Chapter 70:Dangers and Incidents in Another World
A few weeks later, Nightmare's POV
"Aww! Aren't you a precious little darling? Your eyes are dazzling, Lunar."A lady coos, setting a flower crown on my head
"Thank you, Mrs. Cedar..."I say
"Oh please, call me Martha!"She says, patting me on the back
"So this is who you've been giving our apples to?" Mr. Cedar says
"Yes, Father. She likes them so I didn't see why I couldn't give her them."Eric says
Yep, I'm meeting Eric's parents...
"Welp, you picked a sweet one." Mr. Cedar says
"Definitely!"Martha says
I look at him in confusion.
"Wha-?"I ask
"Welcome to the family, Lunar!"The adults exclaim
"What do you mean?"I ask
"Eric has a major crush on you! And when a boy comes home with a girl around here, it's only a matter of time!" Mr. Cedar says
*Gulp* Oh dear...This again...
Yep, I've been through this before already with Cukeme who tricked me into having a picnic with his parents. Eric was nice enough to warn me what his parents are like, but right out of the gates they are making statements like this?! I didn't know how to phrase things with them. He is so sweet and is their only child. They are nice too. I don't want to hurt their feelings.....
I nervously laugh, my face burning.
"O-Oh! I didn't know that...."I say
"Where are you from, sweetheart?"Martha asks
"Mom! Don't ask that!"Eric snaps
"Why not?"She asks
"Her home wasn't very good and she doesn't like mentioning it."He says, holding my hand
"Oh, dear! I'm sorry, I-"She begins
"It's ok. I understand that things are different here. Besides, you didn't know."I say
She sighs with relief.
We chat for a while and they even let me ride horses with Eric. And showed me their farms or orchards. I got a good taste of it too. Eric's mother loves making apple recipes and I didn't have it in me to say no when she showed us everything she baked or cooked for today. His uncles, aunts, cousins, and grandparents were there to meet me as well. It would be rude to deny their meals with all of them and how nice they are. At least I can say, I was not going to be hungry for a LONG WHILE. When I left to go to the dorms, they told me that I will always have a place to belong here. Eric walked me to the bus stop.
"So...What did your family do to you?"He asks
By now I have recovered more strength and confidence, plus grew comfortable enough with him to open up.
"I don't really remember parents...It was just my sibling and me...He changed and the last time we met he tried to poison me to death. So.....yeah, my family is VERY different.....But I'm safe here now. You have a lovely family."I say, hopping on the bus
He waves bye to me and walks back the way he came. I feel a buzz from my phone as the bus starts moving. I check to see a text from Martin. "Dinner tomorrow with parents?"
I shrug, not seeing why not. He is very nice to me and told me how his family feels toward me, though we haven't met. It'd be nice to meet them. I text back a reply and not moments afterward did I get a text from Kyle asking to go to a bakery on Monday. his mom and stepdad are bakers or chefs. I sigh, agreeing. If I said yes to three of them, why not the one who I have grown the closest to?
I arrive home and of course, nobody else was home. Home being the dorm. Encre is visiting Fallacy, Catra is off to tease Adora and Toph is out in the backyard of the dorm building, messing around with the earth. At least I thought Encre was out. I hear noises from a closet and open it to find Encre kissing Fallacy, both very passionate. They look at me, their faces burning up.
I just walk away, pretending I didn't just see that. I text Shino that Jasper's OTP just sailed. Then I shut the door, setting my phone aside, plopping down onto my bed, and screaming my stress into my pillow.
Stars help me.....
I hear a ding from the laptop. I sit up, taking the flower crown off, setting it on my nightstand. Cukeme's parents gave me a "gift" too but it's in the trash can. I check the laptop on my bed to see that Killer was requesting to call me again. I grin, getting comfy and accepting.
"Hey, Nighty."He says
"Heeeyyy................."I say
"You seem tired, what's up?"He asks
"Last two days have been..........exhausting to put it simply.."I say
"Hm? How come? Finals?"He says
"Nah, it's summer here. Already passed 'em. Well, I'm meeting or getting tricked into meeting families of those four I told you about."I say
"The harem boys?"He asks
I nod.
"Ugggh..."He groans
"You think I'm tired now, you should've seen me yesterday.."I say
"What happened?"He asks
"Well yesterday Cukeme, the one that was drunk breaking in, told me that he and the others are having a picnic and want to invite me. I knew he wouldn't try anything with them there so I agreed. I got tricked. I couldn't leave because I had nowhere to really go. I took a bus that wouldn't return for another 6 hours to the spot they chose for the picnic. I get there and it's only him and two adults there. Those adults turned out to be his parents. And they were horrible."I tell him
"What did they do?"He asks
"They didn't stop him when he got....inappropriate. If anything, they encouraged him. They spoke disgustingly and mentioned TMI topics. They must've thought I was blind or deaf because right in front of me they would make snarky comments about me-my appearance, voice, anything they could talk about-and made disgusting hand gestures."I say
"This?"He asks, showing the middle finger
I shake my head.
"I'm not ruining your innocence. But they straight up asked how I was in bed."I say
"THE HELL? Did things get any better?"He asks
"Nope. They were shameless too as if THAT was normal. I discovered an app named Uber or something and was set up to get picked up early. They noticed my plans to leave and they ended the meet with a very bad gesture. The mother gave me a gift."I say
"Well that's sweet-"He begins
"It was a human pregnancy test, Killer. And he shamelessly suggested to come home with me and quote try it out. Yeah...He got a slap to the face and that thing now lives in my trash can and will stay there."I say
"So was today any better?"He asks
I smile a bit and nod.
"A lot better. I went to Eric's place and he specifically gave a heads up about his family. They were really sweet and humble though. But...They had high hopes for their only son. Right after we greet or introduce ourselves to each other, they welcome me to the family and imply that, with their traditions, he's going to marry me into the family. It was very awkward...."I say with a shake of my head
"I bet."He says
"But they were nice otherwise and even got me to overcome my fear of apples, though they didn't know I feared them in the first place. And they gave a PROPER GIFT in comparison."I say, showing the flower crown
He smiles.
"Just wait until I find you, then they'll leave you alone romantically."He says
I smile hearing those words. He started calming me with his smooth voice complimenting me and even singing me to sleep.
I woke up to find that my laptop died and that I slept past noon. I got changed and walked into the hall to check for anything like mail or something. Instead, I got tugged into the dorm of one of the neighbors. A perfectionist that focuses on looks more than smarts or other traits. They claim to be trying to get a stylist or designer career but I'm pretty sure neither of those careers includes FORCING PEOPLE TO BE MODELS. I got out of there after they "Made me pretty".
"Stupid neighbors..."I mumble
Martin arrives just then and sees me.
"Lunar?"He says in shock
"Designer neighbors kidnapped another target to supposedly make beautiful..."I say
He cups my cheeks.
"But you are already beautiful. Come on, let's fix what they did. I want my parents to meet the real you."He says, taking me into my own dorm
He washes the dye out of my hair and helps me get the make-up off. That's when he learned my hair is a natural purple. He picked the flowers out of my hair and I privately changed into clothes more comfortable. Then he drove me to a casual restaurant named Boston Market. His parents arrive and we had a nice evening.
I grin and the next day I went to the bakery, meeting Kyle's sweet parents. They basically had me as the taste tester and made new treats named the Lunar Cupcake and Nightmare Macarons. Both were good and they didn't rush things with Kyle and me like the other parents tried to do.
One day I sat in the library, then heard some music while I read a book. I glance over to see a boy with earbuds and reading beside me at the window.
"Hey, can I listen to that?"I ask
"You recognize it?"He asks
I nod. He smiles, giving me an earbud. I keep reading but glance over at him.
"Who are you?"I ask
"Dust. You?"He replies
"Nightmare.."I say
He froze, looking at me, then hugs me tightly happily. We chat for a bit happily, catching up and listening to tunes.
I take him to the dorms where I found Blue living just a few days before.
He looks at me with hope.
"Is this...?"He begins
I nod.
I knock at the door. It opens to reveal Toph and Blue. Dust pulls me out of sight with him.
"It's nice to see you again, Sky Boy. And cool to catch up with you. I'll be on my way, I have a science project to finish but it'll be SOOO easy."Toph chuckles, marching out
"Cya later Toph!"Blue says
Toph walks down the opposite way of the hallway. I tear out of Dust's grip and pop out, waving to Blue.
"Nightmare! Come in come in!"He cheers, pulling me into his dorm, completely unaware of Dust's presence
I chuckle.
"Don't shut the door yet, Blue. I brought a friend."I say
"Oh?"He says
Dust steps into sight.
"Ah! Hello!"He says
Dust seemed to space out, not listening to anything.
I pull him inside and snap my fingers in his face a few times. He comes back to reality.
"Hey, Blue."He says
Blue smiles.
"Blue, this is Dust."I say
Blue's eyes twinkle. He pulls Dust into a hug quickly and Dust held him close. Blue starts hopping up and down. He frowns.
"Something wrong, Blue?"Dust asks
"Why are you so tall?"Blue asks
"I dunno, why are you so precious?"Dust replies
"Dust!"Blue squeaks, his face burning
"It's true.~"Dust coos
"Oh, my stars just kiss already!"I say
"Tell that to him!"Blue whines, dropping a big hint
"He said it to both of us Blue."Dust says
I facepalm.
Blue looks at him with a pouty look.
"Why do you make everything so difficult?"He asks Dust
"Huh?"Dust says
"Just...lower that head of yours a bit more!"Blue says, pulling at Dust's neck, causing Dust to lower it
Dust looks alarmed and was about to speak but Blue prevented him, kissing him. Blue looks happier now. Dust looks shocked and his face burns brightly. Blue held him by the neck in the kiss until he was satisfied I guess, pulling back.
"That was nice.....Mweheheh.."He says
"Blue, you like me?"Dust says
"Mhm. It's kinda obvious, just like yours."He says
"YOU KNEW?!"Dust exclaims
"You didn't exactly hide it very well.."I say
"I was just looking for a way to get my mutual feelings across to you since Error says you thought I was too innocent to pick up on your feelings or even return those feelings.."Blue says
"Welp sounds like you both have a lot to talk about and I don't feel like being a third wheel so I'll be on my way. Have fun, congratulations, and Blue, call me if Dust faints."I say
"Okie! Cya later, Nightmare!"He cheers while Dust looks so lost and dazed
I went back to my dorm and relax with Catra.
"So...What's your multiverse like?"Catra asks
I shrug. We've been around each other long enough for her to know. I explain what I could about what I could recall about my multiverse, all my friends, and their worlds. I couldn't remember much relating to myself in it at this point though. She found it interesting and understood my situation.
A few days later it was a rainy day and I had gone to get groceries and was walking peacefully to the bus stop. A man hidden under a hood grabs me out of nowhere.
"You're coming with me."He says
I drop the grocery bags and starting to fight against him but he wouldn't let go. I really could use my other form right now but can't unlock it. I struggle and he covers my mouth, bringing me down an alley. My eyes widen, knowing this can't be good. He ties my wrists behind a dumpster to a pipe. I could tell his intentions. I heard him talking, at one point heard a second one. An accomplice.....But still not a good situation.....A dark alley, rain, and even thunder drowning everything out, can't lead to anything good. The moment he uncovered my mouth, I screamed as loud as I could for help and he tried to stop me by biting my neck. That only made me scream louder in pain. I shut my eyes, not wanting to know what happens anymore.
I hear a loud hiss and yells. I was too scared to open my eyes.
"Lunar!"Two voices yell
I open my eyes to see the man lying beside me, beaten to the ground. I look up to see Catra and Kyle looming over me, looking worried but panting as if they were tired. Catra had her claws out and Kyle's fists were clenched. I try to move but everything seemed to hurt or was sore, especially my wrists that were still tied to the pipe. I start crying.
"Eric! Call 911!"Kyle yells
Catra swings a claw past my head. I feel my wrists go limp. Kyle scoops me up and I cling to him, unable to speak. I felt so weak, powerless...I couldn't even defend myself. I hear sirens and see flashing lights. Paramedics arrive and the next thing I know, I'm being loaded into an ambulance. But I saw the asshole get put into a police car before the lights blinded me.
"Does she have any family nearby?"An officer asks
"I'm her dorm mate and we're close. She has no family around but I'm probably the closest thing right now."Catra says
"Get in."A paramedic says
The ambulance doors shut and Catra is beside me while they try to get my breathing under control. I reach out and she holds my hand gently.
"H-How.....How did you-?"I struggle to ask
"You wouldn't answer my calls, which was unlike you. But you should really thank Eric. He was coming home from shopping and found your groceries spilled on the ground, called Kyle, and found you getting abused by that man. He may not be the strongest but he has courage, I'll give him that. He went at that man by himself trying to save you. Then Kyle called me and we both arrived to find him pinning the guy against the wall, both of them beaten badly. We took care of the rest and he kept watching to make sure no accomplices come or to get help. We didn't even know that you were conscious until you opened your eyes. You worried them so much...You worried me so much."She explains
I try to sit up but couldn't. She leans closer and I hug her.
"T-Thank you...Catra...."I say, my voice weak
She purrs softly in response.
My memory was getting fuzzy or blurry. I rest my head, trying to focus. Surely the police will want to know as much as they can. We get to the hospital and they quickly ran tests or gave me treatments. My hospital room was guarded by police. Catra was sent home, considered a possible suspect even though she was at the scene to SAVE ME. I gave my knowledge of the attack to the cops, then Toph and Encre visited me. Encre was quick to hug me while Toph was more vengeful than upset.
"Who the heck decided to attack you?! I'll give them a boulder to the face!"She says
"One of them got arrested at the scene..."I say
"Cops, take me to the dunderhead now!"Toph orders, dragging one away
Encre stayed the night there with me. A few days later, Eric, Catra, and Kyle were allowed to visit me, cleared of suspicion. Kyle and Eric hug me and I thank them for saving me, even Encre did the same. Kyle gave Eric a head noogie and chuckles.
"He has guts. If it weren't for him we probably wouldn't be here. I can only take credit for probably 5% of saving you."He says
Eric smiles.
"I knew something wasn't right! I couldn't just hop on a bus and ignore it! Especially after hearing you scream in pain!"He says
I smile, still thanking them. They left once their parents called but Catra stayed a little longer. She gave me my laptop.
"I notice you like to make calls at the end of the day on it...And you missed some calls from your children...So I thought it was best for you to have it to answer them!"She says
I smile. She tries to seem tough but I see her sweetness underneath. And she's the only one who knows the truth about me so I trust her.
"Thank you Catra..."I say
"Now I'm going to tell your friends and hunt down Cukeme! That twerp may have a part in it and if he does I will make him pay!"She says, running off
I open my laptop and see Killer and Ghastly have tried to reach me. My phone is in evidence still since it had some...."DNA evidence" on it, but I can bet there are missed messages or calls on it as well.
While I was thinking, I get a notification from Ghastly.
Papa! Please answer! I'm getting worried!
Sorry sweetie, I'm here. Wanna voice chat?
You better have a good explanation!
I hop on a voice chat with him, the hospital doors shut. I choose a voice chat since I didn't want him or anyone to see me in my current conditions. I don't want THEM worried when they aren't here.
"Hey, Ghastly. How are you?"I say
"EXPLAIN NOW!"He demands
I sigh. Here goes nothing.
"Sorry I missed your calls and messages last night sweetie, I lost my phone while running some errands and I overslept so I didn't check my laptop."I lie
"But that's unlike you! You always answer! And I know your lying voice! What's the truth?"He asks
This kid is good...
"It's over now anyways....No need to worry, dear. Now, how have you been?"I ask
"But-"He begins
"Let's drop that topic, ok? It's nothing to worry about."I say
He sighs.
"Fine. We narrowed the multiverses down to 4 that you could be in but each has a bajillion timelines to search. I wish I could just come through this call and hug...Wait...That gives me an idea! GRADIENT! MISTER ERROR! Check which timelines can communicate with ours! Isn't there a frequency or something for this connection?"He exclaims
"GoOd IdEa!"I hear Error shout
"That should narrow things down. Magnus, Mama is on the computer! Say hi!"Ghastly says
"Hewwo, Mama!"Magnus says
I giggle and listen to all they have to say.
A few days later, I was able to come home and get my phone back. They got all the evidence they could from it and it dead-ended. I didn't know my attackers, that was clear. When I got to my dorm again, I was hugged by each of my dorm-mates. The story got out to the news and the dorm buildings and school wanted to avoid a lawsuit, so they assigned Kyle to be like a personal bodyguard for me. He was big and strong and we were on good terms so they saw no issue with it. I didn't either, especially since I no longer liked being alone. And I had a fear that the accomplice may come back to finish what they started or at least try again. I found myself unable to really sleep. Kyle would stand by the window of my room, checking it or chatting with Catra or me, following procedure with everything. His uncle was the lead investigator of this case so he knows what to do and what not to do. My laptop starts alerting me of notifications. Kyle saw that some incoming call was the cause and gave it to me after automatically accepting the call for me. My arm was still in a cast so I couldn't. I saw that it was connecting to Killer and for a moment freaked out. I privately messaged him: Someone else is near me so don't call me Nightmare. Don't freak out I can explain.
It connects and he looks at me, his red eye-lights as bright as ever with his charming smile. That quickly went away when he saw me. Bruises along my arms, bandages on my face, and my arm in a cast.
He was silent.
I didn't know where to start with this. Kyle sits beside me and looks at the screen.
"Is this your gaming friend? Cool nickname, Killer! What filter are you using?"He asks
I nod.
"The skeleton one."Killer lies
"What's her nickname?"He asks
"Nightmare..."Killer says
"Ah, I see."He says
"Who are you?"Killer asks, clearly trying to keep his tone calm and friendly
"Kyle! Her friend and new bodyguard!"He says
"Why would Nightmare need one?"Killer asks
"Haven't you seen the news?"He asks
"No?"Killer says
"Can I tell him?"He asks me
"It was going to be explained anyway...Go ahead...."I say
He puts earbuds on me and had me listen to music while he explains to Killer what happened. I could tell by Killer's expression that Killer wasn't happy. Kyle takes them out so I could rejoin the conversation.
"We're going to trial for one of the culprits tomorrow.."Kyle says
"Interesting...May I talk with Nightmare privately?"Killer asks
Kyle nods, leaving.
"I'm coming for you.~"He coos to me
I look at him.
"Then nobody will be able to hurt you ever again. You're all mine, Nighty."He says
I smile a bit but thoughts go through my mind. He probably could tell by my expression because he started drowning me with words of affection, denying every negative thing I could think of. I smile.
"I can't wait to see you, Killer By the way Dust and Blue got together.."I say
"How do you know that?"He asks
"Blue lives across the hall from me. And I saw them kiss."I say
He grins.
"Well, that helps! And it's about time!"He says, then gets cut out suddenly
I get a text saying that his computer died.
A few days later my arm healed.
The culprit was convicted and the police assured me that they had plenty of leads to follow. I went to a cafe with some friends. Kyle still followed me around but made it even more subtle. I sat down after putting in an order. Out of nowhere the stranger sitting in front of me turns around, leans back in the chair, and kissed me. I pull back and all he says is:
"It was fun with you in the alley."
I back up, recognizing the voice. Kyle whistles, grabbing me and scooping me up. Eric and Martin join us.
"You leave our Lunar alone!"They snap
My face burns up at their tones and how tight Kyle's grip was on me. Plus they didn't shut up from there.
They took me outside and the guy follows, smirking.
"Kyle...That's the accomplice. I recognize his voice."I whisper
"You sure?"He asks
"You remember the person who attacks you sounds or looks, trust me.."I say
"Martin, call my uncle."He says
"On it!"Martin says
Within minutes he was arrested and days later convicted. I sigh with relief.
They set me down and I get a text from Killer saying: "Found your timeline!"
I smile. Things are looking up.
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