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Chapter 64:Glitches Fixed

Ink's POV days later

"Any movement?"My brother asks

"No, Paps, still no movement from him. "I say

"Code?"He asks

"Stable still, Bro. "I say

"Are you going to let him go anytime soon?"He asks

"No, Paps. "I say

I hold Error close to me, smiling. I wrap him in a blanket and notice his cheeks glow yellow.

He will wake up soon. It will be ok. He's probably just rebooting........He's so precious asleep.....So peaceful.......My friend Dream is going to kill me if he finds me like this but I don't care..........Error is special.

"INK!"I hear a familiar voice shout

Here he is. Right on cue.

"What are you doing here Dream? I already told you that I'm not helping you in this plan to supposedly defeat Nightmare and his friends."I say

"What are you doing with the enemy?"He snaps, coming in front of the couch

"One, he isn't the enemy. We already made peace with them, remember? To bring more peace to the multiverse. Something I'd expect with you being the protector of positivity to remember better than anyone. Second, I can do whatever I want without your permission or having a hissy fit. He is my friend as much as Dust is Blue's and there is nothing you can do about it. Third, what are you doing here? How are you here?"I ask

"I stole one of your keys to get in."He says

"Well, aren't you a little saint?"I say with a shake of my head

"Ink, they're up to no good! I know it! It's just a matter of time before Nightmare-"He begins

"Stop right there Dream. Nightmare hasn't done anything for years. Neither has his gang especially with all these multiverses clashing. I've hung out with them. Error is chilling in his anti-void to get to know his brother that is saving people from danger and giving them a safe place to stay. How wrong is that? And everyone else has been HAPPY doing their own things. Living life without having to fight us or cause destruction. Nightmare is happy. He doesn't want that to change. And none of us are saints. If anything, we're just as bad as them. You saw what I did in the X-Event. So we're nobody to judge. Dream, I'm starting to question your motives. Are you really here to protect the multiverse and all that is good, or are you just manipulating things so they go your way and Nightmare never seems to do better than you, including being happy? Cause that seems to be what is going on here."I say

"They've done countless crimes! They won't stop! You and Blue shouldn't be around them! Or having the fantasies that you do!"He says

"Just like how you won't stop breaking into my home and being a self-centered hypocrite, huh?" I reply

"What?"He says

"I know you hang out with Cross, who sides with Nightmare. What? You can hang out with one of them but we can't? And you're literally shooting down or criticizing hopes and dreams. ATTACKING positive things Blue and I have. What friend are you? What protector are you?"I snap

"It's the truth!"He says

"No, it's just what you want the truth to be. Get out."I say, snatching the keys from him

He crosses his arms and pouts like a little kid in front of me. Then again, he was stuck in stone for a while. He is older but has the mind of a child, which doesn't help reasoning with him. He doesn't seem to be open to reason and is at that stage where he will do anything just to be right and doesn't like not being the center of attention or whatever. I tap the floor and he falls through a portal which quickly shuts on him. He's gone. I glance at Error in my arms.

"Sorry if you heard any of that and he disturbed you Error. He can be so annoying. He's gone now."I say

I look at a clock that is set to match most of the timelines. Blue wants me to get a routine of sleep but since I don't always know what time it is, that can be a problem. It says that is late at night. I lay down and cuddle Error close under the blankets, having a gentle but firm grip on him. He has been unconscious for weeks but I will be patient, let him take as much time as he needs. But.....

"Error, please wake up when you can. I'm starting to get worried...Well, sweet dreams, Error...."I say

Error's POV

Thousands of noises and sounds screamed at me, pure static. All I could see were static screens. I had no clue what was going on. But suddenly, it all stopped. It was dark and quiet. I glance around and feel myself.

Am I alive?

I see screens start popping up.

Analyzing. Processing. Loading saved memories. Rebooting Error.exe........Rebooting saved files...Personality, Abilities, laughter, traits, voice, feelings.......

Wait...I'm not deleted?

All the screens were loading. I heard a voice calling me. I see a light shine in. I start walking toward it but stop. Pap says not to go to the light!

"Dad!"The voice shouts

I was confused by that yell. But I recognized it. I see someone coming from the light. I recognize them as a kid. I knew them but couldn't put my finger on them. I know his face, him and his yellow eyes with red-eye lights, oval glasses, black bones and hand colors like mine, his favorite Control Z shirt, and kind smile. I knew all that but didn't recall his name.....

"Dad!"He cheers, extending a hand to me

"WhAt Is GoInG oN?"I ask, sure that I'm either dead or crazy now

"YoU'Re aT tHe In-BeTwEeN! EvEryThInG Is GeTtInG lOaDeD bAcK uP! TaKe mY HaNd!"He says

"WhO aRe YoU?"I ask

"Gradient. My fRiEnDs aNd I dOn'T ExIst iN tHiS mUlTiVeRsE yEt BuT wItH tHe cLaShEs mAy RaNdomLy bE pUt InTo OtHeR pLaCes."He says

I take his hand gently and he leads me into the light.

"WhAt dO yOu mEan ThIs MuLTiVeRsE?"I ask

"It gOT rEsEt. I uSeD tO bE yOuR sOn."He says

A screen pops up.

Load memories of Gradient?

I press it and everything gets loaded. I look at him, hugging him close.

"DaD?"He says

"YoU aRe StIlL mY sOn. We WiLl fInD yOu."I tell him

He hugs me close, looking so happy and relieved to hear that.

"If It eVeR hApPEnS, I WiLl HunT yOu dOwN aNd bRINg You To yOuR pRopEr HoMe."I tell him

"OkAy, BuT yOu HaVe tO wAkE Up. YoU'Ve bEeN oUt fOr a wHiLe."He says

A screen pops up saying WAKE UP.

"YoU bEtTeR sEnD mE a CoDeD sIgN sOmEhoW aS sOoN aS yOu gEt PuT iNtO tHe mUlTiVeRsE."I say

He nods and I press the button. The light consumes us and I couldn't see anything anymore.

Error.exe fixed and rebooted successfully.

I slowly open my eyes, seeing a colorful ceiling. I feel something soft. I see a red blanket covering me.

What the?

I glance around to find that I'm on a couch and felt some weight on me. I glance to find Ink snuggling me sleepily.


"GAH!"I yell, falling off the couch

"Huh? Wha....?"Ink says, sleepily peeking over to see me on the floor

His eyes go wide.

"ERROR!"He exclaims

His eye-lights shrink and he leaps over the back of the couch, running to the bathroom. I get up and glance around, dusting myself off.

"Bout time you woke up."A voice says from behind me

"Gah!"I yelp, turning around

"Man you're jumpy."The stranger says

They look like a Papyrus, the inverse of my brother.

"WhO aRe yOu?"I ask

"I'm Ink's brother, Blot."He tells me

"O-Oh..."I say

"Welcome to our home. My brother was very worried about you."He says

That surprised me. He was worried about me...?

Ink walks in and glances at me with a bright smile.

"WhAt....hApPeNeD?"I ask

"Lust called me saying there is a problem. I came and then.....Blue told me that some clowns were trying to delete you. I saw you...shaking and not seeming like yourself.....Then it all.......Went blank and next I know, I brought you home...Hehe. I'm glad you're okay....."He says

I was trying to process all of this and sit on the couch. He sits beside me, his brother watching me carefully. Ink starts checking his scarf.

"wHaT aRe YoU dOiNg?"I ask

"I write reminders on my scarf in case I forget. And so I know I did them or get more space, I erase the ones I did."He says

I nod.

"Oh! Right!"He says, spotting something on his scarf

He takes out his phone, sending some texts. The next thing I know, my brother is taking me back to the anti-void. Outer hugs me as well as all the guests my brother brought here. I took some time to settle my mind and thoughts. One day, Dust came to the anti-void to see me. I smile, finding this as a chance to find out what happened during the "blank" Ink had in his memory. When I asked him about it, he looked astonished.

"You just reminded me of things I was going to ask you. What the hell have you been doing with Ink?"He asks

"Uhhh...WhY?"I ask

"I've never seen Ink get the way he did before back there. He came down and saw you suffering from some deletion thing a jerk put in you and it was like he snapped. There was no emotion in his eyes, his face was dark but blank, no hints of anything that he was going to do. He scooped you up from Blue as he got a quick explanation from Blue. Then he absolutely kicked all those jerks' asses and threatened to kill them if they ever THINK of harming you again. Then the villains were taken by their world's heroes and Ink had us leave that world, taking us to his place since we were separating from that multiverse anyways. He didn't let you go and did everything he could to care for you. Only then did he seem to come back as his normal self. Blue apparently saw him get like that but that was back when Ink was your enemy in the X-Event...His face was terrifying. But the tables turned. Instead of him going against you like that, he was protecting you in that state......What the heck did you do?"He explains

He really got like that over me?

"I hAvE n0 cLuE wHaT I cOuLd hAvE d0nE fOr hiM t0 gEt liKe tHaT..."I say

"Well whatever it is, it's important to him. Wait...."Dust says

I glance at him.

"Maybe he fell for you."He says

"HaHa, vErY fUnNy!"I say

"What? It could happen."He says

"He iS a StAr SaNs, DuSt. AmOnG oThEr tHinGs tHaT mAkEs iT uNlIkElY..."I say

"Is he? Are there even Star Sanses anymore?"He asks with a tone that says that he wants me to question it instead of answering

"WhAt mAkEs yOu tHiNk OthErWiSe?"I ask

"While we were all waiting for you to wake up, Dream came over to Blue's place while we were making tacos and just started to rip into Blue verbally. Calling him a disloyal little traitor among other names and insults, demanding answers but refusing to listen. He tried to manipulate Blue with many cards like the guilt, friend, hero, or family cards but Blue didn't fall for it. Dream never directly stated what the problem was besides referring to the issue as it. Something about heroic loyalty or whatever. Dream tried to win by making Blue decide between being a Star Sans with him or not. Blue decided not and Dream left, throwing a fit that he didn't get his way. Blue basically went solo. Then there's Ink....."He says

I give him a look to continue.

"Ink has grown apart from Dream and the signs were obvious. He never let Dream find his way to his house for example like he did with us and hasn't spoken to him on good terms for a while. Apparently, he broke into Ink's house while Ink was caring for you and they had an argument. And from what Blue said after having a phone call with Ink, Dream didn't get his way in it either. Error, there isn't a team of Star Sanses anymore. It's just Dream supposedly playing hero. Blue and Ink have seen through his myths and are leaving him. And we made peace with them. Their actions make it clear that there aren't those barriers of the past between us. They're friends. Is it really that hard to imagine that it became more? For crying out loud we fell for them!"He says

I am quiet.

Dust's phone rings.

"It's Blue."He says, answering

He sits there, listening. I sit in my hammock and grip the puppet of Ink close to me. He hangs up with a big grin.

"Blue is inviting me over for dinner with his brother!"He says

"WoW! ThAt'S a ReAl hOnOr! GoOd lUcK wItH hIs BRoThEr! ArE YoU sUrE ThAt hE iS NoT fAlLiNG fOr YoU?"I say

"Nah, he is so innocent. Why would he fall for a murderer of all people?"He says

"AsKs tHe OnE wHo tHiNkS a CrEaToR wOuLd fAlL f0r a DeStRoYeR."I tell him

He nods.

"Fair enough."He says, leaving

I sit back in my hammock. Goth, Shino, and Palette joined me here since they had nowhere else to really go. They don't have a timeline that they originate from in this multiverse. The codes are so broken lately. They were quickly starting to bond with the other guests.

After a while, I decided to check on Outer. I find that he was with Science. I watch through a peekhole.

"Outer! Come on! Give that back!"Science says

"What's it for?"Outer asks

"I want to figure out what caused these multiverses to clash!"He says

"And how long have you been doing this?"Outer asks

"Four weeks straight...."Science says

"Hmm, time for a break. "Outer says, tossing the book

"H-Huh?"Science says

"Come on, Science!"Outer says, leading the scientist away

Science was lost but then noticed they were holding hands and his face lit up. I smirk, shutting the peekhole. They'd be a good pair and easily balance each other out. I see a portal opening into the anti-void. Cipher comes through.

"Shino?"He calls out

"Cipher!"Shino cheers, running over

They both smile, hugging each other. I walk over.

"MiNd fIlLiNg mE In oN wHaTEvEr iS gOiNg On?"I ask

"Oh! I made a deal to basically protect her when the multiverse gets reset. And now I found her, plus know how these multiverses work."Cipher says

Shino nods, confirming it. Then Jasper comes through a portal with a big grin.

"Shino! It's happening!"He cheers

"What?"Shino asks

He shows a picture.

"Time moves quicker back home."He says

"Oh right! You went home! Those two seem so sweet together! How is your dad doing?"Shino says

"He is acting himself again. Very goofy trying to get close to Encre again. They seem to have crushes on each other again."Jasper tells her

"Good for them."She says

We spend some time chatting. Something seemed to click for Shino.

"I need to find someone. Check somewhere."She says, opening a strange portal

I follow her through it with Cipher, technically being responsible for her since she was last with me in the anti-void.

"Radier?"She calls

"Shino!"A boy cheers, running to her

They hug each other tightly.

"What happened to you?"She asks

"The multiverse sent me here as if it were home."The boy says

"What exactly is this place?"Cipher asks

"The Mid-Void. It's the space between all multiverses, voids universes, and timelines."Radier says

"Have you been stuck here the whole time?"Cipher asks

"Ever since the reset yes. I've just sat here watching things unfold or UnderNovela. I didn't want to intrude."He says

Something clicks and I recall everything with Radier. I chuckle.

"PfFt, wElL dOn'T wOrRy aBoUt ThaT aNyMoRe Kid. yoU aRe WeLcOmE iN mY anTi-VoId aNyTimE yOu wAnT To cOmE."I say

"Really?"He asks, looking overjoyed

I nod.

He gives me an air hug.

"Thank you so much!"He cheers

We take them to my anti-void again and he gets to know everyone else again. I get a text from Amity. I open a portal and she comes through with Luz.

"HoW'd ThE vIsIt gO?"I ask

"Good! King is napping with Eda!"Luz says

"Luz! Wanna craft with me?"Mabel shouts

"Sure!"Luz says, running over

Another portal opens and Lewis walks through, spotting Vivi. They've been trying to bond again and Lewis is trying to start over with Arthur because of some misunderstanding, which is fine by me as long as they don't fight. My brother and Cipher chat while the guests play or mingle together.

"Have you checked on your friends?"Amity asks

"Um, noT iN pErSon. I WaS ReBoOtIng oR gEtTiNG FixEd fOr A wHiLe aS fAr aS I kNoW. DuSt JuSt WeNt To HaVe DinNeR wItH BlUe, HoRrOr iS hAnGiNg oUt wItH LusT, FeLl iS wItH ClAsSic LaSt I hEaRd, SwApFeLl Is In His Au, wHiCh lEaVes....."I reply

"Nightmare stuck with Killer and Cross. Yeeaah."Amity says

"WhY? DiD sOmEtHinG hApPeN?"I ask

"Well, I'm not one to judge, but I can tell that things are getting pretty complicated there. I visited Nightmare while Luz visited Eda and things seemed tense. Killer and Cross were at each other's throats, well, figuratively. Cross' Chara kept trying to break the two up but that would start another fight. Nightmare took my visit as a chance to get some peace. Dunno what happened between those two, but it certainly isn't a good environment to live in."She says

"I dIdN'T kNoW yOu bEfriEndEd NiGhTmArE.."I say

"Yeah, we found some common ground or topics that we have in common as I did with you. He and I both fell for dorks that bring out different sides to us and are rebels."She says

He actually fell for someone? Wow, Nightmare...I'm happy for you. That someone must be special to get to his heart with all the walls he put up......Hmmm, who is in his life that seems like Luz? If he is like Amity, then who could fit the role of Luz? Hmmm, wait, she is a rebel?

"You? A ReBeL? HoW?"I say

"Well, like him, the world seemed to have big expectations for me and wanted me to act or be a certain way. Specifically like my family. And in my world, I don't exactly listen or follow their rules. sure, I don't cross any criminal lines or become supposed evil as he did, but I don't go out of my way to fit their image either. I do what makes me happy like he tries to. Oh, and siblings, we can relate a lot on the topic of siblings or family issues. We love 'em deep down but they can be very annoying. Both Nightmare and I rebel against the ideas of perfection."She explains

"OkAy, NoW I sEe iT."I say

I hear double kitten sneezes.

"Awww! You sneeze like a kitten too!"Mabel says

I glance over to see Ink among the guests, his paintbrush sucking his paint portal away.

"Hola, Ink."Luz says

"Hola."Ink says

Amity chuckles.

"Seems like your Luz arrived."She says

"Huh?"I say

"Come on, Error. It's obvious. Ink is like your Luz. He brings a completely different side of you out. Breaks you out of your shell-like she does with me. I wouldn't be surprised if you had a crush on him."She says

Huh, guess we have more in common. Correction: Who is in Nightmare's life that could fit the role of Luz or Ink for him? Eh, whoever makes him happy. But if they dare hurt him or break his soul, they have another thing coming...

"Error? Error, you're getting lost in your scheming revenge or what if's again."Amity says

"HoW cAn yOu tElL?"I ask

"Your face expression. Plus, I've done it too."She says

"Hey, Error!"Ink cheers, skipping over

My mind went blank.

"H-Hi, I-I-InK. "I say

"Are you doing okay?"He asks

I nod.

He smiles a brilliant smile.

His phone rings. He checks it and without a moment of hesitation he hangs up on whoever was calling. Amity pulls me aside.

"Could you check on those three? I get that Nightmare can handle himself and switch between forms but those two fighting often is NOT good and can only lead to trouble. Plus the last time he was left with them, Cross sent him to Dreamtale without a way back and some crooks got him."She whispers

"SuRe ThInG. I wIlL bE bAcK WhEn I cAn."I say, going to Nightmare's place

I walk inside and immediately get greeted by Cross and Killer wrestling. I tie them up in my strings.

"WhAt aRe yOu bOtH dOiNG?"I ask

"Killer won't let me near Nightmare!"Cross whines

"Yeah! Because last you were with him, he got into nothing but trouble! You hang out with his brother for crying out loud!"Killer growls

"We made peace with him!"Cross says

"No, we were supposed to make peace with all of them but Dream backed out at the last minute and has been making plans to try and take Nightmare down regardless!"Killer snaps

"I can change that!"Cross says

"No, you can't! He is too stubborn and you are too impulsive!"Killer snaps

"True."X! Chara says

They start arguing again.

"ENOUGH!"I snap, slamming them into the ground

They look at me, shaking.

"BoTh oF yOu cUt iT OuT! CrOSs, tHiNk tHinGs ThRoUgH aNd Don'T eVeN TrY bRiNgInG DrEaM hErE oR sOmEtHiNg StUpId lIkE ThAT! BuT QuiT bICKERiNg lIkE BaByBoNeS! WhErE iS NiGhTmArE?"I snap

"In his room."X! Chara says

I release them and Killer quickly ran up some stairs to Nightmare's room.

"Nightmare!~" He says

"DO NOT COME IN!"Nightmare snaps

"Hm?"He says confusedly

"I am...BUSY!"He says

I come over while X! Chara chats with Cross.

"What could he be busy with? I've been in there, there is hardly anything to do in there!"He whispers

"MaYbE hE Is pLaYiNg wItH tHe PuPpEt I gAvE hIm."I say

"He has a puppet?"He whispers

"YeAh, JuSt lIkE I kNoW yOu HaVe a pAiR."I say

The door opens.

"What is it? Done fighting?"Nightmare asks, in his passive form

He has gotten more comfortable with us while he is in it lately.

"Error broke us up. I wanna hang out with you.~"Killer coos

Nightmare's face burns.

"I'll bE oN mY wAy."I say

I return to the anti-void.

"I'm bAcK-"I begin

There is a bright glow and the next thing I know, I'm on a couch and beside a platypus.

What the heck?

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