Chapter 48:Lockdown, Lockdown, Lockdown!
Gradient's POV
We all gather to find rows of boxes and a chalkboard set up with a list written on it. Well, two lists. Suave is nowhere in sight, despite being the one who called us here. Fallacy and Jasper weren't around either. I readjust the collar of my shirt. We all sit down on the boxes, confused and curious about why we were called here for an emergency meeting. A breeze blows by and a chill goes down my spine. It is strange, since it's May and it's been warm out. But that breeze made it feel like December for a moment. Eh, Shino is still trying to figure weather code out. And she REFUSES help. I look at the chalkboard. At the top in bold letters are EMERGENCY! LOCKDOWN LOCKDOWN LOCKDOWN! It feels like I am in school with a lockdown drill just reading that. Then I see the lists. It's just a to-do list by Suave for himself or a list of what to talk about at the emergency meeting. Part of it said:BLOOD MOON!
I know what it is and Jasper has already told me what it does to vampires. I understand the reason for the meeting now. But now I wonder what Suave has to say about it.
Everyone began chatting. I get lost in my thoughts. But then I hear a loud splash.
"HAHAHAhAHHAHAHAHAHAH! YoU sTuPiD fEaThErEd sTiCk CaN'T gEt mE nOw! AnD nOw InKy iS aLl mInE!"I hear Dad say
I look over at him and see him at the edge of the raft. Ink's broom starts drifting across the water. He yeeted it off!
"Glitchy, what did you do now? I heard a splash. Wait-Is that Broomie? Did you toss Broomie?"Ink says
(I saw the comics where Error is jealous of Broomie. Or where he competes with Broomie!XD)
"I'm tIrEd oF bEiNg hIt bY iT, eVeN iN yOuR sLeEp. AnD yOu aRe MinE. NoT BrOoMiE's."He says, holding Ink close
"Pfft, Error! You sound ridiculous!"Ink chuckles
I go over, getting Broomie out of the water before it drifts away too far.
"HoW cOulD yoU bEtRaY mE lIkE tHis, SOn?"Dad asks
"It'S eItHeR tHiS oR InK iS gOnNa yElL aT yOu fOr hOuRs. TrUst Me FrOm eXpEriEncE."I say
"ScRaTch That! I aM sO pRoUd!"He says
I smile.
"Glitchy, why?"Ink asks
"ThIs iS wHy."He says, then proceeds to kiss Ink
Ink becomes a blushing mess. He melts into the kiss though. His face gets a darker rainbow and he pulls back.
"E-Error!"He exclaims
"YeS?~"Error says
"Y-Your tongues! What were they-?"Ink says
"trYiNg sOmEthInG nEw.~ SoRrY, dId iT sUrPrIsE yOu?"Dad says
"Yes!"Ink says
"ArE yOu oKaY wItH iT?"He asks
"N-Not yet..."Ink says
"Ok, I wOn'T dO iT. BuT I wIlL gIvE mY sHoRtIe a lIfT!"He says, scooping Ink up
"Huh? W-What do you-Error! Glitchy! Put me down!"Ink exclaims
"NoPe.~"He says, then kisses Ink's neck
"Aaah! Error! You know how I am there! Hey! Not in front of your son!"Ink exclaims, his face a rainbow mess and his eye-lights small in shock
"He iS gOnNa Be yOuR sOn tOo sOon, InKy.~"He says, then carries him off to a box and sits on it
I chuckle. I smile, happy to see them happy. I tuck Broomie behind their box and Ink notices it over Dad's shoulder while Dad hugged him, kissing his neck. He looks at me and smiles.
I go back to my box, sitting on it. I start hearing Bluescreen chatting with Desire. I feel him hold my hand, which catches my attention even more and makes my face burn a bit.
"Sooo, I hear you and Gradient confessed to each other. What's that like?"Desire asks
"Amazing."Bluescreen says
"How much do you love him?"He asks
"Pfft. There's no way to measure love. But I'd say a good distance or whatever measurement is used."He says
"Does this make you boyfriends?"He asks
"Em, I dunno. I'd like to be, but I don't wanna rush things. I'm new to this."He says
"Same here."He says
"Pfft. Are you saying you confessed to Sprinkle?"He says
"N-No!"He says
"Ok."He says
My gaze softens at him. I smile. I summon a string and tug at him with it. He looks at it and I twist it to make the word sure loop through it. He looks at me and his face burns up a bit.
"I'm guessing you heard?"Desire says
"I aM sItTinG rIghT hErE."I say
"Well then..."Desire says
He pushes Bluescreen down, making him unsteady and nearly fall off the box. I grab him and steady him, though the push made his head land in my lap.
"Here you go!"Desire says
"I gOt yOu BlUeScReEn."I say
He looked uneasy but smiles when I smile at him.
"O-O-Okay."He says
Everyone starts to quiet down. I glance up, seeing Suave has finally arrived. He is surprised that everyone went quiet. But he quickly realizes that we're giving him respectful attention so he relaxes.
"Okay, so now we have a situation. A blood moon is coming tonight or tomorrow night. Some of you must know what it is. Raise your hand if you do so I get an idea."He says, standing at the chalkboard
All the kids, Allsun, Ink, Encre of course and Dad raised their hands.
"Encre told me."Ink says
"Jasper told all of us."Sprinkle says
"Fallacy explained it after one of Jasper's pranks went wrong."Allsun says
"Ah, so that makes it easier."Suave says
"We wIlL ExPlaIn iT tO tHe oNes wHo dO nOt kNoW."Dad says
"Thanks. Now, speaking of Jasper and Fallacy. M'Lords have went off on another raft to distance themselves. They do not want to hurt any of you and under the Blood Moon, they tend to lose control. But just in case, I have a plan. We will mix things up a bit."He says
He goes on to point at things on the board as he talks. Sleeping arrangements and stuff like that. All the adults got assigned spaces but us kids, who naturally can mix things up, are left the job to figure out our arrangements. Once he was done talking, he took a handful of the adults to "Get scent hygeine". Apparently we have scents that vampires smell. To no surprise, Encre was one of the first to be taken for this. Dad came back and told me that Suave was simply disguising the scent by making other scents stronger.
Suave wants us to get in groups ASAP, especially since it is the afternoon right now. But a lot of the kids just started chatting about it more than acting on it. I, on the other hand, got my group. I am with Palette,Goth, Faith, Raven and Shino, who have been put with Dream, Dad, Uncle and Geno. Ink is with Grandpa and Cross' group. Everyone has been mixed around, splitting Uncle's ships. But like I said, others are talking more than doing. I am one of few that have a group figured out.
"So, Desire. Who are you staying with?"Bluescreen asks
"I have someone in mind...."He replies
"SpRinKlE? I mEaN iT iS oBvIouS yOu lIkE hIm."I say
He nods.
"So why don't you go and ask him? Or tell him how you feel for that matter?"Bluescreen says
"Easier said than done. And I don't really know any loving gestures that seem appropriate."He says
"You're kidding, right?"Bluescreen says
"You do realize that you're asking me that, right? The child of two skeletons with crazy ways of showing love, right? Uneeded flirtation or giving dead stuff to said crush? And I've already tried my Father Horror's strategy."He says
"What?"Bluescreen says
"I made him a tuna fish sandwhich, chill. But he doesn't like tuna apparently."He says
"Okay, that makes a lot more sense."Bluescreen says
I start making something out of code. I hand it to Desire.
"What's this?"He asks
"A giFt t0 giVe SpriNKle. GiFtS lIkE tHoSe aRe OfTen gIvEn tO sHoW lOvE."I say
"So I give this to him when I ask?"He asks
I nod.
He glances at Sprinkle, who was talking with Fresh.
"And this works?"He asks
"Often, yes. But there's only one way for you to find out."Bluescreen says
He takes a deep breath and exhales a sigh. He nods.
"You both are gonna pay if this fails and Fury comes after me or something."He says
Then he goes over to Sprinkle once Fresh left. We watch as he gives the flower and talks to Sprinkle, though we can't hear what they're saying. Sprinkle nods, taking his hand and leading him off. He looks over at us and smiles with a look that says I'm in! Bluescreen and I smile.
"All groups, it is nearly sunest. Please get together and to your rooms. Nobody leave the rooms until I come and signal the all clear."Suave says
I nod. Bluescreen gets picked up by Blue, who honestly was on a natural sugar rush of energy(he was not giving anything, he's just hyper.) I follow Dad into a room and he locks the door. The rooms have become mini houses apparently. There are couches, a mini kitchen, play area and hand-made beds. Anything to keep us busy. And Geno says this room, his family's room, was not like this before. Dad shakes his head and chuckles.
"No wonder Suave was late then!"Palette says
We all just settled in and Suave peeks in an hour later.
"Last room, everyone here?"He asks
We nod.
"Good, everyone is accounted for."He says, then shuts the door
Geno sits with his 2 sons and daughter on the couch. Shino opens a book and begins to read. Raven starts trying to leave but Geno grabs him with a smirk, keeping his gaze on Shino. Not so fast Raven. Shino is trying to read some words like melancholy in it and seems proud of herself at each attempt. Then she reads some familiar words happily. Geno and Goth seemed happy while Geno is holding Raven from escaping without even a glance.
(I wonder what they're reading. Uw0)
I let them be. I sit, chatting with Faith and Palette for a while. Hours went by and we slept for a while too. We woke up in the middle of the day with NO sign from Suave of an all clear. We continued as if everything was normal, just stuck in the room that has become a mini-house. Palette soon brought up something new though.
"Hey, Gradient. Remember how you were trapped in a laptop?"Palette asks me
I nod.
"Well, would that give you some new ability with tech or something? Apparently some of our friends got new abilities from that whole incident."He says
I shrug, but get curious. I take out my phone and see if I could access any new things. Nothing new. I set it down beside me, resting my hand on it so I don't forget it.
"NoPe."I say
"Then where'd your hand go?"He asks
I look at him confusedly. Then I check my hand. It had disappeared into the phone, like it was a portal.
"HuH, iNtErEsTiNg."I say
"Well that's a cool skill!"He says
I nod.
"Palette! I want to show you something!"Shino says
"Time to go see the innocent bean that is Shino."He says
"YoU'rE oNe tO tAlk."I say
"What do you mean?"He asks innocently
"YoU aRe OnE tOo."I say
His screen says thanks! with the dot of the ! made of a heart. Then he gets up and goes to see what Shino wants to show him.
I'm surrounded by beans. Innocent, innocent beans. Then I get an idea. I reach through my phone to see how far I can sink. It takes my arm in, then was able to take from my head to nearly my waist. I look around curiously to see where I came out. No, I was not in the phone or internet. I came out of another computer. I rest my arm by the keyboard with the mouse nearby so I don't fall through completely. I am in another room, but whose? I quickly learn who.
Bluescreen walks past me and takes his translator off. I could now see his group scattered around the room, chatting and busy. I guess he doesn't want to talk or for others to understand what he is saying. He does not see me. He puts on some headphones and shuts his eyes, tapping the play button on his phone hooked to the headphones. He starts nodding his head to the beat, probably listening to music.
At least 15 minutes pass, meaning either 3 or 5 songs were played from a playlist I know he made to listen to. The average song does last 3 or 5 minutes after all, so it's easy division. But then the sixth song startsand he smiles.
Then he starts singing! I'm not kidding you, he started singing with nobody around to understand him. He was singing to the song I'm Born to Run by American Authors. And dear Asgoro he sounded amazing. I am the only one who understands him and he sounds wonderful.
I would've left but I just wanted to stay and listen to him now. And technically I didn't break Suave's rule since I didn't really leave the room. I'm just split between two.
He just kept on singing. Song after song.
Wake Me Up by Avicii.
Stand Out Fit In by One OK ROCK.
No Promises by Demi Levato.
Stronger than you from Steven Universe.
He was really enjoying himself. He was singing to the song Born to be Yours by Imagine Dragons, when Fury noticed me. He waves to me. I wave back. He comes over, unnoticed by Bluescreen.
"Has he noticed you yet?"He asks
I shake my head.
"What's he doing?"He asks
"EnJoYiNg hImsElF."I say
He nods. Bluescreen kept singing, now singing along to When Can I See You Again?
He notices it playing on Bluescreen's phone screen. He smirks.
He taps Bluescreen on the shoulder. Bluescreen stops and looks at him.
"You can see him again right now, silly!"He teases, gesturing to me
My face burns up a bit like someone who just got busted out of slight embarrassment. Fury chuckles as Bluescreen finally notices me and his face burns up.
"He has his ways!"Fury says before walking away
"G-Gradient!"Bluescreen stutters
"HeY, BlUesCrEeN. TuRnS oUt I dO hAvE a NeW sKiLl fRoM bEinG a LaPtOp!"I say
"H-H-How long have you been there?"He asks
"WeLl, I wAs hErE sIncE yOu tOok yOuR tRaNsLaToR oFf aNd pUt tHe hEaDpHoNes On, bUt I'Ve bEeN lIsTeNiNg tO yOuR sInGiNg eVeR sInCe I'M bOrN tO RuN!"I say
His face burns up.
"Y-You have?"He says
"YeS aNd I tHiNk yOu sOuNd wOnDeRfUl!"I tell him
He bows his head as it gets brighter.
"D-DiD I sAy sOmEtHiNg wRoNg?"I ask
He steps closer. He lowers the headphones and looks at me. His face is burning.
"B-BluEsCrEeN?"I say
He leans in and kisses my cheek. My face burns up.
"Thank you.~"He says
I lose my grip outside the computer and slip back through it and out of my phone. All except for my hand. I feel someone hold it, then kiss it. I know it must be Bluescreen. But it is making my face burn even more, my soul pounding. I am not used to this. Then I feel him tugging me. Dad notices me sinking back into the phone and looks panicked. He grabs me and yanks me back, causing Bluescreen to come through my phone as if he came out of Kirby.
"Oh, iT iS jUst You. OKaY. HaVE fUn kIdDos."He says, going back over to X!Chara, who has fallen back laughing now
"Will do.~"Bluescreen says with a sly smirk on his face
Once Dad got up, I am left stuck under Bluescreen on the couch. My face burns and soul races now, looking up at him.
"B-BlUesCrEeN? W-WhaT aRe yOu-?"I begin
He stops me by kissing my cheek again. He pulls me close, snuggling me.
"I got you now, Gradient. Crash if you dare.~"He says
He nuzzles his head against mine. I did crash and as a consequence, when I finished rebooting, he kissed my neck. My face becomes a blushing mess.
"BluEsCrEeN!"I yelp, taking one of the couch pillows to hide my face
"Aww, Gradient. I warned you.~ You look so cute right now anyways."He says
I muffle a squeal into the pillow. One part of me was embarrassed like He keeps messing with me! Don't crash again! While the other was happy like He called me cute!
"Let me see your face though."He says, lowering the pillow
He looks right at me.
"Adorable."He says
The second side of me won. I am internally squealing now.
Hours pass and he fell asleep on me. I did not get any sleep that night, trying to calm myself the heck down. But that's very hard when every time I got calm, he'd shift in his sleep and hug me a bit tighter, which I would find adorable and set the whole cycle off again.
The next morning, Suave gave us the all clear. Everyone came out and smiles. They all begin to enjoy themselves, Sprinkle looking especially happy. Jasper comes and hugs us all individually. He gave the tightest hug to Suave.
"How was your blood moon, M'Lord?"Suave asks
"Pretty good."Jasper says, licking some blood off his own face like someone getting rid of their chocolate milk mustache
Horror taps me on the shoulder.
"My son wants to see you."He says
I nod. I make my way to where Desire had been staying and open the door.
"G-Gradient?"A voice calls
I look over and see his face burning. He sits there, looking shellshocked.
"The idea worked too well. Too well!"He says
"WhAt dO yOu mEaN?"I ask
"He kissed and told me he loves me!"He says
"Isn'T thAt wHaT yOu hOped fOr?"I ask
"Ya, but I never thought it'd work!"He says
"Ah, yOu aRe In tHe sHoCk stAge."I say
"What do I do?"He asks
"JuSt eNjoY yOuRsElf."I say
He nods. I leave and come out just in time to see Fallacy arrive. He lands and his wings shrink away to hide from the morning light. Shino approaches him and Jasper.
"How many fish did you kill?"She asks
"Fish?"They say
"Yes, fish. Jasper, you say during a blood moon vampires search for blood. We are in the middle of an ocean full of fish. I thought you'd kill fish."She says
"Oh, right! Yes, I killed 12 fish."Jasper says
"Yes....Fish......I killed....32 fish."Fallacy says, but I see him toss the mask of a skull into the water
He definitely did not kill just fish.
"Do you know where Encre is?"Fallacy asks
"Oh! He should be behind the house, painting or sipping from a cup!"Shino says
"What was that?"Jasper says
Fallacy does not waste a second. He moves quickly to where the splash was heard from. I follow him, going behind the house and seeing a canvas with a painting in progress. The brush and paints lay beside the canvas, a cup sitting on the other side, broken in half as if it had fallen and broke. I notice the wood of the raft was wet and slippery. Who do we find there? Not Encre, but PJ.
"What are you doing here?"Fallacy snaps, displeased at not finding Encre
"ArEn'T yOu sUpPoSeD t0 bE oN aN iSlaNd?"I say
"The barriers went down during the blood moon, so I swam here."PJ says
"Where is Encre?"Jasper asks, stomping over
He isn't pleased to find his alternate self here instead of Encre either.
"I dunno. But Science should be back on the Naughty Island from what was contaminating his drink in that cup. Clearly he hasn't learned to keep the kitchen stuff from the chemicals."PJ says, gesturing to the broken cup
I kneel down and summon a scanner for chemicals. Sure enough, there was traces of chemicals in the cup. He is right. It says it's been in the cup for 28 hours, longer than the blood moon has been gone for. But I feel that he knows more.
"PJ, dO nOt lIe."I say
"Wait, you all heard the splash?"PJ says
Jasper nods.
"What do you know, child?"Fallacy says, hostility in his tone
"Ok, I may not have been completely honest-"He begins
"No duh!"Jasper says
"-But more happened. I got up and startled Encre after he took a few sips. He dropped the cup and started to feel sick. He slipped on the wet raft wood, but the chemical made him freeze before he even hit the wood. I thought that you would all get mad at me for being here and blame me for him being frozen so....So I.....Pushed him in."He says
"What? You seriously thought that you would be in less trouble for shoving my father's frozen lover than you would be for being found with him frozen? Ok, now I wish I went to that island you were stuck on last night!"Jasper snaps
Jasper grabs PJ and drags him away, calling for Fresh and Suave to help him teach PJ a lesson. Fallacy took off his jacket and dove into the water. I start to get things to help him when he comes back out of the water.
Fallacy swims deeper and deeper into the water, looking for anything out of place or could lead him to Encre. He sensed something off, almost like a scent in the water. But he couldn't recognize it as Encre's(Thanks Suave). But then he sees an orange blur that seemed out of place. It looked icy. He turns and swims to it quickly. That's where he found Encre, as frozen as a statue and sinking like a rock. Fallacy quickly swam to Encre, horrified and worried. He notices that Encre's face could not be seen through the ice that trapped him. He wipes it, slightly making Encre's face clearer. He could also see a footprint on Encre's chest,probably PJ's. He was upset that PJ would do this. And to leave a footprint from shoving him in! That's like pushing something away without a single care! Insulting. He agrees with his son, they should have went to that island instead and scare the living daylights out of PJ. Maybe then he wouldn't have done this.
But he needs to focus. He shifts his position to hold Encre and conviently have Encre's arms around him too for security. He then makes a U-Turn, swimming towards the surface as quick as he possibly could. He swims out and feels a pair of hands grab him, as well as some strings. He looks to see Shino is trying to lift him, with Gradient's strings holding him too. The two kids lift him out of the water and he clings to Encre gently. Gradient and Shino set him with Encre on some towels. The morning light worked its wonders, making some of the extra ice melt off of Encre. Fallacy has his concerns though. What if Encre isn't trapped in ice, but became ice? This could be hurting him! That made bad memories resurface.
Not again, he thought. He will stop that ASAP.
(Hehehe, explanation might be in vampireverse book ;3)
Once he dried off, he picks up his frozen lover and goes inside to their room. He sits down in the corner, wrapping a blanket around them and snapping his fingers to lock the door so nobody can get in or try to talk him out of his plan to stay with Encre until he naturally thaws or starts to show signs of life. He gently kisses Encre's ice-cold frozen head, then leans against the wall, soon dozing off after 5 hours of waiting.
7 hours passed after that and Suave caught Jasper picking the lock, successfully getting inside to check on the two. Jasper smiles, glad to see the two. Encre has thawed out of the ice down to his waist now with his position being stuck between two sources of heat and warmth. Suave sighs with relief, then ushers Jasper out of the room.
"It happened again, huh?"He asks his young master
"Yep, except with ice!"Jasper says
"I am gonna have a talk with Science."He says
"May I join you? He is the reason Father's lover became like Anna from Frozen!"Jasper says
"Huh?"He says
"It's a Disney thing. Shino had me watch it with her and Radier."Jasper says
"Ah, ok."Suave says, then starts leading Jasper to where Science is
Jasper gets an idea and zips back to his father's room. He switches out the wet blanket with a fresh one, as well as dry shirts for his father and Encre, who was knocked out. He also took a picture, finding it adorable with his father doing this. Then he zips back to Suave, bumping into the butler and personal family member.
"I get you're eager to speak to him, but you got to slow down. He could be somewhere else, M'Lord."Suave says, unaware to what Jasper did
Jasper nods.
"Yes, Suave."He says obediently
They continue their search for the scientist, who seemed as troublesome as the scientist they recall from their world, except his name was Simon, not a school subject. Though he and Suave agreed it made it simple to know what he does.
4 more hours later, Encre's POV
I slowly open my eyes, waking up. My mind fills with questions. Where am I? What happened? How'd I get here? I could've sworn I was outside last, but now? Did I fall asleep? What time is it? Where is everyone? Is everything okay?
I look around curiously. I realize I'm in Fallacy's room. The corner of it to be exact with a red blanket on me. I shift a bit but realize I'm in someone's lap. Two arms tighten their grip on me from behind. I look at the hands, recognizing them with their red, yellow and black fingers curled from sight, clenching the blanket. I reach around one arm, holding his hand. I look up and see Fallacy holding me close. I smile, he's sleeping so peacefully.
He seems upset though, even in his sleep. I hold his hand a bit tighter. I nuzzle my head against his right arm. His frown flips over into a smile.
I think on what I could remember, wondering if I could recall what happened. I shook my head, unable to do so and just simplified it down to Fallacy returned and I must've dozed before he did and he brought me here. I continued to think but get taken out of my thoughts by a kiss on the back of my neck. My face burns up.
"Morning love.~"Fallacy says, resting his head on mine
I look out the window. It's dark out.
"It's night."I say
"Oh, huh. Interesting. Well I'm glad you're okay."He says
"What do you mean?"I ask
"Science apparently used one of the cups for his chemical tests, did not wash it out whatsoever, and it still had traces in it when you used it to drink your beverage this morning. It froze you and PJ just kicked you into the water. But he was busted and I got you before you sank too deep. I've been here, waiting for you to thaw out or to show signs of life. I was really worried again."He explains
I sigh and shake my head.
"It's always the scientists!"I say
"Don't worry, PJ is being taught a lesson by Error and Gradient while Jasper is helping Suave clean the entire kitchen to ensure nothing like that happens again. Fresh is teaching Science the do's and DONT's of basic experiment rules."He says
I smile.
"Thank you for taking care of me."I say
"Of course, love."He says, kissing my neck again
"How was your blood moon?"I ask
"I killed that tribe that dared try to take you and Suave from me. Jasper did too. Pfft, you should've heard him yelling! I AM JASPER, THE LOKI OF THIS LAND! NOW YOU SHALL PAY FOR TRYING TO BREAK MY FAMILY APART!"He says, chuckling and raising his voice pitch to imitate Jasper
"So Gradient did show him those comics, interesting. I bet they did not expect that."I say
"Nope, they did not. Yet at that moment it was clear that at that moment, they knew, they fucked up! But if Shino asks, we killed fish."He says
"Got it."I say
"Now, Encre, the night is still young. Would you like to go outside?"He says
"Sure."I say
I follow him out of the house and he covers my eyes.
"Huh? What's up?"I ask
"Uhhh....I guess Fresh is done teaching....There is something we missed."He says
I peek out from behind his hands and see Fresh kissing Deccy. Deccy is surprised, but unable to move with Fresh holding him close.
We come over and grab Fresh, gently pulling his hold off of Deccy. Deccy steps back and looks at me.
"That really just happened?"He asks
I nod.
"Welp, just so ya know, Fresh told me that Science poured something on him while he was teaching the fifth experiment safety rule."Deccy says
"Alrighty then.....How about you head to your room?"I say
"But I want to make sure he is ok."He says
"We'll handle it."Fallacy says
Deccy nods and reluctantly goes to his room.
"Where's D-Deccy broski?"Fresh asks, his voice slurring
"He's alright. Just come with us."Fallacy assures him
He steps forward and nearly trips. We catch him and put his arms on our shoulders to support him. We carry him off and to get checked by someone. I smile, helping him. Suave helps him with E!Gaster checking his condition. Fallacy takes me out and smiles. We stargaze together. I enjoy it more and more. He pulls me close, laying beside me and nuzzling his head on me.
"Everything will be okay now."He says
I nod.
"The lockdown is over."He says
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