Chapter 52:Kid, it's Time
Fresh and Suave go to check on Azure, who hasn't been feeling very well. Side effects of the curse, Azula told them. But little did they know what they were in for. They talk happily with each other, Suave feeding Azure some chicken noodle soup.
They were alone in this room. Why? The kids were playing in the water with some of the adults. Ink, E!Pap,Reaper,(though that is debate-able), Dream, Dust, Cross, X!Chara being these adults. Geno and E!Gaster are giving themselves the roles of the lifeguards. E!Gaster did not trust the waters and what lives in it, while Geno just didn't want Reaper being an idiot and getting into trouble. Nightmare and Killer with busy doing other things. Deccy was crafting with Encre. Rufous and Classique are learning what a TV does from Lust with Desire supervising his father so he doesn't pull any tricks on the oblivious duo. They should know the truth about the television, not that it's a crystal ball turned into a cube as Suave calls it. The other adults were doing their own activities to relax and pass the time. Well, most of them.
Error is teaching Fallacy and Poussière how to cook. Why? Because Shino is tired of having to put out small fires whenever Fallacy wants to make pancakes. Poussière is there to learn because he is curious about it and wants to. At least that is what HE SAYS. Truth is, he sees the positive reaction Dust gets from Blue when they cook together or for each other and since those are the alternate versions of him and Azure, he wants to learn how to do it to see if he will get the same response from Azure. Felicia is sitting on the counter, watching this unfold.
"Why are you here?"Fallacy asks
"I wanna see you struggle. I've heard from Jasper about it and I bet you make the funniest faces bro! You struggled before, you will probably struggle now. Plus Shino and I made a bet on how many fires she will extinguish until you get the hang of it."Felicia replies with a smirk
"Oh yeah! Pfft, you had trouble with a furnace I recall. Now we're dealing with an upgraded furnace!"Poussière says
Fallacy shook his head. He notices Suave's shield leaning against the kitchen wall, waiting for use. It read Language across the front. He smiles, knowing Suave likes the gift very much. He knows Suave is probably still chatting with Azure and Fresh, feeding Azure some soup and just being the nice, calm, helpful, curse-hating friend that he is.
But that isn't what Suave is doing. Not anymore.
"Fresh! Your cap is on fire!"Suave exclaims, snatching Fresh's hat and trying to stomp it out. Instead, the fire went from the hat around the three of them.
"Blue fire.....Oh no...."Fresh says
"What?"Azure asks, unaware to the situation
"Cipher....FUNK!"Fresh mutters
The fire circled around them.Fresh tossed his shades aside to give a clue, but things didn't go as he expected. A triangle was formed in the center and in a flash they were gone. Instead, three figures stood in their place.
"Woah, that actually worked! Wow, I've never controlled three at once!"One says
"Can I help?"A voice says
"Sure, Big B! Who would you like to control? But just know we gotta blend in and lay low as them. Can't seem out of character."One figure says
"The blue guy!"The voice says, now coming from a second figure
"Go on. Okay...Now only the two censors to control. Boy, this will be fun. Make sure our two science folks have fun messing with those three."The first voice, Cipher's, says
"Simon and Serram?"The other asks
"Mhm."Cipher says
"K!"The second says
The figures took form as the three, but it was clear they weren't them. Just look at their eyes. Their eyes were bright yellow with black oval pupils like when Bill Cipher possesses someone or something. The fire is gone now. The Fresh figure picks the shades up from the floor where they landed. As if knowing that it wasn't really Fresh, the shades went blank. The figure puts the shades on anyway to hide their eyes. The Suave figure put on Fresh's hat at a low angle to hide the eyes since Suave's glasses can show the eyes anyway. The Azure figure just squints. They look at each other and nod, having a plan. They leave the room and split up to see what they can do or learn.
(Fresh, Suave, Azure=fakes Fresh,Suave, Azure=being spoken about or the real them.)
Deccy noticed Fresh wandering around. He ran right over to Fresh, giving a big hug.
"Hey!~"He says
Fresh looks at him, confused. Then he remembers that he is not himself but another person and has to act like it. He recalls Fresh's connection with Deccy.
"Uh...Hey, Deccy."Fresh says with a monotone voice
The shades don't say anything.
Deccy looks at him, perplexed.
"Are you okay?"He asks
Fresh nods.
Deccy steps back, releasing him. Something didn't feel right already.
"Umm, okay then...Forget about our plans for this afternoon. I'm busy."He says, something just suddenly making him uneasy around Fresh
Fresh got curious. What plans? Were they scheming? Or something else?
"What did we have planned?"He asks
That stung Deccy, had he forgotten their plans to stargaze and do talking games? Yet, for some reason, he knew he wouldn't forget and it didn't hurt as much as it would have otherwise.
"Oh you know. And like I said, we have to plan it for another time. I am busy."He tells his friend
Fresh frowns. He gave something away that made Deccy shut himself up, he knew it. But he quickly got an idea. He steps beside Deccy and kisses him on the cheek.
"Whatever broski."He says, walking away
He leaves a very confused Deccy behind, who questions what the FUNK just happened.
Hours pass and Azure was staying away from everyone after Azula got suspicious of her grandson squinting even though there was no sun out today. The others got shocked that their friendly, beloved censorship duo weren't censoring anyone who said F*** or B****, or yelling language, spraying them or shield whacking. Then, one of them got curious and then....
A door slams open.
Error looks up from the cook book. Fallacy and Poussière are super chill, used to Jasper slamming doors, so they keep practicing. Felicia watches them. But then she hears yelling from the doorway. She looks over and sees Jasper trembling in Fell's arms. His eyes twitch and he looks horrified.
"We have a situation!"Fell shouts
"Nephew, what happened?"She asks, hopping off the counter
"T-T-That's not...S-S-Suave...D-Demon..Demon eyes. No....Suave...Not...Language!"Jasper says, his voice weak and shaking
Fallacy looks up and sees the situation. He turns the stove off and orders Poussière to do the same.
"Huh?"Felicia says
"Suave cursed!"Fell claims
All the heads turned to him in the kitchen.
"WHaT."Error says
"That was not Suave! That had demon eyes! Suave would never use those words! Not to us!"Jasper insists
"What did he say?"Poussière asks
"Jasper asks why he hasn't yelled at me or Rufous for some minor foul language. Suave responds with saying It's none of your buisiness bitch so go fuck off. Suave is busy."Fell says
"He never would use those words! He never speaks in third person!"Jasper says
"Let's go find that fraud!"Fallacy says, going outside
"We have him surrounded."Fell says
They go out and find Suave surrounded by all the adults and kids that were swimming or as lifeguards. They part to let them in to the crcle to look at Suave. Fallacy snatches the hat off his head and he looks up at them with a grin.
"Thanks for the compliment, Jasper. Demon eyes sound good."He says
"ThE HeLl?!"Error snaps
Everyone looks at each other. How the heck did this happen?
"Oh come on, why so surprised? I did put little tricks in some of your friends that I got a hold of. Might as well say that since you caught one of us."He says
"Cipher...Wait!"Poussière says, then runs off
There is a yelp.
"Whoops, Cipher I keep forgetting that I'm supposed to pretend to be Azure, I mean-"Azure says before covering his mouth
Suave facepalms. Poussière frowns, plucking Azure up and carries him like holding a something dirty, far as he could hold him from himself.
Suave notices Deccy watching them. Something clicked in Deccy's head.
Everyone works together to kill the fake Suave and Azure, but they didn't find anyone else that was odd. Fresh couldn't be found. Not until an hour later.
Deccy came across him just leaning against the back of the raft house. Deccy frowns, the feelng in him gets worse. The shades are still blank, refusing to make a message. He got curious. He goes to Fresh and snatches the shades right off of him. He looks at the shades. A message appeared in his hands. NOT HIM! He looks up to see yellow eyes staring right back at him. Deccy drops the shades.
"Ohohoho, you've discovered the truth, Deccy. Don't you know what happened last time you did that?"Cipher says, creeping closer to Deccy
He steps back as he comes closer, knowing very well. But then he stops, taking a stand. He recalls that he isn't on his own.
"Where is Fresh?"He growls
"Oh wow, so you're being the tough guy looking out for him, huh? I lost count of how many times your Fresh wasted his breath asking that about you. Where is he? How is he? When can I have him back? Give him back now! Don't hurt him or I will kill you, yada yada yada. He refused to give up on getting you back though and never explained why. How stupid of him."Cipher says
"You tell me what you did with him right now or you can deal with the others."He growls
"Hmm, well while you guys were panicking about where I could be, I got news and let's just say this is invalid now."Cipher says, holding a paper
The paper was an acrostic poem Ghastly made of Fresh's name since he noticed Fresh seemed upset due to his bad dreams. He wanted to cheer him up so he gave Fresh the poem.
"Let's just say I took the S out of Fresh."Cipher says, pointing to the S
Deccy shoves him back, not wanting to believe him.
"What the hell? No! You didn't! You're lying!"He says
"Oh how naive you are. The things people do to protect their soul from breaking one way or another."Cipher says
There is a pause.
"What do you mean he is still alive? What about the other two? SERIOUSLY? FUCK!"He says to nobody
He looks to the floor. Then a view opens on the floor.
There sat Fresh, chained and blidnfolded, covered in wounds. It sickens Deccy that they did this to him.
"This is what happens when someone breaks a deal."Cipher says
"Suave? Azure? Can you hear me?"Fresh calls out
He only got silence in return.
"You can't figure out how to kill them? Simple, just do it."Cipher mutters
He shoves the sight in Deccy's face, letting him watch every detail and second. Hear every word Fresh said, all the silence he got back. The wounds bleed out. Deccy had enough.
"Oh? You wanna scare them to death? Go ahead."Cipher says
The sight fades.
"Hope you whispered your last words to him cause that's the last you will see of Fresh."Cipher says with a smirk
Tears ran down Deccy's face.
"You...."Deccy says
Cipher smirks.
Deccy's fist clench.
"You....."He says
"You what?"Cipher says, challenging him.
"YOU MOTHERFUCKING BASTARD!"Deccy shouts, tackling him to the ground
Deccy swung punches and kicks, scratching and beating Cipher in his disguise down. He yelled in tears, full of rage. Nobody noticed due to being hidden behind the house. He pauses and grabs Cipher by the neck. Part of him was shocked that Fresh didn't just appear with Suave and Azure when he could sense the cursing.
Cipher only laughs.
"I broke you. Just like I broke the censoring out of Fresh and more.~"He says with a taunting tone
Deccy huffs and keeps punching. He pauses to breathe.
"Man, you're tougher than before. Such a shame it won't help you. I can never be caught.~"Cipher says
Deccy shakes his head, continuing. He will get answers out of Cipher, he must. His hands get covered in blood by the time someone notices the situation. E!Pap and Cross had to pull him off of Cipher. He struggled and flailed in their grip, trying to get free and continue his beating of rage.
"What's gotten into you, dude? Leave Fresh alone!"Cross says
"THAT IS NOT FRESH!"Deccy snaps, still trying to lunge at Cipher while being held back
"DeCcY, CaLm dOwN, ExPlaIn."E!Pap says
Deccy looks up at E!Pap and sighs, taking some deep breaths.
"Someone grab him first."He huffs
Cross grabs Cipher.
"You were saying, Cipher?"Deccy says
The other two seemed to understand now.
"That won't help your frie-What do you mean they escaped?! You suck at this Big B!"Cipher says
"May I?"Cross asks
Deccy and E!Pap nod. He summons hs knife and slashes Cipher's disguise. He disappeared. He is gone...For now. Cross goes to wash the fake dust off his blade while E!Pap went to get Deccy cleaned up. Deccy smiles, knowing that Fresh, Suave and Azure escaped. Maybe him interacting with Cipher distracted him and stalled him to give an oppurtunity of escape none of them knew about. He just hopes they are okay.
Felicia heard the news and came to Deccy. She found him crying in his room again, calm enough to think of the what ifs and negative outcomes, which broke him.
She came close and gave him a big old hug. She shushes him, soothing him.
"Shhh, shhh, calm down, Deccy. Don't worry. We'll find them. Everything will be okay."She says
He sniffles and looks at her.
"How are you so sure?"He asks
"I just know. Family instincts. Suave and Azure have become as close as family to me. Plus, this is our friends we are talking about. They'll get through it."She says sweetly
He smiles a bit, a spark of hope in him.
"Also Suave's shield went missing. If it isn't with him then when he comes back we are done for. Sprays to the faces and all!"She says
He chuckles a bit as she tries to cheer him up.
Meanwhile, Fresh's POV
"Come on!"Suave whispers to me
He isn't yelling because that will give us away. But I could tell he was shaking as Azure and he helped me limp through an escape tunnel, free from the chains and blindfold. All of us are wounded and bleeding with tests run on us and such, but we'll worry about that later. Suave trips and we fall with him through a pot hole that was really a portal. We fell to the ground, hitting it hard. We sit up and look around. Houses are scattered everywhere. Suave is trembling, bruised and wounded. He looks mentally broken or traumatized. Maybe the illusions still have an influence on him.
Azure looks around. Then without any words said he turns to me and hugs me, shaking. I hold him the best I could to comfort him.
It is silent.
None of us spoke.
Azure didn't let go.
"I am sorry."Suave says, breaking the silence
"Sorry for what?"Azure asks
"I should have gotten a fire extinguisher or done something else to put that fire out. If I didn't give it the space to spread onto the floor, we wouldn't be here."Suave says
"No. Suave, don't be sorry. I knew he was coming. I should have stayed away so he didn't have the chance to get you both dragged into this."I say
"But then he would've done who knows what with you and you'd be on your own! No apologies! We are not to blame for the trouble Cipher has caused!"Azure says
He hugs the both of us. We sigh and nod, agreeing with him.
"What did he do to you guys?"I ask
"You can see some of it. He wounded us pretty badly. But then he did some fear illusions to try and scare us. It worked."Suave says
"Yeah....I am still getting it but it isn't as strong. So if you see my eye turn greenish, I am getting a sight of it."Azure says
"He did the same with me. How'd you get past it?"I ask, a chill going down my spine as I recall it
"Well, one of the hallucinations I got was of Poussière attacking me when it was not the Blood Moon. And Poussière told me he wouldn't ever hurt me so that broke me free."Azure says
"Mine had M'Lords getting killed by Simon, but that guy is a coward. I snapped out of it."Suave says
"What did you see?"They ask
I look at them, then shake my head.
"You don't wanna know."I say
They leave it at that. Suave gets up.
"Where are you going?"Azure asks
"Well someone has to get supplies to bandage you guys up. Besides, I will be fine."Suave says
He summons his shield.
"Encre and Blue taught me how to summon things."He says
We shake our heads, getting up.
"We stick together!"Azure insists
We head off. Suave sees a medical kit sitting on a windowsill. He snatches it and we run. We settle beside a house and bandage each other up. We even found clothes in a clothing drive box. We put those on. We sat there, wodering what to do.
"Wait...Fresh, where is your soul?"Azure asks
"Right here, broski."I say, summoning it
"It's not in your eye anymore..."Azure says, looking concerned.
"No...He ran a test on me."I say, hiding my soul again
There is a sound of glass breaking. Azure and I glance over, seeing someone throw a glass bottle to the floor and stomp off as they argue with someone. It didn't really affect us but I hear a yelp. I glance over to find Suave curled up in a ball, covering his head and shaking, clinging to his shield.
"Suave! Are you ok?"Azure asks
"What's wrong, broski?"I ask
"Oh...It wasn't a threat....Phew."Suave says
"What do you mean?"Azure asks
"Let's just say Cipher scared me with my past."He says
"What did Jasper do that scared you?"Azure asks
"It wasn't him."Suave says
We look at him confusedly.
"Okay, so it was before I even met Fallacy. I was a little kid in a village that didn't exactly have priorities or responsibilities. The village was undefended, easy to rob or commit crimes in. Intelligence and cleanliness were not a big thing to the people there. Just fun and doing as they please. Drinking and being carefree. They often get into trouble doing stupid stunts, part of why I am always careful with the stunts M'Lords pull. I was different. I gathered as many books and cleaning supplies as I could as a kid, not wanting to get sick. The merchants and travelers would always give me free things in secret so I wouldn't get in trouble. I loved learning things, still do. History, math, languages, give me a book and I'll read it. I learned about every creature that ever walked the land, including vampires. I was fascinated with how strong and feared they were but also how well they worked together in groups....Unlike my village. I did not fear them, not even as a kid. I looked up to them even. Still, I read what I could about anything. But I still got caught teaching myself things instead of making messes, they didn't like that. Things would get violent....Verbal and physically. I don't like others cursing or pulling stupid stunts and spray them and say language because I never want my friends stooping down to their level."Suave says
(I can't find a backstory for Suave before he met Fallacy so here's one.)
"How'd you get away from that?"Azure asks
"Heh, I found a new loyalty. A new family. Or....They found me. One night, a special Blood Moon rose into the sky. My village was either being carefree partying, causing trouble, or making messes to even notice. Not like they'd know what it meant even if they weren't doing those things. I was caught reading a book about the known history of the Vampire Kings. By now peace among mortals and vampires was settled, or it was supposed to be. So I ran and hid in a closet before they could get me. I sat in the closet for what felt like hours, hearing them get closer to the closet. Then a scream rang out, loudest I've ever heard any scream. Then a second and a third and finally a fourth. Then, complete silence. I clutched the book tightly. I didn't want them to burn it. The door opened up, but they were not standing there. Instead, two vampires stood in front of the closet. The new Vampire King, Fallacy and his Second in Command or sister, Felicia. They were still kids around my age. Their father was killed in a so-called accident while meeting the mortal king. I remember smiling at them, not feeling scared but rather relieved. They were shocked at this response, especially when I greeted them. They snapped out of their state under the Blood Moon. They asked why I wasn't scared and I told them that their people were nicer than mine. Felicia took the book from me. Then she searched my room, finding the dozens of books in it. She told Fallacy that I have more knowledge than the others in the village based on the books. Fallacy didn't seem to listen to her. He grabbed me and pulled me to my feet. He rolled up my sleeves and examined my condition. He understood my statement now. He got enraged that quote:Mortals could do such horrid things to their own kind. End quote. Then, some other vampires busted in but the two did not let them near me. Fallacy picked me up and took me to their home."Suave explains
Azure looks at him in the kind of astonishment a child may have in their eyes when being told an amazing story.
"What happened next?"He asks
"Well, we had some rough spots the next few days with understanding or communicating with each other. I didn't understand what they were doing with me since none of the books had ever said anything about vampires letting a mortal live with them. And of course other vampires tried to kill me, thinking I was an intruder. But no, they were having me stay with them. I was one of the first mortals that Fallacy brought into the castle. I was later told by his sister that he wants to prove his father wrong and that the two kinds can live together peacefully and that they are much more than food. Plus the two of them agreed that there was NO WAY they will leave me in that village. They gave me a room, clothes, food, all the basic things that a person needs. They showed me their big library as well as the garden and other rooms. I took enjoyment fixing up their wilting plants or reading as many books as I could now. As time went on, I wanted to repay them and became a servant. I enjoyed cleaning as much as I could, the castle having plenty of spaces to keep tidy. Plus Fallacy had and has a tendecy to goof off from time to time. They were fascinated with me just as much as I was with them. They showed me how vampires live their lives and I showed them what mortals do. I watched and helped Fallacy get the hang of ruling with Felicia, who later went to her own land to rule the Black Forest, some other vampire territory...."He says
Azure looks astounded.
"As the years passed, Fallacy got more mortals from different lands and backgrounds into the castle, also befriending and serving him. But Fallacy trusted me most and we were close friends. He let me do whatever I had to, giving me the duster-knife for my protection, letting me join a meeting or two, prepare him for meetings, sometimes even let me run the meetings if he wasn't up for Horror's garbage. He would leave me in charge a lot while he worked. I befriended Poussière, who was pretty chill and liked how I wouldn't take anyone's....poop of words. We had a rough start since many vampires thought they were above mortals but he says I proved them wrong and they were equal. Pfft, I'm sure he believes that now that he knows you Azure. Heck, he let me help him raise Jasper after an....incident. Years passed again as I took responsibility to take care of Jasper and keep him out of trouble while Fallacy worked to keep things right between mortals and vampires....Well, besides dealing with a troublesome Asgore. But nobody can really keep that boy from causing trouble or exploring. He has good intentions unlike my village, so I do not worry as much. Besides, he was the one that brought Encre into our lives and look where that went! I even made use of learning French! Then the rest went from one thing to another up until now. "Suave says
"Well if things went so good, how did Cipher scare you with that?"Azure asks
"Well, after the incident, part of me got worried that my crazy stupid village might get the dumb idea to try and do the same thing and they will somehow succeed, taking out the family that took me in. Yeah, Cipher showed me all that. So, please for the moment, do not yell anything..."He says
Then he facepalms.
"I left that duster in the kitchen at home. At least I have the shield."He says
We hug him.
"We'll have your back."I say
He smiles.
"Okay, let's go find a way back then."He says
We link arms and walk through the unknown area. Soon we spread out at an intersection, looking in different directions. Then there is a gunshot. I see a bullet whiz right to me and pierce through an eyehole and out the back of my skull. I don't yell, but man it hurt. I hear more gunshots and look around when I hear a yelp. I duck to see bullets fly by. Suave is protecting Azure behind the shield, blocking the bullets. Azure looks over and sees me stumbling, the impact making me struggle to stay steady. He runs over and grabs me to steady me.
"Are you okay?"He asks
"Yeah...Thank the stars my soul wasn't in that eye."I say
"There's a hole in the back of your skull! And oh jeez! I see bone shards on the ground!"Azure says, checking my condition worriedly
Suave comes over.
"I have to bandage it for now. We'll heal it."He says, bandaging over my eye
More gunshots. Azure ducks and curls into a ball, lookng scared as heck. I look around to spot the shooter. Suave kneels down to comfort and protect Azure, who was now getting the hallucinations again. Perfect timing for the worst thing for him to see.
"Hey, you seem out of place. Come on, get out of some bonehead's gun fight."A voice says
We look over to see a skeleton. He looks at us and smiles.
"Come on, you can trust me."He says
"Says the stranger."Suave says
"Who are you?"Azure says
"I'm TK Sans. Now come on. Tell me where you go."He says
I recognized the name.
"Ah! Stärke's friend! Sup!"I say, walking over
They follow, trusting me. TK looks at me in surprise.
"Yeah, Stärke and most of your buds are where we are supposed to be."I tell him
Suave tells him the coded coordinates from memory. He opens a portal and we go through. We land on an island. We look around.
"Wow, Shino is getting better at coding. The code knocked us back here. Where exactly are we?"TK asks
"In a world she coded with Geno and her friends."Azure says
"Man, they're good."He says
"Might as well settle for the night."Suave says
Wait, night?
I look up and sure enough, a starry night sky is in view. I sigh and sit down.
There go my plans with Deccy.
Azure sits beside me. I look at him. He's having hallucinations again. His eye is tinted green. He smiles at me, having a sad smile. I look at him with concern. He should be happy, should he not?
"I feel pathetic."He says
"Why?"I ask while Suave explains to TK whywe were there
"I am a guard in my world. I am supposed to be brave and fight any threat, not hear trouble and curl up into a scared little ball."He says
"You are brave though."I say
"How?"He asks
"Bravery is not to be in a situation without fear, but to get past the fear and keep going. When we were trapped, you were surely scared, but you didn't give in. You got us out of there. Besides, it is very common for people that are new to the multiverse to be scared, especially with the experiences you've gotten. But that doesn't change you or define you as a coward or bad guard. You're just reacting to something new and unknown, which is often scary. Besides, Rufous says the worst thing you had to face as a guard is someone stealing from the bakery with swords. Nobody had guns in your world so it's pretty much expected for you to be frightened by this. But that doesn't make you any less of a good person or guard. After all, Suave was terrified of the tech in the kitchen but you see him cleaning still....With the occassional toaster attack and he is still scared of the vaccum."I explain
"Heh, thanks Fresh."He says with a sincere smile
"No problem."I say
"Soo....Are all AUs that bad?"He asks
"No, there are good ones too. Some are beautiful. Just ask Error, he will tell ya. He claimed to hate all AUs but that is not true. He liked any AU he has friends in or watching UnderNovela. It was basically a drama show as an AU. He watches it a lot with Ink or by himself. I cannot tell you how many times I walked in on him yelling Asgoro No! Heh, but then there is this AU called OuterTale that nearly everyone loves. It is this beautiful, relaxing AU set in outer space with a sky full of stars. I even enjoyed going there. I lost count of how many stars I wished on there for Deccy Dec to be okay..."I explain
"Speaking of Deccy, what were your plans for him tonight?"He asks
I glance away, smiling. Oh the lost time. The fun and the answers I could've gotten or given him.
"Ya know how the others have a game of 2 truths 1 one lie with tacos?"I ask
He nods.
"Well, our plans were to go the roof with chocolate milk bottles. We would've stargazed and play a game he calls Wish Truths. One of us will point to a star and the other will have to tell a wish. If it came true, the wisher doesn't take a sip. If it hasn't come true yet, they don't say it and take a sip of chocolate milk. First one to run out of wishes wins or lasts longer from the sleepiness from the milk."I say
"How do you think you were gonna do?"He asks
"Depends on the stars we would see."I reply
He shrugs. He gazes up at the stars as they twinkle in the sky. Then he gets an idea.
"Oh! I can summon something Jasper made me! Maybe it will help!"He says
He summons a violin and bow into his hands. He tunes it properly and smiles. It was a aquamarine violin and blue designs lacing down it and on each of the tuning pegs. It had white strings of course and the f-holes seemed to shine. The neck and tailpiece were a violet blue. The bow was the same aquamarine as the violin with white hairs.
"Oh great, a violin! I bet it sounds lovely!"Suave says
"How will that help things?"TK asks
"Jasper made it so it can do two things. Make music or make coded messages through ultrasound. Just gotta twist one piece to the right....There! I've never used it for messages before, so I'll test it."He says
He begins to play some notes, moving swiftly. He pauses and waits silently, listening.
Minutes pass. Then he smiles.
"He answered!"He says
"You could hear that?"I ask
"We hang out with vampires, you kinda adapt and learn how to hear it."Suave and Azure say
"I can not tell you how annoyed or upset they'd get when I didn't answer them from outside when they spoke in ultrasound. I SAID IT IS POUSSIERE OPEN UP! Then I'd have an upset bat pouting or banging on a window. But then he'd apologize since he forgot to speak English."Suave says
Azure continues to play, then pause, and play again. It was like watching an astounding event unfold. This is new and amazing.
"He wants me to play it normally so they could hear. Poussière heard as well."He says, twisting a piece
"Go on ahead."Suave says
"We won't stop ya!"TK says
He begins to play and it sounded amazing. I could tell Suave relaxed a lot. He sat beside me and TK just watches. I listen and smile, listening to the beautiful music.
He stops playing and listens. We listen closely. If you listened very carefully, you could hear a faint whistle.
"Jasper."Azure says
He plays a few notes. Another whistle. This cycle of notes and whistles went on like a texting conversation. Soon, one of the Explorer Rafts come into sight, having three people on it. We get up and Azure sets his violin down. He smiles and wraps his arm around me, letting me rest an arm on his shoulder. Suave tugs my other arm around him. TK was shocked.
"Wow, that actually worked."He says
He looks at Azure.
"You're a genius."He says
"So is Jasper."Azure replies
I glance at Suave, noticing that he seems more uneased than happy.
A blue glow comes from his eyes.
"Hey, Suave. You okay?"I ask
"It's my turn to get the sights again."He says
"I got you broski. It isn't real."I assure him
He smiles.
"Thanks."He says
As long as nobody yells, we are fine. He won't panic. We are in the clear. Everything will be-
"SUAVE! GUYS!"Poussière yells
That set him off. Suave dropped down into a little ball, rocking back and forth a bit.
Azure crouches down and hugs Suave, glaring at our arriving friends.
The raft lands. Poussière, Jasper and Deccy step off.
"You just had to yell that, huh? Couldn't wait to say their names until you reach them in a quieter voice?"TK says
Jasper whacks Poussière on the back of the head.
"You had one job! One!"Jasper says
Poussière comes over to Azure and Suave. Suave was crying from the hallucinations and flashbacks.
"Suave. Azu-"He begins
"I told you and Jasper one thing not to do! And why! ONE THING! Do not yell. Come on Poussière. Now give me a minute, I need to help Suave."Azure says
Poussière looks at me.
"Not cool, broski."I tell him
"Why is he-?"He begins
"Don't make me repeat what Azure warned you and Jasper. You sent him to some unrad memories."I say
Poussière looks at me with guilt and shock.
"What memories?"He whispers
"His memories before you met him or even Jasper."I tell him
"Wait, you know his backstory? His childhood? Lucky!"He says
"Yeah, and there is a reason ya don't. It's the kind of memory that you want to leave behind and never mention. Or go back to."I say
"How many people know it now?"He asks
"Fallacy, Felicia, Azure and I. But don't go poking around in that. It's his business, he doesn't want to talk about it."I say
He nods, seeming to understand.
"Can I speak to you privately?"He asks, pointing to a tree
I shrug and nod.
He takes me behind the tree.
"What happened to you? Are you okay?"He asks
"Oh, we got beaten up by Cipher and his buds, but escaped to some other place. One thing led to another and we are here. I'm okay."I say
"But your eye....Doesn't that hold your soul?"He asks
"Not anymore. Cipher ran a test on me. He claims I am no longer a parasite but I feel like all he did was move where my soul is and called it a day."I say, showing him my soul
"Oh phew. Deccy will be so relieved. Wait, fuck! That's a new thing to heal."He says
Then he looks at me, shocked he was not censored.
"Don't have that ability anymore."I simply say
He looks at me, narrowing his eyes at me.
"What were your plans with Deccy tonight?"He asks
This is a test question. He must not trust that it is me.
"To stargaze and drink chocolate milk with him."I summarize
"Phew, not ready for another imposter. Though I could've just let Deccy at ya if you weren't the real you."He says
"Say what now?"I ask
"Oh right. Well, when Cipher took you. Nobody really realized it. Cipher made copies of you three with a bud of his possessing them with him. They had bright yellow eyes they tried to hide. It scared the hell out of Jasper when the fake Suave cursed at him, so instantly he was caught and killed in that copy. Then Poussière killed the fake Azure when they gave themselves away. But Deccy was the one who found Cipher as the fake you. Cipher revealed what happened to him and well, Deccy got pissed and beat the crap out of him! Safe to say that he was worried about you and won't take anyone but you as a Fresh to cheer him up."He explains
"Curse at Jasper."Poussière says
"Jasper, get over here. Now."Suave says
"Suave!"Jasper cheers in the softest voice he could, soaring over to hug Suave
They hug and Suave apologizes for Cipher using such foul language to him.
"It's okay. I know you would never do that. You're against that after all! Now are you okay? We were so worried about you! What has Cipher done to you? What is making you tremble at yelling?"Jasper asks
"I am fine now, I assure you of that Jasper. We can talk about that with your father."Suave says
"What does my father have to do with this?"Jasper asks
"Oh, so much more than you know. But do not worry, he has a good role in it. One I cannot thank him enough for."Suave says
"So, Poussière, how happy are the others that we were gone and being uncensored?"I ask
"Oh, they weren't left uncensored. Jasper made sure of it. But they were rather upset that you guys were gone. They claim that it wasn't as wacky or upbeat with you guys gone. We never want ya guys gone, especially under these circumstances. Heck, the Fells got so upset with the situation that they as well as Rufous and anyone else you or Suave censor have censored themselves. You guys were gone but you could still hear LANGUAGE and FUNK all over the raft. Also Jasper started a mini protest with signs saying bring them back! Bring Fun Fresh and Super Suave back! Stuff like that."Poussière explains
I smile. Guess our censorship isn't as annoying as we thought. Jasper is telling Suave the same thing.
"Heh, well that sounds amazing. I am sure Suave will be overjoyed to hear that news that his efforts were appreciated. His goal achieved."I say
"Wait, he had a goal?"He asks
"Kind of. He censored and didn't let anyone use unrad langauge so nobody starts doing stupid things and stoop down to a low level. Let's just say using that language doesn't make you a smart person and he has seen plenty of those people."I say
"Okay....But can I know? I want to help."He says
"Only if Suave wants you to know. It is private. He has a right to privacy, even if you want to help. The most you can do is make sure nobody yells."I say
Azure comes over.
"Suave is calm again. Jasper is cheering him up."He tells us
"That's good. Didn't last as long as last time."I say
"Holy shit, there have been multiple times?!"Poussière asks
He gets pinged in the head with a shield.
"LANGUAGE!"Jasper and Suave say
"Okay, now it feels like there are 3 of you."Poussière says
"GOOD!"Jasper cheers, high-fiving Suave
Poussière turns to Azure. Azure smiles. He hugs Azure. He scoops Azure up, spinning around and holding him close. He traces his hand across Azure's back.
"I am so glad you are okay! I-"He begins
Azure jolts and begins crying. Poussière sets him down.
"What's wrong?"He asks
"Stop! Stop! Please! I'll do whatever you want just stop!"He cries, his eyes now having a faint yellow glow
Azure turns to me and hugs me. He hugs me tightly, hiding his face as he cries.
"Not again..."He whimpers
I realize what happened.
"Azure!"Suave exclaims, coming over
Azure looks at him.
"Suave!"He cries, hugging Suave now
"Tonight just isn't your night Poussière."Jasper says with a shake of his head
TK is chatting with Deccy.
"What happened?"Poussière asks, confused and worried
"Let's just say that Cipher was not intending on us forgetting what he did anytime soon. And you traced your hand right across Azure's reminder."I tell him
"Indeed."Suave says while trying to console Azure without touching the spot
"I swear if there is a metal thing on him-"He begins
"Nope. Just wounds of letters."Jasper says
Poussière looks at him.
"Suave showed me the letters C-I-P on his leg."Jasper says
He looks at me. I roll up my pants, unwrapping the bandages on my knees showing the E-R carved or slashed into them.
"Cipher put the H on his back."I say
Poussière looks pissed and enraged.
"Calm down, Poussière. Your rage won't help anyone here. In fact, your negative presence or attitude will just scare Azure. Suave told me what he knows about Azure's hallucinations...."Jasper says
Poussière looks to Suave, looking for some way to help.
"I got this. We'll tell you the Do's and Not's on the raft with everyone."Suave says
"Let's start heading back."Jasper says
Suave nods and takes Azure with him as he follows Jasper to the raft. Poussière follows. TK is already on it. I head over but a pair of hands grab my hand, tugging me back. I glance over and see Deccy. He is wearing my hat. Aww!
"Fresh?"He says
"Sup Deccy Dec."I say
"You're really okay?"He asks
"Mhm."I say
"But y-your skull....Y-Your eye...."He says
"Hm?"I say
Tears form in his eyes.
"It's bandaged so heavily. What happened? What did Cipher do to you? How are you still standing? How are you okay? How can I help?"He asks
"Oh, it's nothing much to worry about. Cipher was unrad to us that's what he did. I'm still standing because nothing hurt my soul. I'm okay because Azure and Suave protected me. We protected each other. I'm okay. You can help by coming with me back to the raft. We still good for tonight's plans? Or is it too late?"I reply
"Then how is your soul okay if your eye is bandaged?"He asks
I show him my soul.
"He moved it."I say
"Wait, Fresh! Are you okay? Azure says you got shot through your eyehole and skull!"Poussière shouts
"Poussière!"Jasper snaps as Suave starts shaking
"Sorry!"Poussière says
Jasper hugs the shaking Suave while Poussière takes over caring for Azure.
"You got shot?! In your skull? How are you so calm?!"Deccy asks, gripping my hand tighter
"Because I know I am safe. Now let's head back before Poussière messes that up as well."I say, leading Deccy onto the raft
He releases my hand and just comes closer, clinging and hugging me. We sit down and the raft takes off. I look at him and he looks up at me, still crying. I wipe his tears.
"Deccy Dec, please do not cry."I say softly
"Fresh...I don't get how calm you are. I thought I lost you. I thought Cipher killed you! And if not him, then someone else!"He says
"Well now you know that isn't true."I tell him
He just buries his face in my chest, continuing to cry. I look around and frown. Jasper looks at me. He points to me, makes a heart with his hands and pointing to Deccy.
I look at Deccy, lifting his head to look at me. I wipe his tears again. I recall something I see the others do when one of them is crying. I lean close. He looks at me, not crying anymore. His face lit up across his cheeks. He looks at me silently.
"W-What are you doing?"He asks
"Trying to calm you down."I say
"O-okay?"He says
"Are you okay?"I ask
He nods.
"Good."I say, looking ahead to the raft now
I see Jasper had an excited expression, but then it became a disappointed one. We get off the raft and everyone notices. They open their mouths to cheer and yell but Jasper shushes them all.
"Do not yell! Suave is sensitive! He is having flashbacks!"Jasper snaps
Fallacy quickly comes over.
"Is it the memories from....back then?"He asks
Suave nods.
Fallacy scoops him up.
"Let's go."He says
"Father! What is he flashing back to?"Jasper asks
"I will tell you once we give him a proper checkup."Fallacy says while Suave clings to him and his shield
"Azure!"Encre and Rufous say, running over
Before Poussière could do anything, the two took the troubling guard away.
Deccy gets taken one way by Poussière and Cross. Jasper tugs me another way.
"Why didn't you go through with it?"He asks
"Go through with what?"I ask
He looks at me wih his expressions quickly changing. It went from o_o to -_- to T_T
"A KISS!"He says
"Your aunt has rubbed off on you. Shipping."I say
"GOOD!"He says
"I was just leaning close to cheer him up."I say
"Yeah, but the way you did was the way someone leans in for a kiss."He says
"Huh, well I'll take note of that."I say
"Oh yeah! I wanna show ya something!"He says
He takes me inside and on the kitchen counter were 4 jars full of G. And I mean overflowing.
"These are the swear jars! Everyone used them when you and Suave were gone, even if they didn't curse! Others used it as a way for good luck that you guys may return safe!"He says
I was astounded.
"WOW!"Is all I could say
"Now let's help your skull!"He says
He takes me to E!Pap and leaves to check on Suave and hear the story. E!Pap sees my wounds. Apparently the bullet didn't leave my skull, it was just suck in the top of it and had bounced after making the hole. He examines it while healing my wounds the best he could.
"Go0d thiNg yoUr soUl wAsn'T iN yoUr eyE, tHis buLLet hAd enOugh pOweR tO tAke yOuR soUl oUt iN oNe hiT."He says
He checks my healed wounds carefully.
"I cAn'T mOve YoUr SoUl uNtIl NeXt wEeK Or iT May bReAk The sKuLl BAcK oPeN."He says
"Okay."I say
He dismisses me and I go outside. I look around and then out of nowhere Error HUGGED ME.
"GoOd To HaVe yA bAcK, FrEsH. WaSn'T ThE sAmE wItHouT yOu gUys hErE. PlUs mY sOn mIsSed Ya A LoT. Me tOo......So wOuLd You kEEp tHat SkUlL oF yOurS oUt oF tRouBlE pLeaSe?"He says
Without thinking, I grab him and toss him in the water. Actually, I was thinking. I know Error. He has a phobia of touching or being touched. He doesn't hug. He never hugged me before and in fact for a while wanted nothing to do with me. Not until I helped his kid Gradient. I thought this was Cipher pretending to be Error. I thought I was being tricked since the hug and being told by HIM to stick around and being told that HE missed me of all people.
"Why did you toss him in the water?"Ink asks
"Wait that really was him?"I ask
Error climbs out of the water, soaking wet.
"NoT a HuGGeR, GoT iT."He says
"Says the one who has the fear of being touched phobia."Nightmare says as he goes inside
"Ink, he hugged me. I thought he was Cipher."I say
"That is a good point and reason...."Ink says
"INkY! I aM nOt CipHer!"Error says
"Sorry, broseph."I say, bowing my head
"It's Ok. YoU haVe A PoInT. BuT ThINGs ChAnGe bUd."He says
"BuD?"I say in surprise
"We aRe fRiEnds."He says
"SCORE!"I say
"NoW, Can sOmeoNe teLl Stärke tHat TK iS hEre? I tHiNk hE nEeDs hElp wItH hIs sWaRm oF fRienDs."He says, gesturing to TK drowning int the group hug of kids
"I think she is sleeping."Ink says
"I will go!"I say, heading inside
I find Stärke's room and go in since the door is open. Sure enough, she is asleep in bed. I nudge her once. Nothing. Nudge her again, she mumbles sleepily. Nudge her a third time and she opens an eye, looking at me.
"Sup kid, it's Time."I say
"Time for what?"She asks
"Oh, your bud TK is here."I say
She leaps out of bed and quickly comes out. I watch as they hug and then climb to the roof. Deccy joins me soon enough. I smile at him.
"Ready?"I say
He nods.
Wish by wish, star by star, we told each other our wishes. We sipped chocolate milk every now and then.
"I once wished I could be honest with my crush."He says
He takes a sip, meaning it has not happened. I take a sip as well.
"Wait what?"He says
"Mine hasn't either. And the things I could tell him too...."I say
He looks up at the stars. I point to one.
"I....Once wished to share my love with my crush."I say
I sip.
"Why haven't you?"He asks
"I have never found the chance to kiss him. Plus I can't say that he has kissed me."I say, looking away
He pauses.
"Stupid Cipher...."He mutters, then sips
I look at him, repeating what he said in my head. And a bad part of me wondered if Deccy really hated Cipher or if he was just doing a tsundere act like Geno does with Reaper. Surely got the physical part done with beating Cipher up.....pretending to be me. I shake the thought away.
He points to a star.
"I once wished to pull a prank successfully."He says
He does not sip.
"What prank and when?"I ask
"I had a lil help and it is happening in 3...2....1."He says
I hear Cross scream. Then a lot of mooing cow recordings.
"Holy cow! That's loud!"Ghastly says
"What did you do?"I ask
"Scare Cross. Dream didn't know about his cow fear so he lost a bet to me and agreed to wear a cow costume for one night with Cross. Also, Jasper set a tripwire when Cross was in his room. If he crossed it, moo recordings would play."He says
I fist-bump him.
"Awesome."I say
Cross comes running out. X!Chara could be heard laughing. He shakes his head.
"Should've told him...."He mutters
"Everything okay, Cross?"I ask, pretending not to know.
"Someone brought cows onto this raft. And Dreamy is wearing a cow costume."He says
I hop down with some chocolate milk.
"Here. It may calm you."I say
He thanks me. He takes some sips.
"Cross, you okay?"Nightmare asks as he comes out
He shrugs.
"My bro is unaware of the situation. He thinks he upset you. Pfft, he has no clue you are scared of cows. Though I think you should face your fear."Nightmare says
Then, Dream came out and hugged him while still in the cow costume. I could see the mixed emotions on Cross' face. He takes a few moments and hugs Dream back with a smile. Nightmare gives a thumbs up. Then he takes the two back inside. I go back to the roof and see that Deccy is starting to get sleepy. We went a few more rounds and he got sleepier.
"I once wished to do something daring, but never got the confidence."He says
He takes one last sip. Now he seems ready to doze any second now as the sun comes up. He looks at me. I look at my cup. I look at him. I scoot closer. He smiles. I lean in, seeing his face burn up. I feel warmth come to my face. I lean closer, kissing him. It felt so right and good. But I made it quick, not wanting to push it. I look at him. His face is burning. Then he falls backward, asleep. I scoop him up, carrying him inside and tucking him in bed. I smile. I go to leave but he grips my hand and tugs me back. I ended up in bed asleep with him.
We woke up in the afternoon. But he dozed off again. The door opens and Killer pops his head in to look at me.
"Someone had fun.~"He says
"He wouldn't let me leave the room. He wanted me to rest with him."I say
"Did you tell him?"He says
Deccy wakes up a bit.
"Fresh?"He says softly
I look at Deccy. He smiles.
"Does he know that he's your crush?"Killer asks
Deccy looks at me in surprise. His face burns. I wrap my arm around him and he snuggles me, nuzzling his head into my shirt as he dozes back off.
"Well I kissed him so I am guessing he knows especially after you said that."I say
"Good for you, Fresh."He says
Hours later I learned that Killer gave E!Pap a pic he took of us while I was looking at Deccy. And it's already in E!Pap's book. I smile, things are getting better.
There we go! Hope you enjoyed! TK is introduced as well as Stärke so tiärke is gonna come!
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