Chapter 81:A New End
Nightmare's POV
"So what did you want to see me about?"I ask Cross and take a sip from my cup
"I think I have fallen in love with your brother."
"Talk about blunt, dude. And I thought this was going to be a casual conversation. Are you sure it isn't just his aura?"I ask
"I already tested that by distancing myself from him. It isn't."He says
"So that's what he was talking about being avoided.....You better make up for that."I say
He nods.
"And you told me this because....?"I say
"I've seen how protective you've gotten with him so I wanted to tell you that before you kill me when I try to ask him out or something."He says
"Pfft, go right ahead Cross. I know EXACTLY how my brother feels about you."I say with a chuckle
"Cool thanks!"He says, running off
I just chuckle to myself watching him run off. Then he stops and comes back.
"Uh...Do you know wh-"He begins
"Library."I say
He nods and runs off.
I knew I had to see this happen. I went to see this go down and see Dream sitting on a step of a staircase leading to the library. He seemed to be getting ready to leave, shutting a book and putting it on a stack of other books and starting to get up. That's when Cross came over and held his hands gently. I saw my brother's face light up.
"Oh! Hello, Cross! How are you?"Dream says with a grin
Cross does not answer. He only gazes at my brother with a big grin.
Dream's grin fades, looking concerned.
"Um, you ok, Cross? Is there something I can help you with?"He asks
That snapped Cross out of the trance and his face turns a bright red in embarrassment.
"Umm, I was w-w-wondering if you'd w-w-want to g-go on a date with me, D-Dream."He stutters
Dream chuckles, setting the books aside. Then he pulls Cross by the collar of his shirt, kissing him.
"Of course ya dork!"He says happily
I take my library book out and walk to the staircase casually. Cross' face was a blushing mess.
"You didn't tell me about this!"He says as I pass by
"I dunno what you're talking about."I say with a smirk
I return the book, then take Dream's books to take them home. Dream thanks me and takes Cross away to date. I grin happily and head home. I find Ghastly peeking through a portal.
"What are you looking at?"I ask
"There is a world being built here by itself! It's cool! And there's stuff labeled for everyone!"He says
Right as he says that, we got sucked in. We land on a bed with Killer and Magnus with us. We hear other voices yell and I look out a window to see everyone falling in through portals into houses for them. Then something pops up in front of me.
"Welcome to a new home especially made for you all! After everything you all have been put throught, it only seems fair that you get your own safe space to live happily ever after! I'm sorry for everything I've done. E!Gaster and the fandom have proven me wrong and shown me the error of my ways and had me make this. You can still reach other AUs but nothing can harm you all here. Please enjoy yourselves!-Ink!Gaster"
I learned that everyone else got similar messages. After checking around we found that the place was pretty nice and secure. We actually liked it and it would work better, especially with the children. Now they could live normal lives without being put at risk. Yes, this could work.
Years Later...........
"Mama! We're heading out for a sleepover with Jasper, Pente, and Lueur!"Magnus says
"Alright sweetie, have fun!"I tell them as he and Ghastly run out the door and abandon their backpacks for school
Three years ago Jasper and his family or some friends came here after their AU was destroyed. Ink!Gaster gave them a place here. They moved in and settled down after a while. Lueur is Jasper's newest little sibling after Encre and Fallacy tied the knot. They can be found at home looking after their kids with Suave on a porch swing reading. Fallacy's sister and their friends are littered across the town that we have become, enjoying themselves.
Killsy approaches me with a grin as I try to sort the backpacks away. He kisses me tenderly with a gentle grip on my hand. Our rings clinked together. That's right. We've been married for 7 years now and very happily too.
"Where is Radier?"He asks
Radier, the eldest child, did not go with them.
"He's hanging out at a park with Shino and her brothers."I say
"The kids are gone, nobody's coming over, we have the house to ourselves with nothing stopping us or chores to do. You know what this means.~"He says smoothly
"I think I do.~"I say
"OH COME ON!"Killer whines
"I'll get the door."I say while he screams into a couch pillow
I open the door to see Blue standing there.
"Hey, Blue."I say while Killer's muffled screams could be heard
"Am I....Interrupting something?"He asks
I shake my head.
"Nope, what's up?"I ask
"Dust and Horror have gone missing again..."He says
"Where are the kids?"I ask
"Sprinkle, Bluescreen, Fury, and Blueprint are with Papy doing homework. Lust is still at work so he doesn't even know. Desire is hanging out with Palette at your brother's house. But I can't find them and they won't answer their phones."He says, clearly worried about his husband and friend
Yep, Blue and Dust have been happily married for 4 years while Lust and Horror are testing the waters by moving in together with Desire for a year before they get married. Blue's brother is their neighbor, usually babysitting for the kids or trying to make someone laugh, seeming much more cheerful these days. Like, genuine joy. Most of the kids have reached teen or tween years. Like Shino is 12 now and Palette is old enough to drive, recently getting an actual liscense. Magnus and Pente are 5 and 7 unlike the rest of them. They all usually play together. Both Dust and Horror have gone missing quite often these days and winding up in the wierdest of places, mumbling to themselves in a trance-like state. We think they have been getting flashbacks to their pasts or bad memories, but can't help them since they won't open up about it.
I sigh.
"Get Lucifer. Maybe he can pick up their scents."I tell him
He whistles and the Gaster Blaster, Lucifer, soars over. He gives it the order and it soears away to search. A blast soon shot into the sky, signaling that it found something. Blue and I head over to see them both crouching under a tree, muttering to themselves again. I shake my head.
"We really need to upgrade those locks."I say
I am tired of dealing with this so I put a hand on their heads and look into their minds by force to see what is causing this. I see that their minds are looking at their pasts, all the violence and lack of control they had. I could decipher their fears, learning that they are afraid of that happening again and hurting the ones they love in the process. I pluck these thoughts or fears out of their minds as if it never existed and exited their minds. The thoughts or fears were now orbs in my hands. I curshed them so they never return again. The two snap out of their trance and look at Blue and I.
"What happened?"They ask
"You sleepwalked or something."I say
They look at each other and shrug it off. Dust gets up and kisses Blue, heading home with Lucifer following. Horror gets up and goes to supervise his son at the park. I walk home along a long trail. I see Gradient up ahead walking with his uncle, E!Pap, happily with a bag bursting with photos and papers on his back.
Gradient has lived with Error and Ink, adopted from his horrible original timeline and taken in to their home. Error proudly takes care of him and has a strong bond with him. He loves that boy more than he loves chocolate or UnderNovela, which is telling. He and Ink have been married the longest, 16 years. Paperjam does not live with them. He wanders the multiverse but visits every now and then. E!Gaster and E!Pap live in another house near Error's home with I!Pap just as close. Gradient often sneaks off with friends, on a date with Bluescreen, or to hang out with his uncles, painting with his uncle I!Pap or making scrapbooks and such with E!Pap. Or E!Gaster pulls him away to teach him about the origins of the multiverse and such. Ink!Gaster has not shown his face here.
"Another scrapbook making, I assume?"I call out to them
They look over their shoulders at me and nod with bright smiles. They turn off the trail to a picnic table, getting to work and chatting happily. I keep walking, knowing Killer is probably waiting on me. But there is no point of teleporting there when things are so peaceful here. When I got back on the streets from the trail, I saw Palette drive by with Desire and Faith in the passenger seats behind him.
"Going to join Gothy, huh?"I say, knowing the route to the park
Palette stops at the corner and waves to me with a nod.
"I'll see you later for dinner, Unclemare!"He says happily
I nod and he drives off.
"Gothy" aka Goth, has dated Palette in the peaceful setting of this world for a year or two now. It's adorable how flustered or shy he gets with Palette and Palette makes sure he knows that he is precious and loved. Palette loves to show me souvenirs from dates like pictures or gifts he plans to give Goth. Or he'd look to me for advice since Dream isn't the best at giving him advice. He along with Faith live with Dream and Cross who have been dating for a few years while X!Chara lives nearby, enjoying his freedom. Goth and his siblings live with their parents, Geno and Reaper, who have been married for 10 years now. Their immortal relatives have visited every now and then, even Life, but she hardly stays long.
I peek in a window, seeing my brother happily snuggling his boyfriend as they enjoy the peaceful quiet in the house now.
I keep walking. Fresh skates past me on his skateboard with a boquet of roses. I smirk, knowing that it's his and Deccy's first anniversary.
I continue down the street, passing Classic and Fell as they joke while walking. They live down the street from me with their brothers living nearby. I see a bunch of Blue's kids heading towards the park. Then I see Raven hopping up and down, waving excitedly to them. He happily hugs his boyfriend Blueprint and then leads them to the park. As I turned the corner I see Science and Outer watching the sunset together, hand in hand. I dunno how long they've been dating, but they have been and even live together. Then Cipher passes me with his fiance 404, happily chatting as they walk.
I finally arrive home. I walk up the front steps, looking at the mail box decorated with my family's colorful handprints, chalk drawings like hop-scotch and toys literring the path and front yard. Killsy comes outside and greets me with a kiss. We glance out at the wonderful world full of friends and family enjoying themselves without a worry in the slightest.
"It's wonderful, isn't it?"Killsy asks
"It really is, Killsy. It really is."I say softly before heading inside
NOT TBC! This is the end! I hope you all enjoyed these stories and thank you for reading or supporting them! It means a lot!
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