Chapter 51
It wasn’t often that Andreas found himself in a position in which he had to knock to get into a place he wanted to be. But, a very powerful sorcerer of light had enchanted the manor he now found himself at, and without Kalen’s help, his magic would be useless. He would have to deal with this the old-fashioned way. Fortunately, while he relied heavily on his magic, Andreas was no stranger to going without it if the situation called for it.
When the door swung open, Andreas made sure his fist collided with the face before him. It wasn’t that of John Argeno as he had hoped, but getting his brother, Raphael, was almost as good. “Where is she?” he demanded, the darkness wrapping around him even with his magic safely locked away… for now.
Raphael held on to his nose, muttering a string of curse words. “What the hell are you doing here?” he demanded.
Andreas was done wasting time. He grabbed hold of Raphael’s neck and started backing him into the house and held Raphael against the wall, lifting his feet from the ground. “I’m only going to ask one more time. Where. Is. She?”
Raphael, suddenly regaining his composure, broke Andreas’ hold and instead pinned Andreas against the wall with his magic. “You forget that my magic works in here!” Raphael exclaimed.
A dark grin spread on Andreas’ lips. “And you seem to forget what happens when I am really angry.” Raphael suddenly dropped to the floor screaming in agony. Somehow Andreas was able to perform magic even with the spell in place. “Now, if you don’t want me to kill you, like you foolishly tried to kill me, you will tell me where she is.”
“If you kill me, you will never find out!” Raphael yelled through gasps of pain.
“Do not underestimate me.”
Andreas let go of the hold and let Raphael get to his feet. “Where is she?”
“I don’t know! Her parents took her from here a couple of days ago and I don’t know where they went. But if you want my best guess, they took her to the palace. I was just on my way there to see if I can stop them from killing her!”
“And why would you want her alive?”
“I have my reasons.”
Andreas didn’t like Raphael’s sudden interest in Lana, but he couldn’t kill Raphael just yet. He was already feeling his anger fading which meant his magic weakening. He couldn’t fight of the wards anymore and he was at the mercy of Raphael once again. He had forgotten how much energy it drained from him to fight those kinds of spells. He wouldn’t be able to teleport.
“Very well, I will allow you to live. And I’m willing to call a temporary truce.”
“The mighty Andreas Grigoli actually needs someone?” Raphael tempted.
Andreas only managed to glare. “Need is a strong word. I propose a truce until we fulfill our mutual goal which is making sure Lana stays alive.”
“Why do you need my help?” Raphael prompted.
“You know how to get there easily without teleporting, and Kalen is out of the kingdom on a quest to find out more about his parents. He won’t be back for at least another week.”
Raphael crossed his arms over his chest. “Fighting off the wards really drained you, huh?”
Andreas felt the anger spiking in him again. “Do not push me, Raphael. You have this way of enraging me, exactly what I need to fight them off again.”
Raphael nodded. “Very well, I will help you. But as soon as she’s safe, the truce is void.”
“Of course.”
“How do I know you won’t betray me? Sorcerers of darkness have no honor.”
“Believe it or not, but she actually means more to me than the little feud between us that you started.”
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