Chapter 79:Minecraft Survival
Hours Later, Killer's POV
I smile. We had finally figured out who to look for next. We decided to try to look for Palette and Goth and from there we will look for Geno and Reaper.
We start marching through the night but quickly we got side-tracked when Shino overheard a conversation.
"Okay, let's go find the others. But I'm not gonna risk losing you so hold on."I hear Classic say
"With what?"I hear Fell ask
"Oh right, hehe, sorry."Classic says
I hear some quiet grumbles from Fell.
We look around and spot an enderman with blue eyes carrying a creeper, the creeper looking displeased while the enderman looked very happy. The enderman saw us coming and shifted the creeper away from us protectively.
"Who are you all?"He asks
We introduce ourselves. He sighs relieved.
"All clear Fell."He says, shifting the creeper again
"Good. Can you put me down, Classic?"Fell asks
Classic sighs, reluctantly putting him down. We continue to march through the night, now looking like a crowd of different mobs. I made sure to keep a lookout though. But then I saw in the distance someone peeking out from behind a tree. Color. What could he be doing now? I swear if he causes an attack or MORE TROUBLE, I will kill him. We make eye contact and he gestures for me to come to him. I look at Nighty in the bucket and he is looking back at me, squeaking softly while seeming adorably dazed. He realized that I'm looking at him and hides under the water again. I won't let Color hurt him again.
"Hey, Ghastly? Hold Nighty for a bit. I have to go take care of something. I'll catch up later."I say, handing the bucket to Ghastly
"Okay Dad."He says
I head over to Color, who didn't change to blend into Minecraft whatsoever.
"What are you doing now? Mad that you failed to kill my Nighty again, you jerk?"I snap at him
"You really love him, huh? You're mad at my work, huh?"He asks
"NO SHIT SHERLOCK! I told you multiple times when we were friends how I felt for him whenever you asked or asked about crushes! And you wonder why I am mad at you for trying to KILL HIM!"I growl
"I've been watching you both for a while-"He begins
"Creep. I swear if you try to kill or hurt any of us, especially Nighty and the kids, I will destroy you!"I snap
"Ahem, I can tell that he loves you. I see the gazes he gives you and its genuine. He definitely is not trying to use you."He says
"NO DUH! So how about you stop trying to KILL HIM!"I say, crossing my arms
"I'm sorry for what I did and everything I said. I won't try to do any of that. I'll cut off ties with Ink!Gaster. I just want to be your friend again. Just look, I'll fix things!"He says, snapping his fingers
I hear a scream. I look at him. He looked genuinely sorry but also surprised.
"That wasn't me I swear."He says
"It will take time to get past all you did and you definitely will not be on good terms with the rest of us, but your apologies is a start. But if this is your doing, it's a bad start."I say
"PLAYER! RUN!"I hear Shino shout
I run over with Color following to see them all fleeing and scattering. A warden runs into me and pauses. I look at him as he feels me down blindly. Then he scoops me up.
"There you are Killsy! Let's go! Some players came!"He says, running off
Color follows behind him while the kids are in front of us. I take the bucket off of his head, which must've gotten stuck when he changed.
"RED!"I hear Classic yell
I look behind us to see a player strike Fell with a diamond sword, knocking him down before stabbing him into the ground. That killed him of course, fading into dust and thin air. The players backed up, seeming to talk to each other while some gunpowder and dust laid where Fell was. I look to Classic and he was pissed. There was a loud screech from him that alerted the players and seemed to scare them terribly. Classic charged at them, teleporting randomly to avoid their attacks. The players wer confused on what "ticked off the enderman since nobody went near it or looked at it" or how a "creeper's death should mean nothing to it". Yep, they didn't have a clue who they pissed off. As more players came, the further behind Classic was. He killed multiple of them in his rage.
"You guys go! I'll find you guys!"He says
We all looked at each other and kept running, listening to Classic.
Daytime came and went as we traveled as far as we could from any place with players. We soon entered a snow biome. We hear the buzzing of a bee and giggles. Nighty sets me down but holds my hand in his, not wanting me to go too far. I glance around and see this:
"Gothy, it's going to be okay. We'll find everyone else. Stop worrying."The bee tells the stray
"Palette!"The stray exclaims as the bee axolotl mix kisses them again
The bee shoves the stray under a tree.
"I'll make sure to keep you safe, Gothy."Palette says
"Goth! Palette!"Shino exclaims, flying to them
"Sis?"Goth says
Shino hugs them.
"I'm so glad that you're okay!"She cheers
The sun slowly sets.
The couple looks at us in pure shock.
"Who are all these folks, Shino?"Palette asks
She introduces us to them one at a time, only just then realizing Color joined us. They all glared or snapped at him, getting hostile. Nightmare kicked him away from us. He tried to explain himself and how he is "turning over a new leaf" or whatever and eventually he got them to at least give him a chance. Night came and mobs started to spawn. A creeper comes over, looking lost.
"How the fuck am I back?"He says
"Fell?"Nightmare says
"Hi guys...How the hell am I in a snow biome now?"He asks
"It's a new night, you respawned here with other monsters."Radier says
"Where's Classic?"He asks, glancing around
"Probably still kicking players' butts right now."Ghastly chuckles
"What?"He says
"Fell, or should I say Red-"I begin
"NO! Only Classic can call me that."He snaps
"Okaay then. Well, Fell, when you got killed, Classic kind of, wait no he totally did....He snapped and lost his mind. He went full Megalovania on the players, just in the enderman version. He was killing and scaring them off, pissed that they killed you. I don't think he even knows that we can respawn as mobs here."I explain
His face turns a darker green. I bet he is blushing. I know he has had feelings for Classic for a while.
"O-Oh...."He says, seeming lost in his thoughts
We keep moving with him trailing beside us. I hear a teleportation sound. I look behind us to see an enderman arrived, its gaze locked onto Fell. It quickly came over.
"Hey guys, I'm back."He says, his voice recognized as Classic's
Fell froze hearing Classic, stopping in his tracks.
"Who is the creeper with you?"Classic whispers
"Fell, he respawned tonight."I reply
Classic turns to Fell who was now falling behind as he tried to catch up to us. Classic scoops him up, hugging him close.
"Don't scare me like that again!"He tells Fell
Fell's face burns a darker green.
"Classic, I-"He begins
"I never want to lose you, Red. I..."Classic confesses first, whispering to Fell before kissing him on the head
Fell snuggled into his hold.
"I love you too, Classy."I hear him admit
I smile and keep moving with everyone. Then we hear more voices in the dark night.
"Reaper cut it out that tickles!"One says
"Okay fine. I will change my tactics."The second says
"Wha-HEY!"The first snaps
"What? I stopped doing that. You said nothing about this, Geno.~"The second coos
"Reaper, we gotta focus."The first says
"Fine fine. I'll go on your head."The second says
We come around a corner and see a stray with another vex. Both of them seem happy.
"Oh look! Another vex and stray! Look at all those mobs coming over!"The vex says
"Sup Reaper!"I say, recognizing his voice
"Wait, Killer? Who are all these folks?"Geno asks
I grin, introducing each of us and letting Color explain himself again.
"Ah, well we don't have to worry about E!Gaster. I can tell you that. X!Chara took him out to have a talk with Ink!Gaster. Gaster to Gaster, ya know? Plus he used to have similar views so if anyone can talk some sense into that guy, it's him."Geno says
"That's true."Nighty says
"Where are you guys heading?"Reaper asks
"Wherever we can go to find the others."Radier says
The two nod, joining the slowly growing crowd of friends and family.
"Hey, what do you think those newlyweds are up to?"Reaper asks to start a conversation
"Pfft, who knows. I've heard of honeymoons but this is certainly not one they'd have in mind."Fell says
I chuckle, finding that he is right.
Meaanwhile, Ink's POV
I swim through the waters, lost and confused. I couldn't find anyone anywhere. I bump into another fish and they look at me.
"Are you Ink?"It asks
"Yes, why?"I reply
"I'm PaperJam. do you remember our past?"He asks
"No....I dunno you...."I say
He takes me to the surface. He goes onto land and turns to a black skeleton. He looks a lot like Jasper, just slight changes and he is taller.
"Head north until you see a mountain. There's a waterfall that you can climb up to a little cabin where you'll be safe. The folks there are nice, including a dolphin named Bluescreen. I know my bro Gradient remembers me and we....didn't get along that well. I'm not ready to start over with him. So if anyone asks, you never saw me."He says, then runs away
I watch him, a little confused. But I decide to do as he says. I know Bluescreen after all. Being with someone I know will be a good start and a safe place will be even better. So, I swim north until a huge mountain came into view. I went down a nearby river that twisted and turned. I hear the buzzing of a bee. I glance over to see a turtle getting pulled out of a net and trash by a cat with glasses.
"I got you Outer. Nothing will hurt you."Science says
"Sci?"Outer says in alarm
"I'm a fan of experiments but this is just unprofessional and wrong."Sci says
"Sci!"Outer exclaims
"Yes, that's my na-"Sci begins
He got a nice kiss on the cheek and he seemed to freeze or shut down. Then once he processed it, his face burned brightly. Outer grins.
"I'm glad you're okay, Sci."Outer says
They look at each other with a grin, happy in the silence with love clearly brewing between the two.
Buzzzz, buzzzz buz buzzzz.
"What's that?"Outer asks
"Sounds like a bee."Sci says
"Outer! Science!"Dream says, flying over looking like a Minecraft bee
"Of course he comes over to ruin the moment."Outer says with a dull tone
"Don't you mean to bug us?"Sci asks, smirking at his pun
Outer laughs, nodding.
I swim closer as a skeleton also approached with a red leather cap on his head. The skeleton blocks the bee from them.
"Dream, let them have their moment."The skeleton says
"Cross?"Dream says, flying closer to the skeleton
"That's me."He says
Dream smiles, a relieved look on his face. I grin, knowing how Dream has fallen for Cross. I swim closer to the land.
"Guys?"I say
"Ink!"Cross exclaims, coming over with a big grin on his face
"Hey, Cross."I say as he slides me up his arm.
A drowned walks over to us as they all try to chat with each other or me.
"Ink?"It says
"Hello..."I say
It hugs me right off of Cross' shoulder.
"It's me, Blot!"He says
I hug him right back.
"Where are you heading?"Blot asks
"To a mountain place."I say
I see the waterfall Paperjam mentioned and grinned. My brother puts me back in the water and I lead them to it. I swim up the water to a ledge of the mountain where a nice little house was built. The water split between being the waterfall and leading into the house for a little tank or water space where I came face to face with a dolphin.
"Hello, who are you?"The dolphin asks
"I'm Ink. Are you Bluescreen?"I reply
The dolphin nods.
"Hey guys! Ink came!"He says
A half bee, half skeleton looks over at us and grins.
"Awesome!"He says
"That's Faith."He says
A goat sitting at a table eating a potato looks over and gives a thumbs up.
"That's Desire."He tells me
I nod.
"How did you find this place?"Desire asks
"I just swam and got curious when I saw it."I say, not telling them about Paperjam as he requested
They smile.
"Anyone else with you?"Faith asks
"There were some friends below the waterfall and my brother."I say
"Ooo! I have an excuse to expand now!"Faith says, taking out a pickaxe and axe
He removes a wall and starts mining into the mountain, placing blocks of wood to expand or make more space in the house.
There was a knock at the door. Bluescreen morphed to a more skeleton or human look and left the water to answer the door. On the other side was all of them. Science, Outer, Dream, Cross and my brother Blot. They got welcomed inside and were amazed at the place. Faith finished doing the slight expansion and provided some seating areas for them.
"How did you guys even make this place?"Cross asks
"Well, we played a game like Minecraft before so we knew what to expect from the world. It's very easy to get lost and very big with dangers or mobs everywhere. So when we found each other, we decided to craft a place to stay that is safe instead of taking risks and aimlessly wandering for the slim chance of finding someone."Bluescreen says
"It took a little exploring to find the right place given our coded appearances and requirements like Bluescreen's need for water nearby and Faith's need for shade so he doesn't burn in the sun. But when Faith spotted the mountain, we figured we could work with it. It has a waterfall for Bluescreen, shaded areas because of all the ledges for Faith, has safe areas for foundation of a building, and was high enough to stay away from mobs or players while still easy to leave if we ever had to. We got materials and built this place. And slowly we've been regrouping with other friends when they find this place or come here."Desire says
"HeY gUyS, I'm bAcK wiTh mOrE cRoPs!"A voice says
"Exhibit A."Desire says
"Welcome back, Gradient!"Bluescreen says, hopping back into the water
A panda walks in with a sack of harvested crops from who knows where. The panda looks around, seeing the new arrivals.
"WhO aRe AlL of TheM?"He asks
"Why don't you guys reveal yourselves?"Desire suggests, turning back to his skeletal self
So does Faith. Bluescreen climbs out, doing the same. Science notices the pattern or what they meant and followed their lead. He revealed himself, then Outer did, then Cross and Blot did.
"There, now you know who they are Gradient."Desire says
"How did you guys do that?"Dream asks
"It's some sort of glitch where you have to set your spawn by sleeping in a bed and then you can switch between the disguise and our real selves."Blot says
"So who are the other two? The bee and axolotl?"Gradient asks
"The bee is Dream and the axolotl is Ink."Cross says with Dream landing on his shoulder
Gradient nods. He welcomes them and sits with Bluscreen and I, just outside the tank.
A little while later, I went with Gradient to see how his farm was doing. While he did that, I tried to do the transformations he showed me I could do. I managed to grow to a more person-fish hybrid you could say. I climb out of the water and walk down the small trail that lead to the pond and Gradient's small farm. But then another panda blocks my path and did not look pleased.
"Ummm, hello. Can I help you?"I ask
"Yeah, get back in the water."The panda says
Oh, they must be one of the mobs that don't like seeing glitched beings in their world. They must have realized that I was one when I turned and started walking on two feet of course. What did Gradient tell me to do? Ah yes, lie.
"Umm, I spawned in the pond so I have to go that way. Can you let me by?"I say
He doesn't budge.
"Please?"I ask
He didn't answer me. I try going around him but he'd side-step to block me again. For whatever reason he didn't want me in the pond.
Maybe I should call for Gradient? If this panda knows that I'm with someone, maybe he'll back off.
"Gradient! Which way did you go Gradient? I trailed behind, sorry!"I shout, calling to Gradient
Something seemed to snap in the panda because then he lunged at me. I dodged it but he kept trying to grab me, his sharp claws now in sight. Those claws dug into my arms, grabbing me and holding me still.
"You better go back the way you came or I'll-"He snarls
"Or you'll what? Get your paws off of my father!"Gradient snaps, shoving the stranger away and hugging me
"Nice try, I know that is a lie. There is no way he is your father!"The panda snaps
"Well surprise surprise he is! My family tends to do the impossible!"Gradient snaps
"Did you get what you came for?"I ask
He shows me a bag of food.
"And wood to craft a boat. You okay?"He asks
I nod.
"Let's go Uncle! I will take you to our temporary home!"He shouts
"Coming!"A voice shouts
We head to the ocean and he crafts a boat. He sets the bag in it then hops into the water with me, transforming. I come to the surface, back to an axolotl and he rises with me, a striped axolotl to reseble the panda qualities with bright green eyes. Another, taller, panda comes over and climbs into the boat. The hostile panda runs after him, looking shocked.
"Where are you going?! You're one of the few pandas I see around here!"The hostile one asks
"Well this isn't exactly our habitat. I'm going with my nephew and brother-in-law. Maybe people would stick around if you weren't so hostile."The one in the boat says, starting to row out
"E!Pap?"I say, popping my head up beside his boat
"Hello, Ink. Gradient told me about the situation. We'll figure out a solution for you."He tells me
I look at the other panda one last time. He looks shocked and also ready to break down. He makes eye contact with me and I recognize the look in his eyes.
Error would get that look when he is lost or overwhelmed. He'd also get defensive and hostile when dealing with things he doesn't understand or handle, like when too many things are happening at once or there is something bothering him. I'd always come to help him during those times.
I see the panda drop down in the sand, looking like they were crying. I swim back over to the shore, crawling over to them.
"What is he doing? That panda tried to attack him!"I hear Gradient say
"You can't stop a good person from trying to do good."E!Pap says with a chuckle
"Excuse me? Do you need help or somebody to listen?"I ask
He looks at me and pulls me close, cuddling me as he weeps.
"Inky...My Inky....."He whimpers
"You want your Inky? Like a squid or ink sac? I can get that..."I say
"No...I have my Inky.."He whispers, holding me tighter
I glance over to see that Gradient had left with E!Pap. He kept weeping and crying and wouldn't let me go.
"I'm an axolotl! Not a squid though! I can't give ink! And I can't understand what you're saying when you cry!"I say
His claws dig in deep. I see blood start slipping around his fingers into the sand.
"Could you um, loosen up please?"I ask
He sees the forming wounds and only seemed to cry more, dropping me. He curls into a ball and just couldn't be understood. I see the fur shrinking away and he grew smaller.
"Ummm, are you okay? You seem to be chang-"I begin, my body naturally regenerating
I see Error lay where the panda is once the morphing finished.
"-ing. Glitchy?"I say
He looks at me, the ring shining on his finger as it takes shape again. He looks up and down. I glance at myself to see that I turned back as well, my matching ring on my finger. I look at him and he smiles.
"INKY!"He exclaims, leaping at me
He tackles me, hugging me into the sand. I smile as he weeps, rubbing his back and comforting him. He held me tightly and slowly calmed himself, letting everything out. I heard all his worries and fears from the moment he arrived and assured him it'd all be okay, kissing him on the head. He dozed off holding me, his body glitching and clearly overwhelmed. I sigh, lifting him as he clung to me, shifting him onto my back. I craft a boat and set him in it.
"Hey, Ink...Have you seen my bro anywhere?"A voice says
I turn to see a bunny beside me.
"Carrot?"I say
The bunny nods.
Well, now all the Papyruses that were at the wedding are found.
"No, I have not."I say
He looks at me, seeming worried.
"I'm lucky that he's stronger than he seems."He says, hopping into the boat
I nod, climbing in and rowing back to the house.
Hopefully they are all okay....
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