Years has passed and Ambrosia was now a full adult. She was picking up herbs from a field, the village she went to that was close by her home were nice enough to let her stay under one condition which was to protect their little village. She is a demoness after all and very high ranked one, she agree to them. She would protect them from other demons or bandits who enter into this village. She sighs. She hasn't seen her father nor heard that he was looking for her. "I guess he never cared for me nor mother" She mumbles picking up more herbs and set her basket on the ground. She looks at the right and into the distance she can see the top of the castle. "I do miss my home..." "Lady Ambrosia!" A little girl yelled. Ambrosia looked at her "What is it little one?" The little girl pants. " Mister Yamasato and Mister Kasai are here to see you. They have some news to tell you and by the looks of their face, it's not good" "Here take the basket and give them to the healer understood Lily" Lily nods and took the basket, while Ambrosia runs to her brothers scent. She stopped in front of them "What's the news " She went straight to the point. Yamasato and Kasai looked at each other and nodded " Remember the Shikon Jewel?" Yamasato asked. She nodded "Yes what about it I heard it got destroy years ago, rumors has it that some priestess burned it along with her body." Kasai sighs " Well...The Shikon Jewel is back and demons are trying to find it and to over thrown father from his throne. " Ambrosia eyes widen "What!...Does father know about this?" She looks at both brothers who stood quiet. "By the looks of your face and not answering my question I guess it's a no. " She sighs and looks at the castle. She might hate her father now but she wouldn't want him to die and let miso take his place, he's evil like lady Sakura. "That's set it, tomorrow I will look for that jewel and see if I can destroy it...Better not let it fall into the hands of a certain someone" She looked at the castle. "Well about that's been broken into pieces" Yamasato backed away from his sister who was sending a deadly aura. "IT WHAT!" She yells at them. "WHO!?" Both boys shiver "Some human girl, that's all we know" Kasai spoke quietly. Ambrosia only sighs, "Very well...I'll think of a plan...We can't let demons pass the village...if they do, they get to the castle...Ugh...So many problems in one situation. " She looks at the village "Not only that but they are also in danger...their path leads to the castle, Demons will eventually have to pass here..." She frowns 'I promise them I'll protect them' she thought and shook her head " Yamasato?" She asked. He looks at her nodding. " You are traveling right?" She looks at him. He nods once again. "Will you please stay at the village for a week...Please, I'm only going to find more information about it" She beg hugging her brother. He groans and nods "Yeah, Yeah Sure, When are you leaving?" She smiles innocently "In a few minutes" She let go and went to her place which was a small hut. She grabbed a bag and packed clothes only. She left her hut and walked to her brothers giving them hugs "I'll be back alive maybe!" She teased. Both of her brothers had tick marks on their foreheads "Don't joke about death!" They yelled.
* * *
Ambrosia walked into the forest and looked around her surroundings. She sighs and looks at the sky "Why...Why Sesshomaru...I thought we had a connection...Well I was a foolish girl " She whispers and sat on a rock. She thought back at the time when she was a child and loved him dearly as a brother but soon that love turn into more.
She groans "I need to stop thinking about him, He might as well not remember anymore, I'm just a demoness who is a higher rank than him...Nothing else more...Not even a friend...Ouch " She mutters. She stood up and continued to walk only to be stopped by a demon. " You there! Halt" She yells her voice in full authority. The demon looked at her and smirks "My, my isn't this Lord Rai's daughter" He laughs.
"What's so funny " I growled and took out my. "I'm not scared of you little Lady, I came here to take your fathers throne and I might say, I'll spare your life if you marry me and bare me a kid. " He licks his lips. She glares at him. " Is that any way to talk to a higher rank you low rank demon." " Soon I'll be the same rank as you " He laughs. " I had enough of hearing you " Ambrosia mutter She made a circle motion with her Katana and a spirit summoned, she then pointed to the demon " Dragon of Fire aid me" The dragon flew quickly to the demon killing him in one blow, The dragon of fire then flew back into the circle that open like a portal. She sheath back her Katana making the portal close and proceeded to walk but stop seeing a jewel in the ground. Her eyes widen, "He had the jewel...This quick....this isn't good..." She picked it up and put it inside a smaller bag. "Most importantly....How come I didn't sense it..." She mutters and continued to walk, that question stuck in her mind.
* * *
Ambrosia's POV
I sat by the river dipping my feet in the cold river water. I glance at the sky "Almost nighttime..." I mutter and put back my boots on and proceeded to walk only to be stopped by a pair of voices. "Are you sure Inuyasha?" A girls voice was heard. My eyes widen. 'Inuyasha....Inu no Taisho second son...' I thought. I stopped and sat on top of a rock waiting for the pair to bump into Me. I grabbed my Katana and stuck it to the ground both my hands on top of the handle to support my head as I laid my head on top of my hands. "Inuyasha! I smell a Jewel Shard " The same voice gasped/Yelled. I smirk, so the girl can sense them. I closed my eyes but open them back up, hearing footsteps in front of me. "She has one inside her bag" I looked at the girl, I can tell she's not from here by her clothing. I look over to see a monk, a demon Slayer with a little demon cat on her shoulder and a fox demon. And last was a boy who reminded me a bit of Inu no Taisho. "Hey Give us the Jewel Shard!" I suppose that would be Inuyasha. I stood up, when I did that he quickly drew out his sword. Ah I can tell it was made by the fang of the Great Dog Demon. "No need to be hasty...I do not come here for a fight" I look at them and grabbed the jewel shard from my bag. " Here you can have it...I don't need them at all." I threw it to Inuyasha which he caught it. "Inuyasha put Tessaiga down!, don't disrespect the Lady of the northern lands" I felt a small little bite. I slapped my neck and I sigh knowing who it was. Myoga. " Myoga" I growled at him. He bows "I'm sorry my lady it's just I haven't tasted your blood in years." I flicked him off and made him landed on Inuyasha's shoulder. " I should be leaving" I grabbed my Katana off the ground and sheath it back in. "Who are you?" I looked at the girl with weird clothing " I am Ambrosia Kenzo , Daughter of the lord of northern lands." I walked pasted them. " Lady Ambrosia was well friends with your father Inuyasha" Myoga told Inuyasha. "What have I told you Myoga" I look at him and flicked him off the shoulder of Inuyasha. "Never mention The dog demon in the northern lands" I growled at him. "I'm S-Sorry milady " He said as he was flicked. "Why not?" The demon Slayer asked. I sigh "My father, Lord Rai Kenzo banned him to step into his lands after their little argument no one in the northern lands are allowed to talk about him." She looked away remembering that banned also affected to Sesshomaru, it pained to see the man she loved couldn't visit her. "It did pained me, He was like a second father to me..." I sigh and saw the moon slowly rising. "There is a village up ahead, You should all rest there for the night. Just tell them Lady Ambrosia let you go...seeing they won't let any other demons in the village besides me" I was about to stop only to be stopped again. "Why are traveling lady Ambrosia." That damn Flea asked. "Looking for the shards...I heard demons are getting their hands to that over throne my father.." I looked at him. "I'm sorry to hear milady" He bows respectfully. I only nodded. "Wait...How about you travel with us" The strange girl asked me. "I can't...I'm better by myself...but if I find shards...I'll give them back to you... Like I said, I have no use for them...and If I keep them my evil brother will be after them, knowing him well..."
I was going to walk but once again I was stopped but not by that flea but from Taisho's son. I looked at him as he grabbed my arm. "Then travel with will be much easier, why trouble yourself" He was right...I am going back and forth just to give them shards. "Alright then but once you have a few shards left to collect I'll leave the group understood" I told them. They all nodded.
I walked them to the village. "Lady Ambrosia what a pleasant surprise to see you visit us" An old kind man, who runs the village walked up to me. I smile "Thank you, please you wouldn't mind if we stayed here tonight" I asked him kindly.
He nods "Right this way" I followed him to a nice hut that had a lot of space. I bow to him "Thank you" he nods and walks away. The grouped walked in. "They seem to like you...someone who is a powerful demon" The monk stated. "I show them kindness " I sat on the floor. "Please introduce yourselfs to me." I look at them. Knowing only two of them out of seven. "Ah Well my name is Kagome, this is Sango, Shippo ,Miroku, Kilala, you already know the coward Myoga, and this is Inuyasha" she said. I nodded. "Interesting...since you all look tired get some rest. I don't require sleep" I left and jumped to the roof to enjoy the night.
Sesshy might be in the next chapter.
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