What do you fear?
Chapter 5
The arms dealer was in a salvage yard just off the African coast; on a freighter called the Churchill. The ship was full of black market weapons that h had acquired. By the time that the team arrived Ultron, Wanda and Pietro were already there.
"He's a sickness!" Ultron exclaimed about Tony as Steve, Thor, Abi and Tony walked towards him.
"Ah, junior. You're gonna break your old man's heart." Tony sighed.
"If I have to." Ultron replied. He had grown a lot from the bot at the tower and was now round seven or eight foot.
"Nobody has to break anything." Thor said.
"Clearly you've never made an omelette." Ultron shot back. He had as much sarcasm as Tony.
"He beat me by one second." Tony said turning to Thor.
"Ah, yes. He's funny. Mr Stark." Pietro said looking at Tony. Wanda's eyes were, however, trained on Abi. "It's what, comfortable? Like old times?" Pietro looked to the weapons to his left.
"This was never my life." Tony assured the silver haired boy.
Abi stepped forward. "Pietro, you can both still walk away from this." She said steadily.
"Oh, we will." Wanda said.
"I know you've suffered..." Steve started.
"Captain America. God's righteous man. And his sister. The Hydra assassin without her soldier." Ultron interrupted. Abi's hands started to glow as she contained her rage at Ultron's comment about Bucky. "Pretending either of you could live without a war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but..."
Thor cut him off this time. "If you believe in peace, then let us keep it."
"I think you're confusing peace with quiet." Ultron countered.
"Yeah. What's the Vibranium for?" Tony asked.
"I'm glad you asked that, because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan." Ultron said.
He used some kind of force to pull Tony towards him while two more bots dropped on Steve and Thor. Tony and Ultron took off and started fighting in the air. Abi ran straight at Wanda and Pietro. Pietro tried to run but she through him back into the wall. Wanda tried to grab her but she blocked with her own powers. Wanda's resembled hers but whereas Abi's were blue, Wanda's were red.
"This will not help you avenge your parents. Ultron wants to kill us all." She said as a bot cam at her causing Pietro to slip past her and punch Steve in the face at high speed.
The arms dealer got his men and started shooting at them all. Abi blocked the shots before taking off and landing on the other deck where Nat and Clint where fighting. Abi watched almost in slow motion as Thor threw his hammer past Pietro. Pietro thought it would be a good idea to catch the hammer and therefore ended up flying over the railing, down a floor and into a pile of boxes. Ultron and Tony smashed through the side of the ship and continued to fight.
Pietro tried to stand put Abi pushed him back down with her powers. "Stay down, kid." She said before flying off again.
"It's time for some mind games." One of the other bots told Wanda who quickly went after Thor. She walked up to him and entered his mind; pulling up what she wanted.
"Thor status?" Steve asked over the comms.
"The girl tried to warp my mind. Take special care, I doubt a human could keep her at bay. Fortunately, I am mighty." He replied. Abi watched in his head, however, as he walked into what Wanda wanted him to see.
Pietro grabbed Steve and ran at super speed before slamming him into some stairs. Wanda came down the stairs and once again used her powers. The pair quickly moved on to Nat.
After Nat, Pietro grabbed Abi and threw her into a wall. Wanda came at her but Abi just smiled.
"You two really never learned?" She asked as she threw Wanda using her powers and then entered Pietro's mind.
"I've had years of practice. Keep up, kiddo." She whispered in his head as she ran to Steve.
Pietro shook his head to clear it. Wanda had gone after Clint. She walked up and readied her powers, but as she did so, Clint turned around and stuck an electric arrow to her head.
"I've done the whole mind control thing. Not a fan." Clint said.
Pietro then ran up, shoved Clint threw a window, pulled the arrow from her forehead and then picked her up and ran out.
"Whoever's standing. We got to move." Clint's voice came over to comms as Abi reached Steve's side.
"Steve, Nat and Thor are down." Abi replied. "Find Nat bring her to me. I've got Steve and something tells me that Thor can pull himself out." Abi walked up to Steve and put her hands to his temples; entering his mind completely.
She saw people laughing and dancing at a Forties party. The kind Bucky took her dancing to before the war. Steve walked through the people and flinched as a camera went off thinking it was an explosion. He saw red wine on a man's shirt and immediately thought it was a gunshot wound; two men almost started a fight and the dances danced as if they were fighting. A hand tapped on his arm and he looked up.
"Are you ready for our dance?" Peggy asked with a smile.
Steve's eyes flicked to the corner where Abi and Bucky were laughing and dancing.
"The wars over, Steve. We can go home." Peggy said drawing his attention back to her. "Imagine it."
The image shifted and he was suddenly stood on his own with only Abi in front of him. She was glowing with her powers and was holding the ring Bucky had given her. As she looked up and met his eyes the image shirted once again.
He and Peggy were dancing the dance he never got. He put his hand on her back and pulled her into him as much as possible. He clung to her as if she was just going to slip away.
He was then on his own again.
Wanda went after Bruce and sent the hulk into a rage.
"Natasha I could really use a lullaby." Tony said as the hulk tore through the nearby city.
"That's not going to happen. Not for a while." Clint replied as he set Nat down next to Abi who was still in Steve's head trying to pull him out. "The whole team is down and Abi's working on it. You've got no back up here."
"I'm calling in Veronica." Tony said as he sent word to his satellite and the equipment they had designed to contain the hulk came crashing to Earth.
Back in Steve's head, he turned and saw Peggy, Abi and Bucky.
"We can go home Steve." Abi said with a smile that he hadn't seen since before Bucky fell. "All of us."
The image suddenly shattered as the real Abi walked into the vision.
She slapped Steve across the face. "Back to the real world."
As Steve woke up Abi fell back breathing heavily. As she did so she realised that her brothers biggest fear was his own PTSD. Clint grabbed her arm to stop her falling.
"You good?" Clint asked.
She nodded and moved to Nat. She did the same as she had to Steve and placed her hands on Nat's temples.
Abi watched as Nat walked down some stairs into an all too familiar corridor. Through the glass walls she could see girls dancing. There was another woman stood in the corner watching the girls. She was dressed in full black leather and her dark hair framed her pale face. Nat recognised Abi. Hydra's Abi. Their Ghost.
"Again." Abi commanded in a stern voice to the girls.
"You'll break them." Nat said to a woman who walked up to her.
"Only the breakable ones." The woman replied. "You're made of marble. We'll celebrate after the graduation ceremony."
Nat's mind flashed to an operating room with medical equipment. She was laid in a gown on a gurney.
"What if I fail?" Natasha asked. She shifted image again and saw herself firing at a target while Abi watched. The target then turned into a man with a bag on his head. She pulled the trigger.
"You never fail." The woman replied as the girls continued dancing.
The image shifted and Abi and the woman were watching Nat fight hand to hand. She slacked off and let the man beat her. The woman turned to Abi who nodded her head. The man released Nat and she stood catching her breath.
"Sloppy. Pretending to fail." The woman said. "The ceremony is necessary for you to take your place in the world."
"I have no place in the world." Nat replied.
"Exactly." The woman sneered.
Abi walked in and punched the woman to the ground.
She grabbed Nat's shoulders and shook her. "Time to wake up."
This time she did actually fall to the floor and started breathing heavily. She started shaking slightly as she tried to catch her breath. Her powers depended on her energy and could even drain it. Getting Steve and Nat back had meant navigating through their minds when they were not in control. This took some doing.
Steve pulled her to her feet as Thor stumbled into the room.
"We've got to get back to the jet." She said breathlessly.
With everyone back on the jet after Tony had taken care of the hulk, they set off with Clint flying. Bruce, Nat, Steve and Thor were all pretty out of it still. They were all going over what they had seen or done leaving just Abi, Tony and Clint in the cockpit. Tony was talking to Maria about what had happened, mainly in the city when Abi walked over to Clint.
"Hey you want to switch out?" She asked him.
"Nah, I'm good. If you want to get some kip, now's a good time." Clint told her.
"I don't think this jet would hold up with my nightmares." She muttered as Clint gave her a sympathetic look. "Where we headed anyway?"
"A safe house." He told her with a smile.
She knew where he meant.
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