Chapter 62:Villains and Pasts Returning.
Killer's POV
Come on! Come on! Pick up! Pick up!
It goes to voicemail.
Nightmare, what happened to you? What's being done to you? Pick up the phone?
Calls go to voicemail again.
"Arrrgh! This is all your fault, Cross!"I snap
"How is it my fault?"He asks
"You got too pushy with him! You crossed the line touching that crown and it sent him there! And when we saw those strangers, we could've explained things! We could've gotten him back! But nooo! You had to throw your blade and start a figh by stabbing NIGHTMARE in the back! Which caused us to lose him to those strangers and can't get him back or reach him! Who knows what is being done to him because of you!"I snap
Horror and the Fells glare at Cross.
I try one last time and finally get an answer.
"Hello? This is Robin speaking. Is this Killsy?"A voice I dunno asks
Killsy? That's what he has me as?
My soul skips a beat, feeling special.
Wait, who the hell is Robin and what does he think he is doing with my Nightmare?! Nightmare is not his to use! He is sweet, cute, smart, strong, caring and one of the best people I know! He should be here in my arms, safe and sound, not with that stranger!
"Yes it is and I demand you return the owner of this phone, Nightmare, to me NOW. I assume since you have his phone that you have him. I swear if there is one scratch on his head, I will rip you to pieces Bird Boy!"I growl
"We do not have him."He says
"Who the hell do you think you are to even have him?! I demand an explanation!"I snap, pacing
The rest of the gang was busy teaching Cross a lesson, Dust and Error being who KNOWS where.
"My apologies. I'm Robin, leader of the Teen Titans."He says
"Ah so the ones in the giant T building terrorizing everyone who wants to stargaze."I say
"You know where our base is?"He asks
"You don't exactly hide it very well."I say
"Ahem, anyways, my teammates brought your supposed Nightmare back to our base after being attacked. But then an enemy of ours named Clayface took him. We are trying to find him as we speak..You may want to come to our worlds though.."He says
Then he hangs up.
I frown, nearly breaking my phone. I snatch some knives and leave, entering the unknown worlds that seemed to merge with ours. Nightmare better be okay...
Switch to Nightmare's POV
"You know what to do, Bait. If you get caught, do plans B and C. Try to escape and Clay will burn you into nothing."Joker says
I look to Clayface and he grins. I feel extremely uncomfortable. I nod.
"Besides, you gotta set a good example for your friends after all.~"Joker says
I look at him in confusion. He presses a button and the wall to the left flips to show Blue and Dust in cages, horribly wounded.
"We're going to do what we did to you with them. Dropped in acid to get changed and you'll be an example of how to act."Joker says
I get taken away before I could even say anything. I was put inside a bank and knew my job. I snook around, checking for everything I could. Nobody seemed to notice me. I mark all the cameras since the Joker just loved knowing where to look to taunt authorities. I was torn among my thoughts, not wanting to do the ridiculous plan B or the deadly plan C as some sign of loyalty to the one that uses me. I feared what they were doing to Dust and Blue. Then I was sent to a gym to do the same thing there. I was about to leave as ordered but then.......
"HEY!"A voice yells
Thinking I was caught, I look over to see someone waving to me as they leave.
"You with the purple hair! Wait up!"He says
I froze. Plan B? Plan C? HELL NO! I haven't been caught yet.
I wait for him at his request, much rathering getting stalled than going back to Joker. He will most likely laugh gas me to death since he won't need me after this.
"Hey, I think I've seen you around before."The guy says
"Umm, no. I sure you that we have not been around each other."I say
"Well what's your name? Maybe it will spark a memory."He says
"I'm Nightmare."I say
He smirks.
"Well, Nightmare, do you see a crescent moon in the sky? Or is the moon gone?"He asks in a whisper
I felt my soul stop beating for a minute. Those are the phrases I teach my friends to use to subtly hint that we're in danger or need help. Plus he seemed on edge and secretive when asking those questions, leaning in and looking around.
Could I be saved? I could get out of this situation without making a scene!
"There is no moon...."I say softly
"Well how about I take you to dinner? I assure you that there is a moon out where I'm heading."He says
I smile a bit.
"And you are?"I ask
"Palette. Palette Roller."He says
That sparks something in my mind. I get hit with all these memories. I have a nephew with that name! The multiverse! It got reset and clashed with others! That's why all this is happening! I step back, overwhelmed by all the thoughts and memories crashing down on me at once.
"Woah! Are you okay?"He asks
I glance at him.
Could this be him? Please let it be him...Definitely not doing the backup plans now.
I want to hug him so badly but can't because then he may be targeted by the Joker.
"Yes...I'm alright. Just got a bit dizzy. I would love to go to dinner with you."I say
He takes my hand.
"Let's go."He says cheerfully
I see the getaway car outside and we walk right past it. He has me get into his car in the shotgun seat. I look behind me to see a girl in the driver's seat and a boy in the seat behind mine.
"Hey! You're stealing her!"Clayface says, running out in a disguise
Palette looks at me. Clayface changes his form frequently behind his back. Palette looks over and he was a completely different person.
"I don't know him."I say, taking advantage of this
Clayface didn't solidify his form so it looks like he is melting still, giving himself away.
"Alrighty. Sir, please back off. I won't hand her off to a stranger."He says
Clayface clenches his fists.
"How about you cool off and freeze before you do something you'll regret."Palette says, firing ice at Clayface
It froze him on the spot. Palette hops in the driver's seat.
"E!Pap? You good? Where's the keys?"Palette asks
The boy tosses him the keys, proving to be E!Pap.
"Lust? You good?"He asks the girl
"Yes, who's that person?"Lust asks
"This is my Unclemare. Now I somehow got a liscense but dunno how to drive in this world. Soooo......Hold onto your seats."He says
The car starts moving. VERY fast. E!Pap was taking in the sights, Lust was panicking, Palette was nervosly trying to steer, and I somehow managed to stay calm and guide him.
I teach him how to slow down and make turns. We reach a house. He parks it and we get out. We go into the house and he locks it behind him.
"Everyone okay?"He asks
"Yep."E!Pap says
"Mhm."Lust says
"Better than before....Thanks Palette."I say
I smile.
He smiles back at me.
Lust got to the house phone first. He quickly dialed a number and listened to it ring.
"Hello? Who is this?"Horror's voice asks
"Hey, Horror Bear.~"He coos
"LUST?! Where are you?!"Horror snaps
Lust leaves the room to speak privately on the phone. E!Pap checks to ensure everything is secure.
"How did you fire that at Clayface?"I ask Palette
"Oh! I was put into an ATLA world after the multiverse reset but when I came here, I was set up with all these things as if I was here the whole time! I'm a water bender!"He says
"Interesting...How did you know it was me?"I ask
"I saw your soul! And when I spotted you, your aura made a shape like your two normal forms! Passive and hostile! I am so happy to be back with you, Unclemare!"He cheers, hugging me
"Wait, what do you mean put in?"E!Pap asks
"All the kids, most of them at least, are in this space that nobody can reach but they can watch everything that is happening. Now it seems like we are being placed into random worlds since the multiverses are trying to adapt to these combinations. But our stats still say that we belong to your timelines. Like Gothy is still considered Geno and Reaper's kid and Ghastly is still deemed yours and Gradient is considered Error's instead of...The Error that lost his hands."He explains
I nod, understanding.
We eat and chat. I made sure to keep my cloak closed, covering myself. Don't want them to see what Plan B Step 1 was. E!Pap got a turn to call someone and called his brother. I never got a chance to call anyone.
"Alright, we should all rest."Palette says
We nod and go to sleep. I woke up from another bad dream and sigh.
Stupid inner demons....
I pour some milk and sip it in a mug while sitting at the back porch, admiring the night sky and getting lost in my thoughts.
"Something on your mind, Unclemare?"Palette asks, sitting down beside me
I was startled, but get over it.
"There's always something on my mind. But my mind has been quite busy lately with everything that's been happening....It's scrambled and it doesn't help that I can sense other's negativity aimed at me. ALL. THE. FREAKING. TIME! And for once, when everything seemed to be ok, my bad dreams worsen! Making me question everything I do or say, who I trust and don't trust! Flashbacks and all! It's just....A lot...."I say
"What pain have you gone through?"He asks worriedly
"Well, Cross has terrible aim. He stabbed me in the back and following that I get caught by Joker and he put me through living hell after he finished with those two most likely and he just keeps capturing more friends to abuse. i understand Cross didn't mean to hurt me but my mind makes up these things that distances him from me after what he did. And combined with the pain Joker and his crew put me through....My mind can't handle it so it tries to relieve it with bad dreams. I can't escape it....I just can't seem to find a way to close my eyes and rest. Just rest peacefully. For one single time."I say
He frowns.
"I thought I knew everything to expect. But I didn't. I don't. And I never will. ANd that realization is terrifying. I'm a leader, a protector, your uncle! I am supposed to know what to do and be able to be brave, not scared and lost. But I am not! When Joker had me, I was never so scared in my life! I was thinking about my life, my regrets, everything you do when you are gonna die. I had dreams about my death. What Cross may do. What Joker may do. What anyone could do. All my trust and bravery just seemed to fly out the window. And I shouldn't be like that. I can't be like that. Cause the last time I was like that was when......when...."I say, venting my emotions
He hugs me.
"I got you, Unclemare. We have each other's backs. I'll protect you. It's okay to be scared. Vulnerability is good. Emotions are good. You have every right to feel this way. Let it out."He says
I cried. I just broke down crying. I've never cried so much like I did now in decades. Everything I had bottled up came spilling out without thought. He rubs my back in soothing circles. I eventually relax. He goes inside to let me calm my mind and clear my head. I hear movement in the dark backyard. A hand grabs me and next thing I know I'm on the ground and some weirdo is trying to pin me down to take my clothes off. But then another person knocks that one off of me and I get up, covering myself and gripping the cloak tightly. I look at the two silhouettes wrestling and the back porch. I go to the back porch quickly.
"Nightmare!"A familiar voice exclaims
I turn around, recognizing it.
Killer gets up from beating the weirdo to the ground, coming into the light to reveal that he was the one that saved me. he is covered in the creep's blood now, all over his clothes and hands but he just stared at me, taking careful steps closer. My cloak was open, revealing what I was forced to wear underneath.
"K-Killer?"I stutter, my face burning as his stare grows longer
I couldn't sense anything from him. And that scares me.
Why is he staring so long? What is he thinking? Planning? Feeling? What is he going to do or say? Do I look bad? Of course I do! I probably look ridiculous and disgusting like this! And he just had to SAVE me! I'm weak! What do I do? Do I say something? Oh why is it HIM?!
He steps closer. I step back. He keeps coming closer until I am against the wall, hidden from the door and windows so nobody sees us from inside. I look at him, anxious and scared of where this is going.
"Nightmare.....What happened to you?"He asks
"Some crazy people kidnapped me and dumped me in chemicals as well as doing other things, turning me into this....."I reply
"And you're in this outfit because...?"He asks
"It was their Plan B if I ever got caught. They wanted me to check some places they were going to rob. And if I got caught, I basically had to humiliate myself toget away or Plan C, kill myself...."I say
He leans closer to me.He trails a hand down my body. I siffen up, but don't say anything. His hand sneaks around my body, feeling every spot it could.
"W-what are you doing? How'd you even know it was me?"I ask
"I'm checking for injuries. I knew it was you because Horror told me exactly what you look like and where you are.~ You can thank Lust for that. But stay still, I want to ensure that those imbeciles didn't dare hurt you. Or those Teen Titans. Cause if I find one wound on you, I'm going after those villains and bird boy first."He says, twirling a knife in another hand before putting it away again
I glance away, feeling his hands travel almost everywhere on my body. So many thoughts entered my mind at once. My face burns at some scenarios that entered my mind. No! Killer never sees me like that.....Not since the reset......
He feels my cheek, taking me out of my thoughts.
"Why is your face burning up? And you're so stiff. What's wrong?"He asks
"You're one of the last people I wanted to see me like this...."I reply
"Please explain..."He says
"I'm so weak, vulnerable and disgusting like this! I'm supposed to be your leader and protector! And a protector or leader can't be those things! What would you think? Would you really rely on me anymore?"I say
"Nightmare, I think you have yourself mistaken. You look beautiful."He says
"W-What? B-B-But-"I stutter
"I don't expect you to be perfect and untouchable, Nightmare. Everyone has their weak or vulnerable points. But that's when the roles switch.The protected becomes the protector and the protector becomes the protected. I will be your protector. But don't even think of calling yourself disgusting. You're beautiful no matter what is done to you. And nothing will change my mind."He tells me, scooping me up into his arms and going inside
I cling to him and he sets me in his lap on the couch. He snaps his fingers and my clothes change, covering me up more.
"You deserve to be comfortable."He says with a grin
Part of me didn't believe him when he said I was beautiful. That part clung to the facts of all the enemies and bad memories, plus the hatred toward me that I can sense others have. I look at him and jump, startled by what I saw.
"What's wrong, Magnificent Nightmare?"He asks
"Y-Your eye-lights....."I say
I see them turn into hearts. My face burns a bit more.
"They're back?"He asks
I nod.
He grins.
"Good, now you can tell that I have my eyes on you."He says
I look down. Insults at myself fill my head. Look where I am right now and my conditions. I'm weak and stupid.
"Who else are the people that you don't want to see you like this?"He asks
"C-Cross and the rest of the gang. I know it's wrong, but when his weapon wounded me, it's like I lost trust in him even though it was an accident most likely. I just get this sense that he might take advantage of me....And the gang seeing me in my passive form was one thing, this is different. I can't summon anything to defend myself after all and they may not see things like you do with having a weak, stupid leader meant to protect them in these conditions...."I tell him
"Nightmare, you are not weak. You are not stupid."He says
"Then why was I too weak to save Dust and Blue?"I ask
"What do you mean?"He asks
"Joker and his gang, the people who took me, got them too and plan to do what they did with me to them. If I'm not weak or stupid, why couldn't I stop them?"I ask
"Trying to take them all on would have been stupid or was a death wish. You were smart not to attempt anything and protect yourself. You can't save people if you're dead. So you're not weak or stupid."He tells me
I frown.
"Nightmare, I have a question for you now."He says
I look at him.
"How long have you saved my contact on your phone as Killsy?"He asks
I felt my soul skip a beat.
"How did you find that out?!"I ask
"Robin used your phone to call me and asked is this Killsy speaking? Didn't take much to put it together."He says
My face burns up. I try to hide my face and could feel him run his fingers through my hair.
"Well?"He asks
"I've forgotten how long it's been like that....You didn't see my phone, did you?"I ask, not sure what he may have seen on it
"Nope. Robin has it. Are there other things you keep from me on it?"He asks, leaning closer
I shake my head.
"Do you still think you're weak? Disgusting? Stupid?"He asks
I don't answer.
He takes it as a yes.
"Well then, let me prove you wrong."He says, pushing me down on the couch
He pins me under him.
"K-Killer?"I say, looking up at him
My soul races, unsure where this is going. I look into his eyes. His red, heart-shaped eyes. He leans closer, not answering me.
"Killer! What are you doing?!"I ask, my mind in full panic-mode.
"I'm proving you wrong."He tells me, leaning close
The lights go out and all I saw were his eyes in the dark. He gently strokes my cheek and sides as if to relax me. He touches some sensitive spots and my body relaxed. My face burns, holding back yelps.
"Gosh, you look adorable, Nightmare."He says
"Sh-Shut up..."I say
"No, I'm stating facts."He says
"Nightmare! I found some pajamas you could wear instead!"I hear Palette call, entering room.
Killer leans closer, trailing kisses down my cheek and neck. He froze when the lights turned on.
"Mister Killer? What are you doing here and what are you doing to Nightmare?"Palette asks
Killer looks at me and his face turns a bright red.
"What am I doing?"He mumbles, sounding unsure.
Palette tears him off of me, hands me some clothes and I quickly go to another room to put it on. I come back out and Palette grabs me, taking me away to my new room. We slept there together. Apparently Killer wanted to sleep on the couch.
When I woke up the next morning, I sorta forgot about last night. I went to the kitchen and started making some breakfast. I feel two arms wrap around me from behind. A head rests on my shoulder.
"Hey Nightmare."A voice says
I turn around and see Beast Boy there.
"Huh? When did you get here?"I ask
"Palette called me here! He told me everything! And I smelled tofu so it lead me here!"He says with a grin
"Oh...."I say
He takes out his phone.
"Yep, he is here team. Palette was telling the truth."He says
He hangs up and grins. I make some tofu for him and he was very happy while I had some toast. Within minutes there is a knock at the door. I open it and in rushed Raven, Starfire and Terra, hugging me to the ground happily. Robin and Cyborg enter after them, shutting the door and looking shocked at their teammates behavior. Beast Boy just continues eating his tofu. Terra and Raven help me up.
There is a groan heard nearby. I look over to see Killer waking up from all the noise while laying on the couch. Starfire looks at him and gasps.
"That's the royal zarbnarf that was with the one that threw the big knife at him!"She snaps
She starts firing up her hands with a green glow.
"You won't hurt him again!"She says, aiming at him.
I step between them.
"Woah woah woah! Calm down! This all can be explained I promise! It was just a misunderstanding, Starfire. This is my friend."I say
Starfire seems to calm down.
Killer smiles at me. We all chat and they get comfortable with Killer. Beast Boy finds something in Killer's pocket.
"Nightmare! Catch!"He says, throwing something to me
I catch it, finding that it's a pair of puppets looking like Killer and I. Killer was dressed differently so I know it's not the one Error gave me, which put me at some sort of ease. I notice neither of them were covered in blood so they were well preserved and the puppet of me was of me in my passive form and put emphasis on my eyes, sewing them to be big and shining. Error rarely makes puppets with these features. I look to Killer and his face was burning brightly red.
"Killer? Mind explaining this?"Robin says, seeming to be put on edge
He nervously puts a hand behind his head.
"I like to play with puppets...."He says with a nervous chuckle and grin
"You don't work for the Puppet King, do you?"Robin says
"My only loyalties to any king is Nightmare. He is considered the king of darkness in our worlds."He says
I smile. He comes over to me, looking quite nervous.
"H-Hey...."He says
I return it to him.
"You should really keep them in a safer place."I say
He nods.
Robin gets an alert.
"No way...."He says
"What?"We ask
"Doctor Light and the Riddler are causing trouble! An alley is getting violent!"He says
The Titans look at each other and then leave. Terra grabs me, taking me away. So of course my friends come after us. Terra puts me in the Titans' T-Car while Palette follows. We reach an alley and we get out.
"Stay in the car. We'll handle this."Cyborg says
He pushes me into the T-Car and I hear a plop. I look out to see Killer's puppets on the ground. Killer comes in the car. He smiles at me, already reminding me of last night when he started pulling me close.
"NIGHTMARE!"I hear a voice yell
I leap out of the car, recognizing the voice. I run down the alley, finding a girl standing between two pools of blood with bodies laying in each one. The Titans stood there in shock. Guess the bodies are the villains they named.
"What the heck happened?"Beast Boy says
"I hate riddles and blinding lights. Now you all, BACK OFF and lower that blaster robot boy!"The girl grumbles, her hands on her hips
"Dust?"I say
Her anger melts away. She smiles.
"Nightmare! Who are these folks? I saw them shove you in the car! Are you alright?"He asks, hugging me
I nod, hugging him tight.
"I'm glad you're okay! These are the Teen Titans. They are heroes that would usually fight those two that you beat up. What happened to you?"I ask
"Clown handed me over to them for their plans but you know how I am with riddles and blinding lights."He says
I nod.
"Please tell me that Blue is with you."He whispers
I shake my head. He frowns.
"Wait, so villains are kidnapping, using and trading you folks around....Who else is missing?"Robin asks
"I called everyone and they say only Blue is unaccounted for."Killer says, approaching me
"Then we have to find your friend before something happens."Robin says, stepping beside me
He still doesn't seem to trust Killer near me.
"No duh."Killer says
"Hmmm...So they are your villains, huh? So you would know who they work with? Or what they look like?"Dust asks, getting hostile and towering over Robin
Robin nods.
"How many of those villains are blue?"Dust asks
"You're gonna have to be more specific."He replies
"Hmmm, long nosed, blue skined, magical powers, these two said he was full of mumbo jumbo or nonsense, and is going to get a beating from me when I get my hands on him."Dust says
"MUMBO JUMBO?!"Robin exclaims in surprise
"That's what I said."Dust says
Robin shows on his phone a picture of a weird-looking magaician.
"Yeah, that's him. He took Blue to be his assistant and more or whatever. He said he had big plans for my friend and will ensure he lives up to his name. What? Is he going to turn him into a blueberry and eat him or something? How bad is that crook?"Dust says
Raven explains to us what the crook is like. Then they get an alert.
"Mumbo Jumbo was found beaten into the ground with a note stuck to him addressed to Palette....."Robin says
"Someone beat me to him?!"Dust says
We look at each other in shock. We file into the cars and find the evil magician out cold and beaten terribly, bleeding and all. He was trapped by rocks and concrete that seemed to be bent from the street pavement around him. We look to Terra and she said she didn't do that. There was a note on his hat with Palette's name on it. He grabs it, opening it to read. His face burns up. I look at him. He smiles at me.
"Gothy found us.~"He says
I look at the note. It said:Hey Palette.~ Tell Dust that I got Blue. He is alright. I'm taking him away to a safer place. You know how to find me. Can't wait to see you.~ 0w< -Gothy
I smile at him happily, knowing what this means. Breezes just so happen to start blowing. He shuts his eyes, feeling them.
"Where do we go from here?"Raven asks
"I'll lead the way, but cars won't work where we're going."He says
He leads us away, following the directions of the wind. Dust seemed anxious. We walk through a portal.
"Blue better be okay...."Dust says
A breeze blows by and circles us. The Titans get set on edge and prepare attacks. A figure seems to appear in the wind.
"I assure you, Dust that Blue is very safe. I am sure you know what was done to him. But I am keeping him safe elsewhere in this world. But I advise that you all try to blend in or you'll get nowhere. Good luck with that Killer and robot boy. Palette, you know how to locate us. Just follow the right wind."The figure says
"Yes, Gothy."Palette replies, kissing the figure on the cheek
Then Gothy disappears with the wind as soon as it had come.
"Umm, how do you follow the right wind?"Raven asks
"Each wind has different effects depending on the creator. Natural winds are plain but airbenders here can create their own type of wind with a feature that connects them to that wind. Gothy's winds are soft enough to tickle you and bring a scent of lilacs no matter how far. Being put in a role of a mix between earth and air benders has its perks. Now, let's get you all to blend in as he advised or you all will never get through here without troubles."He explains
We went to his home in this world to get clothes to blend in.
We're coming for you, Blue.
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