Andreas hid amongst the people, the cloak over his head the only thing shielding his identity from them. Everyone was gathered near the palace to hear the big announcement the king wanted to make. It had been four months since Andreas had been at the palace. And four months since he all but dropped off the face of the planet. The people in Eerea were beginning to think he was dead. The telltale signs of a smirk formed on his lips at the thought. He enjoyed remaining an enigma to people, it kept them at arm’s length.
He pushed through the crowd, but was careful to remain hidden from sight. He had no reason to be afraid of capture, but he didn’t want people knowing his whereabouts just yet. Fear of when he would show his face again worked just as effectively, if not more so than committing the heinous acts they so loved to talk about.
“Hey, watch where you’re going!” a man yelled at Andreas when he accidently bumped into him. With his eyes still concealed by his hood, he waved his arms apologetically and moved away before the man caused a scene. The whole purpose for being here was to remain inconspicuous.
Andreas stopped somewhere in the middle of the crowd, his presence unbeknownst of those around him. He spotted the king high up on a palace balcony, with the ever beautiful Elisa to his right. The king was frowning, a look of utter distaste plastered on his features. Elisa was saying something to him, increasing his scowl.
People were still gathering and finding a comfortable place to stand where they would listen to the king. The king was vying his time, waiting for everyone who was planning on attending to arrive before he made his announcement.
“Gods, even in a cloak you still manage to attract attention,” a familiar voice commented from behind Andreas. He closed his eyes and summoned what little patience he had.
“I don’t see how that’s possible, you are the only person paying attention to me,” Andreas commented dryly, without even turning to Kalen. “And we both know that is only because you have the peculiar ability to sense my magic.”
Kalen smirked. “What are you doing here?”
“I could inquire the same of you.”
“My reason for being here is that I actually care what goes on in this kingdom. I know you don’t give a fuck. So what’s are your motives?”
Andreas’ lips quirked up in one corner. He finally faced Kalen. “People keep asking that about everything I do, yet they never get the answer they are looking for.”
“At least they get an answer,” Kalen muttered under his breath.
Both sorcerers’ attention shifted when the king cleared his throat. Their gazes narrowed in on the ruler, both with a mixture of distaste and utter disrespect. While neither of them considered themselves even the slightest bit good, they didn’t approve of the king’s unnecessary slaughter of weaker magic users. Even Andreas, with his rich history of murdering innocents, wanted to put an end to the sovereign’s merciless persecution of his kind.
“People of Eerea,” the king’s loud voice boomed over the crowd, demanding attention. Andreas clenched his fists at his sides, his body radiating with tension. “You have been gathered here today, for I have an important announcement to make. As you have all heard by now, a few months ago my own daughter was attacked by a dark sorcerer. He used his vile magic to defile her.”
Kalen shot Andreas a look. “You defiled the princess? Is there really no limit to your reckless behavior?”
“Spare me your speech on morals and virtues. I did little more than touch her.”
“We simply cannot allow these evil creatures to coexist with us,” the king continued without hesitation. “They have crossed a line by attacking my daughter and now steps must be taken to ensure that no one else’s daughter go through the same thing!” The crowd cheered while Andreas and Kalen kept their expressions carefully neutral.
“You care to tell him that?” Kalen retorted to Andreas’ previous comment. Andreas didn’t betray a single thought. He was curious to see where the king would take his speech.
“Clearly, the laws against magic have been too lax. Sorcerers are strutting around arrogantly, believing they can get away with murder. For a long time they have, but no more! We will no longer tolerate their blatant disrespect for our laws!”
Kalen gaped at Andreas. “You sure caused a strong distaste for our kind in the eyes of the king,” he commented blandly.
“Shut. Up.” Andreas’ patience was wearing thin.
“From now on, the laws against magic will be stricter. We are implementing a zero tolerance policy. If you display even a tendency toward magic, you will be executed. If you are caught practicing magic, you will be executed. If you aid a magic user in any way, shape, or form, you will be executed. No exceptions. It is about time we eradicate this filth from out kingdom once and for all and ensure the safety of our children and our grandchildren!” The crowd applauded and cheered the king, all muttering words of agreement. Andreas scanned the crowd, his mouth hanging open. They were so willing to condemn innocent people because of the actions of one.
His actions.
Kalen’s arms were folded across his chest as he regarded Andreas again. “You realize that this is all your fault, right?”
Andreas glared at Kalen. “I am faulted for doing much worse.”
“What the king is planning is genocide! There will be none of us left if he gets his way!” Kalen yelled, but his voice still managed to get swallowed in the crowd who had come alive with the king’s announcement. The ruler was still talking, but neither sorcerer was listening to him anymore.
“The king thought he had me captured before, and I am still alive. Only the ones idiotic enough to get caught will perish. And truly, if you are dumb enough to get caught, you deserve to die.”
Kalen shook his head at Andreas’ lack of compassion. “You cause this and you aren’t even going to have the curtesy to feel guilty?”
“When have you ever known me to be a courteous man? Their lives do not affect mine, as simple as that.”
Andreas started pushing out of the crowd. Kalen followed behind, exerting effort to try and keep up with the former. “And what happens the day someone you care about gets caught?”
A grin lit up his features as Andreas paused. He started laughing. “Then it’s a good thing I don’t care about anyone.”
“Yet,” Kalen added.
Andreas shook his head sadly. “Caring for anybody is a weakness, one I have ridded myself off. I would never have to worry about anyone I care about being executed by the king. That is one position I will never put myself into.”
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