True Blue Smurfs
Brainy, Clumsy and Hefty hugged each other
Hefty: Where's Smurfette and Vexy?
All the Smurfs gathered around something. Hefty got passed the crowd to see what it was and saw two lumps of clay that looked like Smurfette and Vexy
Hefty: ...What happened?
Papa: This is what they once were
Everyone was either silent or started crying
Papa: There's gotta be something I can do!
He fillped through pages on a book that was on the floor
Papa: Which spell is it?!
Brainy slowly walked up to him
Brainy: Papa... we won't find the answer to this... In a book
Hefty wiped his tears
Hefty: Lets take them home...
He picked up Smurfette while Brainy picked up Vexy
The Smurfs made it back to Smurf Village and the boys were shocked to see what happened
Hefty and Brainy put Smurfette and Vexy in a small field of flowers as all the Smurfs surrounded the two of them
Grouchy got passed the crowd to get a better look and didn't notice he was crying until he wiped his eyes
Grouchy: ...I-I hate crying...
All the Smurfs began to hold hands and Clumsy offered his hand to Grouchy who took it
Papa: ...The two of them never thought they were real Smurfs... But they were she truest Smurfs of all and is their brother
Hackus was there too crying not to cry
Hackus: Hackus leaking...
Everyone close their eyes so none of the Smurfs noticed their magic came towards Smurfette and Vexy bringing them back
Vexy: We're back...
Smurfette walked up to Clumsy
Smurfette: Why is everyone crying?
Clumsy: I-It's Smurfette and Vexy... their lumps clay...
Vexy: Can you open your eyes?
Clumsy: Okay...
Clumsy opened his eyes and saw them standing their
Clumsy: You're alive!!
He hugged both of them at the same time
Clumsy: You're here! You're really here!
Hefty: What's going on?
He opened his eyes and also saw them
Hefty: Vexy! S-Smurfette!!
Smurfette: Hi Hefty-
Hefty spun her around as all the Smurfs opened their eyes
Hefty: Don't ever do that to me again
Smurfette: I won't I promise. And I'm sorry I left that night... I was just scared...
Hefty: I'm the one who should apologize I was the big jerk. I understand if you don't feel the same way I do
Smurfette: That's the thing Hefty... I do
Hefty: So what you're saying is...
Smurfette held his hand
Smurfette: I love you Hefty
Hefty: And I love you too Smurfette
Smurfette and Hefty kissed and everyone cheered including Vexy who was proud of both of them
Vexy: He better not mess this up. Now where's-
Grouchy suddenly hugged her and then let go
Grouchy: I... Don't hate your hair
Vexy: My hair?
She took at a strand of her hair and saw it was blonde but still had the blue streak
Vexy: Huh... I think I can get used to this
Grouchy: It's good to see you Vexy
Vexy: Aww If i didn't know any better I'd say you were worried about me
She got closer to Grouchy while smiling and he tried not to blush
Grouchy: Me? Worried about you? Please! I was the OPPOSITE of worried!
Vexy: So you were confident about me?
Grouchy: What-
Vexy: Brainy said once that the opposite of worried is confident
Grouchy: I-! You're confusing me!
Vexy: Grouch I learned that smurfs can be more than just one thing. So can we just enjoy this moment for a minute?
Grouchy: Uh... Yes
Vexy: Good
Vexy pulled him into a kiss
Smurfette: Aww!
Brainy: Well it's about time
Suddenly Hackus pushed Grouchy aside to hug his siblings
Hackus: Hackus hug! Hackus hug!!
Smurfette: We missed you Hackus!
Vexy: if we ever go on a big adventure again you're coming with us
Hackus: Yay!!
He put Smurfette and Vexy and Papa walked up to them
Papa: You both never cease to amaze me
The two of them hugged Papa
Vexy: What can I say? I'm full of surprises
All the Smurfs started celebrating
Papa: so as for that burning question
Brainy: What's a Smurfette? Well I don't need a book to tell you that Smurfette can't be defined by just one word. She's many things!
Blossom: Oh she doesn't know it yet but she's my new best friend!
Clumsy: Smurfette is a bunny wrangler
Storm: She's touch not at touch as me but touch enough. Vexy must've taught her a lot
Hefty watched Lily hugged Smurfette
Hefty: Smurfette can be whatever she wants to be and I'll support her no matter what
All the Smurfs made it back to the village as music started playing
Vexy: I talk with a mouth
full except I couldn't be
sweeter yep I'm a cutie
in my own way I won't
play follow the leader
and we don't look like
She pointed to all the boys as Smurfette stood next to her
Smurfette: but we ain't
worried about it
Vexy: we don't talk like
Smurfette: but we ain't
worried about it
Vexy: I know I'm a gem
Both: we aren't worried
about it I ain't worried
about it
Vexy: cause I'm a lady
Smurfette and Vexy started dancing with the other girls
Smurfette: cause I'm a
Vexy: come on! I'm a I'm
a lady!
Smurfette help one of the more shy girls enjoy the party
Vexy: all my girls show
them you're a lady tell
the world say that your
proud to be a lady
Clumsy slipped and accidentally did amazing dance moves
Vexy: I know I laugh too
loud and I might cry too
She looked at Grouchy who was sitting on his bench annoyed
Vexy: to all those judgy
Vexy held Grouchy's hand and danced with him
Vexy: I got a whole lotta
Grouchy rolled his eyes but actually willingly danced
Vexy: cause I don't look
like them
Smurfette: but we ain't
worried about it
Vexy: we don't move like
Smurfette: but we ain't
worried about it
Vexy: I know I'm a gem
Both: we aren't worried
about it I ain't worried
about it because I'm a
Smurfette held Hefty's hand and he twirled her
Vexy: cause I'm a lady
yeah I'mma I'm a lady!
Smurfette, Vexy and a few other girls stood on a small stage
Smurfette: so all my girls
show them you're a lady
tell the world say you're
proud to be a lady
Vexy: all my girls show
them you're a lady tell
the world say that your
proud to be a lady!
All the Smurfs got together for a picture
Snappy: Say blue cheese!
All: Blue cheese!!
Snappy took the picture
Smurfette glided down to the grouch using a leaf as a parachute
Demi Lovato as Smurfette
Vexy laughed as a present exploded in Gullible's face
Alice Lee as Vexy
Gargamel ran away from piranhas
Rainn Wilson as Gargamel
Hefty lifted Bucky with one arm
Joe Manganiello as Hefty
Clumsy floated in the water upside down
Jack McBrayer
Brainy two different chemicals in the same glass cup
Danny Pudi as Brainy
Storm yelled during her therapy session
Michelle Rodriguez as Storm
Blossom went smurfboarding down a hill
Ellie Kemper as Blossom
Lily swung from a vine
Ariel Winter as Lily
Grouchy reluctantly held Vexy's hand while blushing
Jake Johnson as Grouchy
Melody bounced on mushrooms
Megan Trainor as Melody
Papa brushed his beard
Mandy Patinkin as Papa
Willow pushed a wagon while Papa was in it
Julia Roberts as Willow
Hackus gave Brainy a skull crushing hug
And J.B. Smoove as Hackus
The screen faded to black but Grouchy just moved it aside
Grouchy: Wait hold on a minute! It can't just end with me only getting two senses at most!
Vexy walked up to him
Grouchy: you would think our relationship would be the main focus but it was mostly Smurfette and Hefty! Or 'Heftette' as Blossom keeps calling them! I hate nicknames!
Vexy: Huh good point. Since Christmas is coming up we could do a bonus Christmas special staring you that takes place before the events of this adventure
Grouchy: Hmm... I don't hate that idea
Vexy: Great so it's settled then! Here's what we're doing next!
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