Chapter 49: Misunderstandings and Lost YOLOs
Few days later, E!Pap's POV
I sit on the big raft and watch the sunrise. Some people are awake. Father finished fixing Fresh's state from the chemicals put on him days before. And when he heard what he did, he was blushing so much and froze up that I thought HE was gonna crash. His shades had said OH FUNK. He sailed off on an Explorer Raft an hour ago to "clear his head". I finished putting some new memories and pictures into my scrapbook.
It was early in the morning. The sun is hardly up. But something felt strange about this morning. I felt like there was a presence of someone unknown. Like I was being watched from the water. I shrugged it off, being optimistic and thinking that it would be a new friend, if anyone. I flip through the book and go down memory lane, something that relaxed me. I stopped at the pictures of my Vampireverse friends. I wonder what their friends were like....
I hear a splash. I look up. There was a circular ripple in the water but that was all. The feeling that I am being watched increased. I look around. Nobody but my brother is outside, but that's because he wanted to stargaze. He wasn't even watching me. So....Who was?
I hear another splash. I look over and see a fading black and red glow in the water.
"FaLlaCY?"I say
"Yes?"He says, in the doorway
"Oh...SoRRy! I wAs jUst ThiNkiNg oUt lOuD!"I say
He nods and goes back inside, tugging Encre along with him. If that wasn't Fallacy......What was it?
I glance to the book, finding a picture of their friends or family. One being a portrait of Jasper's aunt, Fallacy's sister. Felicia I think is her name?
Could it be? No.....But what if? Where are they now actually?
I flip through the pages, wondering. Then I hear a louder splash. I shut the book and set it aside. The raft rocks a bit. This splash was closer. I glance over to see my brother is stargazing with Ink joining him. Then I feel two arms wrap around me and pull me into the water.
"ERrOr!"I yell in a panic, before being pulled underwater
I shook and struggled as the bottom as the raft grew smaller and distant. I thought I was in danger automatically. I slip free and glance over to see who attacked me, holding my breath. I see this mer-creature, staring at me in wonder and amazement. They look a lot like....No, exactly like Felicia. Encre certainly left the tail out of the portrait!
(Trying new shading or blur tools and strategies)
She grabs me and drags me deeper down under the water, her grip too tight to escape. She pulls me into this sea cavern or something, where there was some land above water in the cave. Before I could do or say anything, she tossed me onto the land, then stated examining me. She says nothing, lifting my arms and legs, bending them, examining my eyes and now soaking wet clothes. She tries to tap my glitches, which swoop away from her hand. She checks my soul and stats, then beams with joy.
"Poussière! Get over here!"She shouts
I recognize that name. Fallacy or Suave would mention it once or twice. Usually when they are playfully debating. They'd make a comment saying:"Man, we sound as silly as Poussière with his meeting debates."
In rolls a purple turtle shell. For a second I wondered if I entered some weird Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle world and somehow this was the Donny character. But then his head and limbs popped out. I recognized his face. And in with him came a child.
"What is it now Felicia? Stärke and I were having a debate on which ocean is best!"Poussière
"But we might as well be debating seas since he keeps mixing them up! The Red Sea is not an ocean!"Stärke says
"Look! It's my multiverse counterpart! The E-Pap fella!"She says
"For the last time, we don't know if you're his counterpart. There's not much to prove it."The purple turtle says
"Says the one who debates if apples or tomatoes are redder with nothing to prove it. Besides, Fallacy is Error's counterpart. E-Pap is Error's sibling and I am Fallacy's sibling! I think that can be good reasoning! But look! He is here! I found him!"She cheers
Poussière and the kid look at me. They come over to me.
"Huh, ya really did."He says
"Are you alright? Ms. Felicia can be impulsive."The kid says
I nod.
"I aM alRight. WaIt...So YoU aRe rEalLy JaSpEr's aUnTiE?"I ask
She beams with joy.
"Yes! That's me! You know him?"She asks
I nod.
She gasps and swims around happily.
"This means they're on that raft! They're okay, right?"She asks
"YeP. EvErYoNe iS oKay."I say
The three look at each other. They look at me.
"AnD yOu Are The OnE wHo maKeS SilLy dEbaTes!"I say
"So....That's what I am known for.......Great."He says
"WHaT....HaPpEnEd to yOu 3?"I ask
"Oh, well....After we returned from our travels, we found the castle burned down and the place a wreck. Some guy named Cipher took us before we could process anything. He and some other strangers ran tests on us. We escaped and got split up. I met this kid and took her with me. When we regrouped with Poussière, we fell through a hole and landed in an ocean. We found this place and have been hiding here."She says
"Besides when you sneak out to explore."Poussière says
"Yeah, but it is worth it!"She says
"I sEe wHere JasPer geTs hIs cUriOsIty fRoM."I say
She smiles.
"Is he still a lil troublemaker?"She asks
"NOt As mUch."I say
"Is Azure there? Is he okay?"Poussière asks
"Who Is AzUrE?"I ask
"His lover. Guard and is said to be the counterpart of an Underswap Sans aka Blue."Felicia says
"OH! OkaY!"I say
He seemed to take it as a yes to his questions. He hops in the water and swims out.
"AzUrE iS noT wItH uS oN tHe rAfT..."I say
"Oh dear. Come on you two, let's go get him before he starts trouble."Felicia says
We swim out and quickly go to the surface. I see Poussière looking around for the raft. Felicia grabs him and holds him close so he can't do anything. I climb onto the raft with the kid.
"PAPY!"Error shouts, running to me
"Oh hey Stärke!"Palette says, coming over and hugging the child
The two walk away.
"ArE yOu oKay? I heArd YoU sHouT anD yOu diSaPPeArEd!"My brother asks worriedly
"I Am fInE. I jUsT gOt sUrPrIsed bY sOmeOnE nEw...One sEc."I say
The sun is beating down on the raft by now. I go inside to get a towel and an umbrella with a stand. Jasper comes over to me wearing a cap.
"What are you doing, Mister E-Pap?"He asks
"JuSt sEtTInG sOmeThiNg fOr neW bUds!"I say
Dream comes out.
"YOu gO baCk In aNd hIdE."I tell him
"What? Why?"He asks
ThEy dO nOt kNoW tHat YoU aRe GoOd. ThEy kNoW yOu aS a bAd bRo LaSt tHeY kNeW."I say
Jasper's eyes lit up with such joy.
"Father! Father! Mister E-Pap found some of our friends!"Jasper cheers
"What?"Fallacy asks
"Hey! Look! It's Ms. Felicia!"Shino cheers
"Huh?"Encre says
I glance to see Felicia peeking above the raft. She spots Suave and smiles. She climbs up to the shaded spot I set up and smiles.
"AUNTIE!"Jasper cheers
Jasper runs and hugs Felicia.
"Hey little guy. I am so glad to see you are alright."She says
"I am happy you are okay! I was so worried! I didn't even know you were here! I didn't know where you were or if you were okay! I am so glad you are here! I missed you so much!"Jasper says
"Hehe, nothing to fear now. How have you all been?"Felicia asks
"We've been great! But....What happened to you? How'd you get a fish tail? How did you get here? Did someone hurt you? Take you? Experiment? Did it hurt? Are you okay? Suave! Auntie needs a check up! I love you Auntie!"He says in a growing panic
"On it!"Suave says
"Nephew, calm down. I'm fine. I can explain everything, just calm down."She says
"I just wanna make sure you're okay."Jasper whimpers
"Awww. No need to cry lil goofball. I know. But there is nothing to worry about. I'm here and okay. Now, how much chaos has my little Jasper caused?"She asks, laying them down on the towel
"Plenty of trouble! I promise! I let my inner Loki out on an island with Father on the last Blood Moon! They actually believed I was the god of chaos too!"He giggles happily
Suave comes over.
"So good to see you, Lady Felicia."Suave says
"Good to see you too, Suave. Has Rufous given you it yet?"She asks
"I'm sorry, but we haven't seen anyone from our world since when you left with them to travel to other kingdoms......May I give you a checkup? Better me than Science over there."Suave says, gesturing to Science
Everyone was either out or peeking out and watching, a majority of them having not met Felicia.
"Sure. But someone has to break that news to P-Wait, where is he?"She says
She and I look around for Poussière. I see his purple shell hop and roll onto the raft. Ghastly runs over to it.
"Hey look! A purple turtle shell! It looks cool!"He says
"I know that voice!"Poussière says from within his shell
His head and limbs pop out. He looks at Ghastly.
"Hiya, kiddo. Long time no see."Poussière says
"Mr. Poussière! Why are you a turtle?"Ghastly asks
"I'll tell ya later."He says
"Papas! Papas look! Ms. Felicia and Mr. Poussière are here!"Ghastly cheers
"Plural?"Poussière says
"Yeah! Mr. Killer married Papa! I have a brother too!"Ghastly says
He chuckles.
"Those two have been busy, huh?"He says
His big brother comes over and meets Poussière.
"WhAt iS gOiNg On?"Father asks
Felicia glares at him and pulls Jasper behind her protectively. Poussière gets up and tackles him!
Fallacy and Encre tear him off of Father.
"Poussière, calm down. It's a long story, but we can explain everything. We promise."Fallacy says
Poussière calms down. Then examines the two and chuckles.
"Felicia, you owe me a milkshake! I told you that you were pushing it with that bet!"He says
"You never know! Time flies different here!"She says
"Bet on what?"Encre asks
"She bet that you'd be married to her brother by the time we found you guys again. I had higher hopes to find you sooner, so now she owes me a milkshake."He says
"FELICIA!"Fallacy shouts, his face burning
Encre was speechless.
"Ah, that sound is familiar. Just like him shouting Encre all the time."Suave says
"Finally, something goes back to normal."Jasper says
Felicia chuckles.
"Tacos are ready!"Blue declares as he comes out
Unfortunately, he came into Poussière's view. Full of hope, he dashed over and hugs him tightly.
"Azure! I missed you so much! I'm so glad you're okay! Are you okay? I love you Azure!"He says
"Huh?"Blue says, clueless to the situation or who he was
"Who removed my mark on you? Your scent is a bit different. Eh, I can just place a new one. I'll be quick."He says
"Sir, I dunno what you're talking about. I dunno who you are and who Azure is. If this is you trying to use some lines on me, I have a boyfriend. Please let me go."Blue says
"THAT IS RIGHT! GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF MY BLUE!"Dust snaps, coming over
Poussière seems broken by this, thinking it's Azure. Dust tears Blue from him and kicks him down. He lands on his shell in a way he can't get up. Dust tries to beat him but Blue holds him back.
"Dusty! Don't hurt him! He seems lost and confused!"Blue says
"Lost and confused my ass! I am gonna teach him not to go after you!"He says
"HOLD UP!"Encre shouts, coming between them
I help Poussière to his feet.
"Azure isn't here....Is he?"He asks
I shake my head no.
He hugs me, crying.
"First of all, language!"Encre says
Suave sprays Dust.
"Pfft, he hasn't changed."Felicia says
"Second, this all can be explained. Dust, don't beat yourself up. Literally. Poussière here is our world's version of you-"Encre says
"Why am I part turtle in your world?"Dust asks
"That will probably be explained later. Poussière simply mistook Blue for well....his Blue. In our world, his name is Azure."Encre says
"Who he had the biggest crush on."Fallacy says
"AS IF YOU DIDNT HAVE ONE ON ENCRE!"Poussière chuckles
"Fair point."Fallacy says
"So....Would you two mind explaining what the heck happened?"Encre asks
Reluctantly, they explained what happened. Then they were told of everything that happened from the moment they left Fallacy's castle. Took a few hours, then another few hours for everyone to meet and get to know them, but it was worth it. Poussière sat and talks with Dust, both of them curious to get to know each other. Felicia loved joking with the kids, though on instinct took them out of Father's reach. Of course she teased her brother. Poussière got his milkshake and a checkup. Everyone was cool with the newbies. Except Dream.
"These are your friends? How dangerous are they? What are they like?"He asks Encre
Encre laughs a bit.
"Yep, those are my friends. It depends on their mood. If they are in a good mood, hardly dangerous. Bad mood, you're in trouble. They are very nice if you don't get on their bad side. I warned you about them. And they are just two of the friends that you ticked off with the whole Nightmare and Charles situation."Encre says
"What do I do now?"He asks
"Hehe, you have two options."Encre says
"Huh?"He says
"Go talk to them and hope you get on their good side.....Felicia will be harder since she has a big value for family and considers Nightmare like family so good luck with that. Or you should.....Run."He says
(Insert run meme XD)
Dream thought he was a brave boy so while Nightmare and Killer were talking to Poussière, he came over and introduced himself. Poussière glared at him. Dream offers a hug to comfort him since his friend isn't here, but Poussière tricked him. He took the hug and threw Dream off the raft. And he threw Dream VERY FAR. Encre facepalms.
"Can't say I wasn't expecting that."Nightmare says
"He had it coming."Killer says
Poussière smiles proudly.
"He could use the swimming exercise."Poussière says
Blue goes over to Poussière. He starts to hide his head in his shell. Ghastly and his bro tug Killer and Nightmare away to play. Blue holds Poussière's hand. He peeks his head out.
"Hey, Poussière right?"Blue asks
"Y-Yeah...Sorry for mixing you up with Azure...."He says
"It's alright. I'm just sorry Azure isn't here. If you don't mind, can we be friends?"Blue asks
Poussière jumps with joy at the question, but as he jumped he got stuck in his shell. Blue caught his shell. He peeks out.
"S-Sure!"He says
"What is your world like?"Blue asks
Poussière begins to describe and tell him about his world. Blue looks at him with joy and curiosity like a kid being told a favorite story or something. This made Poussière very happy.
I glance over to Felicia to see her chilling with her brother, who held her close, thrilled she is back with him.
"So, how many potioned foods did you eat?"She asks
"Hey!"He says
"What? You have a history."She says
"Nothing. I had nothing potioned."He says
"But he did have some transformations!"Jasper says
"Oh really?"Felicia says
"Yeah, there was some incidents where all the adults turned to babies. He was like a baby hulk!"Jasper says
"Not my fault they upset me by taking Encre from me."Fallacy says
"Pfft, you became a baby again?"She asks
"Again?"Error asks
"Pfft. That is a tale for another time."She says
"M'Lord, we've seen some things. When you have too much chocolate milk before sleeping, you sleepwalk and get into some shenanigins."Suave says
Felicia laughs.
"I've lost 4 fire extinguishers because of you."Shino says
"Sorry, Shino."He says
Everyone just relaxes. Dream made it back at sundown. But that's not all that came.
There was a loud beeping noise. Shino opens a screen.
"Oh, some code is not secure. I'll go fix that."She says, hopping on an Explorer Raft
"Nuh-uh uh! I'm coming with you sis."Goth says
"Me too."Palette says
Palette looks at Dream.
"Please stay out of trouble."He says
Dream nods.
The three sail off into the sunset.
"Wait, aren't you supposed to be his parent? How is he acting like your parent to keep you out of trouble?"Felicia asks
"You would not believe what trouble he gets into, Auntie."Jasper says
A few minutes later, there was a distant splash and big waves as a result.
"We haven't gotten waves this big since last month."Suave says
"We fell in here last month!"Felicia says
Poussière's eyes light up with hope.
"Maybe one of the others escaped!"He says
Everyone else has gone to bed by now. Encre and I stayed out with them. Fallacy didn't want to leave Felicia out of his sights. Suave and Jasper were setting living spaces up for Felicia and Poussière. Ghastly is making a place for the new kid to stay, giving Stärke a warm welcome like he does with anyone he meets. They also are making space for anybody else who comes here.
A few hours pass. The moon is rising, dimly lighting the sea as the raft drifts around. In the moonlight, something comes into sight. A small box. I recall the issue with Ink as a cat in a box that Error had to find and save. Surely that box is not empty. I tap my wrist and rub in a circular clockwise motion. That causes a glitch in my sight to zoom in like binoculars, telescope, camera, or anything that can make distant things seem bigger and clearer. I could see airholes in the box, which isn't given for boxes of books and stuff. I see something small go past the holes from inside the box. It goes back again, as if pacing. I could hear a faint whimper. I undo my glitch and dive into the water. I swim to the box, grabbing it and swam back to the raft.
"What was that about?"Poussière asks
"ThErE iS SoMeThInG iN hErE aNd iT wAs sCaRed. I HaD tO hElP iT."I say
(I can imagine E!Pap being the kind of person that brings home random critters that need help or are homeless. To the point where it becomes a rule of only a certain amount of critters at a time. XD)
I dry myself off and set the box down. I take the lid off and look in. I see this tiny little dragon looking up at me, trembling and whimpering with fear. I see a small sword in the box with it. I take it out and press a button on it. It extended to a HUGE, long sword. Encre recognizes it.
"Classique's sword.....The one Rufous gave him."He mutters
"YoUr fRieNds?"I ask
He nods.
"He doesn't go anywhere without it."He says
"Flower stealer."Felicia says
"Right right."He says
I look at them confused.
"I'll explain later. Is the little guy okay?"He asks
I peek in the box. The dragon backs into a corner.
"He dOeSn'T sEem wOunDed.....JuSt sCaRed. LiTtLe oNe, tHeRe iS nOtHing tO fEaR. I aM E!Pap, I wIlL nOt hUrT yOu. YoU aRe SaFe nOw."I say
The dragon lifts its tiny head and comes away from the corner, liking the sound of safety.
"ArE yOu hUngRy?"I ask
It nods.
"AlRigHt, CoME wItH mE aNd I wIlL gEt yOu FooD."I say, putting my hand into the box
He climbs onto my hand. I scoop the little guy up gently and grin. I scan the little guy and find that there are two broken bones. One in a wing and paw. I check his stats and smile. Now I get why the sword was there.
The moment this guy spotted Encre, he smiled with joy and LEAPED into Encre's arms. Encre smiles and holds him gently.
"Any info from your scan?"He asks
"TwO bRoKeN bOneS. StAts aRe dEcEnt tHougH. VeRy sTroNg aNd tHoSe wOunDs aRen'T clOse to cRiTiCal OneS."I say
"Ah, that's good."He says
The lil guy pats Encre's chest.
"Hey, lil guy. What's up? You alright? My friend E!Pap here is right. You are safe now. Nobody will hurt you."He says
The dragons loooks at Encre, sniffing him. He nuzzles Encre and speaks some loving noises.
"What is it? Are you trying to tell me something?"Encre asks
"I think it really likes you."Poussière says
"Who wouldn't?"Fallacy says sweetly
Felicia watches the dragon carefully, like someone trying to solve a Rubix Cube.
"You're hungry right? Let's get you something to eat."Encre says
"What time is it?"Felicia asks
"10:59, wHy?"I reply
"Oh, just wondering."She says
Then, the dragon morphed into a white cat with blue eyes and dark blue spots. It nuzzles Encre's chin, letting out loud purrs.
"And Classique is officially feeling safe! Welcome back, bud!"Felicia says
"Wait, Classique?"Encre says, looking at the little kitty in his arms
"I cAn ConFiRm iT iS hIm FrOm My ScAn."I say
Classique smiles at us.
"Every two hours his body morphs between a dragon, cat and his regular self. And we just hit one of his kitty times."Felicia says
"Wait, does that mean we feed him cat kibble?"Poussière asks
Classique sticks his tongue out in disgust.
"I think that's a no."Encre says
"So do we feed him Felicia?"Poussière asks
"HEY!"Felicia snaps
"What? Cats like fish and you're a fish."He says
"I'm half fish you idiot!"Felicia says
"Let's get you some snacks. I remember what you like."Encre says
I follow them inside to the kitchen. We find Fell getting a late night snack. Classique leaps at him too, we know why. Fell does not unfortunately and gets knocked down.
Classique clings to him, purring.
Edge walks in, looks at the situation, sips from a mug and shakes his head.
"Pathetic. It likes you bro."He says
Classique stops purring, looking as broken as Poussière did when he learned Azure wasn't here.
"Oh dear..."Encre says
Fell crosses his arms, shaking his head no.
"That's its fault for jumping at me."He says
Edge scoops Classique up.
"So sorry about him. Here, I'll get you a bowl of milk."He says, preparing some milk while Classique curls up in his arm
"What the hell was that about?"Fell asks
Encre kneels down.
"Sorry about that Fell. That cat was my friend Classique. He is the Classic of my world. He got taken like Felicia and Poussière did. He saw you and thought you were our friend Rufous....My world's version of you."Encre explains
Fell's demeanor changed. His grumpiness went away and his arms fell to his sides. His eyes had a softer gaze.
"Oh my stars.....Does anyone know where the rest of them fellas are?"He asks
Encre shakes his head no. Fell gets up and runs off. Edge enters the room a few minutes later.
"What the heck did you tell him?"Edge asks
"Is it bad?"Encre asks
"Fell went to the cat and apologized ten times. Now he is sitting in a chair, feeding the cat some milk in a bottle."He says
"Oh, pfft. He really is Rufous' other version! I simply explained that the cat is my world's version of Classic that is stuck in a cat's body."Encre says
"Ah. Usually I'd be weirded out or not believe that but after the things I've seen in this multiverse, I'm not surprised. Cya in the morning."He says, heading to bed
Deccy approaches me, seeming worried.
"Hey, E!Pap? Have you seen Fresh? I haven't seen him all day."He says
"Hmm, He sHoUlD HaVe bEen bAcK bY NOw."I say
"He won't answer his phone at all. It just goes to voicemail. I probably have done a Cross and filled up his inbox by now."He says
"I HEARD THAT!"Cross says
"Tell me I am wrong and you haven't filled up a voicemail box!"Deccy says
"Thought so."Deccy says
I try calling him. It went right to voicemail.
"Wassup brosephs and broskies! Sorry for not being able to catch your call, but I will be sure to return the call! Just leave a rad message! Aiight, I'm gonna go! Later brosephs!"The voicemail says
I don't leave a message, it WAS FULL. I look at Deccy. He looks very worried. And I mean the kind of worried I see on my brother's face when his son went missing or Ink was in trouble. Or LITTERALLY ANY OF OUR FRIENDS who have crushes and/or boyfriends, husband, fiancé, etc.
Awww! Note to self:Set pages up for Deccy and Fresh >:3
"What do we do?"He asks
"I wilL hAcK hIs PhOnE anD tRy tO fIgUre Out WhErE hE iS. SuReLy He Is OkaY."I say, not leaving it up to hope
He smiles and hugs me.
"Thank you E!Pap!"He says
Then he runs off to bed. I get right to work.
Meanwhile, Fresh's POV
I slowly wake up to my phone buzzing. I lift my head and see my shades broken on a cobblestone floor beside me. Wait, where the FUNK am I? I try to move but couldn't get far. I find my ankles chained to a wall. Strange....Too strange.
I pull out my phone.
Awww, Deccy cares about me. That is a lot of calls.WAIT 2 AM?! I AM SUPPOSED TO BE HOME!
I frown and start tugging at the chains. Nothing. I wonder if I should call someone. My phone rings again. I look. It is Deccy! I quickly pick up.
"Wassup Dec?"I say
The call changes to a FaceTime. He appears on the screen of my phone. His eyes have tears in them.
"Deccy Dec! Why are you crying?"I ask
"Do you know how worried I was? Where are you?!"He asks
"I...I dunno broski."I say
"What do you mean you don't know? Come on you freakin' idiot! I want to help you!"He says
"Something knocked me out. Now I am somewhere unknown...My bad."I say
I hear footsteps. I get a bad feeling.
"I gotta bounce....Someone's coming."I say
"Wait no! Don't give me that shiznit!"He says, censored of course
"Sorry, Deccy."I say, hanging up
I frown, not liking him upset at all. I tuck my phone away. Cipher walks inside. He smirks at me and grabs me roughly by the chin.
"You FUNKing broke our deal. Now, you're gonna pay."He says
"You be trippin' fool. That was no deal. That was stinky blackmail."I snap
"Same thing."He says
"What are you gonna do? You got nothing on me."I say
He chains my wrists now.
"Hmm, I dunno. I can go find Decans and have more fun with him. It was fun making him scream and bleed whenever you failed a task."He says
"You lay off that! You aren't gonna hurt Deccy again if it's the last thing you do! Finding him is tough enough for you, but getting him will be another one! You aren't gonna be unrad and hurt him. Not Deccy!"I snap, struggling with the chains
Within a moment, I felt a piercing pain in my leg. I didn't satisfy him with a scream or cry, but it DID HURT.
"Well then, today is your experiment day then."He says
He unlocks the ankle chains from the walls. He lifts me by the leg he stabbed with a long blade, making it slip through one leg to the other, carrying me around like a kabob on a stick.
I curl up in the corner of a locked room, like a dungeon cell.
His experiments are done....For now. I am a lot smaller now, cat ears and tail now a part of my body. I am in different clothes that are slightly big on me and having colors that reminded me of Deccy's eyes. Speaking of eyes, another experiment changed my eyes. That had to be one of the most painful ones. Then I became their punching bag for a few hours. I managed to hide my phone under a loose floor tile though. So they couldn't use it for any schemes.
I feel a vibration under the floor. I look around. I see a hole in the wall. It was a dead end, but it is small enough for me to fit in at a safe distance to not be reached. And it is hidden from many angles. I take my phone out and leap to the new hiding spot, no more chains to hold me back.
I tuck myself away in the spot and check my phone. Deccy is calling. I fumble with the phone in my paws, the phone slightly bigger than me. I tap it twice to answer.
"Sssh! Sssh! Please, speak quietly. I don't want to get caught."I whisper, fear and worry filling my voice
"What? Fresh, you tell me what is going on right now!"He demands, worry in his voice
"It's nothing to be worried about, chill out Dec. I will be out of here soon."I lie
"Yes it is! I care about you, Fresh! Fresh, please. I wanna make sure you are okay. Don't lie to me."He says
My soul beats a bit faster.
He tries to change it to a FaceTime. I duck out of the way of being seen.
"Fresh?"He says
I could see him looking around on the screen.
"I am here..."I say
"Let me see you. I don't care how wounded you are. I wanna see you and know that you're okay."He says
I whimper quietly. I know he will panic if he sees me. But then my tail falls in front of the screen.
"Fresh?"He says, looking at the tail he doesn't know is mine swish side to side.
"I....I am okay. I gotta bounce again."I say, then hang up before he could protest
I hear footsteps. I peek out. Cipher is there. I leap at him and scratch, clawing at him and biting him. I caught him off guard.
"What the FUNK! Holy SHOES that FUNKing hurts!"He yells as I refuse to be shaken or thrown aside, clinging to him and continuing to fight
He slams me into a wall and I let out a scream of pain. I hiss at him and use the wall to bounce off and claw his face. While he turned away from me, I leapt back to my hiding place, only to find that my phone was hacked to answer a call.
"FRESH! Are you okay? I heard that scream! What did Cipher do to you buddy?"Deccy asks
"PlEaSe eXPlAiN, FrEsH."E!Pap adds
"Guys, now isn't really the time to talk. Cipher might-EEP!"I say, then yelp when Cipher pulled me out by my tail
He swings me from wall to wall in a motion like the Hulk did with Loki. I screamed and cried from the pain that shot through my body, too severe to ignore. For a few moments, I blacked out.
I awoke to being dropped at long last. I hit the floor hard and curl up against it, whimpering and crying from pain. I hear running footsteps. I look up. A large blade went right through Cipher's chest.
"FUNK OFF CIPHER!"A voice shouts
In comes a new figure holding a large shield that said Language on it. They gesture for me to come.
"Come here little guy. I am here to help you."He says
I couldn't move. He notices this and knocks Cipher down. He scoops me up.
"Is that your phone in the hole?"He asks
I nod. He sets me in the hole and I lay next to the phone.
"DecCY, PlEaSe cAlM dOwN. PlEaSe sToP cRyIng."E!Pap says
"I GeT tHaT. TrUst mE. HaVe YoU mET mY bRo aNd hIs FrIeNds? I cAn sEe aLl tHe sIgNs."E!Pap assures him
I start purring, my soul racing hearing Deccy call me that. My paws cling to the phone.
"Is that a cat purring?"Deccy says
I stop.
"SoMeOnE cAmE to HeLp FrEsh. And ThEy sUcCeeDeD."E!Pap says
I come out with the phone. The stranger picks me up and carries me away, hidden behind the shield.
"Fresh? Fresh, are you there?"Deccy says
"Sup Deccy Dec...."I say softly
Bang! Thud!
"Deccy?"I say with worry
"He fAiNtEd. YoU gOt hIm vErY wOrRieD FreSh. We'Re jUst gLad YoU'Re Okay. HiS PhOnE is GoNnA dIe. We'Ll cAlL yOu bAcK."He says
"Okay."I sigh with relief
This guy took me down into someplace hidden away from wherever Cipher is based at. He barricades the door.
"Azure! I am back!"He shouts, setting the shield down
There are the thuds like someone hopping or skipping. In comes another new face. A short, VERY short skeleton with bunny ears and tail as well as nose. He wore bright blue clothes that sagged on the shoulders, as well as a necklace with a soul in it. The other guy puts me down.
"Welcome back! Any sign of the others?"The bunny guy asks
"Well, Azure, I think I found Suave. I heard censoring and just found Cipher attacking this guy."The other says
"Poor Suave."Azure says
I look at them confusedly. They know Suave? They think I am him?
"Long time no see Suave..Though Azure here will have to wait longer."The wolf guy says
Yes, he has ears, tail and nose of a wolf.
"Umm, I am Fresh, not Suave. But I know him."I say
"Ah, sorry for the mixup. I'm Rufous and this is Azure. He is blind, hopefully temporarily, by the experiments. It's nice to meet you, Fresh."Rufous says
"H-Hello."Azure says
"Ah, you are Encre's friends, right?"I say
"You know Encre?"Rufous asks
"Mhm. I've been hanging out with him, Suave, Jasper and Fallacy for a while...Before I got taken."I say
Azure takes out another necklace that seems to glow at the mention of Encre.
"Are they alright?"Azure asks
I nod.
"Is anyone else there?"They ask
As if on cue, I get a text. Azure blindly feels me down and begins to bandage me while I check the phone. I have a text from Encre.
Encre:Hey, you okay? I haven't seen you. Nobody has. Deccy fainted. Also Felicia, Classique and Poussière, the friends we've told ya about, have been found. They are okay and resting. I think it's best you get back ASAP.
"Felicia......Classique and Poussière have been found. They are okay."I say
The two look at each other and smile with joy.
"That makes everyone!"A child's voice cheers
In runs a child with a bright smile.
"Yes, yes it does, Charlos."Rufous says
"How do we get to them?"He asks
"Uh....I might know a way....But it won't work right now."I say
"What is it?"They ask
"Whenever someone uses unrad language, I come and censor it. So when someone in the multiverse is gonna say something bad, I can sense it. The sense is stronger when there is bad talk in front of kids."I say
"What are you? A traveling censorship?"He asks
I shrug.
"Guess you could put it that way. I just need to sense one of our friends about to say something wrong and we'll be there."I tell them
Azure hugs me.
"You should rest. We'll handle your phone."Azure assures me
I nod and doze off.
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