Chapter 1
Sam P.O.V
I was walking to school and saw him. My crush hanging out with his friends. He looked in my direction and my heart skipped a beat. I hurried to the school before the bell rang. I went to my locker to grab my things and headed to class with it. It was geometry which I am very good at. My friend Fred was talking about this new game that was coming out next week. I looked at him with a smile and nodded. Max walked in with his friends and my heart stopped and I quickly looked at the ground. Fred looked at me and asked "are you okay"
"i'm fine Fred it just my stupid heart that won't stop beating fast,"I said holding my hands over my heart. "you know that I have a crush on him."
"I know Sammy but still I'm worried about," He said fixing his glasses. The bell rang and class started.
Max P.O.V.
Class started and I was sitting there looking across the room to see her. She was taking notes. "maybe I can ask her for notes" I thought to myself and then the bell rang. We head to our lockers and then I went up to her and asked " Hey Sam can I borrow your notes from class"
"um um umm Sure, here you go but give it back to me before school ends okay," She said with a cute little smile and walked off to biology which I followed her to class.
I sat next to my boys and talked about cells and the teacher gave us ten minutes before the bell rings. The guys and I was talking about their girls.
"So Max when are you going to get a girlfriend?" said Troy
"I don't know man. Non of these girls interest me," I said peeking at Sam.
Then she turned around to met my gaze and she turned around about five seconds but I saw her blushing and I just smiled a little bit. The guys stared at me with big smiles on their faces and said"not interest in any girls ha your funny max"
"okay you caught me I do have a crush on one girl but my reputation is on the line," I said looking back at them.
"So what is her name," asked Brett. "I don't know if I should tell them," thinking to myself. Then the bell rang and I hurried out the door.
Sam P.O.V
I saw Max speed walked by me. I was getting out of my seat and headed toward my locker. I fell to the ground and saw Brook standing there laughing and I got up, put my stuff in my locker and headed to my facs class. I was in tears. I put up my hoodie to try to hide my face. The bell rang and the other students was coming and I still had my head down with earphones in listing to music to calm myself down. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up to see who it was. I was wiping away some tears and I saw Hannah. She looked at me with sadden eyes and she knew that I was going through before I told her she just nodded her head and sat down at her seat. class ended and I saw Max. I looked away before he can looked at me.
"If he saw me like this, he will think I'm weak and worthless" I thought to myself but I looked back to see him and he was just staring at me with worried eyes.
Time Skip
It was now lunch time and I was in line getting my food. Today lunch was grilled cheese and tomato soup. I went to my usual table. My friends sat next to me and started talking about games and comics. Max and his friends sat on the other end of the table and started to talked about sports. I sat there as quiet as I can. I saw Max got up and head toward me.
"Hey, Sam can you help me on my homework to night," he said nervously.
I looked at him blankly and Fred said " Sure she can where do you want her to meet her." Max wrote something on a piece of paper and hand it to me. He winked at me and headed to his seat. I looked at the piece of paper it has his number and address. I put in my pocket and clear my tray.
Max P.O.V
I handed Sam a piece of a paper and headed to my seat. Brett looked at me with a confuse expression on his face. I shrugged my shoulder and went back to eating. I saw Sam getting up to clear her tray. Then Brook tripped Sam. I got so mad. I got up to help Sam. She just push me away and finish clearing her tray and asked if she can go to the bathroom. The guys just staring at me.
"What!" I said looking at them. we finish eating I went to find Sam but my friends stopped me.
"Where are you going dude class is going to start in a few minutes man," said Troy
" To find Sam Storm. She in pain and hurt," I said storming off.
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