Chapter 7:Hope and Jars
(listened to this while writing)
"Got him, boss."Cipher says
"Ah, good. Very good."Renew says, squeezing something that cried in her hand
"You having fun with using Dream?"Cipher asks
"Yes, it's quite enjoyable. Like squeezing a stress ball that plays music to my ears."Renew says
"Good to hear. Now, what shall I do with his brother?"Cipher asks
"Restore his memory."Renew says
"Huh?"Cipher says in confusion
"I want him to be aware of what trouble he's in. Know what his fate most likely is. Shrink him down like Dream, making him vulnerable and keep his abilities locked, making him unable to do anything."Renew says
"Okay, yes boss."Cipher says
He leaves to do so.
"Leave my brother alone!"Dream shouts
"You have no voice or power here."Renew says, then squeezes again
Dream continued to cry in pain.
Cipher shrinks Nightmare/Allsun down as told. Yes, he knows this is his former boss, but he doesn't care. He has benefits and rewards from Renew. Power. The ability to rule the multiverse. He just has to wait for the right time. He puts his former boss in a jar and moves on to his next assignment.
Later, Renew places Dream in the same jar and puts a bottle cork on top to block it up. She leaves. Dream desperately tries to wake his brother up, but he wouldn't. This got Dream to panic and take out a small bottle from his boot. He had watched his brother teach the kids to hide an emergency item with them. So he puts two items in each boot. This bottle was full of water. He takes the cap off and pours it on his brother. Nightmare jolts, waking up. He is completely confused though.
Dream's POV
"Dream? Where are we? What's going on? Where's Ghastly? Are they ok?"Brother asks in a panic
"Brother! You're ok! Thank the stars! Well, we're in a jar. We were shrunk down by Cipher and Renew. Stuff is going on, dunno what. Ghastly is still at home last I checked, which was before Cipher got me. I'm sure everyone is ok."I tell him
"Are you alright?"He asks
I nod.
He narrows his eyes at me.
"You are not a good liar, Dream."He says
He rolls up my sleeves and checks my condition. He sees the cracks in my bones.
"Renew used me like a stress ball, not the nicest experience."I tell him
"Oh, she is gonna pay!"He says, shaking a fist
He stands up and starts pushing the jar, trying to tip it, but it's no use. It wouldn't budge. He quickly learns that he can't summon anything. He punches the cork but only hurt his hand. I tell him to stop before he hurts himself even more and he reluctantly complies. He sits down next to me and looks very unhappy.
I try to do conversations but he wasn't interested.
Probably not the best time.
I keep checking for positive feelings. Hope, Joy, Care, anything. Anything that isn't coming from Renew or Cipher. There was absolutely nothing.
But then I got something.
I try to locate it and press against the jar in its direction, curious and trying to fiure out who it is. It is very strong.
"Do you feel that brother?"I ask
"Feel what?"He asks
"The positivity."I say
"Um, look at who you're asking."He says
"So you don't?"I ask
"Nope."He says
"Oh...."I say
I focus and try to decode the feeling. It's hope, but then it's extending out to love. Love for my brother. Then I find out who it's coming from and is no surprise. I chuckle and smile.
"What did you find out?"Brother asks
"Heh, someone special has come."I say
"Oh, did Cross come to get you? No surprise there."He says
"Killer is coming for you."I say
"Kills? He's here?"He asks in shock
"So you remember your nickname for him, does that mean..?"I say
"I remember everything now..."He tells me
"Ah, ok. That's fantastic! And yes, he's here. I can sense his emotions."I say
I see him smile a big smile now. He seems so happy with this news now. I can sense his positive emotions too now, they are strong ones.
"I can't wait to see him when we get out of here."He says
Then I sense something else. I get full of worry. Oh gosh, if Brother finds out about this, someone may be dead.
"Dream, I can now sense your emotions, what's wrong?"He asks
"Nephew Ghastly is here as well."I say
"*sigh* Did he even learn from the first time he was grounded? I swear, when we get outta here, he's grounded for 2 months."He says
"I honestly don't know with that kid. His focus is just protect us, even if he's gonna get in trouble. Same with his brother."I say
"Well, that's both a pro and a con."He says
"Agreed."I say
There's a big boom that makes everything shake.
The jar tips over and the cork pops off when we kicked it. I see freedom and turn to grab Nightmare, but he swiped his hand away from me and shoved me out instead.
"Brother! What are you doing? Come on!"I tell him
"This is no ordinary jar, Dream. It has a tripwire sensor."He tells me
"What?"I ask
"It can sense any movement. It already knows you got out. But if I come out as well, it will signal an alarm to those jerks. Just go."He says
"Leave? No! I can't leave you! Not again! I can't risk losing you!"I tell him
"But you can't just stay here to get caught or worse. The kids need you."He says
"They ned you too! You are their father to them!"I say
"Ya, but if they can't have me around, they need their uncle, don't they? Go, get out of here."He says
"Brother!"I cry
"I'll be fine."He lies
"You better keep some positivity so we can find you! I can't lose you, brother!"I tell him
"Okay."He says
He gestures for me to go so I do.
I run as fast as I can but then hear thundering footsteps.
I hide behind a stack of books and under one leaning against the stack, forming a tent or tunnel for me. I stay still and quiet. I watch Renew enter, heading to where the jar was.
I hear Allsun yell and then a soft thud. I watch Renew leave. I wait for some moments out of caution.
I peek out and start crying again. I wanted to summon my bow and arrows so badly in that moment but can't. Renew is dead! Cipher is dead!
Renew put him in another jar. This one was tall, small and slimmer than the one I was in with him. The cork was in tighter and there is a ribbon to hold it in place. There is a tag on it that just told the fate they have planned for my brother.
He will be killed.
Or used.
My brother just sat there, sad and seeming to accept this.
I come out of hiding and look right at him.
"We'll get you! I promise!"I tell him
He does not answer.
I just turn and run. I hop off the table and land swiftly on my feet. It hurt a bit due to the cracks but screw it. I don't care. A few cracks are nothing compared to protecting my brother's life. I run as fast as I could. I hear footsteps and panic. I'm in a narrow hallway with hardly anything. I look for any spot to hide. I see a ledge in the bricks, one that seems like a hole. I climb up the bricks as if it were rock-climbing and lift myself inside.
I sit there, still and quiet. I do not dare make a sound.
The footsteps come closer and closer.
At a normal size, they may be the lightest and most quiet of footsteps. But at this size they feel like earthquakes and sound like thunder.
"So when are we getting out of here?"A voice asks
"When we find Dream and Nightmare."Another says
"And when's that?"The first says
"When we do."The second says
"Patience, mister Fell."A third says
"Pfft, a kid is telling you to be patient. Doesn't that tell you how childish you're acting?"A fourth says
"Oh, so is it so wrong to want to leave with my life?"The first says, probably Fell
I hear a fifth voice chuckle.
"Oh wait, I forgot! These are your fucking stupid lovers we're searching for! And by we I mean you guys!"Fell says
"Dude, there are kids here. And that's one of the kid's dad and uncle you're cursing about. Do ya mind?"A sixth says
"Oh shut it, Cross. Killer what the hell have you been up to with Nightmare."Fell says
"Classic, how do you get him to be quiet for Asgoro's sake?"The second voice, Killer, says
"I usually just ignore him or cover his mouth. Or tell him to be quiet until he gets the point."The fourth voice says
"Ok, well, good tips. Let's speed up the process. Fell, if I want to hear your language, I'll squeeze your skull. So zip it."Killer says
"Hmph."Fell says
I see them pass by. Ghastly holds Killer's hand while Killer walks and talks. I see Fell on his head, looking very angry. Classic is on one shoulder with...Raven on the other, chuckling. Oh, Goth, Shino, Geno and Reaper are gonna be glad to have him back! Those three were shrunk down like Nightmare and I. Cross is following behind them with Ghastly's Blasty.
"I hope we're going the right way, they have to be around here somewhere."Ghastly says
"I'm sure they are, Ghastly."Cross says
Raven looks to his right and sees me. But they just keep on walking. It looks like he is processing what he saw. Who he saw.
"Umm, you guys are looking for Uncle Dream right?"Raven says
"Mhm."Ghastly says
"And that's just Dream to everyone else, right?"Raven asks
"Yep."Killer says
"Uh-huh."Classic says
"Mhm."Fell says
"Ehhhh. My Dream."Cross says
I feel my face warm a bit.
I'm his....
"Well, we just passed him."Raven says
"What?! How?!"They exclaim, while Fell bursts into laughter
"Okay, turn around and head back. I'll show you."Raven says
I hear the footsteps come close again.
"There!"Raven says, pointing to me
"Uncle Dream!"Ghastly cheers
I remember what Brother said.
"Hey, Grounded Nephew!"I say
"What? I'm not grounded anymore!"He says
"Eh, your father would say otherwise. He would.....would......"I say, but couldn't complete my sentence
"What's wrong, Uncle Dream?"Ghastly asks
"Brother....."I mutter
A hand reaches in and grabs me. I flinch from the new force on my cracked bones. I look and see Cross gazing at me in his hand.
"Dream? Are you ok? What's wrong?"He asks
"Brother....Is trapped. They plan to use him or......Can't say in front of nephew."I say
He lifts me closer.
"Kill him."I whisper
"Oh hell nah!"He says
"Ahem."Fell says, hinting at the language
"Fell, I didn't squeeze your skull. Your the last to be calling others out about language."Killer says
Fell goes silent.
"Don't worry, Dream. We'll get him. It's gonna be ok. I mean, look who we're dealing with. They won't get away with this."Cross says
"O-Ok, thanks Cross."I say, holding one of his fingers that he wrapped around me
"No problem."He says
"Aww, how sweet."Raven says
"Wait..."Nephew says
"What's up, Ghastly?"I ask
"How'd Papa even know I was here?"He asks
"Heh, your emotions can give you away. Just like someone else's here gave themselves away."I say with a smirk
"Who?"He asks
I chuckle.
"His Kills of course. And boy, he was so happy to find out those feelings were from you, Killer. You could see it on his face and I could sense it."I say
Killer's face lights up.
"He remembers?"Killer asks
"Yep, he remembers everything now. It seems like Cipher somehow managed to take it and return it now."I say
"Knew it was only a matter of time before he remembers."Cross says
"Papa is very strong."Ghastly says
I smile.
But then, there is a big explosion from where I came, starting a huge fire.
"What the?!"Ghastly exclaims
"They're blocking us off!"Killer snaps
"They're gonna escape!"Cross says
"No shit Sherlocks."Fell says, then coughs from the smoke
I hear Brother yell. It is full of pain and terror. I flashback to the hideout explosion. No! I should have stayed with him! No! He can't be lost again!
"Nighty!"Killer yells
The walls begin to shake and pieces of the roof fall, blocking us off from the fire but also the only way to where Brother was kept.
"Everyone! Get to Blasty! This place is falling apart!"Ghastly demands
Cross turns and hops onto Blasty, tucking me by his hood. Killer hops on with the three tiny skeltons gripping onto him. Ghastly hops on and pats Blasty gently.
"Let's get outta here!"He says
Blasty nods and blasts a hole in the wall, soaring out of the building. We hover above it at a safe distance. The fire burned the entire place down. It starts to fall apart. I cry at the sight, hoping and praying to the stars that Brother is not somewhere in there still. But I can't sense anything from him. Cross looks at me and hugs me with his hand gently. I sigh but smile at him. I look and see my nephew shaking. I climb out of Cross' hold and scurry over to him. I see that he's crying as well. I hop repeatedly to get his attention. He looks at me. I come to him and hug him.
"It's okay, nephew. It's gonna be ok. Your father is very strong."I say
"But he isn't invincible. He is not fire-proof."He says
"You'd be amazed at what he can do despite that. Why do you think he's been training you? He has a lot of experience. I'd say you're only learning 1/10 of what he knows."I say
"Really?"He asks
"Really."I tell him
"Heh, guess he is a hero then."He says, placing me on his shoulder
"Mhm."I say
We hover there for hours. We dunno what to do or where to go. I know full well that tomorrow is gonna be Brother's birthday celebration and if we come back without him, everyone will be sad or we'll call it off.
But then, after four hours, I sense something. My glimmer of hope. A faint positive emotion. But the longer I focused on it, the stronger it got. I try to pinpoint and identify it. I manage to do so and smile. I turn around and look at Killer. Fell, Raven and Classic are asleep on him now.
"Killer, I want to thank you."I say
"For what?"He asks
"For being such a good boyfriend to my brother. He really needed it."I say
He frowns.
"He's gone?"He asks
"Oh quit being so negative! I just thanked you! And he's quite the opposite of gone."I say
He looks confused as heck.
I look at my nephew.
"Let's go to World 44.7 A, I have a good feeling."I say
His eyes get bright and full of joy and hope. He looks at me in pure amazement. He hugs me and I jolt again. He notices this. He looks behind him and sees Cross watching. He frowns. He places me in front of him, out of Cross' sight. He rolls up my sleeves and sees my cracked bones.
"What happened to you?"He asks quietly
"Renew used me as a stress ball."I reply
"Are there more of those on the rest of your body?"He asks
I nod.
He takes something out of his pocket. It looked like a tiny blanket, like a corner of one. He wraps it around me and places me back on his shoulder.
"That should help you."He says
I start to feel healing magic radiate from it like heat would. I notice Killer give Cross an odd look.
"What the heck did you do?"Killer asks
"Nothing!"Cross says
Then Ghastly nods and tells Blasty to do go.
I'm keeping my promise, Brother.
Yes TBC but I promise more is to come!
Take this real quick cause why not.
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