Chapter 63: Friends Are Never Lost....
Nightmare's POV
After everyone was in disguises or dressed to blend in, we kept moving to find our way around and get our bearing of the area. Goth wasn't giving any breezes, probably for their safety. It was night by now here and I could sense Blue's fantasies already. It isn't going very well. I freeze up, trying to make sense of it. Then it became so much more clearer where when I shut my eyes, I could see what it was clearly through his eyes or what his mind is creating. I feel a hand grab mine and jolt. I see Killer beside me.
"What's up?"He asks
"I can see inside Blue's mind. He is having a bad dream."I say
He and Palette take my hands to lead me around, allowing me to shut my eyes and keep an eye on what's happening.
"What's happening in it?"Dust asks
I open an eye, glancing at him. He looks horribly worried. I shut it.
"Joker....Mumbo Jumbo....Using him....Scaring and attacking him....He's lost....Oh! Hehehe, it's improving."I say, seeing how things are going
A familiar face approached Blue and everything started to brighten up. It was Dust in the dream. Dust had just saved Blue.
"You sly little rascal.~"I chuckle
I see that things were starting to get.....a little more intimate. I lost access since it was no longer a nightmare and I was going to give him privacy for those fantasies anyways. But I know exactly who will be able to sense or take peeks at his dreams and how he may react. I chuckle, opening my eyes. I look at Dust and he is holding his breath unintentionally, desperately waiting for answers.
"Well?"He says
"He's fine...Well, at least for now."I say
"What does that mean?"He asks
"Let's just say that my brother won't be happy with the dreams Blue had. And I saw evidence that you have a very special place in Blue's innocent little mind."I say, walking into the shelter Lust persuaded someone to give us for a few nights
Dust looks at me in mild confusion.
"What happened in his nightmare?"He asks
"All I will say is that you saved him in it, turning it into a dream. Don't get too nosy Dust. It's his private mind after all."I say
He nods.
We grin, then go to sleep to continue searching tomorrow
The next morning, Blue's POV
I wake up from a wonderful dream and smile a bit. I know Dream won't be happy at all if he knew what I dreamt about. Er, who I dreamt about in certain ways. My brother wouldn't be happy at first but I could convince him eventually that it's alright.
As much as they wouldn't like it, I have gotten feelings for what Dream considers the enemy. I have gotten feelings for Dust. YES, I know he is a killer and part of Nightmare's "evil" gang or whatever, but I've hung out with them and they are not that bad. Error's in the gang and he is my friend. And nobody's a perfect saint as much as people want to believe. Dust is always so nice and protective with me, just look at the incident with Lewis.
I just hope that he is okay....
I smile, gazing at the doorway.
Of course he will be! He's very strong! He can take care of himself!
I imagined him walking in through that doorway, how we'll get back together, how everything will go. What to say, what to do. I know his secret after all. He didn't exactly hide it. While Dust was recovering, he talks in his sleep. And he kinda confessed in his sleep but I dunno how to break the ice with that topic. I know how he feels but I dunno how to confess to him mine with the uneasy feeling of knowing stuff I shouldn't. I have plans for Valentines Day and can only hope it goes right. Still, it's nice to imagine how things could go today.
I hear noises and glance over to see grass growing from the floor beneath my hands, roses popping out of the dirt and looking beautiful.
Right....Earth powers here....Welp, THAT doesn't hide my feelings either!
I tear the roses out and set them in a boquet style. I might give these to Dust......
"Hey, Blue."Goth says, entering the room
"Hi! What's the plan for today?"I ask
"We'll locate my sister today. She is around here somewhere. Better to regroup before something goes wrong."He says
"Alright, that sounds good."I say
"Here, drink this. It will disguise you."He says
I nod, taking sips.
"Don't get hit by water-benders or the disguise will fade."He says
I nod.
"I'll check in the metal-bending section of this village, you check the airbending area."He says
I smile.
He leaves and I change my clothes. I leave the house and go to the airbending area. I get scooped off of my feet by a ball of air. Some airbenders greet me, seeming nice. But then they started playing catch with me stuck in some kind of wind ball. And everytime they caught me, they'd get a bit too tocuhy. I reach down and make some earth rise, breaking the ball of wind and freeing me. I take off running before they could get upset with me. I look behind me to check and bump into someone.
"Oh! My apologies, I-"I begin
"Are you okay?"The person asks
I glance at them and something seemed familiar about them. Dunno what.
"Y-Yeah...."I say
"I'm Deccy, what's your name?"He asks
"Ummmm......"I say
Shoot! I dunno an alias to call myself that would work here!
"You aren't from around here, are you?"He asks
I shake my head.
"Neither am I. I am supposed to be a skeleton in another multiverse visiting my friend Fresh right now. But then this weird clown took me."He says
"A clown took me as well. I'm Blue and supposed to be in UnderSwap right now."I say
"Hmmm....Well, it's best to stick together but I have one thing to ask.....What bender are you?"He asks
"Earth, you?"I say
"Snow bender."He says
I smile as he leads me away.
"Deccy!"A voice cheers
A girl comes running over and hugs him.
"Hey, Encre."He says
I look at them.
"Oh right. Blue, this is Encre. I met him when we got caught by that clown. Encre, this is Blue, another victim."He says
"Nice to meet you."Encre says
I grin and return the greeting.
Another girl comes over, looking like Deccy.
"This is Blue. Blue, this is Décans, another AU's version of me."He says
"Hello!"Décans says
"Greetings!"I say
We keep walking and chatting with each other. Goth meets us and had no luck locating his sister. We go to Deccy's temporary home and we all rested there.
When we got outside the next morning, I heard music and giggling. I go over, seeing a girl and boy dancing.
The girl was giggling and the boy seemed extremely happy. They seemed to be children. They were making the wind whistle and water drop nearby to make a sweet tune.
How sweet. ^w^
I let them be.
I walk down the road and eventually see a crowd forming a few blocks away. I see the girl and boy join the crowd as I watched from a distance. Curious, I went to them.
"What's going on?"I ask
"Toph is nearby. My friend here is a fan of her."The boy says
I see a girl with black hair and a green outfit at the center of the crowd.
"That her?"I ask
They nod.
"Anything I could do? Want me to get something to her?"I ask
Shino nods, handing me a photo and a writing utensil. I smile, knowing what she wants. I back up to see if there was a way to reach Toph. Suddenly, I hear the ground shake and feel it shake. Next thing I know, Toph is beside me. Her eyes glazed over a pale shade, clear that shecan't see. Goth told me a lot about Toph and how much of a fan his sister is a huge fan of.
"Hmm, who are you? You seem different....Sky-boy."She says
"Umm, I'm just someone passing through. My friend is a fan of you...Could you sign this?"I ask
She blindly takes it and smirks, signing it.
"Tell the World Sparkler that I say hi."She says
"Who?"I say
"Your friend. She gives a sense that any world she enters starts to sparkle a bit more."She says, leaving mewith the signed photo
I look at it and it's a neat signature with a sweet message. "Keep making worlds sparkle, World Splarkler!-Toph"
She's good.
I go back to the two kids.
"She gave you a nickname and says hi."I say, handing her the photo
She smiles, seeming overjoyed and thanks me.
"Who are you?"I ask
"Jasper."The boy says
"Shino!"The girl says
"I'm Blue. Shino, Goth has been looking for you. Come on."I say
She nods and we start searching for Goth and the others. We find them but they weren't alone. They were accompanied by a few strangers. They look to Jasper and gasp, running over to hug him.
"Jasper!"One says
"You're okay, sweetie!"A lady says
"But so grounded!"A man says
"How'd you get here?"Jasper asks
"You had multiple of those devices, Jasper. We simply used them to find you."The first says
"What happened?"Shino asks
"I can explain."Jasper says
"Dad and Suave are late."Jasper said
"They are busy."His aunt Felicia told him
"Yeah, but this is important!"He said with an annoyed tone
"What could possibly be so important to come out here so secretly? Are you going to sneak off to the village again?"She asked
"No, I already know the people I'm looking for aren't in the village..."He said
"Who are these folks? How do you know them?"She asked
"You do too, you just forgot. It's hard to explain but if I find them or my friend they could help things make sense to you."He replied
"What makes them so important for you to take these risks?"She asked
"If you knew what I did about them, that would explain everything."He replied
"What is your motive in this?"She asked
"To right what is wrong."He told her
"Nephew, nothing is wrong."She said with a roll of her eyes
"Another one of his shenanigans...."She thought
"That you know of."He said with a shake of his head
"I feel like Shino...Nobody ever believes me. Just because I am a kid doesn't make me stupid."He thought.
Suave and Fallacy arrive. Fallacy, Jasper's father, just shook his head. He thought it was just another one of his son's tricks or stories. Suave, their family friend/servant, actually was curious on what he had to say.
"What is it now, Jasper?"Fallacy asked
Jasper frowned. Before Encre came into his father's life, he was colder and just seemed empty ever since Jasper's mother died.
"There is more to our world than we know, Father. There are completely different worlds! Dimensions1 People and multiverses to see and meet! We have met them! Bonded and made so many memories!"Jasper said
"Then why don't we remember it?"Fallacy asked, reluctant to believe this supposed fable
"Because a bad person reset the worlds and erased your memories! And our world is not perfect either! It's missing two important people! They got stolen from this world!"Jasper said, showing a scrapbook of memories
It was not open, but it was clear that it was one of E!Pap's. His aunt seemed to recognize it.
"And what dream did you have to make this up?"His father chuckled
"Shush, Fallacy. His words are making something click in my head. I recognize that book....E!Pap...."Felicia said, stepping closer
"You remember!"Jasper cheered
She nodded, taking the book as she skimmed her gaze across the pages.
"And who exactly are these folks kidnapped by these other-world people that you speak of?"Fallacy says, thinking this is just a big trick of his son that is full of tricks
"Their names are Encre and Décans. You know them, umm, at least you used to...."Jasper replied
Suave's head perked up.
"Suave don't tell me you believe his tales too!"Fallacy snapped
"I never told any of you about Décans so there's no way he made that up.....What happened to my friend, Jasper?"Suave asked
Fallacy's jaw dropped, shocked.
"A man with green hair came through the portal with a wicked smile. He forced them into the portal and disappeared."Jasper said
"And how do you plan to get them back?"Fallacy asked
"My friend gave me a device to travel to other worlds so I could escape if needed or see her again. I will use it to get to them. I was hoping you'd come with me....."Jasper said
"And why in the world would we do that?"Fallacy asked, unsettled with the idea of going into the unknown
"Because I want my family close....I don't want to leave and risk losing you somehow...."Jasper replied, reaching to the amulet-looking object around his neck
"Sir, that is just part of your clothes. It does nothing."Suave said
"You just don't know how to get it to work."Jasper said sharply, losing his patience
"How do we know these people are even real and not imaginary? For all we know you could've looked in one of Suave's many notebooks and made up them just to waste some time with some tricks! And even if it is true, there is no way we're going anywhere!"Fallacy said
"They are real!"Jasper insisted
"No they are not. And nothing you say can prove it."His father said
"Fine! I'll prove it! I'll go out there myself and find them! I'll bring them to you and prove that you are wrong! Then you'll have to believe me! I'm your child, not a stupid child!"Jasper snapped, cranking the amulet
The amulet was the device Shino gave him and in an instant he was gone.
"What the hell, Fallacy."Felicia said
"And that's what happened."Jasper says, finishing his retelling of what happened
I look at each of them.
"Seems like he should be the one grounded. He wasn't exactly believing or listening to you, which isn't right."I say, pointing to his father
"HEY!"Fallacy snaps
"I'm sorry, but you clearly weren't trusting or listening to a word your own son was saying despite the evidence he had that was confirmed by your sister and friend. Follow the Golden Rule, sir. Cause if you want others to listen or believe you, you gotta do the same to them. And what kind of lesson, message, or example does that send to a child by not trusting them enough to listen as if they are stupid? He is your child! Family is always a priority and if you can't listen to him and let him explain things without shooting him down with doubts, that is nothing good from you. It could affect his confidence and hurt him. And if my brother taught me anything, confidence starts with the foundation and support of your loved ones. How is your son supposed to be confident or get anywhere when you don't provide any support with all your doubt? How is anyone supposed to believe you when you won't listen to your own son telling you things you didn't know before? How can you be trusted if you don't trust your own son? And what example do you set? Don't believe anyone, not even family? All I am saying is that Jasper did nothing exactly wrong to get grounded. He did what he said he was going to while you were just rude with him."I explain
Suave and Felicia nod.
"Well, I don't see those people he said he was looking for."Fallacy says
"Jasper?"Encre says
"Encre! You remember me!"Jasper cheers
"Of course I do! I can't forget you, sweetie!"He says, hugging Jasper
"Aww, there's the little rascal!"Décans says
"They are right there. And I'm Shino, the friend he talked about. Welcome to the outside world that he told you about."Shino says
Fallacy's jaw dropped.
"D-D-Décans?"Suave says
"Suave?"Décans says, glancing over
They both smile and hug each other happily.
"Guess he was right."Fallacy says
"NO KIDDING!"Felicia says
"Alright everyone, settle down. Let's just go inside."Deccy says
We go inside, chatting away and getting onto a better first impression and getting to know each other again. Goth sat by the window, making breezes to guide Palette and any who accompany him here. I noticed and my mind drifted back to Dust and the dreams I have of him. I imagine reuniting with him once again and grin.
We all settled in the house. Encre and Décans seem to recall Suave, Felicia, Jasper but anyone else is a blur but they enjoy getting reaquainted with us. Fallacy seems to have already taken a liking to Encre. Once done with that, we changed the sleeping situations a bit and slept.
Apparently I slept in a while. I woke up when it was near sundown. Not that I minded, of course. I had plenty of dreams to keep me entertained. I get dressed and clean myself up. Always gotta look tidy, not a mess. I grin and walk out of the house, curious to see if I could find Palette, (and possibly Dust with him). I wanted to shoo away the negative thoughts that enter my head about what could have been done to him. I hear laughter. I turn to see the Joker a few feet away, casually approaching me with a sinister grin as he laughed at nothing.
Oh hell no!
I have a chunk of earth shoot up from the ground like I would with a bone attack, knocking him far away. I hear footsteps behind me and quickly turn to see a stranger beside me. He smirks, as if he did not just seeme knock a clown across town, proceeding to shove a rose into my face. It is dark by now.
"You see what this is?"He asks
I nod.
"You know what it symbolizes?"He asks
I nod.
He sets it on fire. I step back quickly.
"Burning passion. Would you like to give me a chance?"He asks
"Ummm, no thank you."I say
"What? People love when I burn plants for them!"He says
"I'm an earthbender...."I say
"Oh! Your group doesn't like fire!"He says
"Yeah and they don't even mix that well. So how about you back off? I'm sure we'll mix better."Another guy says, grabbing my arm
Wow, these two are not really thinking this through. They don't even know me and they are trying to get me.
They start fighting and I tear away, not wanting to get hit in the crossfire. The second man just so happened to be a waterbender and fired an attack, which the firebender dodged. The attack hit me instead, knocking me into a pond nearby. I quickly swam to the surface and went to the side farthest from them. I remember what Goth told me about the disguise.
Welp, no doubt it's going to go away now. What am I going to do to get out of here?
Suddenly, I see clouds form for a moment, lightning striking between the two men across the pond that were still fighting. The clouds went away quickly. I found it strange but stayed where I am. I look into the pond to see the disguise is slow to fade while I am soaking wet. I cover the spots that are evident with my hair. I see for a moment Mumbo's face instead and glance away. I feel a pair of hands grab me tightly.
"NO!"I snap, tearing away
The ground below me raised to give me some distance. My soul pounds, getting memories spinning in my head and various thoughts. I hold my head and shake it.
No....No...He isn't here...He can't get me.....But Joker is....If he catches me, what will he do? What will I do? What did they do to Dust? Is he...?
I feel two arms wrap around me and scoop me up. I squeak in surprise, getting the urge to scream for help but then see who placed me over their shoulder as they leapt down to the ground. It's Dust.
Different thoughts entered my mind, making my face burn up.
I see him glance at me and he didn't look happy with me. He carries me around the pond while I wonder what could possibly annoying him this time. He shuts his eyes and sighs.
"Gosh darn it, Blue. How are you always so adorable?"He says
My face burns more.
"H-Huh?"I say
"What were those men doing near you?"He asks, changing the subject
"They think I'm only an earthbender and they were trying to get me to date them. They don't even know me so it's weird."I tell him
I feel something changing and glance down. I see my arm's disguise was fading. I cover it with my sleeve the best I could.
"You ok?"He asks
"Y-Yeah....Can you put me down please?"I ask
"No."He says
"Is something wrong, Dust?"I ask
He grumbles something I couldn't hear. All I could make out was mine. I see the fire and waterbenders come over eagerly, extending their hands as if about to be given something. As if Dust was going to give me to them. I grip him tighter, hoping he wouldn't. The clouds form again. I watch him shoot both of them away with lightning.
"Okay, now I can put you down."He says
"What was that?"I ask as he sets me down
"Lightning-bending."He says
I nod, hiding my hands.
"So, where to now?"He asks
"I have to get back to Goth or just out of sight."I reply
"Ok....You certainly need to dry off."He says, summoning some flames to his hand
I back away, knowing that will only make the disguise fade faster. We move along quickly. I could feel the disguise fading and tried to hide it from Dust the best I could.
"S-So? Are you alright? Where did that clown send you?"I ask nervously, keeping my head down
"Yeah. He sent me to riddling villain and a light guy. They were annoying but I beat them before they could try anything. What the hell did Mumbo do to you?"He says
I tensed and grip my arms tightly. I remember the things he did and was planning to do before Goth stopped him.
"I'd rather not talk about that."I say
A hand grabs my arm. I look to only find that four disembodied magician gloves were grabbing my arms and legs, pulling me away. I recognize them and fear shot through me when I did. They moved quickly and I got tossed right back into Mumbo's arms. I squirm and try to get away but his grip was tight.
"Thank you fellas for getting my assistant back."He says to the gloves that take a bow
"Let go of me!" I snap
He runs his fingers along my mouth, making a zipper zip up where it used to be. I couldn't speak. The gloves climb into his hat.
"Hush now, dear. I told you that there was no escaping me. No matter how much you disguise yourself or how far you flee. You have a name to live up to and WE have shows to put on."He says
The disguise seems to fade faster near him.
"Hey Mumbo! Drop him!"I hear a voice yell
I look to see Dust running over, fire building up in his hand. I see the look in Mumbo's gaze and knew it was bad.
"Aww, a volunteer! Luckily I have another trick or two!"He says, cupping a hand over his mouth and blowing
Dust's flames went out and a small tornado formed, trapping him in it. Mumbo snaps and the tornado fades, dropping Dust roughly. He now wore a dress similar to what I had to wear before Goth gave me a disguise. He did look good in it but that's a different story.
Mumbo starts tapping his nose like an instrument and some rope started to slither like a snake. He acted as if he were a snake charmer, playing "music" with his nose as the rope tied Dust up.
"And for my next trick, I wi-!"He begins
Suddenly a giant boulder knocks Mumbo away, causing him to drop me. I landed roughly on the ground but was cushioned by soft flowerbeds that seemed to instantly grow.
"HANDS OFF OF SKY-BOY!"A voice shouts
I glance over to see Toph marching over, infuriated. Mumbo came running back, trying other magic tricks but Toph kept crushing him or knocking him away. Mumbo got behind her at one point and she didn't realize. I knocked him away with a chunk of dirt. She looks around. Mumbo ended up fleeing. My mouth returns, unzipped. Toph helps me up.
"Thanks for having my back."She says
"Hey, you're the one that stopped him."I say
"We earth-benders have to look out for each other don't we?"She says
"Yep."I say
She has the ground beneath her feet raise a bit and she gives a gentle kiss to my forehead.
"I look forward to seeing you again. Cya Sky-Boy!"She says, then leaps away, the ground moving at her command
I go over to Dust, untying him. He grabs my cheek without warning.
"Dust?"I say
"Who was that?"He asks
"Oh! That was Toph! She is a powerful earthbender!"I say
"How did she know you're a boy?"He asks
"I dunno. She is blind but has some sort of 6th sense from what I understand."I tell him
I help him up and check our conditions. My disguise was almost gone, but it could still be hidden if I do the right things. It would be weird to Dust if he saw what "living up to my name" supposedly meant. He was dizzy but not hurt, looking lovely in the red dress that was magically put on him in the tornado even. I lead him to the place Goth and our new buds call home base for now, taking him inside. He was silent. He fell onto the couch, sleeping. I went to my room, startled to find Nightmare in there.
"Oh! Is this your room? Sorry. Are you alright, Blue?"He asks
He seems to be another victim of the Joker telling by his appearance.
"I-I'm ok..."I say
"Don't lie. Come sit and tell me everything. The Titans, Killer, Palette and the rest are in the house next door. So it's only your buddies, you, Dust and I in this one."He says
I sit beside him.
"Trust me, I know what things you might've went through. Not all of us can beat the villains right away like Dust did."He says
He holds my hand. It felt comforting. I lean against him, resting my head on his shoulder. My disguise is completely gone now.
"So that's what he meant by live up to your name....Well, could've been worse."He says, noticing this
"Huh?"I say
"Dust thought that weirdo might've turned you into an actual blueberry and tried to eat you."He says
"Oh...."I say
"So, what did happen to you?"He asks
I quietly tell him everything. What Mumbo did. How he tried to drive me insane just to make me obey him and him only. To make me forget everyone else. Brainwash me basically. If my name weren't Blue he would've just turned me into an animal to manipulate. What he told me he has planned for me....I wasn't gonna be any ordinary assistant unfortunately.....I told him how everything went down leading to now. He hugs me close, promising to never let me go through that again.
"How come I feel safer with you than I do with Dream?"I ask quietly
"My brother is more impulsive which doesn't always garuntee safety. That may be part of it."He says
I smile, dozing off. I wake up the next morning in Dust's lap. He wasn't looking at me but he was wide awake, sitting up while I laid across his lap. I KNOW I fell asleep with Nightmare in my room, so how'd I get here with Dust on the couch?
"Dust...?"I say, rubbing my eyes sleepily
He looks at me.
"Just to clear things up, Blue, he took you from the room like the overprotective boi he is."Killer says
"SHUDDUP!"Dust says, pulling me close to him.
He buries his head into my neck, feeling through my hair gently with one hand with the other firmly holding me close to him. His breath tickles my neck and I dunno what's going through his head. My face burns, feeling him switch to hugging me and gently stroking my head as if to put me at ease. He keeps muttering to himself. I look to the others to see if they are seeing this or get signals of what to do. I wasn't expecting this from Dust. Then again, I don't expect a lot of things.
Jasper and Shino were chatting with another kid who claimed to be Radier, Suave and Décans were learning about their newfound bending abilities, Felicia was watching and giggling, Fallacy, Deccy and Encre were eating breakfast, Palette and Goth were being an adorable couple, Lust was nowhere in sight, and Killer was across the room from Nightmare, the two shyly glancing at each other but too awkward to interact. Something is going on between those two, that's for sure.
I sigh softly, relaxing in Dust's hold. Clearly people don't notice or they do and are just letting it happen. Besides, I'd rather be with Dust than anyone like this. He shifts my legs to a more comfortable position. I pull back slightly.
"Blue......You look......"He says softly as if trying to find words to say
"Better than a berry about to be eaten?"I suggest
"Yeah, I was c-WAIT. Where'd you get that idea?"He says
"Nightmare told me your concerns."I say
He glares at Nightmare. He glances at me again.
"Honestly, Blue, you look very-"He begins but pauses with hesitance
"Very blue like my name as Mumbo intended."I say
"I was going to say beautiful but that too."He says
My face burns but I grin, finding an oppurtunity. There was one thing that Error advised me to do once I started catching onto the signs of Dust's crush on me.
"If he ever compliments you or you catch a sign of his love, return it to him. He'll be clueless to the affection meant behind it but it'll drive him nuts. He thinks you are too innocent to pick up on the signs and has low confidence in revealing it to you, despite his poor attempts of hiding it, so returning the affection will make his confidence raise without him knowing your deeper feelings yet. His reactions will be amusing too. And that way if YOU ever turn the tables on him and confess, you have some evidence behind it if he ever denies that there were warning signs. Cause he may think it is sudden. Dust is a funny guy. Complicated, but funny."He said
I lean in close to whisper in his ear.
"I could say the same about you, Dusty.~"I coo softly
His face burns up and he absolutely froze, his gaze locked onto me.
"Dust?"I say, unsure about what to do
He passed out, his grip going limp. I get out of his lap and hear a knock at the door. I try to look through the peekhole and get blocked by a sign saying I WANT LUST covering it.
"Lust? I think someone wants you."I say
Lust peeks out of the bathroom.
"Huh? Who? I dunno anyone here by name and they don't know me by name."He says, walking over to me.
I shrug, but then the door gets busted open and a blur zips past me.
"NEVER GO NEAR MY LUST AGAIN OR I WILL KILL YOU!"Horror snaps, clinging to Lust
Lust seemed dazed for a moment at Horror's choice of words, his face burning and a strand of hair forming a heart, but then snapped out of his daze quickly.
"Horror, settle down!"He says
"NO! I am protecting you!"Horror says
"I'm already safe! Our friends are here! And you're threatening BLUE of all people!"He tells Horror, placing a hand on Horror's head and stroking it
All Horror's hostility seemed to disappear, even purring softly at the head strokes. He reaches out and grabs me. Next thing I know, Horror is clinging to both of us with one leg and arm wrapped around each of us and it was a firm, tight grip too. He growled at nearly anyone that approached us, not recognizing them. Lust and I look at each other and shrug. Horror is very protective of us. I was the first to actually call him a friend and Lust is Horror's first crush, though he doesn't know how to go about ti and just acts affectionate and protective toward Lust.
Lust takes us outside and we hear a glitched scream followed by a sinister laugh. Horror drops down from us and scoops up his axe, recognizing the scream as much as I did.
"Lust, go inside."He tells Lust
"I'll go tell the others."Lust says, going back inside
Horror turns to me.
"You know I'm not going to just leave if Error is in trouble."I say
"But you're human. What could you do to fight?"He asks
I sway my arm, causing ripples in the ground.
"I can earthbend in this world."I say
He looks surprised.
"Alright, let's go."He says
We quickly run down the streets, hearing the screams.
"GeT oFf oF mE! LeT gO! I wIlL dEsTrOy yOU!"Error could be heard yelling
His only answer was laughter. Joker's laughter. We see Joker pinning Error to the ground, injecting something into him as Error tries to get away.
"HEY GREEN CLOWN!"Horror yells
The Joker looks at him.
"You seem like a real pain in the AXE!"Horror snaps, throwing his axe
Joker got knocked off of Error by it and Horror quickly ran to keep fighting him away. I run to Error and make a wall out of solid earth to protect him.
"H-He dId sOmEthInG tO mE. I c-CaN'T sUmMoN aNyThINg."He says
I check his stats and see something dangerous in his code.
"All errors must be deleted!"The Joker says with a laugh before having to dodge Horror again
"Error, he injected code to delete you. Your HP is rapidly dropping. I can hardly see any stats."I say
He hugs me. He actually hugged me.
"Error, your phobia-"I begin
"I don't care about that if I'm being deleted! I want to hug you if this is how I'm gonna go or the last thing I do! Blue, you have been the best friend I could ask for! Don't ever change! Tell everyone everything I told you about them. Even the secret things. You know what I mean. If I don't make it, they should know it."He says, his voice losing its glitchy edge
"Why do you sound so accepting of this?"I ask
"I knew it was going to happen someday. By Science if not Dream who seems to despise my existence, just someone. It was only a matter of time....There's nothing I can do.....Take care of my brother....."He says, his eyes shutting
"Error! Nononononono, ERRROR!"I shout, feeling him start to go limp
A portal opens and Luz runs out with Amity.
"Error! Ink wa-OH MI DIO!"Luz exclaims
Amity sees other villains coming to join the Joker and quickly forms four circles. Purple goo forms, rising into "abominations". They start assisting Horror and kept us safe. Luz kneels down.
"I'm still learning but this may work."She says, sticking a paper on Error's head
She scribbles on it and taps it. It disappears and he shines a bit before going to normal.
"What did you do?"I ask
"Reversal and Sleep ones so whatever is wrong is undone and he can recover."She replies
The others come over but the abominations mistakenly attack them. Amity stops them and soon the villains are outnumbered, yet were holding their ground very well. A portal opens in the sky and I see Ink hop through it. He clearly didn't think this through telling by his alarmed expression. I raise some ground to him and he skillfully slides his way down the bends until he got to the bottom. He smiles for a moment and I lower the ground. He looks at Error's condition and his face goes blank. He scoops Error out of my arms, looking shocked. His eyes were small white pinpricks and there was no clear emotion on his face except a darkness to his face. He snaps and he sees all the souls in this situation.
"Blue....What happened to him?"He asks sternly but also sounded close to breaking down
"The green-haired man tried to delete him by injecting code to make him unable to fight and slowly kill him."I say
Everything seemed to stop. I drop the wall to see what happened. My friends backed away. Horror held Lust close. All the villains were trapped in paint and ink from Ink's brush that now lays in the middle of the battle. The Joker was squirming it but, like quicksand, struggling only makes it worse. Ink leans close to him with Error still in his arms, making a horrifying face that I haven't seen since the X-Event incidents.
"Don't EVER dare hurt Error again. Cause if YOU ever try to delete my little Glitchy here or hurt him, I'm going to DELETE YOU regardless. Now give me the antidote."Ink demands
Joker seemed frightened by Ink and handed a small vile over to him.
"Enjoy jail."Ink says
A bunch of heroes from another world swoop in, taking the villains back through the portal he came out of. That portal shut and Ink casually walks over with his brush strapped on his back, Error in his arms and the vile in his hand.
"Let's get out of here. This multiverse is seperating from ours. But don't worry, I got everybody back into their respective AUs so it's not like anyone in this world will be trapped in ours. But we should leave before we get stuck here."Ink says
We all nod.
Another portal opens up and we go through. Instantly we get changed to normal and our clothes change to our normal outfits. I never knew I'd miss seeing my skeletal hands and gloves before. Fallacy seemed entranced by Encre's normal appearance, a lot like Ink except with different clothes and slightly different build or eyehole shape. Fresh took Deccy away, missing his friend very much. Which I found sweet. Décans and Suave remained with Fallacy, Encre, Felicia and Jasper. Jasper and the kids stuck close together. Dust walks beside me with Nightmare, Killer, Horror and Lust. We look around, curious on where Ink is taking us after going through a course of portals. We find ourselves in a colorful house in a blank space outside. I recognize this place. Ink brought us to his AU, which he and his brother are remaking. Instead of the blank, unfinished AU that it was, they are making it what they want it to be and full of life or vibrant colors.
"Welcome to my home."He says, knowing I am the only one who has ever seen it out of the bunch
Everyone looked around in awe. Luz and Amity helped Ink get a space set up for Error to rest while the rest checked to see how secure things are. Lust went to locate his brother. Mine apparently came here to tell Ink that I was missing. I hug him and he tries to take me away but I wasn't going anywhere until I knew Error is okay. Same with everyone else. E!Pap soon arrived and we all tried to do things to help but it grew obvious that there was nothing we could do to help beyond what has been done, so slowly we all left to let Ink and his brother handle things. Ink promised us that he will reach us with any updates.
Please be okay Error. I thought, in tears as my brother took me home.
I hate the thought of losing Error. I was his first friend and it's my duty to ensure that he's okay and happy after all. He's neither of those things right now. Hopefully he will be.
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