Chapter 80:Fresh Locations
Fresh's POV
I wander around carefully. I kept thinking about what to do or who to locate. I kept teleporting around to get an idea of what this world is. It was a strange place, that's for sure. Thoughts came and went through my head, wondering how everyone else is or where they could be. One thought kept coming to mind though.
Find Deccy Dec. Find Deccy. Find him. Stick with Deccy until this is solved.
And before I could even investigate or question these thoughts, I heard a voice. A familiar voice.
"What the heck even am I? What is this place?"The voice wonders
Deccy Dec!
"Deccy Dec!"I shout but instead it sounded like a weird screech
"Gah! What the heck was that?"I hear him say, unable to recognize what I said
Right, I can't speak.....
I walk towards the sound of his voice once it sounded like he settled down. I peek around a tree and see a figure looking like this.
I certainly didn't recognize him but then again, I don't recognize what this world turned me into either. And Deccy's voice is coming from him so it must be him. Plus I recognize his eyes. I come out from behind the trees, slowly approaching him. He looks at me and I wave. He nervously waves back.
"Hello...."He says, seeming uneased
I show the sign I made, showing the letters YOLO.
"Fresh?"He says
I nod.
"Are you okay?"He asks
I nod. Then write on the sign:ARE YOU?
He nods.
"Why aren't you talking?"I ask
"Hello Deccy."I say, but it came out as a screeching sound
"Oh..That's why."He says
He grins, taking my hand.
"Let's go find the others, shall we?"He suggests
I nod.
We walk along together happily, or he seems to be happier now. I always like seeing his smile. I don't know why or really understand, but something about his grin, all of him really, is very special to me.
"Where should we head?"He asks
I shrug.
I look up, seeing clouds forming. I glance around, hearing noises. He releases my hand. I walk around, spotting other tall, skinny black figures with purple eyes like what I was turned into. Or endermen as I've heard that they are called. I walk over, curious to see what they naturally do. They wander around, picking up blocks and screeching to each other in different tones or pitches. One looks at me and hands me a poppy flower. I look at it in my hand now, then at the enderman. I smile a bit at them and give them a flower instead. I hand it a tulip I had collected during the stroll, curious about how pixelated it looked. The enderman looked happy and screeched. I smile, then it walks away. The ground rumbles and the sky darkened. I watch the endermen run away or teleport away but didn't understand why.
"Fresh!"I hear Deccy yell
"Yeah?"I say, turning
He tackles me down in a hug but instead of feeling dirt, I felt something else beneath me. I glance around to see a big purple box of some kind surrounding us. I recognize it from Gradient talking about Minecraft....Deccy looks around, seeming shocked yet relieved.
"You're a shulker...."I mutter
He looks at me.
"We're in a shulker box."I mumble
"I don't have a clue what you are saying, Fresh. This whole thing is weird but going better than I thought. A storm started up, including rain, thunder, lightning and floods! That hurts endermen! Water or rain hurts them so a flood surely would've killed you! And I'm not going to let that happen!"He says, hugging me tightly
I look at him and hug him back, feeling this weird thing when he said that. Everything seemed to brighten up when he says that. Ink told me it was happiness. Is this joy? Eh, I'll call it brightness. It's nice and warm.
Eventually, the box opens back up. We wander around a bit, curious of where we ended up. Soon, I heard a conversation up ahead.
"Thank goodness it's night or you would've burned, Raven."One says
"Aw! You care!~"The second says
"Of course I do! You're my boyfriend! Now, we gotta figure out where to go and before sunrise so you don't burn."The first says
"It feels weird to have flesh, even if it's rotten...."The second says
We approach to see a bunny and a zombie together, the bunny looking much more concerned and focused than the zombie.
"Hey you both! Who are you both?"Deccy asks
The two jump seeing us.
"Relax, we won't hurt either of you, yo. I'm Deccy and this is Fresh."He say
"Oh...Raven and this is Printy."The zombie says, gesturing to the bunny
I wave.
"Alright, where should we head?"Blueprint asks
"Let's head this way."Deccy says
We grin, following Deccy where he pointed.
Soon we heard noises after walking for what seemed like hours. We glance over to see a pig meeting a bunny in a box.
"Hello, Dusty.~"The bunny coos, leaning toward the other
"Hey, Blue."The pig says
We step closer and they notice quickly. The pig turns to a boar-looking animal. It charges at us but the bunny blocks him.
"Dusty, calm down. They haven't bothered us. Don't attack them like that!"The bunny says
The boar listens. Or....Dusty.
"Who are you bunch? I'm Blue and this is Dust."The bunny says
"I'm Deccy, this is Fresh, Raven and Blueprint."Deccy explains
We all chat a bit. Er, they chat while I listened, none of them able to understand my speech either. Night falls and the ground starts rumbling again. An obsidian frame with a purple glow sprouts from the ground quickly. A piglin walks through the strange thing and looks around. It looks up and so do I. There was something flying in the sky, swooping down occassionally. And when it got close to the piglin, the piglin climbed the obsidian structure and leapt off of it to grab the flying creature. After snatching the being from the sky, it held the creature close. I notice it didn't have a mouth. The piglin speaks an unknown language but was clearly loving to the flying creature. And the flying creature seemed to like what he was saying.
The flying, skeletal figure hugged the piglin, nuzzling the piglin.
"Great, a figure that can't speak with a figure that can't speak like me....How do we learn who they are?"I mumble
The two look at me and come over quickly. The piglin tries to speak to me and I speak in my weird language to it. It takes out a book that says:Enderman to Piglin Translator. It looks at me and nudged the phantom, gesturing to me and then a page in the book. The phantom looks like they are full of joy. The piglin show me the book, flipping between the pages to communicate.
They can understand or translate! I grin.
"These are Deccy Dec, Blueprint, Blue, Dust and Raven."I say, gesturing to each of them
"What are those two doing?"Dust asks
"He actually understood that?"Raven says in surprise
I look at them and nod while Cipher translates it in his book. He looks at us and grins, holding 404's winged hand. He shows me a message: Follow me.
I look at him curiously as he tucks the book away. He takes my hand and tugs me along. I look to Deccy as he snatches my other hand. I look to the othe four and nod my head for them to follow. We go right back through the strange structure of obsidian and come out the other end to a place that looked like hell. Lava oceans or pis everywhere, red color scheme, just an unwelcoming sight.
Cipher stomps a foot and the structure disappears. We walk a short distance and he stomps twice. A new structure formed just like the last. He forces us through and we look around at our new surroundings. I could tell we were in a different biome entirely.
We wander around curiously and soon hear a loud roar.
I quickly run to search for answers or to see what it was. If it's a threat, I want to know what.
I see a ravager chasing mobs and players away from something before returning and shrinking to meet a wolf.
The beast gives the wolf a kiss and a hug.
"Are you hurt? I could carry you...."The ravager says
"H-Huh? W-W-Who are you?"The wolf asks
"Lust, it's me. It's Horror Bear."the ravager says
"How'd you know it was me?"Lust asks
"Your scent."Horor replies
I step on a twig and it snaps.
The two glance over, spotting me.
"Ummm, hello?"Lust says
I wave.
Cipher and Deccy catch up and start translaing things as everyone regroups. Next thing I know, we're riding on Horror's back while 404 flew ahead to lead us to the others. We met up with a bigger group and they look at us.
"Hi, Lust!"A glowing fox says
"Ghastly?"He asks
"Hello!"The fox says
We introduce ourselves to each other and Deccy translates for Cipher and I, who also helped 404 communicate to them. We see a mountain on the other side of a river. We see our friends as mobs or themselves coming over once spotting us. We are now reunited and as soon as we realized this, Error created a portal to get us out and then we were back in OuterTale, changed back like nothing ever happened.
"Well, that was interesting.....What now?"Dust asks
"I think we should all just go home. Surely the newlyweds want some alone time after all that."I say
They all agree and we split. I went to a home since my AU got destroyed by Trigon but as I was going through the portal, someone grabbed my arm. I look to see Deccy.
"Can I join you?"He asks
I nod and we go through together. Then something sparked and I remembered everything before the reset. I grin. Now I'm home with my beloved Deccy Dec and hopefully soon he will remember or realize how mutual our feelings can be again.
"Something on your mind Fresh?"He asks
"Just remembered stuff from before the reset."I say
"Oh really? Cool, I have as well."He says
I look at him and grin.
"Well, Deccy Dec. Do you recall our dillio?"I say
"Mhm...."He says, looking hopeful
"I love you, Deccy Dec."I say
His face burns.
"I love you too."He says
I hug him close and smile.
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