Chapter 6:The New Guy
Ghastly's POV
"Come on, you can do it. I can feel your strength. You're strong."Papa says
"T-Thanks, Nightmare. I'm trying."Killer says
I look over and watch them.
They hand wrestle and keep talking or complimenting each as they do so. He keeps testing Killer's foucs. But he'd fail to do so. I feel full of joy and have enjoy watching this.
"Are they still arm wrestling?"Brother asks
"Yep!"I say
"Wow!"Shino says, getting a piggyback ride from him
"That makes 2 hours and 5 seconds!"Suave says
"And there's the timekeeper right on cue."Fallacy chuckles
"What? I have nothing to clean anymore! I gotta find something to keep myself busy."Suave says
"I could help fix that."Jasper says
"M'Lord Jasper, don't even think of painting on the walls again! You are not a two-year old!"Suave says
Fallacy chuckles.
"I take no responsibility if he uses my stuff in that crime."Encre states
"Yes! I did it!"Killer cheers
"Knew ya could."Papa says
Killer skips, yes, skips off happily. I go over to Papa and look at him. He does the check motion on his book again, a total of three times.
"You went easy on him, didn't ya?"I ask
"How can ya tell?"He asks
"Your smile and usually it takes 4 hours for others to win against you in this."I say
"Welp, I did. But he did hold out for a good while and he is happy. I've grown to like his happiness."He says
I smile.
"Well that's very nice and sweet of you. Interesting to hear."I say
He smiles.
I notice one of his eyes turn purple and his face gets a bit bright or colorful. Then he groans, shaking his head with a hand lifted up. He opens his eyes, looking at me and no longer smiles or with a purple eye.
"Papa, are you ok?"I ask
"Ya...Ya I think so."He says
He then gets up and walks away.
A few days later....
Knock, Knock!
"I'll get it!"Papa says
He goes and opens the door.
I smile.
I follow him.
He opens the door slightly, but whoever is on the other side shoves it open wider.
"Hello, dear Allsun!"a voice says
Before my father could say a word, he gets pulled forward. I peek out from behind him and see this guy kiss my father on the cheek.
"Hey! Excuse me?! Stop! I told you not to do this!"Papa snaps
"Awww, I thought you'd be happier to see me. It's been a while."The guy says
"Oh shut up."Papa says
"Now, how about we make a deal?"He asks
"I hate deals. You know that."Papa says
"Never hurts to try.'He tells Papa
"No."Papa says
"But-"He begins
"Papa, who is this?"I ask
"Who the hell is this stupid shortie?"The guy asks
"Correction, who's the stupid top hat man?"I say, disliking him already
Papa smiles at my comeback.
"You really gonna let him call me that?"The guy asks
"Well he is my son and you did insult him. Sooo, yeah, I think I will."Papa says
I smirk.
"Ugh, can't we just talk?"He asks
"Who are you?"I ask
"This is Cipher."Papa says
"Friend?"I ask
"Aquaintence."Papa says
"But we could be more if you make a deal."Cipher says
"Rather not."Papa says
"Well, how about I fix those headaches of yours and then we talk?"He asks
"I don't trust you at all. Why don't ya go?"Papa suggests
"Oh, but I've traveled so far to see you! Can't an old friend visit?"He says
"Oh! Did I hear friend?"Encre asks, coming over
"Yes, I am his friend and came to visit!"He says
"Why don't you come in? I was just gonna make dinner."Encre suggests
"I'd love that!"He says, wrapping an arm around Papa
"This way!"Encre says, taking them to the table
I go to my brother once Shino passes me to go home. He is now chatting with Fallacy and Suave.
"Hey, can you watch over those three? The new guy is not nice and is no friend of Papa's, despite what he told Encre. I'm gonna get Killer."I say, having a bad feeling
"Sure thing bro."Brother says
"Had a bad feeling about him the moment he came in."Fallacy states
"Permission to spill on him when pouring him a beverage, M'Lord?"Suave asks
"Granted."Fallacy says
Suave smiles.
I head upstairs to find Killer. I find him laying in his bed, reading a book. I don't even knock since the door was open.
"Killer? I think Papa needs your assistance."I say
"With what?"He asks
"Well, this new guy showed up. Papa tried to get him to go but he lied to Encre's face, tricking Encre to let him in and invite him for dinner. He wants some deal from Papa."I say
"What's their name? Do you know?"He asks
"Cipher."I say
He drops the book and pulls a knife out of a drawer. He takes my hand and hurries downstairs.
"Not him! He ain't doing nothing to Nightmare!"He mutters
"Is he really bad?"I ask
"He....It's a story for another time, kid. But yes, he is. Now let's just get to dinner before he tries anything with your Papa."He tells me
We go to the dinner table just as Encre set the mac&cheese out to be divided. I sit beside Jasper and Killer sits beside Cipher, trapping the jerk between him and Papa. The tension was so thick at the table that you could cut it with some scissors. At least that's how it felt for me. Nobody looked happy. Besides Encre, who is clueless to who he let inside. Then, Killer puts a knife at Cipher's neck while we're eating. The handle is wrapped up in bandages and tape, but Killer holds a firm grip on it.
"Try anything with him and I will kill you."Killer growls in annoyance
"Killer! That is not how we are supposed to treat guests! And not one of Allsun's friends!"Encre snaps
"Love, come here."Fallacy says
He nods and the two begin to whisper.
"Can I get you a drink, mister?"Suave offers
"Sure. Whatever."Cipher says
A few moments later Suave starts to pour a cup of juice, but "accidentally" spilled it on Cipher, getting his hat soaked mostly as well as his hood. Suave "sincerely" apologized and went to get some towels to fix the spill, when really he left the room to laugh proudly in private.
"Allsun, can you call off your bud here?"Cipher asks Papa
"Oh, but he's your friend too, isn't he? And I know you must've missed him so much too. He is my closest friend and since you are so motivated to stay, you must be ready to deal with him. Normally I would but let's face it, I don't feel like taking sides."Papa says with a sarcastic and smooth tone
He smirks, seeing how uneasy Cipher is.
"Why don't I give him a tour of the house, Father?"Brother says
"Sure thing."Papa says
Cipher gets up and follows Brother to the living room, where we all can see. Brother snaps, making Cipher's soul blue and sending him out the front door. He shuts it and locks it.
"He's gone!"He says
"Good."Fallacy says
"He stunk."Jasper comments
"Such a shame, NOT."Suave says
Encre shakes his head.
"Good riddance."Killer says
"Much better."Papa says
I just eat my food.
But little did any of us know that this wasn't the last we'll see of Cipher. No, not even close.
Weeks go by. Papa would go to run errands, but come home complaining or having a wound on his arm and skull. I would have him sit down and explain.
It was always Cipher's doing.
But the thing was, whenever Papa went with someone, there were no issues.
Papa is getting targeted.
I brought this to Killer's awareness and he's been going with Papa everywhere ever since. Papa doesn't complain, he enjoys Killer's company.
But then, Cipher starts coming while I'm playing outside. And only on days when I'm out on my own. This would make me uneasy. I'd avoid eye contact with him.
"Is your father home?"He asks
"No."I say
"Where is he?"He asks
"Somewhere."I say
"Can you take me to him?"He asks
"No."I reply
"Why not?"He asks
"Cause my father doesn't like you and you should leave him alone. I am not taking a jerk like you to my father. Plus I'm busy."I say, making a snowman
"Oh, but your father and I are good friends. We go way back and-"He begins to lie
"No you don't. You are not. Papa told me everything. And if you are so close and such good friends, how come it isn't the same with his brother? Mr. Killer is good friends with Papa, they go way back and he has become good friends with Dream, Papa's brother. I cannot say the same for you. So don't lie."I say
That's when he began trying to make deals with me. Only me. He says that dealing with my brother is like trying to give fire to dynamite, too risky. Plus since I'm younger I should be more open minded. That's how I learned just how stupid Cipher is.
His deals only made me hate him more.
"No. No deal. Now go before I call my brother out here or I personally make you leave."I say each time, summoning my tentacle
That scares him off. He teleports away but would always return another day to try again.
After a few weeks of this, I got tired of it. I tried to go out with Jasper or Brother to play, any other kid I knew. He'd still come now. He's getting desperate. He is trying to make deals with all of us. Palette, Shino, Goth, Dameon, Bro, Jasper, every kid. Even X!Chara once. None of the others though. The cost was always so stupid. So was the reward. The deals were flimsy. We denied the deals, all of us. It got to a point where I didn't even want to play outside anymore.
But one day, Killer comes over to me and offers to play with me. I smile and accept. We get our scarves and jackets on. Surely Cipher would not try anything with Killer playing with me. But you can't ever be too sure. I go out and play with Killer. He begins to make a snowman.
"So, how have you been?"He asks
"Eh, could be better."I say
I believe now I can tell him. Have to tell someone.
"What do you mean?"He asks
"Ever since you and everyone started taking turns to go with Papa, Cipher has started to bother me and the other kids."I say, then look around when I hear a noise
"What is that ass-asstounding annoyance doing now?"He asks, clearly censoring himself
"He tries to get info out of us. Is Papa home? Where is he? Can you take me to him? Everything about Papa. When that doesn't work, he tries making deals with us. He offers something we desire, or he thinks we do, like a toy or something if we let him see Papa. If we take Papa to him, have some interaction. We don't care about that or trust him. We deny it. I deny it. What could he offer that I desire? I have everything I could want or need right here with my friends and family. And I am not giving him my Papa. He's crazy if he thinks so. I just hope that soon he will just leave us all alone."I explain
"I'll get someone to watch over you kids and make sure he doesn't bother you. Thanks for telling me. Now, how is your snowman coming along?"He says
"Almost done, look!"I say, showing him my tiny snowman.
"Awesome!"He says
"Thanks! Your snow man looks great!"I tell him
"Gah! Aw fu-fiddlesticks!*coughing*"A voice yells
I look and see Fallacy come out, coughing
"What's wrong, Fallacy?"Killer asks
"I tried to use the grey block of fire but it does not work with me. It is very angry right now. I just wanted to make the tasty mixture of flour, grinded sugarcane, and chicken's droppings for the celebration of our friend's birth, er rebirth! I think we may need Shino with her can of anti-fire cream to come soon."Fallacy says
Killer looks very confused.
I understand him though. Fallacy never had cake or used an oven before. Nor has he used a fire extinguisher. But it is funny to hear his descriptions or explanations of them.
"He means that the oven wasn't working right when he used it. It is backfiring on him. He just wanted to make a cake for Papa's birthday. He suggests we need Shino and her fire extinguisher."I explain
"Yes, yes! That's it!"Fallacy cheers
"Ahh, I see."Killer says
"I'll get Shino!"I say, running off
Shino comes and puts the fire out. It was small and only got out of the oven by 2 inches. Shino gives us a spare extinguisher just in case. Encre comes downstairs with Jasper. Suave was with Papa, escorting him to Ink and Blue's house to chat. Jasper facepalms at the scene.
"Father, what did you do?"He asks
"I wanted to make a cake!"Fallacy says
"And it seems you broke the oven."Jasper says
"Hey, I tried!"Fallacy says
Encre wraps an arm around Fallacy.
"How about we go?"Encre suggests
Fallacy nods.
"Why doesn't these new inventions work with me?"Fallacy mutters
"Aww, it takes time, monsieur."Encre responds
They go upstairs and Jasper just goes to play with Shino. Brother comes in and fixes the oven.
"I got an idea."Killer says
"What?"We ask
"Let's make a cake but leave it where Fallacy's attempt was, making it seem like he achieved it. That will make him happy and motivate him to try, just with supervision."Killer says
I look at Brother. He nods. If he agrees, I agree.
"I'll get the stuff."I say
It takes a few minutes, okay, it took a half hour. But when we were done, the burnt cake was thrown out and the new cake was in its place in the oven. It dings but we leave it there for Fallacy to find.
Which he did.
"Hey! The cake is okay! Maybe I just have to try to not cause a fire with this thing!"He cheers
I read a book at the counter and smile.
"Encre! Come here! If I'm right, this is only the first part of making a cake!"Fallacy says
I could hear his excitement.
They decorate the cake in frosting. I leave them to it and join Killer, who was punching a punching bag in his room. My phone rings. I check it. Papa wants to FaceTime. I accept.
"Hey, Papa!"I say when it connects
"Hey, son. How are you?"He asks
"I'm good. How are you? What are you up to?"I ask
"Well, Suave is helping Mr. Blue clean the house up. I'm alright and heading home."I say
"Really?"I ask
"Yep. I heard there was an incident in the kitchen."He says
"Emmmm, talk to Killer real quick!"I say, handing Killer the phone
I go downstairs.
"Hide it! Papa's coming!"I tell Encre and Fallacy
They nod and start trying to find a spot to hide it. I run upstairs and Killer returns the phone.
"You ok? You're panting, son."Papa asks
"Ya, just heard Jasper painting on the walls again. You know how Suave will get when he finds out."I lie
"Ya...He will stop responding. The one time he leaves to clean elsewhere, the place he left becomes a mess. Pfft."Papa says
I smile and he smiles too. We keep talking. But then I see something get injected into his arm.
"Argh!"He groans
"I'm tired of playing nice. I tried to go the easy way but that time is up, buddy."A voice says, wrapping an arm around Papa and putting a hand to his chin
I recognize the voice.
"Let me go! Agh! I can't move!"Papa snaps
"I paralyzed you. You can't even summon anything so don't try. Now, someone wants to see you. I'll come back for target #2."Cipher says
Papa looks to his right. I can see the fear in his eyes.
I split screen the call on my phone with another app. I use that app to start tracking Papa's location.
"Who are you on a call with?"Cipher asks
"Nobody. None of your business."Papa says
Cipher takes the phone from Papa and looks at me.
"Oh, hey kiddo. What was your name again?"Cipher asks
"Let my Papa go."I say
"Nah, I think it was Ghastly. I'd say it's time for you to say goodbye to your Papa. And I advise you do the same with your Uncle soon."He says
"Not on my watch."I say
"Hehe, so naive."Cipher says
He ends the call and then I lost track of Papa's phone. Probably broke it.
I process what just happened and start brainstorming.
I look at Killer. He is still punching away.
I need to check something. I leave the room and call Uncle Dream. He doesn't pick up. I call cousin Palette and Goth answers, saying Palette is taking a nap. I say ok and hang up. Ok, who else can I call? I call Mr. Cross. Someone answers.
"Hello?"X!Chara says
"H-Hey, X!Chara."I say
"Oh, hey kiddo! You wanna talk with Cross?"He asks
"Mhm, yes please."I say
I am silent.
"He's coming."He says
"Okay."I say
I hear the phone shift.
"Hello?"Cross says
"Hey, Mr. Cross. It's Ghastly."I say
"Oh, hey kiddo. What's up?"He asks
"Is my Uncle with you? Do you know where he is?"I ask
"Yes, he went to buy balloons."He replies
"Go find him and stay with him."I tell him
"Of course. Is something wrong?"He asks
"Mhm."I say
"Well, what is it? You can tell me, kid."He says
I didn't have it in me to tell him.
"Had a bad dream?"He asks
"Y-Ya. Something like that."I lie
"Oh, well let me put your worries to rest. I'll go find him and call you back."Cross says
"Ok."I say
He hangs up and I go into Killer's room. He's at his nightstand, looking at a picture of him and Papa sitting beside the lamp.
"Killer....We have a problem."I say
"What's up?"He asks
"I suggest you get your knife for it."I say
He opens a drawer and quickly takes it.
"Don't have to tell me twice. Now, who is gonna die?"He asks
"Cipher."I say
"Oooo! A dream come true! One sec."He says, taking another two out
"You set?"I ask
"What did that idiot do?"He asks
"He took Papa."I say
He frowns.
He takes another 3.
"Let's go get him."He says
"Okay."I say
We leave the house and the Gaster Blaster comes over. I've named him Blasty. I whisper to him what happened and then explain to Killer about it. Blasty lifts us up and starts sniffing around. He catches Papa's scent and blasts the air, making a portal. We're going to get Papa.
I found this drawing base....And couldn't resist. Here you go.
*When someone asks Killer who he loves*
Killer:One sec-runs off-
Distant Nightmare/Allsun:Oh hello, Killer. How are yo-Hey! What the? Put me down!
Killer:-comes back-
Nightmare/Allsun:Killer please!
Oh ya, TBC.
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