Chapter 76:Amnesia and Horror
Lust's POV months later
"Hey! Get the fuck up!"A voice snaps, kicking me
I open the eyes and cough weakly. I look up and see a man standing over me.
"Get ready. You better be out in five minutes or else."He says
I nod. He leaves and I quickly get ready, coming out and hoping I was quick enough. The man smiles at me.
"Well done.....This time. Now, let's go and keep up."He says
"Y-Yes s-sir."I say, trying to keep up with his quick pace
He takes one look at me and frowns.
"Dim those eye-lights now. You look too hopeful. It's disgusting."He says
I nod, doing as he says. He puts his leg out in front of me, making me trip and fall. I hear bones crack when I hit the ground, followed by his laughter. I get up anyways, holding my arm and continuing to walk with him. I've learned what happens when I don't.....
I hear people whispering or gossiping as we walk by. Some pitied me, knowing my situation yet not daring to try to help, others had hope for me though. They spoke of two bandits traveling nearby that were righting the wrongs of the land and would save anyone in situations like mine, killing any jerk who tried to get in their way. Or were they knights? Or wanderers? Or criminals on a crime spree? It varied as from each person's telling but they all agreed that any situation with them may be better than my current one. I knew better than to ask about it. My leg still hurts from the last time I opened my mouth....
The man took me to the center of the courtyard. I do not know his name. I am not allowed to. I can only call him Sir while he can call me whatever he pleases. I can't even say my own actual name or I will get in trouble. He grabs me and I reluctantly look up at him.
"Do you recall what today is, Plum?"He says
I shake my head.
"M-My memory has been weak ever since last night'"I say softly
"Well let me refresh it for you. It's our marriage. By sun-down we will be wed, you'll be mine and I'll get to do whatever I want with you! Isn't that great, Sugar?"He asks
I frown, I've been dreading this day.
"May I ask what you will want to do to me?"I ask
"No."He says
That told me that it will be nothing better than he has done to me. My eye-lights disappear, showing my distress and he noticed. And he was not happy when he did.
"What's with that look? You should be happy! I am the best fucking thing to happen to you, you ungrateful good-for-nothing pile of bones!"He snaps, shoving me to the ground roughly
I didn't say anything, looking up at him in fear. He is the worst thing to happen to me. He came closer. I knew what was coming and couldn't move to stop it. My body hurt too much. I shut my eyes, preparing for what's coming. My soul cried out for the only friend I could remember that could help me.
I want my Horror Bear!
"Hold it right there!"I hear a voice yell
I open my eyes to see his fist inches from my face but shaking and froze when that voice yelled. I look to see a blade inches from his face. Following the blade, it leads to a boy with blonde dyed green hair with green eyes and wore a cloak with simple clothes underneath. Behind him was a man with red hair and a red eye in sight, equipped with an axe.
"You leave her alone right now or I'll make you regret it!"The boy says
"Mind your own business and scram! You don't know who you're messing with!"Sir says
"No, you don't know who you're messing with!"The boy says
The boy draws a circle in the ground and then the ground shot up, knocking him away. I look at them in wonder, amazed and grateful to the boy for what he did. People began to whisper around us, saying "It's them" frequently. Them? I glance up at the two again. Are they the strangers that rumors are focused on? A light in the dark? I take a moment to take in their appearances again, trying to read them and look for clues to their motives and such.
The boy now stood proudly, sheathing his sword now that the threat is gone. His smile was sweet and kind, his gaze soft and gentle. He gave off a sense of security. The man with him was a different story. His gaze seemed cold and stern, his expression grim and dark. He held the axe tighter and his body language was not welcoming. He gave off a threatening vibe or hostile and intimidating one.
"Who are you?"The boy asks
I glance around. The guy is gone...
"L-Lust...."I say
The man looks at me and lunged at me. I crawl backwards, terrified. The boy holds the man until he backs off, seeing that I was unsettled.
"Lust....What happened to you?"The man asks
"Do I know you?"I ask
He looks at me with a saddened look. Then there was anger.
"What did he do to you?"He asks, his hands turning to claws
I flinch, backing up.
"I...I don't know you! I don't want to talk about it! All I can say is that my memory is spotty and only remember pieces. I heard someone yell my name but then it goes blank....I woke up months ago with a pain in the back of my head with hardly any memory and that man took me away.....Please don't let him touch me....Who are you both?"I explain
The boy looks around, seeing everyone watching.
"Paul. I won't let anyone hurt you. This is..........Harold."He says, coming closer to me
I look at him. He extends his hand. I take his hand and shakily get up.
"You seem dressed for a special day. What would that be?"He asks
"Oh just the worst day of my life. He wanted to make me his or something....."I say
"You okay? If things were bad, why didn't you run or fight back?"He asks
"I tried....But there comes a time where both of those options seem pointless to attempt. Especially if all they lead to is more failure, fears and pain....."I say, glancing away for a moment
"Excuse me? Excuse me! I was hired to marry a Plum and Mister Nicholas? You look like Plum, come with me."A man says, cutting between us
"Umm, Sir, I never agreed to-"I begin
"Mister Nicholas says you know the consequences if you refuse."He cuts me off
I froze. I feel Paul pull me back and Harold stepped in front of me protectively. He looks at me with sincere concern mixed with other emotions that I couldn't read at first glance. He glances away and lifts his axe. Horns grew from his head, his hands and arms becoming scaly claws with a tail ripping through his robe. It was as if he was turning into a dragon.
"Take me to HIM and I will teach him a thing or two about CONSENT."He says
The man leads him away. Paul holds me gently as I struggle to stay standing.
"You look so tired...."He says
"I never really got to sleep naturally.....Or peacefully......"I say
"Hmmm, do you know anyone by the name of Goth?"He asks
"Why are you after my only friend?"I ask
"He's not your ONLY friend."He says
"That I can recall clearly, yes he is."I say
"I want to ensure nothing bad happens to him."He says
"He was traded off to an area south of here."I say
"Traded?"He asks
"We.....weren't exactly treated humanely here. Goth and I were treated as objects to use....They gambled and one of them won, getting Goth. Then another man won and took me. That's all I know."I say
He glances around.
"Well then I'm going to head out to find Gothy. I hope we meet again sometime."He says, then runs off
I glance around. The man is nowhere around. Nobody is trying to take me like he did.....I'm free. The realization made the world brighten so much more. I knew exactly what to do too. I've been dreaming of leaving town and escaping for weeks, so that he won't ever get near me again. I start running the most I could to the edge of town. I see hills and forests and open land in the distance that shine in the sunlight. I run even faster and reach the top of the hill, seeing another town below. Goth told me that this town is the safest place to go. I run down the hill without a care and was just about to enter the town when a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me away.
NO! I was so close......
I look to see the man known as "Nicholas" or "Sir" was the one who caught me. I felt my soul stop beating, knowing that nothing good is going to happen now. He drags me away while I am HOPING for the chance that he won't hurt me as bad as my last escape attempt. But then he told me something unexpected.
"You are so lucky I made a deal with someone. You're not mine anymore but unfortunately for you, the guy that's taking you is worse than me. Good luck with the dragon man and try not to get eaten alive.~"He says
I look at him, feeling fear fill me quickly. He picks me up quickly and tosses me away, but feel someone catch me. I look to see who this "dragon man" may be and froze. It's Harold. He smiles at me.
I knew it. I could sense that he was dangerous! But why would he make a deal with THAT MAN of all people to get me? He's probably just like him, a human who only sees a skeleton like me as an item to use. But in that case......How is he going to "use" me? Is he going to hurt me? What motives does he have? Wait, this is a fresh start. I must do everything he says so he doesn't hurt me.....But I will deny things that threaten me of course......But there is hope! He looked at me earlier with concern! He may not be so bad.....
I hear laughter and snap out of my thoughts.
"You're all mine now.~"He says
"What do you want from me?"I ask
"Nothing. I already got you and that's all I want."He says
He shows me a contract with other papers. They made it clear that I can't leave and I am now "married" to this guy. It was like my soul broke. So close to freedom and now I'm trapped again....He starts to carry me away. He tells me to rest and I obey.........
I saw a hole up in the sky and see someone reaching through it, too far to reach me but their blurry face looked like they were in despair.
"LUST!"The person yells
I recognize him as his appearance changes to a skeleton.
"Horror Bear....."I mumble
It felt like I was falling. Then it felt like chains were on me again. I hit the ground roughly and look up to see Nicholas and Harold the size of giants towering over me with grins on their faces. I felt so scared and small. They each pick me up and grab me, closing their hands like a cage so I can't see out.
"This'll be fun.~"I hear them say
"NO!"I scream
I open my eyes and find myself in a bed, jumping from the pillows with my soul pounding and my body trembling. I take some shaky breaths, realizing that was just another bad dream. Then I take in the fact that I'm in a bed in a room that I've never been in. And the last time I was in a bed.......I shiver at the thoughts, unsettled. I get up quickly and change my clothes, yet find there was no evidence of anything done to me besides getting tucked in. No new wounds at least.
Maybe I should find him.....See what he may want from me....
Something in the corner of my eye caught my eye. I glance over and see in the corner was the stuffed bear of Horror Bear that I had. I leap to it, hugging it happily. I smile, feeling some sort of comfort of having it again. How did he get it? Now I'm curious and have something to talk about. I get up, setting the doll on the bed, then leave the room.
I was terrified by what I saw.
Weapons....Violence......Blood.....So many red flags. Every room I entered had weapons hanging up on the walls. There were signs that something violent happened in others. I could see dried or recent blood on walls or some spots of the floor, even the ceiling. I stumbled back in shock. The bedroom I was in was so peaceful and friendly looking, so comforting....Why does he have all this? Is he going to use these on me? So many kinds and variations....So much pain on the victim....Seriously, who needs swords and giant axes in a bathroom with rope?!
I no longer felt that it would be safe to see him....But I couldn't find him anywhere. He's probably out or coming back right now. I run back upstairs to the bedroom and hide in the corner. So many thoughts ran through my head and the fear became unbearable. I begin to break down crying. I feel chains on my wrists appear.
"Oooo! This looks like fun! How are your wounds? Can I break some more?"A voice says
"No...You're not here. You're not real!"I say
"Oh I'm here and very real. Now, what bone should I break?"It asks
"No, stop it."I say
It keeps talking and I keep denying it.
"Or should I repeat June 15th?"It asks
My breath hitches, feeling a hand on my shoulder.
"Don't touch me!"I snap, slapping the hand away
I look over and froze. It's Harold and he did not look happy. I back up in the corner, hugging the wall and feeling my soul pound.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"I cry
He reaches out to me and I only start trembling more. He softly feels my cheek, wiping my tears. He wraps his arms around me, pulling me to him but looking alarmed when he felt me flinch at his touch.
"Lust, are you scared of me?"He asks
I stiffened up, feeling like I am being set up for a trap.
"What answer do you want to hear?"I whimper
"The truth."He says
What a liar....I'm dead if I say yes. He clearly doesn't like me acting scared....
"N-No...I'm scared of others....But not you."I lie, bowing my head
"I can tell that you're lying, Lust."He growls, his grip tightening
I jolt and hold back cries of pain from his grip.
He picks me up and carries me away. I start panicking.
"Please! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Let me go please! I'll do anything! I-I'll clean the house, feed you, do anything! Just please don't hurt me like they did!"I plea
He froze.
"You think I'm going to hurt you?"He asks
I nod.
"You're clearly angry.....They always hurt me when angry."I sniffle
"But I'm not them."He say
"To me you're like them."I say
That seemed to hit a nerve. His grip tightens. I cover my mouth, trying to hide my pain. He carries me into the bathroom and sets me on the edge of the sink.
"Get undressed."He says
"What?!"I exclaim
"I want to see how much they wounded you."He says
"So you could learn from an example of how to hurt me? NO!"I snap
"I'm not going to hurt you!"He insists
"Your weapons in here say otherwise!"I say
He steps toward me and I back up, raising my hands defensively. He sees my reaction and seemed to freeze up.
"He really fears me......"I hear him mumble, sounding broken as said it
"If you're not going to hurt me, why do you want to see my wounds?"I ask hesitantly
"I want to help treat them and help you. Here, I'll get the bath ready while you do that."He says, turning the dial and filling a tub with water
I think for a few moments. It's probably best to do as he says. I get undressed and cross my arms. Now all the scars, bruises, burn marks, other marks, cuts, scratches, cracked bones, tool or weapon marks, basically all my wounds are on display. I do not dare look at him.
"M-May I enter the tub?"I ask
I get only silence in return. I glance at him to see him staring at me. I shift my weight onto each foot, extremely uncomfortable. He grabs the axe and I back up, not knowing what is going through his head.
He notices this and drops the axe. He scoops me up like a bride, making multiple wounds sting, then sets me down in the tub. The water was warm and filled with bubbles, setting my body at ease. My wounds seemed to sing songs now that they are getting treated. I sink as much as I could out of his sight. He pulls me back up a bit too roughly, causing a cracking sound to be heard and my arms going limp. I look up at him and see a concerned look in his eyes mixed with an apologetic look.
He's being nice to me.....It isn't his fault that these wounds were here and so fragile to his touch.
"I'm sor-"He begins
"D-Don't. Y-You're not one of the p-people who did t-this to m-m-me."I say, trying to push past my fears of him
I want to give him a chance.
He kneels down beside the tub.
"So...why do you fear me?"He asks
"Because I thought you were like them. That man makes deals with bad people....He's a bad person......So I thought you were one too...Nothing good has come from his deals either, just pain and fear.....My body proves it......And your current conditions of the rooms didn't exactly make it seem any different. All the blood stains, signs of fights, and large collection of weapons.....too much like.........."I try to explain, but then start crying at the memories
He grabs my hand, snapping me out of it.
"I....don't want to think of it...."I say
He rests his head on my shoulder.
"Just say who hurt you and I'll take things from there."He says
I sigh.
"Do I have to now?"I ask, not feeling ready
He shakes his head.
"When you're ready."He whispers
I feel something crawl across my bones. I see he is scrubbing my bones carefully with a sponge and washcloth very gently.
"You were muttering to yourself in that corner, may I ask what about?"He asks
"I....Was flashing back I guess to some bad times with a man named Angel Marson, but he is not an angel. When I f-felt your hand touch me...I-I-I t-thought it was him."I say
"What's so special about June 15th?"He asks
I look at him, then glance away.
"H-He....Drugged and...Assaulted me....In ways I won't say....I will give you the list of people if you stop asking about what was done."I say
"Of course."He says, kissing my cheek
I look at him in shock. I glance away, finding the bubbles more interesting. I can't let my guard down. I can't give into this "affection". It could be trickery. But if it isn't, my soul isn't for him to take. It's for Horror Bear.
He takes me out of the tub, drying me off since I couldn't move my arms, then gently got me into fresh clothes. He carries me into another room and I list the names to him. He sets me on a bed and I find the bear beside me. I rock back and forth until I could roll over and fling my arms around the doll, curling up with it close to me. I snuggle my face into the soft "fur" it has.
"You seem quite fond of that doll."He says
"Mhm....It reminds me of Horror Bear.....My beloved......Ho-"I say, dozing off
The next few days he took care of me while I recovered, helping me each step of the way. He wasn't like those other humans...He was kinder and never did hurt me, though I was reluctant to let my guard down and say it's not possible. He has gotten angry and seems impulsive, sometimes nearly turning to a dragon in a rage. But it was nice to have him around when he wasn't picking at my memories with questions or breaking into a rage.
One day I woke up to find that he was gone. I needed something to keep my mind off of things so I decided to do what I told him I'd do days before.Especially if he is in a bad mood. If I do it, maybe his mood will improve and he won't take his anger out on me.
Hours later I heard the front door unlock, open and shut.
"Lust?"His voice calls calls
I set food on the table.
"What's this?"He asks
"I made some food. It's only luck that you happened to walk in now."I tell him
"Wait...Is this because...? Lust, I told you that I won't hurt you."He tells me
"I know, and it's not that. I just needed to keep my mind off of things while you were gone."I say
He notices my bandaged hands.
"Lust...."He says, holding my hands gently
"Oh! Don't worry! I just a few cuts trying to clean."I tell him
We both sit and eat, then he goes upstairs to nap. I glance over, seeing the doll on the couch now. Then I notice another door. I open it, curiously following stairs downstairs and was horrified by what I found.
It was a basement messier than any of the other rooms, dust, blood, monster remains everywhere. But what caught my gaze was in the corner. A pile of obvious monster dust sat with a ripped jacket and axe laying on or beside it. I went closer carefully to investigate and see inside the jacket was a tool kit. One for carving wood. A memory hit me. I gave Horror Bear the exact same kit for the holidays. That is the jacket he wears and that is axe......Which only means....
Horror Bear is....dead? He got killed? Harold killed him.....
I could imagine Horror entering this world and looking for information or exploring.....Harold may have made promises and offers to help Horror.......Then when Horror eventually let his guard down or when he accepted, Harold took advantage.....
Could that be what Harold is doing with me? Waiting for me to let my guard down and then take advantage? Well I am not staying around to find out.
I step back, starting to head upstairs, then stop. I notice tables in the basement. I approach them, finding a phone and multiple picture frames resting on top. I check the phone and find that it's Horror Bear's, as well as two of the picture frames.
Is he keeping Horror's stuff as trophies?! What a sicko! My "gut" was right! I can't trust him!
I grab the pictures and tuck them in my pockets. I snatch a few things including his axe, running upstairs, grabbing the doll and running out. I dunno where I'm going, just away from here.
"Lust!"I hear a voice shout
I see down the street was my good friend, Encre. He runs to me quickly, smiling happily. The last time I saw him was not under the best circumstances. He hugs me close happily, kissing me on the head.
"I missed you!"He cheers
"I missed you too but let's get away from here."I say
"Why?"He asks, looking confused
"A murderer is in the area."I say
He looks alarmed, nodding and following me as I lead him away. I rest Horror's axe over my shoulder with ease despite its weight, Horror showed me how to hold or use it if the time ever came where I had to. Now memories of him were flooding back to me as well as the friends I could look for. I made the connection that Paul was Palette since only he calls Goth "Gothy". I smile, knowing if it ever came to it, I could look for his help. I keep marching forward, hopping on a wagon with Encre as it leaves town. I hear a loud dragon roar and recognize it. Guess Harold woke up and got upset that I escaped.
"Quick! Hide!"I say, diving into the hay in the wagon
Encre dives in with me and I got us completely hidden just in time, seeing a brown dragon fly overhead, looking furious. I grin, knowing that if we stay hidden that we're safe. I hear the roars start going in the opposite direction. We peek out, finding that it is safe. We dozed off on that wagon as it rode away.
We woke up and hopped off, later learning that we had made it to a town 1,867 miles from the town Harold lives in. That set me at a lot of ease. We wander around aimlessly, just trying to regroup with our friends. We shared stories of our experiences or what we were put through and apparently, Encre had a situation parallel to mine....With a man that called himself Fred. We grip each other's hand tightly, understanding exactly how it would've been like and sympathizing with each other. He also learned that Fred killed his crush, Fallacy which caused him to try to escape. We were walking through a park, then heard a voice calling for us. We glance over and grin, seeing Blueprint running to us. I set my stuff into a satchel and we hug each other, so glad that the other is okay. We're finally getting back together! And a bonus, I didn't feel so weird with my memory issues. Both of them have amnesia as well. We each share similar experiences so we understand each at a level others do not and know how to look out for each other.
"What now?"Blueprint asks after we share our stories
"We find Goth."I say
We wander around, then hear giggles.
"Oh Gothy.~ You look beautiful."I hear a voice coo
"Palette!"I hear Goth say
"What? It's true! You're an absolute angel!"Palette says
I glance over, seeing Goth sitting on a tree with Palette. Goth's wings were flapping gently.
Goth's face burns brighter.
"You're a sweetheart, Palette."Goth says
"Can I be your sweetheart, Gothy?"Palette asks
"Can I be your angel?"Goth asks in return
"You always were my angel."Palette says
They lean in, kissing each other.
I smile, happy for them. I recall that they had crushes on each other vaguely.
"Hey Goth...."Blueprint says
They look over, seeing us. They happily come over, talking with us. We tell them what we know or can recall to them and Palette sighs.
"That's like what Gothy was being put through."Palette says
"Why does this seem planned? It's certainly more than chance now."I wonder
"Why do you have Horror's axe?"Palette asks
"He.....He's gone.....I saw his dust....."I say
It went silent. Goth and Encre hug me, knowing how much Horror meant to me.
"I'll take you to my house. I made sure to have it in a safe area. But you have to hold on. Ready?"Goth says
We each hold onto him and he soars into the air, taking us to a house basically built in the sky. We go inside and settle in, thanking Goth. Goth folded his wings. Palette wanted to try something so he pressed two fingers against each of our heads one at a time, creating a small glow. He stumbles back, horrified, saying he saw our memories and now understood why we ran.
Goth gives us each a room and I settle into mine, placing the doll on the bed and Horror's pictures on the nightstand. I lay his axe against the wall, his jacket hooked on the handle. I tried to sleep the day away but fail horribly. Turns out so did my friends. With the conditions of our memories, none of us could sleep.
Palette easily would climb down from the house, checking on things. He lived somewhere else and would only come at night to visit in order to not attract attention to our new home.
A few days later, Encre ran over after looking out the window for a long time. She grabbed me, looking terrified.
"I just saw Harold and Fred outside together! They seemed to be searching! What if they teamed up?"He says
"Who did what now?"Blueprint asks
"Harold and Fred are outside getting closer! They are the ones who took Lust and I and know whos...."He says
We can't even say Horror or Fallacy in the same sentence of killed without breaking down so we don't.
"Is Ray with them?"Blueprint asks
Encre peeks out and nods.
"Aww shit they teamed up!"Blueprint says, the twinkle in his eyes disappearing
I try to calm Encre down, pulling her close. Goth comes over to calm the two down as well. We huddled together.
"Guys relax, it'll all be okay. They won't get up here. We're safe here and together. Even if they did, it's 3 against 4, an uneven fight for them. We have plenty to use against them but they probably won't get near us. It's nothing to panic over."I say, though I was trying to tell myself that too.
Blueprint smiles, hearing those facts.
"Two of them can literally FLY up here if they wanted to. I think that's worth some concern."Encre says
"Yeah! And even if they did find a way up, they'd get knocked back down! I put a forcefield around this place that is specifically made to keep them each out! There's no way for them to get past it!"Goth says
"Even if they did, I think I have a few plans for them. A few traps, perhaps? And I'm sure Lust would love to AXE them a question, right?"Blueprint says
I chuckle at the pun, nodding.
Encre smiles, agreeing and put at ease.
"We're going to be okay."We say
When Palette heard the news, he came and stayed with us so he could be here if they ever came to cause trouble. One morning both Encre and I woke up from some really bad nightmares centered around our loved ones. Palette and Goth told us it was best to get fresh air so they took us to the front porch and sat with us while we let our emotions out. But then voices from below started yelling at us.
"LUST! What are you doing up there? Get down here now! I'm taking you home!"Harold yells
"ENCRE! What has gotten into you? Jump down and I'll catch you! You belong with me where you are safe!"Fred yells
I glance over to see them on the ground below, yelling up to us.
"Of course NOW they find us when we have nightmares about them. Killers and liars always causing pain."I hear Encre mumble
Then I see Fred summon bat wings, flying up with Harold flying up partially transformed into a dragon. He looks at me and looks alarmed.
I shake my head, gripping Goth tighter and snuggling deeper into the jacket.
They both keep trying to "reason with us" but it was failing. They kept trying to ram their way through the forcefield but that also was failing. Goth made it knock them back more each time. Then Fred opened his mouth and Encre just snapped.
"Look, I dunno what that broken memory of yours came up this time but whatever it was, it never happened or existed. I-"Fred begins with Harold nodding in agreement
"IT IS CALLED AMNESIA YOU IDIOT! AND IT IS NOT BROKEN MEMORY, IT IS LOST MEMORY! THE THING BOTH OF YOU HAVE USED AND TWISTED SINCE THE MOMENT YOU BROUGHT US TO YOUR HOUSES! And don't dare say that it never existed! Because my, and Lust's, memories didn't come up with a what, it came up with a who! We remembered folks that meant the world to us! That we loved and they loved us! And for you both to agree that they didn't exist or don't matter enough to be remembered just shows how LITTLE you cared for them when you killed them! You both are heartless or soulless killers, liars and manipulators and we REFUSE to be your new victims! So get out of here! We won't go with you anywhere! This is our home and safe place! Not with you!"Encre snaps, pointing at them
From his hand came bursts of magic that got through Goth's forcefield and knocked them both back down to the ground. I completely broke down crying. Horror Bear is real! He matters! How could they say those things?!
"Come on, Lust, let's go inside."Encre says
I nod, going inside with him.
Palette's POV
Gothy went inside with them, Lust struggling to calm down. Their words made him break, especially after his nightmare. But I didn't understand those two down below. Why didn't they say who they really are? They caused this problem by not doing so! I slide down the pole and walk over to them.
"Okay, you two, how the heck did you both screw this up?"I say, crossing my arms
"What do you mean? They're the ones with memory loss that we did not cause!"Fallacy says
"Don't blame this on them! Why didn't either of you say who you really were? So-called Fred and Harold? Yes, Horror I know I gave you that alias but you could've denied it and explained things to them!"I tell them
"Fallacy told me that it was best to let them regain their memories before we confuse them with those explanations. How could we explain that we are ourselves when their memories see a skeleton as that person?"Horror says
"Well now you have a harder obstacle, how will you both explain the truth to them when they think YOU ARE DEAD and KILLED NO LESS?"I reply
"What?!"They exclaim
"Yeah, I'd like to ask you both the same thing! What? How did you screw up so bad that they got the idea that you both are dead and not only that, but the folks they know as Fred and Harold are responsible for killing them! Seriously, what did you guys do?"I snap
I see Raven approach.
"Oh and don't even get me STARTED on you, Raven. Or should I say Ray? I'll get to you later."I say, ready to defend Blueprint if he did anything like these two
All three of them were silent for a few moments. Raven backed away, seeing that this is not his argument yet.
"What evidence do they have or have seen?"Horror asks
"Well, Lust found the basement to your house and went to it. There he found blood and monster dust all over, including a pile of it with YOUR JACKET and the gift he gave you as well as your axe beside it. Then on a table he found the pictures you framed near the so-called remains of you and he thought that Harold, or you, kept them as trophies from your crime like a sick killer! And Encre found a similar situation with you in the attic, Fallacy! Were you even thinking of what you were saying when you snapped at them?"I explain
They were silent.
"Because your words hurt them and their memory of you both. You have done nothing to help your cases either. Seriously, who calls amnesia broken memory and expects a positive reaction? Do you even know what they went through? What they DO remember besides you both? Cause it's nothing good."I snap
"They wouldn't open up to us."Horror says
"No surprise there! You both were very pushy according to them! I saw their memories! You didn't exactly make a positive atmosphere. Please explain to me why you both have so many weapons visible in your houses? Even in the bathrooms?"I say
"Well I thought it was best to show others in the area not to mess with me. Lots of criminals and dunno who to trust. So if they're intimidated, they won't cause issues."Fallacy states
"You never know where you will be attacked so you must have a weapon nearby at all times. So, I made space for weapons in each room."Horror says proudly
"Well congrats! You intimidated people! You intimidated them! No wonder they didn't open up to you! Your houses were the equivalent to their torture chambers!"I say
I nod.
"The men you made deals with to get them would keep them in chambers full of tools and weapons that were used to torture them. Didn't you notice their wounds? So your houses full of weapons added onto the fear and barriers between you and them. They couldn't find it in them to trust that you wouldn't hurt them. If you went through what they did, I doubt you could do anything different. And you honestly came at the worst time. They were recovering from a nightmare and then you start yelling at them to come with you. You really haven't done anything to help your case with them."I say, crossing my arms
"Pallete!"A voice exclaims
I look up to see Goth flying down. He hugs me happily, then pulls me from the other three and kisses me.
"Hey, Gothy. How is everyone inside?"I ask
"Blueprint is helping Encre let his emotions out where he won't be bothered. I finally got Lust to stop crying, but he dozed off. He really is broken, no thanks to them. And a list appeared in front of me, just like you said it would one day! It's a list of lost souls! And Lust's name was added to it!"Gothy says, showing a list and pointing to Lust's name on it
"Why do you have a list of that?"Horror asks
"He's a demi-god, son of Reaper. But instead of collecting souls, he looks after and handles lost ones. No soul should suffer like that."Raven says
"Correct but you're one to talk about suffering after what you put Blueprint through, Ray."Gothy says, pointing to Blueprint's name above Lust's
I see Raven's jaw drop and he looked horrified.
"They are in very fragile conditions now. They don't have the pixels over them but their souls are very weak. These three should stay away from them because all they have caused is trouble. The only reason Lust even stopped crying was because we had this."Gothy says, showing the music box Horror gave Lust
"What is that?"Fallacy asks
"How do you have that?!"Horror snaps
"This is a music box Lust's crush gave him. I have it because he gave it to me to keep for him before some jerks tried to break it in order to mentally torture him. But great job doing worse! You killed the only person he could remember that gave a sense of love or home which made him a lost soul! He has no direction now! So get away and if you hurt Palette, I'll kill you."Goth says, flying back up
"How did you do it?"Horror asks
"Simple:I was direct, kind and honest with him. I told him who I was, made a friendly environment, and worked through his memories with him. I wasn't pushy or lied to him. Give the right atmosphere and they could open up or recover."I say
"How did you know?"Fallacy asks
"1:It is the right and most respectful and right way to treat anyone especially since we care and love them. They deserve care and a healthy, safe environment that they feel okay in especially with what they're recovering from. 2:I am the son of someone who had extremely poor memory so I know what works and what doesn't. You should be wondering instead how you guys are going to fix this."I say
"I have an idea already. You two are on your own."Horror says
He turns to his skeleton form, no longer disguised and starts climbing up. I follow after him, shocked that he was past the forcefield.
"It's to keep Harold out, not Horror."I mumble
He stand on the front porch, waiting for me.
"Did....Goth tell the truth? Does Lust consider that music box to be from his crush?"He asks
"Yep. He loves it and vaguely remembers his crush having someone give it to him. With it was some flowers and chocolates."I say
His face turns a bright red.
"He loves me......"He says, sounding shocked
"Took you long enough to notice."I say
"Huh?"He says
"I thought you'd catch on when he started calling you Horror Bear."I say
His face burns brighter red.
"I want him now...I want to hold him and love him too...."He mumbles
I smile. I open the door and lead him to Lust's room. He goes inside and I let him do his plan. Gothy approaches me and leads me away to snuggle.
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