Chapter 53:Tis the Season
Fresh's POV a few months later
I slowly wake up, feeling someone or something on me. I open an eye to see Deccy snuggling up against me. I smile and wrap my arms around him. He nuzzles his head against me, letting out soft snores. He opens an eye and looks at me. His face lit up and his cheeks glowed.
"Mornin' Deccy Dec."I say, but then glance out a window
It's dark out.
"Or...night. Guess we slept in."I say
He kisses my cheek. I glance at him and grin as he shyly looks away.
"Good evening to you too."He says
I let go of him so he could get up.
"Whose room are we in this time?"He asks
I glance around the room. I chuckle.
"They brought you into mine again, Deccy."I say
The past few months have been full of pranks from everyone. It isn't even April. Our friends argue now that it's December that it isn't a bad thing, which it isn't. They've just been sneaking me into Deccy's room or Deccy into my room while we sleep. I don't mind and he's gotten used to it by now.
He chuckles. I sit up and put my cap on.
"I'll go chat with them."He says, tipping my cap over my eyes
I chuckle and he was gone when I lifted them back up. I reach out to grab my shades, only to find that they weren't there. I get out of bed, checking my room. I peek into the hall and see Deccy chatting with Error and our friends, my shades on his head. I shake my head, coming over. Error realizes what happened and laughs. Deccy looks confused as I sneaked up behind him.
"FrEsH cAuGhT oN fAsT, dIdN'T He?"Error chuckles
I snatch my shades off his head and put my cap on his head, angling it to cover his eyes, as well as give a kiss on the cheek in return. I stroll away before he could try anything.
"Yo gotta try better than that, Deccy.~"I say teasingly, then head to the outside of the raft
I glance around and see everyone enjoying themselves. Talking, playing, swimming, pranking, Science experimenting, etc.
I glance over to the "Creating Corner". It is a area set up for those who want to craft. Encre and Ink were painting, E!Pap was scrap-booking with S!Pap asleep beside him, Edge furiously getting supplies-calling himself The Great and Terrible Edge!Papyrus, greatest scrapbook supplier ever known-which is honestly sweet even though he wants it to be "intimidating". Classic!Pap is helping E!Pap, crafting little designs for the pages. Least to say, there were plenty of nyehehehe's to hear. And of course there were kids crafting and Felicia designing some new clothes or something on a row of manequins, each different sizes, heights or shapes so it could fit any of us. From as tall as E!Gasters, Papyruses or Fallacy to as short as lil Shino or Jasper in his bat form, she was prepared. I could hear her humming a tune as she sewed or struck the manequin with needles. She gets very festive.
I slip my shades over my eyes and grin, everyone seem to be doing well. Shino comes over to me.
"Yo, lil broseph. Someone is looking super festive, huh? How's it hangin'?"I say
She looks like a little Christmas tree.
She smiles.
"Ms. Felicia made this for me after I helped her with one of her plans! Everything is great with the festivities! Everyone looks so happy!"She says
"You got that right, kiddo!"I say
"Speaking of which, she wants me to get you!"She says, grabbing my hand
She drags me over to Felicia. She grins.
"Ah, yes, another victi-I mean friend!"Felicia says
"Felicia, you didn't even try to hide that!"Encre giggles
She giggles.
I notice now that almost everyone outside is wearing something festive. So those are the other "victims".
She puts a sweater on me that says Tis the Season to be Rad.
I smile and thank her. Shino runs off to "herd more victims" to Felicia. I stroll away after chatting a bit.
"NoPe. ShInO anD FeLiCia mAdE tHis. Tis thE sEasOn tO Be nIcE, aPpRecIaTe iT."Gradient responds
I walk over to where I hear them. I chuckle.
"Well this is just too fine. They got you both too huh?"I chuckle
"Why do I have to be the one on the side labeled naughty with coal?"PJ asks
"WelL I wAsn'T a TrOuBlE mAkEr oR pUt oN tHe NauGhTy RaFt. AnD bAd pEopLe gEt cOal."Gradient says
"Hmph."PJ says, pouting
"Ah aH ah! No pOuTinG. YoU kNow How ThE sOng GoeS.~"Gradient teases
As if on cue, all the kids around start singing Santa is Coming to Town.
"You better watch out! You better not cry! You better not pout! I'm telling you why! Santa Claus is coming to town!"They all sing
"Why are you like this?"PJ asks Gradient
"I tHiNK iT iS fAiR coNsiDerInG aLl tHe NoNsEnSe yOu pUt mE tHroUgh tHe pAst fEw yEarS."Gradient replies
"In fAcT, It iS nOtHInG iN cOmpArIsOn tO wHat YoU HaVe DOnE."Error says, sneaking up behind PJ
I grin. Deccy comes over but Gradient starts chatting with him. Deccy also chuckles at the sight of them two and PJ pouting. I head over to see what Suave is up to. Jasper is with him currently with a notepad.
"So, Suave? What would you like for the holiday?"Jasper asks
"Hmmm, I'm not sure...."Suave says
"Well, how about someone special to keep close? That way you're set for the February one?"Jasper suggests
"I know what you're suggesting, M'Lord. There is no need for that...Besides, I have you all!"Suave replies
"I will find someone for you! I know I can! Everyone deserves someone special, even you!"Jasper says
"M'Lord, no!"Suave says
"Wassup broskies!"I say, waving as I approach them
"Hello!"Jasper says
"Fresh, please help! He is trying to be Cupid three months early!"Suave pleas
"Oh come on! I'm not that bad!"Jasper says
"You tied Encre up, took him from his home, and put him in a wrapped gift-box for Fallacy's birthday before this all unfolded! I don't want you doing the same to a stranger! No matter how much of a match you think it is!"Suave says, facepalming
"Okay, that's a good reason."I say
Jasper gets a mischievious look on his face.
"Help me."Suave pleas
I nod. He takes my hand and we wander away, sitting on the edge and chatting with our feet dipped into the water as the raft rocks back and forth subtly, drifting across the sea.
"There's a.....uh, another reason I denied Jasper's....suggestion.....It's kinda silly."Suave admits
"What? Anything valuable to you isn't silly to me."I say
"I.....Kinda fell in love with someone in a dream..."He whispers
"Yo, that isn't weird broski!"I say
"But it's irrational!"He says
I chuckle.
"Not everything in life , AU or multiverse has reason or is rational. It is very random, which just makes it more rad, ya know? Broskies, brosephs and people are the same, so don't be surprised if your feelies don't make sense. Love is often the most rad but strangest in the noggin, cannot really be explained, yet is one of the weirdest or nicest to have. Ya get me, brah?"I explain
He nods.
"So....What does this special broski look like in that noggin of yours?"I ask
Suave looks perplexed. He puts a hand to his chin, thinking.
"I definitely do not know him....But he looks remarkably like your Deccy."He says
I grin. Well, I was already grinning so I grinned wider, knowing what this may mean.
"But he looked different......He was dressed like a baker and was in my world or AU as you call it.....My noggin is weird."He says
"Nah...I think the multiverse is giving you a message. Perhaps that's your world's Deccy Dec."I say
He bows his head.
"But my world got destroyed...."He says
I reach into the water and splash him a bit.
"Get rid of those unrad thoughts in your noggin. The multiverse works in mysterious ways. If some of your friends escaped, who's to say there isn't a Deccy that escaped too? Besides, 'tis the season for miracles or to be jolly."I tell him
He looks at me and grins. We split up after that conversation. Yet he looked like he was daydreaming as he walks away. I went to check on the kiddos. I see Ghastly, Faith and Jasper curled up in blankets, something playing on a laptop.
Jasper was asleep, leaning against Ghastly with a grin. Ghastly looks over at me.
"Hey, Mr. Fresh! We're binge-watching holidays movies! Wanna join us?"He asks
"Sure!"I say
A tentacle sprouts behind his head and next thing I know, I am bundled up in a blanket watching the stop-motion animated movie of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer from behind them. Couldn't leave if I tried. Ghastly has a tentacle wrapped around me gently but firmly, like a hug that just won't end.
A few days later, Blue's POV
The day started off with a scream and squeal, waking up just about everybody. I get out of bed, much to Dusty's dislike, to investigate. Palette and Goth knocked into me. Except neither of them felt like metal.
"What's wrong?"I ask
"Merry Christmas!"Palette cheers
"And strangely we're not robotic anymore..."Goth says
Which is true. They both look like their normal non-robotic selves.
"We tHoUghT iT wOulD bE nIce FoR bOtH oF yOu."A voice says
I glance over, seeing Gradient with Felicia.
"I have some tricks up my sleeve still."Felicia says
They get knocked to the ground by Goth and Palette hugging them. They get up and we grin.
"Thank you so much! Merry Christmas and happy holidays!"Goth says
"Felicia, you must have a big deck of cards with those aces up your sleeve!"Palette says
"How'd ya know?"She asks, taking out a deck of cards from her sleeve and shuffling it
Palette looks amazed.
"Gradient, the trick worked. Your brother owes me a milkshake."Felicia says
Gradient glances up. I look up as well. I chuckle. Felicia lured Palette and Goth under some mistletoe. The two realize this. Goth's face burns up.
"I've covered the entire raft with these!"Felicia giggles
Palette pulls Goth into a kiss.
"Now, Gradient....Let's go find Bluescreen."Felicia says, dragging Gradient away
Gradient's face burns up.
I head outside, running to my brother to hug him.
"Merry Christmas brother! Mweheheheheh!"I cheer
"Hey bro...Happy holidays. Did Felicia get ya yet?"He says
"NOPE! Dusty is still asleep anyways!"I say
"Ah, okay. This is one of the few spots that she didn't cover."He says, gesturing to shady areas built for the vampires to be safe outside that are now covered in mistletoe.
I feel a tap on the shoulder. I turn around, finding Error there. He grins, handing me a beautifully crotcheted scarf. My brother heads inside to greet everyone.
"I tHoUgHt YoU'D lIkE iT sInCe DuSt kEePs sTeaLinG yOuR fIrSt OnE."He says
"Thanks, Error!"I say, hugging him gently
He grins. Azure and Poussiere come over and we start chatting.
"Is Dust still in bed?"Azure asks
I nod.
"Probably."I say
"Lately he seems like a late-sleeper."Poussiere says
"PfFt, I bEt He JusT dRaNk tOo muCh kEtChuP."Error says
The two chuckle. Error was silent, then chuckles.
"I rEmEmBer tImEs bEfOrE nOw ThaT ArE mUch dIfFeReNt aNd vErY fUnNy! FoR ExAmPlE, BlUe. DiD yOu rEmEmBeR wHeN CrOsS fIrSt AsKed yOu tO hAnG oUt AnD yOu gAvE hIm hIs NuMbEr?"Error asks
"I recall Cross got very nervous....."I reply
"WeLl thAt wAs bEcAUse DusT sn00k up beHINd yOU, gIVINg hiM a diRTY loOK aNd hAd eVEn suMMONed a GaSTEr BlASTer To sCARe hiM oFF. WhY? BECAUSe tHe FearLESs DuSt waS to0 scarED t0 aSk y0u f0r y0ur NUMber aNd g0t jEAloUS oF CROss aCCOMplisHINg iT. He kiNDA g0t oveRprotECTIVe oF yOu. WATChinG it wAs hilArIOUS."He tells me
"What could be so hard about that? A simple question. Azure's is 12."Poussiere says
"And his is 28."Azure says
"No, he means phone numbers. It is the way to contact others."I say, showing my phone
"Oh, so that's what these are for."Poussiere says, taking his out
"Ha! I win the bet! I was right about how they were like Encre's communication thingy!"Azure says, kissing Poussiere on the cheek
"WaiT, wHaT dId YoU ThInK iT wAs wHeN mY bRo gAvE yOu ThEM?"Error asks
"A brick. A strange-looking brick."Poussiere says
"Do YoU kNow hOw To UsE iT?"Error asks
The two shake their heads.
We sit down and help guide them through using it or setting things up. They quickly got the hang of it and soon their contacts list grew. No surprise with how many of us there are.
"HoW wOULd YoU gUyS cElEbRaTe tHe HolIdAys? FeLiCiA sAyS tHat YoU aLl LEaRnEd MiStLETOe frOm ShiNo. DID yOU GuYs HaVe AnY TrAdiTiOnS?"Error asks
"Well, yes....But they weren't or haven't been used ever since.....We lost her...."Poussiere says
His expression went dark. I've seen it on Dust's face when he has nightmares or flashbacks to his AU, the genocides, killing his Papy....Sensitive topics.
"WhO is tHiS hEr?"Error asks bluntly
I elbow him roughly.
"You don't have to answer that. It's clearly sensitive."I say
Poussiere smiles at me, as if giving a silent thank-you. Azure smiles.
"Is there any ways you DO celebrate?"I ask, trying to move on
He grins, glancing at Azure.
"Fallacy did show me a new tradition. One like your mistletoe one, just with a little change or new trait to it.~"Poussiere says
Azure's eyes widen, catching onto something. He scoots over a few inches.
"WhY did You LeAvE thE sAfE zOnE?"Error asks
"He was gonna take me from it anyway. Blue, please hold this for me?"Azure says, handing me his own scarf
I nod. Poussiere takes Azure away. I look at Error.
"WhAt dId I dO?"He asks
"You know how Dust has a sensitive topic with his AU. You've seen he get expressions like Poussiere did when it is brought up. Something we don't ask or speak about. So something that we shouldn't ask or speak about is what you just just pushed. Just....Be careful next time."I say
Error nods.
"Mon Amour!"I hear a voice shout
I look over to see Encre getting kissed by Fallacy.
"Merry Christmas, Love."Fallacy says
Encre's face burns a bright rainbow as Fallacy held them under the mistletoe.
"Ah YeS!"Error says, running off
Ohhh, Ink is in for a surprise with that tradition!
A few days later, Ghastly starts yelling.
"LAND UP AHEAD!"He shouts
I peek outside, seeing a huge island or group of land with mountains. It stretched far and long along the horizon. Nightmare, Error and Ghastly stopped the raft from crashing against the land. A bunch of the kids excitedly run off to explore. Bluescreen brought me along, worried that PJ will get Gradient into trouble. Gradient apparently got dragged off by PJ despite not wanting to go. There was a thick forest but deep within it was a town. We walk carefully through the town, looking for our friends.
"There they are!"Bluescreen says
We see them at a playground, running about with other monster children or going down slides and swinging on swings. Laughter and chatter could be heard. Bluescreen quickly ran to Gradient, who was standing on the top of the playground structure by the slides as if he were the parent supervising them all. The two start chatting, knowing that Gradient isn't much of a social butterfly. I keep an eye on all of them. I notice some of the unknown kids running over to me.
"Sir! Please help!"They plea
"What's wrong kids?"I ask, my "guard-mode" as Dust calls it being engaged
"You are Mr. Blue, right?"They ask
I nod.
"Someone is trying to take Ghastly away! He told us to leave before he made us! Very scary man!"They say
One kid grabs my hand, leading the way. I see Ghastly clinging to a tree branch with his tentacle. He is very high up.
"Kiddo, come down."A voice says
"NO! You are a very mean man! You are trying to hurt Papa again! I am going nowhere with you!"Ghastly snaps
I come closer.
"What are you talking about?"The voice says
"You used K-Papa against Papa!"Ghastly snaps
I now see Color under the tree.
"Mr. Blue! Help!"Ghastly cries
I reach up.
"Come here, Ghastly."I say
He drops down and grips me tightly, using his tentacle to grip me tightly just to be safe. That tells me a lot. He was trembling. He was scared and DID NOT want to go with Color. I glance at Color. He looks shocked to see me. But I understand what Ghastly was talking about.
"Blue, I promise I can explain. It isn't that bad, I swear."He says
"Yeah, like scaring kids away to sneak off with a child is a good thing in any perspective. Hmmm, that sounds a lot like....I dunno, KIDNAPPING?! I'd love to hear your explanation, Color. What the heck do you think you are doing?"I respond
"I was just gonna take him away to get answers from him on Killer's whereabouts so I can get him free from Nightmare."He says
"Again? I think you got the wrong timeline Color."I say
"What are you talking about?"He asks
"Killer doesn't need your rescue. And Nightmare is not the enemy here. There was already a Color!Sans that tried to do that but all that did was ruin Killer's relationship with Nightmare, upsetting them both. Now they are back together though. And this kid right here is their child. Killer is happy with Nightmare."I explain
"That's crazy talk! Nightmare is just using Killer!"Color snaps
"Not here. Here they are married with genuine love. I advise you don't challenge that, it won't go well for you."I say
His jaw drops.
"You're joking."He says
"You won't hurt my Papas anymore!"Ghastly snaps, sticking out his tongue
"I am not one to joke about these things. You know that."I say
I hear pounding footsteps.
"Ghastly! Are you ok?"Jasper asks, flying over
"The meanie was gonna kidnap me...."Ghastly whimpers
Jasper glares at Color.
"What kind of timeline is this?"Color asks
"Not yours."Jasper says
Jasper glances at Ghastly.
"Don't worry! He won't hurt you! I got help!"Jasper says
"Where is Ghastly?"A voice growls
"Papa! The mean man tried to take me! Just like he did with K-Papa!"Ghastly cries
Nightmare steps between us. Killer glares Color down.
"Who the hell is this guy?"Color snaps, pointing to Nightmare
"My husband. And this is my kid. Get the HELL away from him and stay away."Killer responds, hugging Nightmare while holding Ghastly in his arms now
"Oh sorry, you probably don't recognize me."Nightmare says, turning into his hostile form
"Killer! Are you out of your mind?"Color snaps
"No, you are out of your mind to be attempting this/ Wrong timeline again."Killer says, flashing some eyelights at Color to show a glare
"GET OUT."Nightmare says
Color teleports away.
"Thanks for protecting Ghastly, Blue."Killer says
"No problem."I say
This wonderful family leaves while Jasper soars off to play on the swings.
I walk back to the playground to supervise the kids. More adults started doing the same with their kids. Other adults just came to chat. One came to me and starts chatting with me. This man wraps an arm around me, messing with my scarf a bit as he talks. He often dropped "adorable", "cutie", "cute" and words like that while speaking to me.
"Do you wanna go to dinner? I could show you around."He says
"Ummm...."I say, trying to think of a polite answer as I slide his arm off of me
"Come on, it'll be an adventure. Who knows where it will go."He says
"I'm not up for an adventure right now. Maybe another t-"I begin
He grabs my hand and drags me off. Next thing I know, I'm sitting on a roof's edge above the rest of the city or trees.
"W-What is going on?"I ask, feeling really unsettled
He leans in and I shove him away from kissing me.
"Yeah, definitely not up for this adventure. So long. Mweheheh...."I say, hopping down
I use a bone attack to hook onto a nearby tree and ease my way down. I see Dust coming over quickly.
"Blue!"He shouts
I unsummon the bone attack.
"Y-Yes Dusty?"I say
He grabs me gently by the chin.
"You know I love you, right?"He asks
"Uh-huh. And I love you too, Dusty."I say
"Well, let's make something clear. You are my precious, beloved Blue. Nobody else's. None of these strangers, nor anyone, can take you. Agreed?"He says
"I thought that was made clear when we fell in love..........When we confessed......Wait...You're getting jealous or protective!"I say
"I AM NOT!"He snaps
"Dusty, Error told me about how protective you got to scare Cross off. I know you get protective, like now. Don't worry about strangers, Dusty. That's silly. Nobody can take your place."I say
He looks away. I kiss him on the cheek.
"Error is so dead."He mutters
"No he isn't, silly."I say
Then I glance around, seeing people eyeing Dust. I did not like the things I heard them whispering or the looks they were giving him. I pulled him close in a hug. He snatches my hat. I stick out my tongue at the folks whispering. He is my Dusty!
They look away.
"Where are the kids?"Dust asks
"The playground."I say, looking up at him
"Well let's get them and regroup on the raft."Dusty says
I get a tap on the shoulder. I look to see a stranger. He smiles at me. He's the same guy from before.
"Hey there. Are you going somewhere?"He asks
"Back to a raft for the night."Dust says, holding me tightly
"Wait! Why not stay? We have spare houses for you all to settle in!"He says
He smiles at me.
"We could have fun getting to know each other. Some of your friends have even taken our offer. Even your brother, Blueberry."He says
"Fine....We'll settle here I guess."Dust says
"We should get the kids first."I say
Dust nods, waving goodbye to this stranger and quickly takes me away.
We find the kids and strangely, the same guy is there. The kids come over and hug us. Then this guy leads us to a street with huts or cottages with candles lighting the dark windows up, showing that it was occupied. They each went in groups into each cottage. Dust joined my brother, Error and a few others in one. I went to join them but this guy said there'd be no space for me. He began to lead me away, alone. Just the two of us. As nice as he seems, he also sets me at unease....He took me to a cottage on the opposite end of the street, the farthest one from any occupied by my friends, Dusty, or brother. Yet it was across a dirt road from his cottage based on what he says. He was getting too touchy for me to feel at ease. I went inside, trying to not mind it. I shut the door, but a window is opened. This guy peeks in through it.
"See you soon.~"He says
I slam the window shut.
Oh my Toriel that was creepy! Okay, what do I do? Think....He is across the road.....He will see me try to leave....And he told me these huts are anti-magic. No teleporting....Surely he won't try to come in through the front....Lock everything!
My eyes adjust to the dark, not daring to light any candles that could give away what I am doing. I lock all possible ways in and even block them. I lay in bed, under the blankets, listening carefully. I hear the front door get forced open. I leap out of bed, grabbing a bat and dimming my eye-lights so they don't give me away. I hear footsteps coming towards my room. I hide behind the door and when I saw a silhouette enter the room, I shut my eyes and swung.
I hear a body hit the floor.
"OW!"A familiar voice shouts
I open my eyes to see I had hit Dust!
"Oh my stars! Dusty! I am so sorry!"I say, kneeling down and hugging him, tossing the bat aside
"What the heck are you doing, Blue?"He asks
"That guy that showed us these cottages creeped me out. He lives across the street and has me settle in this one. No magic is allowed here, it seems cut off or distanced from everyone else, he was getting too touchy....and instead of leaving he hopped in the window and said see you soon in this creepy voice! Not tomorrow or later or something, see you soon. He had a creepy grin too. It all built together to something bad in my mind so I just tried to prepare to stop it! I'm sorry Dusty!"I explain
"Oh Blueberry.~ Come on out.~ Come out come out wherever you are.~ We can have some fun.~"A voice coos
Chills go down my spine.
Dusty growls at the sound of this voice, then pauses. He picks me up and we get under the bed covers. He pulls me close, kissing my head.
"Just rest or try to rest. I'll handle it."Dusty says
"Okie....Dusty....."I say, cuddling close to him and burying my face in his chest
I shut my eyes. I grip him gently. I feel some movement. I slowly, hesitantly open my eyes a bit. The blankets are completely over us like a tent you'd make as a kid at home. I also noticed he took off some clothes. He only has some shorts on now. I can see his soul, spine, rib cage....Stuff like that. But it has scars. He is covered in scars around his spine and parts of his ribs. I look up at him and he smirks.
"Part of the plan."He says
"Where....Where did you get these scars?"I ask softly
He is silent for a moment, as if surprised by the question.
"You...never got any? From the resets?"He whispers
"No...? The human was always nice...."I whisper
"Well you could say that these are from a bad human and battles as part of the gang...Hehe....Now try to rest."He replies
"Come out come out wherever you are.....Oh there you are!"A voice says
I shut my eyes again with a nod. I felt the blankets get moved. Dust pulls me closer.
"Here you are.~ Wait-"The voice says
"What a-are you doing here?"The voice asks
"Clearly settling in with my boyfriend before you broke in. GET THE HELL OUT! BEFORE HE WAKES UP OR YOU WILL NOT LIKE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!"He growls
"I'm so sorry. I-I didn't realize, I swear!"The voice says
I open an eye slightly. I watch this guy get horribly scared and run out. I smile, cuddling closer to Dusty. I doze off quickly and peacefully.
The next morning, I woke up with him holding me protectively. He gazed at me with such a loving glow in his eye-lights. I kiss him on the cheek.
"Morning Dusty."I say
"Morning."He says
We get out of bed and soon met up with my brother and the kiddos. I hug each of them.
"Where were ya bro?"Papy asks
"That guy that brought us to the cottages put me in one on the other side of the street."I say
Papy frowns.
"Are you ok?"He asks
I nod.
"Dusty kept me safe."I say, hugging Dusty's arm
Dust smiles.
"Heh, thanks Dust. Who knows what might've been done when he is alone. Folks 'round here seem to take advantage of others, or at least try to. Especially innocent ones."Papy says
Dust nods.
"The excuses he gave were so stupid after breaking into Blue's cottage. No way is he staying there."Dust says
Sprinkle and Fury look at each other.
"BUNK BEDS! Let's go make 'em!"They cheer, running off
Then this guy shows up. I grip one of Papy's and Dusty's arms with each of mine tightly, feeling extremely uneasy already.
"Hey, I'm sorry for intruding last night. I was just trying to see Blue. I didn't think he would have guests."He says
"So you decided to break in during the middle of the night instead of waiting for the day? How crazy can you be?"Dust says
"Oh come on! You gotta admit that he's adorable and is irresistible! I was just doing the what seemed like the best option...I am not that bright."He says
"Get the heck away from my brother."Papy says
This guy tries to run away, as told. Horror comes over.
"That the guy?"He asks
Dusty nods.
"May I?"He asks
Dust nods.
Horror grins, taking his axe and chasing after the weirdo.
"Are you sure about that?"Papy asks
"Tis the Season to be jolly. Horror seems jolly. The community will be better without a jerk like him. A win-win. Plus, it's been a while since Horror got a good head-dog."Dusty says
"HAPPY HOLIDAYS!"Horror shouts
Dusty chuckles. He takes me by the hand.
"Let's go spend time with others."He tells me
We take a few steps but then he scoops me up with a grin, taking me inside the cottage.
"Did you two get married or something?"X!Chara says in a teasing tone
"Why do you say that?"Dust asks
"You're carrying him into a new place bridal style."X!Chara chuckles
Dusty's face burnt up. He sets me down.
"Let's find a space for you."He says, leading me down a small hallway
Things seem to be going good.
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