Chapter 8:Abilities Unlocked!
Nighty&Killer's POV, (you'll c what I mean)
I found a way to keep my word to Dream. I just keep thinking about Kills. I have excitement in me at the mention of him and whenever I think of him, my worries go away. Sure, my face is a blushing mess but I don't care. My thoughts take me away to a daydream, a safe haven.
We land outside this old warehouse in an uncomplete world. I leave the tiny trio on Blasty. I hop off and quickly had to chase after Ghastly who had Dream on his shoulder, ignoring everything and recklessly running ahead. Gotta keep that kid out of trouble. Cross follows as well. Once we regroup, Cross breaks open a door with his knife. We walk around, trying to find Nighty. Get mad at me all you want, or don't, but as we walked, I drifted into autopilot. I start to think about Nighty. He remembers me after all! I think about him with great joy now.
His smile.
His laugh.
His nickname for me.
His face after having chocolate.
Fighting by his side.
Hanging with him.
His Tsundere behavior when flustered. Or, his stubbornness.
His understanding and comfort.
His protective hostile side.
His care for the kids and others.
His selflessness, though now I'd rather him not be so selfless.
Our kisses or loving moments.💘
The future possibilities.
....Other stuff.
Unfortunately, reality comes along and always has to snap you out of the good stuff.
"Focus, Killer! Quit daydreaming about my brother! You can deal with that later when we get him!"Dream yells while Cross chuckles and I feel my face burn
"Fine."I say, walking alongside Cross
"Quit smiling."Cipher tells me
"I'll smile if I want to smile and you can't stop me."I say
"Ugh, you were so worthless."He says
"Please, tell me something I don't already know or could see by looking at you. Sorry to interrupt your chat with yourself."I say
"Why you little-!"Cipher snaps, raising a fist
"Cipher, he's taunting you. Hit that case and you free him or kill him. We don't want that. Now go and look around. His brother should not be so far, I can imagine the idiot following after his brother."Renew says
"Fine."Cipher says, leaving
I frown.
"Now, where did I put the special ingredient?"Renew wonders
"Probably where you should be. In the dumpster."I say
"I wasn't asking you."She says
"Then don't speak out loud."I say
She narrows her eyes at me but I don't care.
"Nobody is coming for you. Nobody can save you."She says
Cipher comes around a corner and is shocked to find us.
I roll my eye-lights.
Outnumbered, he tries to run.
"Even if there were, nobody is strong enough to take Cipher down. Nobody weak like Dream. He'll be squished in seconds, just like your friends and family."She says
Ghastly summons a tentacle and grabs him. He smashes Cipher into the wall, where Cipher quickly found Cross and I holding knives to his neck.
"Don't get cocky."I say
Cipher got cocky. Cross whacked him on the head.
"True, he could be defeated. But he'd never sell our plan out."She claims
Cipher, after some "persuasion", told us the entire plan.
"Or our location."She says
"Where are they?"I snap
"Here we are!"She cheers, entering some vial into a machine
It begins to work and chug like a train. A strange liquid starts to fill my case. I glare Renew down.
"Say goodbye, Nightsun or whatever you call yourself now. In about 10 minutes you'll be gone. Please, tell me, have you ever fought your inner demons or fears before?"She asks
"No, but I sure hope they aren't as much as a stupid bitch as you are."I say
"Oh, that is so nice. How about we cut it down to 5 minutes?"She says, pressing a button
More liquid fills the container.
"Last room on the right on the top floor!"Cipher says after 8 slash marks, 4 from both Cross and I
"I saw a sign saying this warehouse had 6 floors!"Ghastly says
"Shi-!"Cross begins but I cover his mouth
He gives me a dirty look.
"Kid here. Dream's nephew here. Language. Unless you want your boyfriend angry with you instead!"I mutter
He looks at Dream, then nods.
"Shiver! It's cold in here!"He censors
Dream and Ghastly nod.
"2/5 save bud."I tell him
Then, we split up and search, leaving Cipher unconscious.
"Oh, joy! You're running out of time!"Renew says
I could no longer move. I cannot speak or anything. I just stare at her with anger boiling in me. But also fear.
The liquid reaches past my head. I could not hold my breath and soon swallowed a mouthful of the liquid. I cough and choke on it. It is absolutely disgusting and toxic. Like that stupid apple. I try to remind myself of the good and go to my safe haven, happy place, but that proved no longer possible.
I broke my word. I lost my positive view.
"We're losing him! His positivity is fading!"Dream shouts from downstairs
I have found nothing so far. I go up to the next floor. I hear something running.
I see all my fears. But it was nothing new. Just my fears of those I care about getting hurt, lost, attacked, dying, killed, and I'm not there to help. Or even, I'm the reason why they are like that.
"Face it, you're just a danger to them. Just die."I hear Renew say
No, I'm not!
I feel a power grow in me and I begin to change, I have no clue what's happening. But then, I open my eyes and could move. I punch through the case and jump out, feeling myself grow. Renew releases a scream of fright. I smile. I pant and choke out the liquid, but smile to know that she knows she is in trouble now and isn't the one in trouble.
I hear a scream. I didn't know whose scream, but someone's. I run to it until it suddenly got cut off.
I wrap a tentacle around Renew's neck, stopping her scream and to keep her from alerting Cipher or other helpers of my escape. Finally, I can end this. Kill her. End the fear. The endangerment of the multiverse and everyone I care about. One less trouble on the list. It could be over. But then I hear footsteps coming running closer. I panic and drop Renew, missing a perfect oppurtunity. I run out of there and leap down, my tentacles easing my landing. I look around, seeing nobody. My soul pounds, feeling like I'm on adrenaline. My head aches.
What the fuck did that liquid do to me?
I walk into a room and find Renew gasping for air. I grab her and slam her against the wall, using magic to have all my knives point at her.
"Where is my Nighty?!"I snap
"F-Fuck him."She says
I drop her and let my knives slash her twice. My 6 knives. I quickly search the room for clues. I find nothing. He's out of this room, meaning he's not on this floor. I walk out to a railing and stop there. I look over it and see the lower warehouse floors. Did he go down? What floor could he be on?
"Guys! I think he's on the move. Don't come to the 6th floor! He isn't here!"I yell
I hear someone yell this and look up, but don't peek out of the shadows I found. I see a skeleton on the 6th floor at the railing I leapt from. It was mostly a silhouette. I blink and see everything different. I do not see everything, but dangers and threats. I cannot recognize anyone. I see the guy on the 6th floor had SIX KNIVES! Dear Asgoro, don't run into him! I see someone on the 4th floor popping in and out of the shadows, a knife like Cross' gleaming in the sunlight from the glass ceiling.
What's with all the knives? Better get out of here FAST!
I gaze around for an exit.
I spot one and run to it. But then a knife whizzes in front of my face and pins me to the wall by the shoulder.
"Who's down there?"A voice snaps
I do not answer.
There are times to fight and times to run. Now is a time to run.
I melt and reform free of the knife. I continue to run.
Am I free now? Please let me be free.
Did they make a fucking amalgamate?
Another knife is thrown. Then a third, pinning my arm and tentacle.
"Oww!"I exclaim, crying in pain
"Brother?"A voice shouts
I look around, recognizing the voice.
"Dream?"I call
SHIT! Did I just hurt Nighty? That's Nighty?!
Guilt overcomes me with regret like a nasty disease.
I pull the knives out of me.
"Stop!"A voice shouts
I see the guy from the 6th floor drop down and stand a few feet from me. I see his 3 remaining knives, each dripping with blood. I look and see the 3 knives that pinned me were exactly the same. I look at them, but everything was blacked out besides the knives. Get out of there. You're weak. You won't have this form forever, then they'll cut you down and squish you to nothing. They're dangerous, a threat. LEAVE!
I tense, shaking. And not from the cold.
I can see it in his eyes, it's Nighty. He's scared, terrified even. His gaze keeps going to my knives. He shakes terribly. Then he turns and starts to run. I drop my knives, letting them clatter to the ground. I follow him, getting close enough to grab his hand.
"Wait!"I shout
Now, you're dead.
They got you.
They are gonna kill you.
You can't run.
So fight!
I whack the hand away from me.
"Don't touch me!"I snap
"Nightmare, Allsun! It's me! Please, listen! I'm here!"The guy says, coming close
"Stay away from me!"I growl, shoving him away with my tentacles
He skids back a good distance. I look up and see the others running down.
Okay, now run!
I turn to run, gripping the door handle.
Then, I feel something stab me through the chest.
I warned you.
It doesn't hurt though. I look and see a tentacle with the point of a knife piercing me. I look up and see all the fun, good, happy memories I have hover above me like tiny screens or movies.
Did I die again? Ink!Pap? What's going on?
"Brother!"Dream shouts
Nope, I'm alive.
But then they fade and the knife-like tentacle removes itself from me. I hold the wound, my form healing at the touch. I look around and see Dream on the third floor. I see a way to parkour up there. I bend my knees, about to jump up and preparing a tentacle to swing. But then I hear running footsteps and do not think. My tentacle fires. But I feel something grab it.
"Papa! Stop!"A voice yells
"Nighty!"Another shouts
I turn and look.
My soul sinks.
Tears fill my eyes.
I get full of fear....of myself. One of my fears nearly became real.
Right before my eyes is Killer, standing with one of my tentacles inches from him, ready to kill. It was gonna kill him. But the only thing that is holding my tentacle back is a smaller, magentaish tentacle that was not mine. It turns to a royal purple the longer it stays, but it was struggling.
"K-Kills?"I cry out
"H-Hey, Nighty."He says
I lower the tentacle.
I....nearly killed him! I...I just became like Tim....Darkness, killing..idiot.
Nighty drops down to his knees, crying. I look up and see Cross having his knife ready. Dream is watching us. Ghastly is watching too, in a new form and his tentacle being the one that stopped Nighty's tentacle. I look at Nighty. I know what may be coming through his head.
"N-Nighty? Can I come close without you killing me?"I ask
He sniffles, listening, then cries more.
Cross slow claps me.
Ghastly slaps me with his tentacle.
"Nice going! Perfect wording! Now you made Papa even more upset!"He snaps at me
I sigh, knowing full well that he's right.
"Maybe try comforting him without reminding him what he nearly did?"Dream suggests with sarcasm
I nod. I slowly approach him.
I try to breathe and then see a shadow lingering over me. I look up and jump when I find Killer towering over me.
He's mad. He hates you. You nearly killed him. How could he love you? How could he forgive, accept you? He's realizing just how worthless you are.
He extends a hand to me.
"Get up."He says
I nod, taking his hand. He pulls me to my feet.
"Hey, Nighty."He says, wrapping his arms around me
I nervously squirm.
"K-Kills, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! I would never! I-I could not see clearly! I got scared! I-I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Killer!"I cry, bowing my head
"Nighty, it's ok."He says
"No, it isn't! I nearly killed you! I wanted to kill you! I intended to kill you! That is not okay! That is anything but ok!"I snap
"You were just protecting yourself. You didn't know. Besides, I forgive you."I tell him
"How can you forgive me? I'm supposed to love and protect you, not kill you out of blind hatred or fear! That's unforgivable! Killer, I-I!"I sob
"Because you're also supposed to protect yourself. And you did that. Nighty, look at me."He says, lifting my chin
"D-Don't you hate me?"I ask
"That isn't love now is it, Nighty?"He replies
"N-No..."I whimper
"Then calm down. I don't hate you. Dry those tears."He says, wiping my tears
"Ahem, Killer. Your turn to apologize."Cross' voice says
I look and see him watching from an upper floor.
"He knows what he did."He tells me
"What's he talking about, Kills?"I ask
"Hehe, I'm not so innocent either. I am sorry for throwing 3 of my knives at you. I didn't recognize you."He says
That was him....Well, if he can forgive me, I can forgive him.
"It's okay, Kills."I say
He smiles.
"Now, have I ever told you how good you look in purple, Nighty?"He asks
I feel my face burn.
"Guess not. Well, come here, Nighty.~"He says, wrapping my arms around him
I look at him and realize what he's trying to do. My face burns even more.
His blushing face is adorable. He may have figured out what I'm gonna do. But it's fun to mess with him.
"What's wrong, Nighty?"He asks
"A-aren't you gonna k-k-kiss me?"I ask nervously
"If you insist.~"He says, leaning in
"K-K-Kil-Mmph!"I stutter, but he kisses me anyway
Welp, I walked right into that, set him up......Ah, screw it. I do not care. This is nice.
I shut my eyes and enjoy it.
Heh, he gave in. He likes it.~^w^
He caresses my head gently, holding me close. I had to go on my tippy toes when he lifts me a bit. I hear a click of a phone, though don't know or care what it was.
I'm betting a chocolate bar Cross just took a picture of us with the ringer of his phone on by that click I just heard. But now, step two.
I feel my feet leave the ground. Kills ends the kiss and smiles at me. I realize he picked me up and is carrying me.
"K-Kills?"I say
"Yes? Looking for another, Nighty?"He asks with a wink
"N-No! Not yet....Why are you carrying me? I can walk."I reply
"Cause I wanna. You were just put through a lot. Also, Dream approved of my multi-step plan in a way."He says
"What?!"I say, feeling my face burn up
What did Dream approve of? How many steps are in this plan and what are they?! What's going through Kills' head?
I feel a kiss on my head.
"Aww, you're so cute when you blush like this, Nighty."He says
"Shut up!"I snap
And there's the Tsundere side. 0w0
"Papa! Papa! You're okay! I'm so glad!"Ghastly cheers
"Yaa....You're grounded again."I say
"Ya, Uncle Dream told me."He says
"Good."I say
"But look! I got my form Papa! Like yours, Papa!"He says
I hear someone hop down behind me. Or, behind us. Killer turns and I see Ghastly in a new form. He looks so happy and proud of himself.
"Oh wow! Great job!"I say
He smiles and hugs me.
"Where's your Uncle?"I ask
"Um, I dunno."He says
"What's that lump on your shoulder?"Kills asks
He looks at his shoulder. He shrugs and flicks some goop off to reveal Dream underneath.
"Whoops! Sorry, Uncle Dream."He says
"It's okay. Brother! It's good to see you're ok!"Dream says
"Hehe, yeah...What did you approve of exactly? Killer says you approved some plan of his with me."I say
"I never approved of anything."Dream says
"Actually, ya did. You said, I quote, You can deal with that later when we get him! End quote. That sounds like some approval if you ask me. And I wasn't just daydreaming, I was planning."Killer says
"Oh....welp, sorry brother! But I gotta admit, I do approve of you both!"He says
"Son."I say, feeling my face burn
"Yes?"Ghastly says
"You know what to do."I tell him
"Of course."He says
He picks Dream up and tosses him to the upper floors, landing in Cross' hands. Cross smiles and winks at Dream, which made Dream's face glow. One kiss on the head and Dream becomes a blushing mess.
"Hey, Cross! Wanna bet? Wage one chocolate bar for both of us!"I say
"Sure! What's the bet?"He asks
"If I am right on a question!"I say
"What question?"He asks
"Tell ya later!"I say
He nods.
"Now....Nighty, shall we go home?"I ask
"S-Sure!"He says
Ghastly chuckles.
He carries me through the warehouse. He refused to put me down. He keeps whispering sweet little things or compliments to me, winking. But he kept using his flirt ability on me, making my soul pound and face burn constantly. Then he gasps and gets this sly smirk.
"What is it, Kills?"I ask
"I see what's happening here.~"He says
"What?"I ask
"What? I was just entertaining Ghastly!"Killer says
"Singing it 5 times is annoying, not entertainment!"Cross says
"To me it was, especially when I'd see your grumpy cat face after each time."Ghastly says
"Thank you, Ghastly!"Killer says
"But seriously, what is it?"I ask
"Your starting to detransform. I'd recognize that sign of shrinking tentacles anywhere now.~"He says
Shoot! Wait, will I detransform and still be tiny or be my regular size? Hmmm, guess we're gonna find out! Hopefully his plan doesn't adapt!
"O-Okay! Please don't drop me when I do!"I tell him
"Course not. I got you. You're just gonna be this size or slightly smaller anyways."Kills says
"That's what you think!"Dream shouts
"SHUT UP DREAM!"I yell, feeling my face burn
"What's he talking about?"Kills asks
"Nothing."I say
"Such a cute Tsundere."He says
"Huh?" I ask
"Nothin."He says, looking away with his face a brighter red
"O-Okay.."I say
I feel myself change and shrink. I slip out of his hold and fall to the floor. I get up and Ghastly scoops me up. Kills just realized I'm not in his hold anymore and is looking around frantically. Ghastly taps him on the shoulder.
"You dropped my Papa."He says
I look up at Kills. He gazes at me with an amazed expression. Ghastly hands me over to him and I gaze at up Kills now from the palms of his hands. He smiles.
So cute and tiny. My tiny Nighty. I shall protect him! Does this make him cuter? Maybe, but he's always adorable to me! I just can't believe I am holding him! Hmm....
"Awwww! Nighty! You're so adorable! Can I keep you away in my pocket, wittle Nighty?"He asks
"K-Killer!"I stutter, getting flustered
"So that's a no?"He asks
"Sure is!"I say
"Awww, ok."He says, kissing me on the head
My face becomes a blushing mess. His plan has adapted.
A lack of energy overcomes me, like a large amount of my energy was sucked out of me. I feel extremely tired now. I don't know why.
"Nighty, you look tired. Maybe you should rest. I got you."He says, tilting his hand to get me to lay down
I grip his hand and feel his fingers wrap around me. I slowly doze off.
"So cute.He's so sweet when sleeping."I say
"Can we talk about that bet?"Cross asks with a sleeping Dream in his hood
"Sure, the question is if you took a pic of Nighty and I kissing before. Did you?"I reply
"How'd you know?"He asks
"I heard the click. And now you owe me a chocolate bar."I say
"Dang it."He says
We get outside and find Blasty with the trio still there. But get this, Fell sat with Raven and Classic asleep leaning on him while he hums a tune to a lullaby.
"Wow, Fell, I didn't know you were the lullaby kind of guy."Cross says
"Oh SHUT THE FU-"He begins to yell
I go beside Ghastly and start drowning Fell out by singing You're Welcome for the 6th time. Though only Ghastly heard. We hop on Blasty and head home.
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