happening." Hizashi said in a soft and gentle voice.
It took him a few moments, to just breathe and calm down before he was able to tell his husband what happened.
Of how he found their son. The things Izuku had told him. What he believed he was, the kid from Gen Ed, and how he almost succeeded in getting their son away from the edge.
How he had failed in that too, in the end.
He told Hizashi about how he watched as Izuku pushed himself from the rooftop, with no hesitation.
"I'm a bad father 'Zashi. I couldn't even keep my son safe. I'm a bad hero. This isn't the first time something like this has happened on my watch. I should just retire as a hero, quit teaching. I'm bad lu-"
Aizawa couldn't finish his sentence as Hizashi kissed him to make him stop.
"My Love, you are not a bad father. And besides, if you're a bad father, then I am just as much of a bad father, am I not? Are we not both parents of Zuku?"
When Hizashi saw that Shouta was about to say something, and by the looks of it on his face, try to argue with him, he continued.
"No, Shouta, do not try and fight me on this. You are not a bad father. You didn't know this would happen. You are not some kind of ph psychic that can read minds or see the future, okay? So, do not blame yourself." Hizashi said in a stern voice.
Shouta looked at Hizashi with his sad eyes, eyes that held years of pain. Eyes that broke Hizashi's heart, because Shouta shouldn't look so broken.
He didn't deserve this.
"Another thing. You are not a bad hero. You are not bad luck, or whatever shit you thought of. And you said that this isn't the first time something like this happened on your watch,"
When Hizashi said that, he could see Shouta flinch, and he knew.
He knew.
Hizashi continues, "Shouta, what happened to Oboro wasn't your fault, love. It was the villain's fault. I know you don't want to hear it, but I'm going to say it anyway. You are not to blame. Oboro's death is not on your hands, Shouta, and I need you to believe me. Please."
"Shouta, this isn't healthy. You can't continue to blame yourself for someone's death that wasn't your fault. You can't keep doing this, Sho. Please." Hizashi's voice cracked as he spoke, thick with tears. Shouta could see the tears glistening in his husband's eyes.
"Okay. Okay, I won't 'Zashi," he whispered as he held the love of his life. His rock.
Hizashi whispered 'thank you's' into his shoulder.
They'll get through this. He knows they will.
They're strong, they could do this.
Izuku only woke up the next day at around 11 am.
The doctor said that it was due to exhaustion and shock.
Hizashi was the only one in the room at that time. Shouta was at U.A, in a meeting with Nezu, Tsukauchi, and the staff.
They were discussing what would happen once that child was officially found guilty.
He was just scrolling through the latest hero news when he heard a groan coming from Izuku's side.
Quickly abandoning his phone, he went to his son's side. He held Izuku's hand and watched as his eyes fluttered open.
He closed them again for a few seconds more, before opening them once more.
And there, Hizashi could see the beautiful emerald green eyes of his son again. After days of not seeing it. After days of wondering if he would ever see it again.
He whispered a soft, urgent 'Izuku', before gathering the teen up in his arms and holding him for dear life.
Hizashi could feel himself shaking. He felt as the tears slid down his cheeks.
He felt as his breath hitched and his heart beat faster when Izuku hugged him back and whispered a broken 'papa' next to his ear.
He could feel all the tension in his body dissipate, as all his worries is forgotten for now.
Later that day, he couldn't stop smiling when he saw his family reunited.
Their family might be small, might only consist of four people, none of them really whole, but he still loved them to bits.
He would still lay his life down for them.
If, later that week, he has a gleeful smirk on his face when the little grape pervert is expelled from U.A and all hero schools, well, then no one needs to know.
They don't need to know that he found a sick satisfaction in seeing the kid being dragged out of the school ground by Hound Dog, embarrassing himself.
They don't need to know that, later that night, he and his family of four laughed about it and celebrated his expulsion.
It was, after all, none of their business.
The Yamazawa Family might be small and broken, but it was his family.
It was his family that he loves to bits, and the family that he knows will get threw anything.
They'll be okay.
How have ya'll been?
Hopefully safe and healthy!
Right, so first thing's first.
We updated again! Yaaaaayyyy for me! on to serious business.
Is it bad that I only just realized today that I only updated this book once last year?
Like, seriously I only updated this once.
Wtf me?!
Anyway, I wanna apologize. I really am sorry for that and it wasn't intentional.
I'll try to have a more regular updating schedule, but no promises.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It turned out differently than what I originally planned, but I like it, so eh.
Also, when I read through earlier chapters I was so embarrassed!
The amount of grammar mistakes is insulting to my English grade and if my teacher saw this, she would have my head :(((
Somewhere sometime, I'll go through all my books and have it go through major editing.
But that time isn't now, lol!
Anyway, remember to stay safe and healthy!
Have a good night/day!
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