Chapter 68:Complicated Truths
Nightmare's POV days later
"Ah, how interesting."I say
"Yeah! Then there was this weird lady named Yzma that tried to turn my brother into a llama! But her assistant Kronk got us out of there! Oh, and then I dunno what happened but we got stuck between two Gods of the Afterlife! One named Xibalba, Ruler of the Land of the Forgotten and Hades, Ruler of the Underworld. They were arguing on who was better or powerful! Then this lady named La Muerte came and took us away. And a monkey man named Mojo Jojo took us away to another world. Then he got blasted by a lady named Shego. Apparently the villains of a bunch of universes were at war to see who is best. This Shego girl was nice. Sassy, but nice and was very strong, protecting us. Then we met a guy named Dr. Doof that got stuck in the middle of it and he took us to safety. He claimed to be evil but was really nice and funny, which reminded me of you. I explained things to him and he got to work on making an invention. He even got help from a platypus in a fedora. It opened a portal to what he hoped to be our multiverse and he send us home, saying that he may be evil enough to attempt to take over the Tri-State Area, he knows that no villain should be seperated from their family. But instead he sent us to an evil lair!"He explains
"Well he isn't wrong. But man, your adventures sound wacky."I say
"Yep! I thought our multiverse was weird and yet we haven't even seen the other multiverses! There's so many and it's strange yet exciting to see!"He says
I smile, listening to my son Ghastly explain his adventures to me. His brother Magnus was sleeping in my arms.
"What happened afterwards? What villain owned the lair you fell into?"I ask curiously
I didn't even question how we are related. I could sense it from him and I just get that feeling that only a parent or family member would get when reunited with a child or relative. Plus, this child is so sweet that even if we weren't related I'd keep him around. They're so precious and sweet, plus entertaining to keep around. He explained how I was their parent before the reset, which I honestly was cool with.
"The lights turned on and I got surrounded by yellow beings in overalls and goggles that varied in shape and size. Fat, skinny, tall, short, one eye, two eyes, bits of hair, no hair, etc. Different voice pitches and personalities were obvious. They spoke a different language which seemed to mix a bunch of languages together. They picked my brother and I up, talking to each other until their leader appeared. He was this tall, slender, bald human dressed in dark colors and had a pointy nose. They handed us to him and he demanded answers. I explained things to him and he introduced himself as Gru. Apparently we weren't the first to arrive. His name was Gru and the yellow folks were his minions speaking Minionese. A blue man named Megamind had also been dropped in here. He used to try to be evil but apparently turned to be a hero. Same with Gru. They took good care of us until-"He explains
Knock knock!
"Who is it?"I ask
"Cross!"A voice shouts from the other side
"What was your relationship with him before the reset?"I ask quietly
"May I come in?"Cross asks
"We were on good terms."He says
"Okay, come in Cross. But come in quietly."I say
He slams the door open.
Real quiet, Cross. T-T
Magnus starts crying after rudely awoken from his nap.
"Cross! You woke him up!"I snap
A glow from Ghastly's wrist appears and a hologram of two heads appear.
"It worked!"A blue head says
"Why is the baby crying?"A human with pointy nose says
"I think Zig-zag face bothered them."The blue one says
"Gorls! I'll be right back! Minions! Get the fart guns and I'll get the freeze ray!"The other says
The hologram disappears.
"The blue one was Megamind and the other was Gru."Ghastly whispers
"Interesting."I say
"Nightmare who are these kids?"Cross asks
"These....These are my sons, Cross."I say
"WHAT?! Since when did you get that close with anyone?!"He snaps
"Lower your voice! And they are from a time before our multiverse reset."I say
"Well? What are you going to do with them?"He asks
"Keep them."I say
"WHAT?"He exclaims
"They're family. Much better family than Dream. I'll gladly keep them."I say, rocking Magnus back to sleep
"Do you even know who you had them with?!"He growls
I feel my face burn. Ghastly told me exactly who but I am not saying in order to keep things good and not-awkward between us.
"I....actualy do and I am completely okay with who it is...."I say
"But-ACK!"Cross says
"I got him in a headlock! Now Gru!"Megamind shouts
Gru fires a fart gun at Cross, knocking him out with the stench.
"What is with you and headlocks?"Gru asks
"What? I like them!"Megamind says, dragging Cross away
Gru comes over as Magnus reaches out to him. He squats down and Magnus grabs his nose.
"You can rest now, Magnus."He says
Magnus nods, dozing back off.
Gru looks at me.
"I assume you have no memory of parenting, but there is no real right way to do it. Take it from me, I adopted three gorls and had to learn along the way. Just take care of them."He says
"I've never dealt with kids but have been an outcast or alien in my world! So family is one of the most crucial things to a child! Make sure yours is a good one!"Megamind says
"Will do."I say
"We'll be on our way then before this guy causes trouble."Gru says
"Hey!"Megamind says
"It's true. Let's go."Gru says, dragging him away
They leave and I smile.
"So how does that sound for you two?"I ask
"That sounds great! We'd love to stay with you Papa!"Ghastly says
"Alrighty then. It's late so you two get into bed."I say, setting them in my bed
My tentacles tuck them in with the blankets.
"What about you?"He asks
"I have some things to tend to."I say
"Okay, goodnight Papa."He says
"Goodnight, Ghastly. Goodnight Magnus."I say, shutting the door
I grin.
Now to make a room for them.
I look at the other rooms. I had made everyone take rooms to the right or across from mine, leaving a room to the left of mine vacant. This is going to be their room now. And I feel like working on it for them to give them a warm welcome.
I go downstairs, gathering some supplies from a few closets, then go upstairs to the room. I know they won't get woken up since I made these walls soundproof. I shut the door and start cutting planks of wood, essembling a crib for Magnus. I put a cozy set of blankets, pillows, and a doll or two. I made a little mobile and hung it above his crib. Next I set up a little nightstand, dresser, and closet. I set a lamp on the nightstand and decorated it with patterns that Ghastly said they both liked. I set up a bed beside the crib for Ghastly since he told me he always wants to be beside his brother. Sure, Magnus won't be in the crib forever but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. I cover the bed with blankets, pillows and a doll or two as well. I made sure the room had a window for them to look out of and put curtains around the window. I look at my progress and smile. But I wasn't out of energy or supplies yet. I noticed how bland and dark the walls looked with its pitch black color in comparison to the furniture in it for kids. I got some paint and painted the walls a brighter violet, much more welcoming and friendly color for a kid. It was easier and quicker with tentacles, plus with my tentacles it could clean up any paint that dripped when it shouldn't have.
I sat down while the paint was drying, planning my next move. I smirk, getting an idea. All the other rooms have labels and decorations on the door to signal who it belongs to, so why not decorate the door? I get some spare wood and start carving them into letters and names. There is a knock at the door while I was carving the t of Ghastly. I pause, glancing at a clock I set on the dresser. It's 3AM.
Perhaps it's Ghastly and Magnus and they can't sleep?
I didn't sense any bad dreams coming from them. I shrug, setting my work aside and opening the door to find Killer standing there.
"Hey, Killer."I say
"Hiya, Nightmare. What are you up to? Your goop is covered in paint.....And Horror spotted you going into this room with lots of stuff and haven't come out in hours according to him."He says
"Just working on a little project. I have nothing better to do after all."I tell him
"What about sleep?"He asks
"I took a nap midway through the day so I can't exactly sleep."I say
I could tell that he is trying to peek into the room but both the door and my tentacles blocked him. If Cross reacted the way he did about me keeping kids, how would he react? It won't be that hard to tell if he spots the baby crib after all.
"Anything I can do to help?"He asks
"Hmmmm....."I say, thinking
I see Cross coming down the hall. He will surely give problems about me making a room for them, another sign that I am keeping the kids.
"Keep Cross busy, he will just cause problems with the project."I say
"Gladly."He says, then goes down the hall to Cross and dragging him away
"What the-?!"Cross snaps
"Cross, let's go to a farm!"Killer says
"Why?"Cross asks
"We're out of milk so we have to go milk some cows!"Killer says with a sinister grin
"Noooo!"Cross shouts, trying to get away but failing as Killer pulls him through a portal
They still don't get along that well. I go back in, shutting the door and continuing to carve the names. Once done, I paint the names to make them stand out and later hammer two nails onto the door and hang the names by some strings onto the nails. I look at the door now. It looked nice. By now the paint in the room dried. I cut a doorway out of the wall, placing a door in it to connect my room to theirs so they can always reach me without going into the chaotic hallway. I KNOW it gets chaotic very often so this will be easier access. I go into my room to find the both of them waking up.
"Morning you two."I say
Magnus reaches out to me, already looking energetic. Ghastly smiles at me. I scoop them both up, carrying them out to get breakfast. I get Magnus a bottle and make some pancakes for Ghastly. He smiles and eats it quickly. Apparently he hasn't gotten good meals lately.
"I have a surprise for you both."I say
Ghastly looks at me and Magnus giggles in the baby chair I also made for him. I scoop Magnus up and have Ghastly walk with his hand in mine. I show them the new room and Magnus' eyes shined with wonder while Ghastly was amazed. I set them down and allow them to explore the room happily.
"Nightmare, we're back!"I hear Killer shout
I see him drag an unconscious Cross away.
"Cow scare?"I ask
"A whole herd of cows scared him."He says, tossing Cross back into his room
He walks over and looks at the door.
"Who are they? Magnus and Ghastly?"He asks
I pause, thinking about telling him. What to say and what not to say.
How do you even explain this to someone? "Hey, I'm keeping two kids from a life and time we can't recall that just so happen to be ours! Mine and yours! Yeah, we went to the Bone Zone apparently and now they're here! I'm keeping them, that cool with you? Warning, they might call you Dad!" Like seriously! There is no guide to this!
I sigh.
"Are they a problem for you? Cause I'll gladly take care of it for you."He says, taking out a knife
"Killer relax. They are not a problem, it's just....complicated to explain. You know about the multiverse reset, right?"I ask
"Yeah, Reaper talked about what his dad and brother said about it. Apparently he had some kids with Geno. Why?"He says
"Well, I learned that they weren't the only ones. Kids, come on out."I say
"Okay, Papa!"Ghastly says
Killer looks at me in shock.
"Who did you bone?"He asks
My face burns and I glance away.
"I was the one that got boned apparently...."I mumble
"Was it planned?"He asks
"I dunno! I don't remember! It was from the reset!"I say
"Who was it with?"He asks
"I dunno."I lie
Ghastly comes out holding Magnus. I wrap a tentacle around him gently.
"Killer...This is Ghastly and Baby Magnus."I say
"Hello, Mister Killer. It's nice to meet you."Ghastly says
"Da-!"Magnus begins but Ghastly covers his mouth
"Huh?"Killer says, perplexed by this action
"Baby gibberish."Ghastly says
"Well it's nice to meet you two."Killer says while Magnus hugs my tentacle
Ghastly smiles. Magnus slips out of Ghastly's hold and starts to crawl to Killer. Killer kneels down curiously. Magnus snatches his knife and holds it properly. He looks at it curiously.
"Careful, Magnus. You shouldn't have tha-"Killer begins
Magnus throws the knife past Killer, pinning Cross who was stomping over to a wall. Killer sees this and grins.
"I like you both already."He says
Magnus giggles, climbing into Killer's lap.
"Papa, can I go take a look around?"Ghastly asks
"Sure thing kiddo. This is your home now after all."I say
He smiles and runs off. Not even a few minutes later I hear him scream.
I quickly go over. I find Cross had gotten away and was already ganging up on Ghastly with Fell. I sneak up behind them, placing hands on Cross and Fell's heads.
"Hey you two....You're not bothering MY SON are you?"I growl
"I didn't know this kid was yours!"Fell says
"I know but Cross did. Back off of my son and neither of you will get hurt."I say
The two run off.
"You alright, Ghastly?"I ask
He nods.
"Yep, thank you!"He says, looking up at me.
I smirk.
"You look tired. Why don't you go to sleep?"He asks
"Ehhh....."I say
"I can ensure you rest well."He says
"Snuggles?"I say
"Well yes, but also my abilities. I can sense worries, fears, and hopes like you can sense negativity."He tells me
"Really?"I ask
"Yeah. Watch."He tells me
I watch him grow and morph, goop covering his body and tentacles growing from his back. It had a purple color to it with his purple eye twinkling. His right eye was covered in this form. He looked like a mirror of my form. I was absolutely amazed. He really is my child. One of our tentacles intertwined.
"Now let's get you to bed."He says
I nod.
"O-Okay."I say
He leads me through the halls and back upstairs.
"Sooo, are you still in love with Dad?"He asks
My face burns.
"Y-Yes, yes I am. But he doesn't know."I say
"This stays between us then."He says
I nod.
I get to my room and climb into bed. One of his tentacles pats me on the head before I doze. I had dreams full of Killer in different forms and scenarios. It was new and caught me off guard. My soul was racing but I didn't wake up. He was more....assertive and dominant which got me flustered in these but I wasn't complaining.
A few weeks later, I've been enjoying caring for the two of them and learning what they know or are capable of. Killer seemed a bit more on edge whenever he is near me. He stutters more and his eye-lights show more often with me. He grips his hands more and struggles to keep eye contact, which I can tell due to his eye-lights returning. One day Dust and Cross were fighting and Killer was just entering the hall it was happening in. Cross' knife went flying right at him but I shoved him into the wall, out of the way. He was pinned to it now. I felt the blade zip past us. I glare down the hall at the two who froze mid-fight.
They fled before I decided to go after them. I look at Killer as he glances up at me.
"You alright, Killer?"I ask
He doesn't answer me. He just gazed at me silently, seeming to have his head in the clouds. I scan his body for any possible injuries but he seemed fine. His face turns a bright red. I realize our position, reminding me of a dream I had but with the position swapped and what it lead to....My goop covered my burning face at the thoughts. I clear my throat and glance away. Nobody was around....NO! I am not doing that! Not taking advantage! He doesn't even see me that way!
"Ahem, sorry for knocking you into the wall like that....But it's better than getting a sword to the face, right? Be more careful, okay?"I say
I glance at him, seeing the red glow spread down his body, shining even under his clothes.
"Killer?"I say
His body glows brighter. I grab his hand. That seems to snap him back to reality.
"Huh?"He says
"Are you okay? You're shining red all over."I say
He looks down at himself and squeaks in surprise. I hold back a chuckle at how cute it was.
"N-Nightmare, t-t-thank you. I a-am em, okay, I just h-have to go to my room real quick bye!"He says, running off
I smile. Part of me was concerned but by now I am used to his anxious behavior. I head to the kitchen to grab a snack. I find some chocolate brownies on a platter with a note. I pick it up to read it.
For Nightmare From Cross-Please enjoy them! X!Chara will kill me if the chocolate went to waste!
Huh, and I thought he'd never give up chocolate. Welp, might as well try them so X!Chara doesn't kill him.
I taste a few and they had a unique taste. New taste but good. I left some behind for Cross and X!Chara to have so X!Chara doesn't lose all the chocolate.
I go upstairs but find myself stumbling up them, which was strange. I go to open the door but it went right through my hand. I hold my hand and it seemed to solidify again. Then I reach for it but then I got dizzy and found myself under the door. It opens to show Ghastly. I find myself as a goopy puddle on the floor. He gets a few buckets and soon pours me into a tub in a bathroom. This hasn't happened before. He fills it with water and bubbles and that seems to solidify me. I take form again but felt horrible. Ghastly returns with Magnus and they both start taking care of me and trying to figure out what was wrong. We learned the hard way that I couldn't leave the tub or I'll turn liquid again. The warm bath and bubbles seemed to keep me stable for whatever reason. Even in my passive form. Each of the gang over the next few days would check on me, feed me food or medicine. It seemed like I would recover but whenever Cross fed me, I'd get worse. So Cross was no longer able to feed me until we could solve what was wrong. My sons and Error went as far as not letting him visit me at all. He was replaced with Killer and that was....interesting.
There was a knock at the door.
"Hm?"I say
"It's Killer. Do you need anything?"He asks
"Nah. Wanna chat? I don't have anything else to do."I say
"What no! I wanna give you privacy!"He says
"Killer, it's not like I'm naked. You can come in. I'm not going to talk through a door."I say
"Mmmm...Okay."He says
He opens it, enters with his head down and shuts the door. He comes beside it and looks at me. I smile at him a bit.
"How do you feel?"He asks
"Sick...."I groan
"When did this start?"He asks
"I ate a brownie Cross left for me."I say
He frowns.
My body melts again and he seems to panic. I splash the dial to add more warm water and it works. I start taking form again and grin. He had my hand taking form in his cupped hands, trying to "preserve" me. I take it back.
"I can't seem to leave this without turning to a puddle of goop. It's so strange...."I say
He feels my cheek. I look at him.
"We will solve this. It will all be okay."He tells me
I smile,nuzzling into his hand.
"Okay..."I say softly
"Nightmare! I heard the news! Are you okay?!"A voice thunders through the walls
Lewis comes through a wall, hovering above me.
"I'm fine....Just stuck here and feeling disgusting...."I say, getting my hand back
He looks at me with a questioning gaze.
"Something already doesn't seem right. And I don't just mean sick."He says
"How can you tell?"Killer asks, positioned protectively in front of me
"Blue taught me about this multiverse and signs of sickness or other things. Plus I did an internship at a medical center once when I was human. Something seems off."He explains
Then he proceeds to give me a check up, checking my conditions and stats.
"This is very bad....Nightmare, you've been getting fed poison, which is causing instability in your forms. Who has fed you that causes you to feel ill?"He says
"Cross....His food seemed to have started this and worsen it whenever he came to see me."I say
Lewis' body became covered in flames, clearly showing his rage.
"CROSS!"He yells, soaring away
I look at Killer, seeing how protective he is positioned. His phone buzzes and I caught a glimpse of the contact as he took it out. 🌈💛💚Color🔥💙💜
Man, he really likes emojis in his contacts....Hearts......He likes that guy.....Knew that I didn't have a chance or he saw me like that....He messed with me when I was human......
I shake my head, sinking into the bath water.
"GOT THE TRAITOR!"Lewis yells, coming in with Cross in his burning grip
I look at him with only my eyes above the water. Killer drops his phone. He takes a knife out.
"You better have a good explanation!"He snaps
I smile, finding it nice that he still clearly and genuinely cares about me.
"I was talking with Dream. He suggested that Nightmare would like a snack so he gave me some food for Nightmare to try-"Cross begins
"AND YOU BELIEVED HIM WITH NO SECOND THOUGHTS?! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! YOU KNOW DREAM DOES NOT GIVE TWO SHITS ABOUT OTHERS! HE ONLY PRETENDS TO CARE TO GET HIS WAY! YOU KNOW THEIR HISTORY! HE LITERALLY IS TRYING TO FIGHT US EVEN THOUGH WE MADE TRUCES, TRIED TO KILL ERROR AND DUST, POISON BLUE WITH A TACO LAST WEEK AND INTOXICATE INK BECAUSE THEY DO NOT AGREE WITH HIM ANYMORE?! But what, in your stupid head, told you that he was trustworthy after all that? His little Prince Charming or hero act? What did he have to lie to your face about for you to do that? Oh, I didn't mean to shoot at him 5 million times or attack him countless times! I still love him. BULLSHIT! How many times did X!Chara say something wasn't right and you ignored?! TELL ME, Cross, HOW STUPID DO YOU HAVE TO BE TO BELIEVE THAT LUNATIC AND LET THIS HAPPEN! And once Nightmare got sick, what told you to keep feeding him more of it when you visited him? What the hell were you thinking?!"Killer snaps, breaking into a rage
"He did what to INK?!"He exclaims
"Oh my stars, Cross, how oblivious are you? Error's kid literally told us about it and you were beside me! He warned us to watch out for Dream and his tricks! What were you off in lala land while Gradient told us what Dream threatened to do? And look where that got us! GREAT JOB PROTECTING NIGHTMARE! Whose side are you even on to even hang out with Dream after everything he did and still claim to be an ally of ours? Cause clearly you are no longer as protecting or trustworthy as you were before you did. I don't believe for a minute that you didn't once think that something was wrong or didn't know what could go wrong. And I'm going to make you pay."Killer growls at him
My head starts aching even worse than it already has.
"Nightmare, are you alright?"Lewis asks
"Mmmmmm.........."I goan
Ghastly kicks the door open with Magnus in a baby sling. He runs over to me, gripping my hand. I could hardly speak. I felt so weak.
"It's geting worse, I'm calling 911."He says, taking out a phone
"We don't live where hospitals can reach us."Cross says
"Oh trust me, we have our own version of 911 services. I'm calling my big brother."He says
I look at him. Another kid?
"Well, half brother. He got taken in before the reset. He has become an expert or at least very knowledgable about poisons or things that could hurt us and the cures, especially with Papa. Just need him to pick up..."Ghastly explains
I grin a bit.
"Hello? Radier? It's Ghastly. We have a Code 23 Purple. Uncle Dream got Mr. Cross to poison Papa."Ghastly says
"What stage does it seem to be?"A voice asks
"Four...Six at worst...."He replies
A portal opens.
"Come on through."The voice says
He wraps tentacles around me but I start melting again. I could see my soul. Everything was getting blurry.
"Don't worry, Papa, we'll get you help."Ghastly says
My soul turns blue and I get pulled out of his hold. Everything went black.
Killer's POV
I hear Ghastly yell through the portal. I quickly run through. We were in OuterTale. First thing I see is Ghastly yelling and cradling his brother protectively. He was in some kind of orb or sphere that traps him. I see Dream with Nightmare limply laying at his feet, his soul blue to prove that he couldn't leave if he tried. This idiot was wearing green camoflauge in OUTER SPACE, having his bow aimed at Nightmare's beloved kids. I get between them.
"What the hell do you think you're doing Dream? Oh wait, you don't think. You better start thinking though or I will kick your ass. Lower your weapon now and hand my Nightmare back over. He needs help."I growl, raising my fists to fight
"Oh, I know he does. I'll take good care of him."He says
"Oh like you did such a great job doing that before he ate that apple. NOT!"I snap
"How pathetic of you to think he was even yours. I'll be on my way."He says
He fires and misses. But then I hear something shatter and I get blinded by bright lights. I get knocked to the ground without a clue what hit me. When I regained my vision, Dream is gone with Nightmare and the only other person left is Magnus crying in his little blanket/baby sling. Ghastly is gone as well. Great....
I scoop Magnus up, shushing and trying to soothe him. He slowly stops crying and just gazes up at me. Then he reaches up, trying to grab my head. I lower my head and he holds it. Then I get a message.
Dada, please go help Mama!
I look at him in surprise. I'm his dad? Ghastly and him are my kids? I had them with Nightmare? So many thoughts came to my head at once. He points to a portal Dream left open. I nod. Another opens and a little boy walks through.
"Are you Radier?"I ask
He nods.
"Take Magnus. I'm getting your father and brother back."I say
He takes Magnus and I take off.
I see someone looking like Nightmare's corrupted self but purple fighting a corrupted Dream figure or "Shattered". Then I see Dream towering over a tiny, terrified Nightmare.
Dream shoves something into his mouth. More tentacles form but seem weak and random.
Color helped this?!
"GET AWAY FROM HIM!"I snap, knocking Dream away from Nightmare
I feel tentacles wrap around me. I glance to see Nightmare weakly getting to his feet, in tears and his eye shining an unusual yellow.
"Killer?"He says, his voice trembling with fear
"I'm here, Nightmare. I won't let them hurt you."I say
He clutches me tighter.
"Please don't let them get me...."He whimpers
"I won't, they'll have to kill me first."I say
"Give my brother back!"Dream snaps
"Especially him....He wants me dead...."Nightmare whimpers, wrapping his tentacles around me tighter
"HELL NO! You're poisoning and killing him!"I snap
"No! I'm making him my brother again and freeing him from the apple!"Dream says
"Oh you'll free him from that form! When he dusts!"Shattered yells
This seems to surprise Dream.
"What?"He says
"I told you that the goal was to kill him! That was going to fix all your problems! Weren't you listening you idiot?"Shattered says
"YOU WON'T HURT MY FATHER!"Ghastly snaps, charging at Shattered again
"Brother you have a son?"Dream asks
Nightmare hides his face in my hold.
"You disgust me Dream, now give me the antidote."I order
He is silent.
"What the hell did you give him?"I snap
"I...I dunno..."He says
He looks so lost. As if for the first time, reality is hitting him.
"I can answer that! I can explain everything!"Shattered says, trapped in Ghastly's tentacles
"Then do it."I say
"Okay, so the snacks I convinced Dream to get to Nightmare were laced with a poison to slowly break him down to nothing. But it will pick up speed and force as time goes along with a few other side-effects. But I decided to make it more miserable so using Dream's coded memories, Color and I made a poison to make him see every bad experience he ever had, all his fears or worries. Anything that ever upset him will be shown and all that negativity will break him down even more until there is nothing left of him. And Dream agreed to it without heistance. Heh, he is just like me. Not a care for our brothers. They can die and we won't shed tears, right Dream?"Shattered explains
"No...I love my brother....I love all my friends....."He says
"Your actions seem to say the opposite. You never stopped to think or listen to them. It was always their faults and never yours and they had to please you. Oh the looks on their faces when you pushed them out of your life. You make them the enemies. You literally came to me for posions to use on Blue and Ink to obey you. Surely someone who cares about them wouldn't try that. Face it, Dream. You're just like me. You may not look it, but you are on the inside."Shattered says
"I didn't mean to....."Dream says
That made Ghastly snap.
"YOU DID NOT MEAN TO?! RUN THAT BY ME AGAIN!"He snaps, tossing Shattered away
Dream looks at him, seeming genuinely scared and upset.
"I didn't intend to. I'd never intend to hurt him. He's never done anything for me-"Dream begins
"Don't even give me that garbage! That just shows how little you've cared for others! You don't even notice what they do for you! Yeah, like all those arrows didn't hurt him. Name one person that has actually been there for you and likes you."Ghastly says
"Well, I had childhood friends in the village before he corrupte-"Dream begins
"OH THOSE JERKS! HIS BULLIES! GREAT! NOW I KNOW WHERE TO START FROM! Dream, you are probably too STUPID to realize, but those folks never liked you for you, they just wanted the apples or your power. You radiate positivity so they just kept you around to never feel sad. They were using you. My father found out and was standing up for you. They made fun and even insulted you behind your back and my father stood up for you. He took their beatings and tried to tell you but you wouldn't listen. He stood by you even when you wouldn't do the same. Who kept you warm with a blanket or coat on the cold nights? He did. Who fed you or listened when you were in pain? He did. Who came to get you in the rain when your friends cancelled on you. HIM. Not them. Notice a pattern? They bullied him for that and not once did you try to listen to him. And a little bit of info, Dream, on the day that he ate the apple, the bullies were planning to take all the apples from the tree and beat you up just because they could. So if he didn't eat that apple and kill them, you probably would've been wounded on the floor crying with nobody to come to help you. But noooo, let's be a hero and fight in the name of all the people that backstabbed you against the only person that genuinely cared about you! Family is supposed to stick together! Trust and help each other! My father did it all for you and this is the thanks he gets?! What kind of brother are you!?!"Ghastly snaps
Dream is silent.
"Families are not supposed to lie, bully, insult, spread rumors, hurt or poison each other! Uncles are not supposed to turn against fathers and try to kill the father of their nephews! They should not side with evil just because life doesn't work the way they want it to! But then there is everyone else you have hurt, Dream! Mister Ink is the sweetest guy around and he is HAPPY with Mister Error! Sure he isn't perfect but they are unique! And that doesn't give you any reason to use Ink's dependency on vials to brainwash him into loving you instead! Mister Blue is the kindest, most innocent person I have met! He never did anything wrong to you for you to use his love of tacos to attempt to kill him just because he is fond of Mister Dust! And Mister Cross is very trusting and was one of the only people to give you a chance after everything you did! And how do you repay him? Use him like a pawn to kill my father! His friend! You hurt the ones who love and you are supposed to love! You are not a guardian of positivity but a guardian of selfishness and whatever makes you feel good about yourself because deep down you know that you are a disgusting form of a LIE to that very name. So tell me, what has anyone really done to deserve what you've done to them?"Ghastly growls, his tentacles multiplying
"Where's your proof?"Dream asks
"WHERE IS MY PROOF?! WHERE IS YOUR PROOF THAT PEOPLE THAT LOVE YOU HAD TO DIE BECAUSE THEY DISAGREED WITH YOU!? Mister Ink didn't deserve to be brainwashed. Error doesn't deserve your hate. Gradient doesn't deserve to lose his father to your brainwashing. Blue doesn't deserve to be poisoned by a taco from his supposed friend. His brother doesn't deserve to lose him. Dust doesn't deserve to wake up and find his beloved Blue gone. My father doesn't deserve to die like this. My father doesn't deserve everything you've done to him. My brothers and I don't deserve to lose our father just because you are too stupid to realize that what you do HURTS PEOPLE. Mister Killer doesn't deserve to lose my father and Mister Cross doesn't deserve his emotions and trust manipulated by YOU as if he were your pawn! You are not a high and mighty GOD! You are a scared, selfish little skeleton trying to play HERO when you don't even know what MORALS are! But if you want proof, I'll give you proof!"Ghastly yells at him
His tentacles stretch out like branches. Glowing orbs grow into little screens from them.
"Take a good look at these Dream. Take a good, hard look."He says
"What is all this?"He asks
"As part of your family, I can absorb or sense hopes, worries and fears, stuff like that. I can see the memories thes are felt in. Now, which ones do you want to start with? Who do you want to see proof for?"Ghastly asks
"Ink."Dream says
"Oh that's easy."He says, stretching a tentacle
I see sights of Ink with Error, friendly or even affectionate. They seemed happy and were even playing with their son Gradient or their Papyruses. Everything seemed great, obviously.
"Now this is what they feared, also known as what would've happened if you got your way."He says
It shows a change and the sights got shaded darker. In one it shows Ink sitting blankly beside Dream but inside him was a soul, fragile and in progress of forming, shattering from the checmicals used to manipulate him. And it shows Error with his son and brother E!Pap just sitting together, seeming beaten up and emotionally broken. Dream did intend for Ink to hate them again. Ink!Pap was shown in another, seeming enraged and yelling about Dream stealing his brother from him.
"Proud of yourself yet? Because technically in another timeline, it worked out for you."Ghastly says
Dream is silent.
"Next is Blue."Ghastly says
More sights of Blue and everyone happy with a bright future. If Dream got his way, it showed everyone upset, Blue's brother grieving with Dust while they team with all our friends to get Dream out of vengeance. It also showed Dream getting haunted by Blue, asking why Dream hated him enough to kill him with a smile on his face as he gave the taco. Then on three tentacles, Nightmare's emotions and memories were shown. His memories proved everything Ghastly said, his bullies or Dream's "friends" could be heard in some scheming to betray Dream and showed what hell Dream allowed Nightmare to be put through despite everything. Then it showed everything Dream has done to hurt him. It showed on the bright side him with the gang, especially the kids and I. But then it showed a dark future if Dream gets his way.
"Must I go on? Or do I have to repeat it for you to understand?"Ghastly asks
Dream broke down crying, weeping out apologies and giving in to Ghastly. He couldn't deny it anymore. Ghastly lifts his chin up with a tentacle.
"Now what you're going to do is hand over the antidote, apologize to everyone and work to earn their forgiveness, trust, friendship or bonds again because NOBODY is going to forgive you easily after this. You will work to earn love again and to be considered part of this family again. And you will work to be what you are supposed to be, a GUARDIAN OF GOOD. And you will NEVER do garbage like this AGAIN. Because if you do, I will hunt you down and make you regret even thinking of doing it. AM I CLEAR?"Ghastly tells Dream
Dream nods.
"You are, but there's one problem. We never made antidotes."He says
I hear a squeak of fright. My attention is called to Nightmare again. He steps back, looking terrified. But he isn't looking towards Dream.
"Nightmare, what do you see?"I ask
"B-B-Bullies coming!"He stutters
I scoop him up and he clings to me.
"I won't let them hurt you, Nightmare. I got you."I tell him
He buries his head into my chest, his tentacles wrapping around me firmly, showing that he doesn't want to let go or for me to let go. He looks at me shaking.
"I love you, Killer..."He says
My soul starts skipping beats. Oh MY STARS OH MY STARS OH MY STARS! Is that a confession? I hope it is! I NEED to talk about this when he is stable and this is all over!
"....But I know you're happier with Color so I won't say or do anything more than that."He says, his voice breaking as he spoke
How'd he find out about my friendship with Color? Why would he think that? THE TEXT! THE EMOJIS ON MY PHONE! I am stupid! WHY DID I PUT HEARTS?!
"Nightmare, Color and I were just friends."I say
"Were?"He says
"I won't allow him to get away with making poisons for you, Nightmare. Friends don't poison a friend's buddy. I love you too much to allow it."I tell him
I see his cheeks glow when I told him that.
"Killer....."He begins
But then he passed out in my arms. I went into full panic mode.
He looks at me and nods, following me as we run back through the portal to Radier at another portal with Magnus still in his arms. He quickly takes us through the portal to show the home he and his friends have stayed at temporarily and set us up in the medical wing he made himself. He got right to work with Ghastly but kept me in another room with Magnus and Dream.
"Who is the baby?"Dream asks
"Oh, ya know, another nephew of yours that nearly lost their parent because of you. Can't even walk yet and nearly lost Nightmare. All because of you and your stupid ego. Well I hope you and your ego are happy, because now nobody will question your terrible character and Nightmare is suffering because of you just like he always has when you are near him."I say
"Wha-"He begins
"I AM NOT in the mood to talk to you right now. So shut up and leave me alone."I snap
"Mama?"Magnus says, pointing to the door to the room Nightmare is in
"Mama is getting help, Magnus. Mama will be ok."I whisper
He smiles, hugging me closer.
"Dada..."He says softly
"Shut it."I growl
Magnus looks at Dream. Dream waves at him. Magnus shakes a baby fist at him.
"Bad uncie."He says, then turns his back to Dream, snuggling into his blanket and into my arms
Everyone else starts coming in. Ink, Error, Dust, Blue, Lewis, Horror, Fell, SwapFell, Lust, Cross, Geno, Reaper, Shino, Goth, Raven, Gradient, E!Pap, Ink!Pap, Bluescreen, Outer, and the rest of the kids who are here with Radier. The Teen Titans even came. Eda, King, Luz, Amity and Error's anti-void guests even came, concerned for Nightmare. Everyone learned the situation and settled in, sitting in the "waiting room". Nobody sat near Dream and everyone took a turn to let him know how they feel about what he did. Cross couldn't even look at him. Starfire sat next to me and would play with Magnus. We talked and she managed to assure me that everything was going to be okay. But just seeing everyone come for Nightmare and support him, showing all the people he reached that care and support him did that for me. I'm sure he doesn't expect that so it will be a wonderful gift for him to see when he comes out of there. And we have plenty of things to talk about.
I just hope to have the chance to talk to him.
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