Mary Jane Kelly
Her bright blue eyes stared up at me, unblinking. They sparkled in the dim candle light as happy and innocent as any could be. Her skin was as soft and as delicate as paper; but was so warm that I wanted to hug her and never let her go. Thick eyelashes brushed against her velvety cheeks as her eyes slowly opened and closed whilst they adjusted to the light. She lay peacefully in my arms as I sat in the armchair beside my step-mother's bed and I watched my new baby sister gurgle cheerfully in her bundle of blankets. Her cheeks were a rosy tint and her eyes were a dazzling blue much like my own had been when I was a child. The little hair in which she had on her head was fair like her mother's but her nose was much like my father's was; her obliviousness to the entire world made me envious of her innocence but I knew that one day she would lose that and follow her role models. Beside me Louise was dozing silently in her bed whilst I held her new born daughter and only did I let her go when the three men entered the room fresh from a night of sleep - only Hare looked as though he had been awake for hours in comparison to my William and my father whom had not long been awake.
As my father approached my side I carefully handed him his new daughter and announced that her name was Cassidy Elizabeth Gregory - in memory of my mother. He looked taken aback at the name but soon understood that his new wife had done what he had wanted but never dared to ask; Burke, Hare and I left my father and the baby alone with the sleeping Louise and went to ready ourselves for the day. Hare had walked on ahead of us and so William saw an opportunity to sneak a kiss before leaving me at my bedroom door; as I happily skipped through my door I found one of my pretty day time dresses ( a pale blue dress with a white trim and white sleeves) and called for one of the maids to come and fix my hair. When I was ready I took a moment to admire my new ring and wondered how long my William would have had to save to buy me such an exquisite beauty; when I was told by the maid that he was awaiting my presence along with Mr Hare for our day time walk I pushed these thoughts aside and hurried to join my two companions.
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