Chapter 60:New Multiverse
Ah yes, where it all began....???? Time later Error's POV
I play with a puppet of Blue happily. My brother, yes I know he exists, has left to check on things in other AUs. He is always lloking to help those in need. He found me in my anti-void a little while after the X-Event. Now I just stay here in the anti-void, wishing nothing more to stay away from the weirdos that came into our worlds, claiming to be from other multiverses. None of them looked like the original timelines or any of us, so it's just as believeable. Some didn't have as good intentions as others. There's this dorito trying to take over the multiverse and this demon or whatever name Trigon that keeps picking fights with some group of heroes in Outertale for example. Outer has joined me in the anti-void, not wishing to deal with any additional violence. Fine by me, just one rule:SCIENCE CANNOT EXPERIMENT WHILE HE VISITS OUTER!
I got bored and lifted my puppet amongst the strings, puppets and my hammock. I've done minimal destruction lately, just to keep a balance. Rather not go out there. Instead, I got curious and went over to where my brother's stuff is. I find a bunch of scrapbooks and pictures littering the floor.
Some I recognize, others I didn't. I pick some of the pictures. Each had writings in E!PapOne said:Goth is very humble. Another with a little girl looking like Geno said:Shino sneaking around to play. A smaller one was labeled Blue and Dust hanging out, which seems reasonable. The Star Sanses kinda broke out of their roles and have hung out with us more and Dust has taken a liking to Blue. I glance at one of Ink, labeled by my brother with a note saying that he is happy to see Ink smile. A picture below it had Fresh looking unhappy and it said:"Fresh is done with Fell's unrad language".
I see Killer in another with someone I didn't recognize. I tuck it away to ask about it some other time. I see the last picture. I sort of recognize him. I look at the back to see it is labeled Gradient. The name and person seems familiar but I can't think of it. I didn't think much of it, my brother makes tons of friends easily and maybe I just recall my brother mentioning his name.
I wander around a bit and suddenly get knocked to the ground.
"WhAt ThE?!"I shout
I struggled to get up, my glitches messing with me and my haphephobia kicking in. My glasses fell aside and my eyes get filled with glitchy signs, blinding me.
Just great!
"G-GeT oFf-f oF m-M-mE!"I snap
"OINK!"I hear in response
How the hell did a pig get in here?!
"SciEnce I s-Sw-SwEar t0 AsGoRo iF yOU eVeN tHinK oF bReAkiNg ThE ruLe I wiLl KilL yOU!"I shout
The pig now sitting on me keeps oinking at me.
"WADDLES!"I hear a voice yell
The pig gets removed and everything settles down for me. I get helped up and another set of hands put my glasses back on me. I can see again. I see a pair of human kids standing in front of me, the girl holding the pig.
"Mister, I am so sorry about my pig Waddles here! He just suddenly ran off!"She says
"I told you to grab him but noooo! You have to keep him close, Mabel. These places are strange."The boy, her brother I assume, tells her
"Uuuh...Wh0 aRe YoU bOtH?"I ask
"Oh! I'm Mabel Pines and this is my twin brother Dipper! Our grunkles are dealing with Bill and this is my pig Waddles!"Mabel says
"Is BiLl tHat DoriTo I hEaR aBouT? WiTh WeIrdmAgEdDoN oR wHatEvEr?"I ask
They nod.
"Who are you?"Mabel asks
"I'm ErRoR."I say
"Oh! Pap's brother! Cool! Dipper, I'm going to go find Soos!"Mabel says
"WhaT eXaCtlY iS gOiNg oN?"I ask
"Your brother saved us from Bill and brought us here. Wait...You're actually a glitching skeleton?"Dipper replies
I nod. He takes out a notepad.
"COOL!"He exclaims, then starts rattling questions off
I get overwhelmed by the questioning quickly, feeling like I'm going to crash.
"Sup dudes....Em, Dipper, that Error dude isn't looking so good. You may want to dial it back."A grown child says as they approach
"But Soos, I-"Dipper begins
Soos hugs him, muffling his chatter.
"ThAnKs..."I sigh with relief
"No problem dude. We did kinda intrude your multiverse or something, so we should at least act cool."Soos says
Then he glances to his left.
"Arhur, dude...You aren't looking so good. Let's go, time to rest."He says, taking Dipper and a blonde human who I assume to be Arthur to another spot in the anti-void
Then a girl with nearly everything blue except for her glasses comes over to me. She is followed by a dog with glasses somehow on him.
"So sorry for anything my friends did that bothered you."She says
"It'S oKay...WhO aRe yOu?"I say
"I'm Vivi and this is Mystery."She says, the dog waving a paw
"I'm ErRoR."I say
"Nice to meet you...Is there anything I can do to help or something?"She asks
"PlEaSe kEeP tHat DiPpEr kId frOm ToUchIng mE or gEtTiNg tOo cuRioUs abOuT tHis pLaCe. He nEaRlY mAdE mE craSh aNd RebOoTiNg tAkEs A wHiLe."I say
"You...crash?"She says
I nod.
"NoT a DelIghTfUl eXperiEncE."I say
She nods, joining Dipper and their little group. Outer went over to them, striking up a conversation.
Two teenage girls approach me next, seeming curious. They whisper to each other and I watch them carefully. Then they come over.
"Hola! Er, hello!"One says
I smile a bit, intrigued already. The only ones I've heard spanish from is UnderNovela characters.
"HoLa, CoMo eStaS? YoU Can sPeAk SpAniSh iF yOu'D lIkE. I'm ErRoR, wHaT's yOuR nAmEs?"I ask
The girl seemed very happy, smiling at me and rapidly speaking spanish to me. Her name was Luz apparently and she quickly told me many things about her world and how happy she is to find someone that understands spanish or "second-human talk" as it is referred to as in some cases in her world. Apparently in her universe she entered a world of fantasy with magic and monsters and witches, including a magic student beside her named Amity.
Amity greeted me formally and seemed on edge, keeping close to Luz in almost a protective way. I could tell Amity has strong feelings toward Luz. Luz left her with me to greet Outer. Amity seemed more uptight than Luz. She sighs.
"So....YoU bOtH clOsE?"I ask
She nods.
"YoU sEeMeD pReTtY pRoTeCtiVe oF hEr."I say
"If you knew what trouble she gets herself into, you would understand."She says
"PfFt, yOuR fRiEnD iS a CluElEss doRk gEttInG inTo tRoublE t0o?"I ask
She nods.
"Wait, too?"She says
"I HaVe aT lEaSt tWo fRiEndS lIkE tHat."I say
I hear a sneeze like a kitten's.
"SpEakIng of oNe, I tHiNk I hEaR thEm. INK!"I yell
"Aww, your brother sneezes like a kitten!"Vivi says to Mabel
Dipper sneezes like that too? Interesting....
"FaLsE aLaRm."I say with a shrug
Amity and I kinda related to each other, chatting about all the mischief our friends get into or the messes we have to get them out of. Then my brother came and we started talking. I could see them all watching us as we discussed a plan of what to do with them. Amity was whispering to Luz something. They all looked concerned except Mabel who looked hopeful.
"Is tHiS eVeRyOnE?"I ask
"King? Where's King?"Luz wonders
"Human! I am right here! You cannot lose the King of Demons!"A voice says
I see a furry little creature with a collar, skull-like head with a horn and broken remains of a horn with bright yellow and red eyes.
"There you are King!"Luz says, scooping the little guy up
"I'Ll cAlL InK. He Can HElP gEt ThInGs SeT uP."I say
"Set up? What does that mean?"Vivi asks
"We'Re gOiNg tO sEt soMe StuFf uP tO mAke StaYiNg hErE suItAblE foR yOu!"My bro says
I call Ink but he wouldn't pick up. It went to voicemail. I shrug it off and introduce the bunch to UnderNovela. If they're going to stay here, they have to at least know what it is. Luz loved it and dragged Amity along to watch it.
"Oh...Yay...UnderNovela!"Amity says nervously as Luz holds her close while I open a peekhole
Dipper was drowning King in questions so I shushed him so we could watch it in peace.
Later, I called Ink and explained the situation. He came and started creating stuff for the humans to settle here for a while. Beds/sleeping bags, pillows, blankets, plenty of food so they don't go after MY chocolate, books, games, stuff like that.
Ink and I chat a bit and he was relieved to find Outer here. He has met the heroes and the villain fighting in OuterTale and they don't exactly care for the damages they cause. As long as they defeat each other, that's all that matters. Only one member of the heroes has a sense of where they are and tries to fix the damages-Raven apparently. And it doesn't help that it seems more of their universe seems to be dropping in according to Ink, meaning more "superheroes and villains" fighting in OuterTale. Ink advised that we do not go there unless we want to get caught up in it. The villain, Trigon, doesn't seem to have a soul either.
Ink also warmly greeted each of the new guests. He and Mabel bonded over crafting and I soon got caught in it when Mabel started doing puppets. I showed her my puppets and we begin to craft or crotchet while Ink chats and sketched Waddles. Then Ink greets Vivi and Mystery while Arthur slept beside Soos. They chat about memories and stuff I guess. He chats with Luz and Amity a bit. But then he notices King running around. He approaches King with a grin.
"Awww! You must be King! The adorable king of demons!"Ink says
"I am not cute! I am deadly!"King snaps
"Luz says otherwise."Ink says
"It's true though."Luz says
King keeps trying to deny it while Ink keeps insisting the fact that he is cute. He was losing the battle against Ink though, who can be stubborn a lot. So he just seemed to get angrier and angrier.
"Oh here it comes."Luz says
"What?"Vivi asks
"The squeak of rage. Like a little tea kettle."Luz replies
Mystery covers his ears.
I watch King and Ink and suddenly a high pitch squeal sounding like a whistling tea kettle comes out of King and he pounds his fists against Ink, doing no damage. Ink giggles.
"Your angry attacks are only ticklish!"He tells King
King runs off, squeaking out of rage. But then he curls up on a sleeping bag. I couldn't help but chuckle. That was funny to watch. I go up into my hammock and just watch things unfold here. Ink climbs up some dangling strings to join me from a distance.
"Have you talked to Blue lately? He won't answer his phone."He asks
"HmMm, NoO..He wAs hErE fOr a bIt bUt hiS bRo wAnTeD hIm."I say
We both shrug it off. We hang out a bit and for some reason I felt so close with him, as if there were times that I am forgetting. But he has only recently become my friend instead of an enemy. What could I be forgetting?
(That he was your lover&husband in a previous timeline.)
And strangely, my haphephobia doesn't lose control when he touches me. He is able to touch me without causing issues. As if I have grown comfortable with him before or want his touch. I didn't understand it. I was deep in thought about these things when Ink took me out of my thoughts suddenly. He held my hand! I look at him in surprise. He smiles a gentle smile, seeming relaxed.
"Heh....I always wanted to hold your hand."He says
My face burns a bit.
Why do I feel....Happy hearing that from him?
I glance at our intertwined hands. Something felt nice, comforting about my hand being intertwined with his.
"O-OkaY...."I say
"Oh! I'm sorry! Your phobia! I-I'll just-"He begins, lossening his grip
I don't know what got into me but I grip his hand tighter, squeezing it.
"It's o-OkAy."I say, glancing away
I feel him rub his thumb in a circle on my hand softly as if to relax me. I appreciated that. He wasn't being pushy.
Meanwhile, Blue's POV
I hum a tune as I wander through Waterfall. I just finished some cleaning at home and while my bro napped, I found two books. They seemed familiar and they said they belonged to Error's brother, so I'm holding onto them until I can return them. I was near the waterfalls of course and noticed more water was dripping from the ceiling as if it were raining. It sounded so peaceful though. I open my umbrella and hold it over me. Some pink ghosts with yellow hearts in them and bright yellow eyes spot me. They soar over and look at me in shock.
"Hello, is there something I can help with?"I ask
They nod, then lead me to this skeleton-fire ghost monster person as far as I can describe from what I can tell. His hair were pink flaming hair and eyes, no lower jaw or neck, wore a suit and pants with bones curling around his sides where his ribs might be and huge-gloved fists. He looked lost. He certainly isn't from my timeline or other AUs that I know of. Unfortunatley, he was getting wet which it not good for any fire monsters. The pink ghaosts circle him, seeming to be talking in ways I don't understand. I spot a golden heart locket by his chest.The stranger looks at me in surprise. He comes closer and I recall Dust said that the new folks in our worlds could be dangerous. I nervously step back and he notices. He puts his hands up to show that he doesn't mean any arm, his hair getting dimmed by water dripping. I come over to him and smile.
"Vivi? What happened to you? What are you doing here?"The stranger says, having a deep voice and clearly spoken despite not having a lower jaw
"Sorry, I think you're mistaking me for someone else. I'm not Vivi but I came here after your ghost friends lead me to you. My friends call me Blue or Blueberry. What's your name?"I ask, sheltering him under the umbrella
"My name is Lewis. My apologies. These are the dead beat ghosts....They mistook you for a....friend of mine that wore a lot of blue and had blue eyes like you. Where exactly am I?"He replies
"This is an UnderSwap world. I assume you're from another universe since that has happened a lot lately. You are in the waterfall area."I tell him
"Is it safe in these places?"He asks, putting a hand protectively over the locket as if it were his soul
"Hard to say anymore with all the new folks. But this place hasn't really been bothered....But there is one thing I'd advise."I say
"What?"He asks
"Hide that locket you have from sight. If it's important, hide it. Others may try to take it and it looks like your soul so there are some who may try to destroy it to kill you."I say
"A soul?"He says
"Oh right! Things must be different in your world! Every being in these worlds have souls!"I say, showing mine, then check to see if he has one
It was his locket.
"Best to hide it unless you want to turn to dust."I say, then guide him through how these universes work
A portal opens while we walked together, chatting and getting to know each other better. The Dead Beat spirits followed behind, humming tunes. Lewis tucked his locket into a pocket of his suit. Someone starts to come through and he pulls me close to him, holding me protectively and his hair rising like a wild flame. His eyes became empty as he glares at the portal. A giggle is heard but all that comes through is a pile of dirt. The portal shuts but the ground becomes bumpy as if something was tunneling under it. Out pops a zombie-flower like monster with a pair of scissors. Lewis seems to recognize her and she seemed to focus her gaze on me and frowns. She looks around me as if expecting to see someone there or something I have. Her scissors grew and she swung at me but Lewis pulled me back, only slightly cutting me.
"What do you want?!"Lewis snaps
"The dog."The stranger says
"Not here! Not this world!"He snaps
The stranger continues attacking. I tuck the books in a bag and block some of swings with my umbrella. Lewis sent the spirits at her and I sent bone attacks, trying to dodge what I can. She seemed to target me more than anything. Another portal opens.
"You've got to be kidding me."Lewis says
The stranger breaks the bone attacks in half and tunneled into the ground. A shadow loomed behind me and I feel a razor sharp blade knock me to the ground, strinking me from behind. I turn over to see she was standing over me. Lewis was getting angry, tangled in some plants she grew. He was burning his way free and I heard a familiar noise from the portal. The stranger picked me up by the neck. I stab a bone into her side, getting dropped and stay on the ground.
"DUCK!"I shout to Lewis as he lunged to me
He drops to the ground, wrapping his arms around me.
A Gaster Blaster fires over our heads, knocking the stranger away.
"STAY AWAY FROM BLUE!"A voice shouts
One I recognize.
Lewis held me tighter, one of the dead beat spirits bringing me a snack. I find that my hp dropped down to 8/20. I ate it, allowing me to heal back up.
"Nobody is getting near you."Lewis says
Dust comes through the portal the blast fired from, looking pissed. He and Lewis look at each other, neither looking happy with the other. I see what is going to happen.
"Lewis, don't fi-"I begin but Dust already charged at Lewis with some blasters and bone attacks
Lewis dodged them and kept me tightly in his grip. I see Dust preparing to fire one from behind Lewis and I block it with a bone wall.
"Cut it out!"Lewis snaps
"Let him go!"Dust growls
The spirits grab Dust, preventing him from moving.
"What the hell?"He shouts
Lewis sets me down.
"You okay?"He asks
I nod. He sighs with relief.
"Thank God."He says, giving me what I can only assume to be a kiss on the head
I look up at him a bit confused. He puts a hand behind his skull nervously.
"Heh, I get protective of my friends."He says
I smile.
"Who was that?"I ask, referring to the lady that attacked us
"I honestly dunno. She just seems to not like my friend and want her dog. A pain to deal with but not much known about her as far as I can say. Sorry that she attacked you."He says
"That stranger is after Vivi?"I ask
He nods.
"I'm trying to find her before that weirdo does."He says
"What does she look like?"I ask
He shows me the inside of his locket. I see a human that looks like him with a girl with blue everything and pink glasses. They seem happy together. I nod and he shuts it, but I'm sure to remember the girl.
"What should I do with him?"He asks, pointing to Dust
Just then, Dust broke free of the spirits and darted over, seeming to try to swing a punch at Lewis but Lewis caught it, his hand twice the size of Dust's. I could see the tension and hostility between the two.
"Lewis, he is not a threat. He is my friend."I say, trying to deesclate things
"Oh!"His says, losing all hostility it seemed and seemed cheerful now
"Hey, Upper jaw! Let Blue go!"Dust snaps
Lewis lost his joy and just seemed ticked off.
"How are you so nice and he is so rude?"He asks
"He is just getting angry and protective. He doesn't know you after all. Dust, calm down. This is Lewis, a new friend."I say
"What was he doing with that freak then?!"Dust snaps
"Protecting him from her."Lewis says and I nod
The spirits stick close to me, watching curiously.
"And those things?"Dust asks
"Dead Beat Spirits. They follow me everywhere."Lewis says
Dust seems to calm down. Especially once he could hug me.
"You alright, Blue?"He asks
I nod.
He grabs my hand and starts taking me to the portal. Lewis grabs my other hand and follows me with his spirits. We go through and I look around. We were in Outertale.
"Dust? Isn't this risky?"I ask, knowing the dangerous folks in here
He tears me from Lewis. Then his eyes doubled and narrowed like four glowing orange spider eyes and his bones turned a reddish-brown. I tear away from him.
"D-Dust?"I say
"Lord Trigon orders that you come."He says, but his voice wasn't his
Is he possessed?
Lewis seems unsettled at the sight, as if he has seen it before.
I back up as he comes closer, not wanting to fight Dust. I realize I'm at the edge of the land and look over, seeing a battle down below. The giant demon that people call Trigon looks up and grins, putting a hand up as if ready to catch something. His grin was sinister and he looked horrifying. Dust grabs me and lifts me up as if to throw me.
But then he screams in pain, his bones turning back to white and his eyes lessening to two eye-holes with tiny dots. I see Lewis grabbed his spine with a hand, his body engulfed in flames. He was burning Dust. Some dark spirit came out of Dust's mouth and soared away. Then there was a loud caw and what looked like a raven symbol rose. A girl in a purple cloak appears beside us as Lewis had Dust drop me and fall to his hands and knees.
"My father possessed your friend huh?"She says
I nod.
"You three should get out of here. I recognize your friend. I'll get you out of here. I'm Raven. And if you meet anyone who lived here, sorry for the damages. We're trying to get him out of here to somewhere he won't cause as much damage."She says, opening a portal
"Will do! Thank you!"I say as we go through
I carry Dust and Lewis holds me close. I see that we are at Nightmare's castle. Oh dear...
The portal shuts behind us and Lewis sends his spirits to check our surroundings. Dust was out cold, burnt badly. I see Fell peeking out a window of the castle. He spots us and disappears from the window, looking alarmed. Next thing I know, he and his gang are outside meeting us except Error and Horror, Nightmare leading them with his tentacles swaying. Their focus seemed to lock onto Lewis as they took their weapons out as if to intimidate him. Lewis comes in front of me, blocking them from me. His locket once again was in clear view and was pounding.
"Who are you all?"He asks
"They are friends."I respond
"You seem to trust others easily, Blue."He says
"Blue, who is this?"Nightmare growls
"This is Lewis."I reply
Killer pushed the spirits aside to get closer to Dust. He looks at me, then at Dust. Lewis watches him while the spirits block the rest from us. Killer drops his knives seeing Dust's HP. A tentacle wraps around Killer. Nightmare pulls Killer back, seeming protective of Killer. Fell and Swapfell just stood beside Nightmare, awaitin orders.
"Drop the weapons. A fight is not worth it or necessary here."Lewis says, his gaze locked on Nightmare, still keeping Dust and I behind him protectively
"I don't trust you, you're gonna have to fall before we even think of standing down."Nightmare says
"Then there is going to be a lot of fire. That would not be advised."He says
"You literally have your soul out! How strong or smart can you be?"Fell asks
"Ask Dust here when he wakes up."He says
Nightmare pulls Killer behind him.
"Guys, we can explain! There is no need to fight!"I say
Dust wakes up a bit. A Gaster Blaster blasts, narrowly missing us. Dust teleports inside. I find myself in his room.
"Don't move, you got burned."I say
"W-What happened?"He asks
"Trigon had something possess you. Lewis got it out of you and a girl named Raven brought us to Nightmare."I say
"What did I do?"He asks
"You nearly threw him to a demon named Trigon."Lewis says as he floats through the wall
Quickly the gang came while I was healing Dust.
"Sorry for burning you, Dust."Lewis says
"No no, it's alright....You kept Blue safe and I thank you for that."Dust says
"Oh just kiss already."Fell says
"Says the one who has feelings for Classic."Dust responds teasingly
Nightmare and Lewis chat a bit.
"So you're a human? How did you die?"Nightmare asks
"My best friend shoved me off a cliff."He replies
"Ah, betrayal. I'm guessing you're seeking revenge?"Nightmare says
He nods.
"Okay, we have something to relate on. You can stay here until you figure things out."Nightmare says
"Really? That's all it takes?"Lewis says
Nightmare shrugs.
"I was betrayed and search for revenge as well."He says
"You died and became a black octopus thing?"Lewis says
"Not exactly. My brother betrayed me."He says
"Ohh..."Lewis says
"How the heck did they get you near a cliff?"Nightmare asks curiously
"My advice, don't go spelunking with that Killer dude."Lewis says
"Hey! I am trustworthy!"Killer says, offended
"I'm just saying it isn't something good to do or to show off to someone special."Lewis says
"Right....I see what you're getting at but there's nobody fitting that anyways so no need to worry."Nightmare says
"You literally cocooned him with your teentacles and only him from the fires that I fired. You can't tell me that something is going on there."Lewis says
Killer smiles a bit. Dust had fallen asleep in my lap by now.
Error appears beside me.
"KiLlEr, i hAvE a qUeStiOn fOr yOu."He says
Killer glances at it.
"Do YoU knOw thIs gUy? Or Is iT aNoThEr tImeLinE oF yOu?"He asks, showing Killer a picture
Nightmare snatches it once seeing it. He tears it to shreds.
"That is nobody."He says defensively
Then he stomps out. Error looks at me.
"WhAt'S uP wItH DuST?"He asks
I explain what happened. He nods.
Dust sleepily holds me closer.
Error takes a glance around.
I hear a high pitched squeal from Error's portal.
"InK! QuIT mAkiNg KiNg sQueAk iN AnGeR!"Error says
"That wasn't me!"Ink says
"Everyone settle down!"A voice says
Error sighs.
"My bRo gOt SomE gUeSts To cOmE t0 thE aNtI-VoId."He says
Lewis seemed to perk up at the voice that tried to get everyone to settle down.
I look at him.
"Is that-?"I begin
He nods, looking hopeful.
Then a girl looking like the one in the picture comes through the portal.
"Error, they're swinging from strings you have hung up as if they're Tarzan. They as in Mabel, Luz and King."The girl says
"Vivi...?"Lewis says
Vivi looks at him and her eyes twinkled.
"Hi, Mister Ghost!"She says
That seemed to break him. He shakes it off and approaches her, gently placing a hand on each of her shoulders.
"Are you okay, Vivi?"He asks her
She nods. A scream is heard.
"King! No attacking Waddles!"She shouts into the portal
"Is...Mystery okay?"Lewis asks
"Mhm."She says
He releases her and she glances around. She spots me and waves. I wave back. She sees Dust in my lap and seems like she got an idea. Lewis seems happy just to be near her. He checks his locket and starts crying. He wipes them but they keep coming. Vivi notices.
"Mister Ghost, are you okay?"She asks
"Lewis...My name is Lewis Vivi."He says
She looks lost on what he is saying. He opens the locket and shows it to her. She stares at it in shock. Flames engulf Lewis' skull making an illusion of his human head. Vivi steps back.
"I-I do-don't remember...It hurts to try....I'm sorry....Arthur-"She begins
"Arthur?"He says with a venomous tone
"Arthur mentioned you often.....Find Lewis...We gotta find Lewis. Lewis has to be somewhere....That's all he would say."She says
"Arthur killed me!"He snaps
"No! A ghost did! He got possessed and lost his arm because of it! He has been searching for you for months! Whoever you are! Whoever Lewis is, he has had us search for you constantly! He cares about his best friend a lot! He would never kill his best friend! He'd never hurt Lewis!"She insists
She gazes at the picture in the locket.
"Oh my goodness...."She says, sitting beside me with it
I glance at it. It now showed her with Lewis, a dog and a boy with spiky yellow hair. They all looked happy. She hands it back to Lewis.
"I...need to go."She says, going back through the portal
Ink comes through and glances around.
"Oooh...She has memory issues doesn't she?"Ink says
"SuRe sEeMs liKe iT."Error says
Lewis seems broken. Literally. His locket turned grey and cracked like a broken heart.
"Don't worry! I know some tricks to spark memories! I deal with memory loss all the time!"Ink says, then hops back through the portal
"YoU cOmInG oR sTaYinG hErE?"Error asks Lewis
"I think I'll stay."He says
Error leaves him with me. I hug Lewis, comforting him. He floats through the ceiling, wanting some alone time. Dust starts twisting and turning until I am laying under him. He seems to be dreaming of something. Then he kisses my cheek in his sleep. My face burns up. I wrap my arms around his body that is fragile from the burns.
"Rest well, Dust."I say softly, dozing off stuck under him in bed
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