Chapter 44:It's Time....
Geno's POV
I walk to where the note says. It's the middle of nowhere. I look around.I feel a hand slip into my pocket. I quickly turn and see Cipher behind me, holding my phone.
"Hmmm, long time no see, Geno."He says with a cocky smile
"Where is my son, Cipher?"I ask sternly
"Oh, he's waiting somewhere. Now, let's talk. Make a deal perhaps."He says, breaking my phone
"What did you do to him? Whre's you send him?"I snap
"Forget the kid."He tells me
"Not in a million years."I say
"Alright. Now, I've heard that a lot of others have joined the game."He says
"What game?"I ask
"The game of taking you all down! And one named Heather just joined us."He says
"Do not put my son with her."I growl
"Then let's make a deal, my friend."He says
"I am NOT your friend."I tell him
"Hmm, fair enough."He says
"What do you want?"I ask
"I do not know about you, but I sympathize with Charles' wife aka Heather's mother. Her name is Felisha."He says, not giving a straight answer
"Since when were you sympathetic? My guess is that she bribed you or something."I say
"Now, she is pretty lonely. Her husband went after your lil friends and died, while Daddy's Little Girl left her behind to find answers and vengance. So, how about I give you an offer?"He says
"Spit it out."I tell him
"You stay with her for at least a full 48 hours and I will return your son home, safe and sound. One way or another, that is."He says
He extends his hand, a blow fire glow coming from it.
"No double-crossing."I say
"No double-crossing."He says, lifting his other hand high in the air
I think for a few moments. Then I reach out and take his hand. I shake it.
"Stay true to your word."I say
He smiles.
"Of course.~ But good luck without your powers."He says
I feel my magic drain from me. Even the glitch over my eye. I step back, tearing my hand away. I can hardly stand, shaking and feeling weaker.
"Now, the timer begins."He says
He snaps and I get teleported, but I pass out before I could see where to.
That is, until I get slapped back to consciousness.
"OW!"I shout
I see some lady laying on me in a bed.
"What the hell are you supposed to be?"She asks
"What did you expect me to be?"I ask
"My husband. And you're not him. The yellow-eyed guy said he'd bring my husband. You're nothing like him."She says
"How observant of you. Well that guy isn't always a good dealer. I am just gonna guess that you're Felisha?"I say
"Yes and who the hell are you?"She snaps
"How about you get off me and then we can talk."I say
"Oh, right."She says
She gets off of me and I sit up.
"You were asking?"I ask
"What are you?"She asks
"A skeleton duh."I say
"But you're ugly. Just look at that eye of yours."She says
Great first impression, lady.No way am I taking her crap.
"Miss, tell me something I don't already know. And at least I have a boyfriend who didn't leave me."I say
"Pfft, must be an idiot to stay with you."She says
"Says the one who was left by their husband and daughter. And you can tell him that when your time comes."I say
"What time?"She asks
"Time to die. He's Death. The Grim Reaper. Good luck with that."I say
She looks at me in shock.
"Now that's out of the way, my name is Geno. That guy who promised you the return of your husband kidnapped my son and made a deal with me to stay with you for two days if I want him back. So, neither of us really wanted to meet, Felisha. So can we try to be nice to each other?"I say
She looks at me with pity in her eyes.
"Don't pity me."I say sharply
"Sorry, I just didn't know."She says
"I can tell."I say
"Can't you just teleport away?"She asks
"He took my powers."I say
"Well....I'm sorry for my behavior. I am so sorry to hear that."She says
I do not answer her. I look away.
There are a few minutes of silence.
"Do you want news on your daughter or husband?"I ask
"Yes please!"She says
"Who first? Both caused my friends and I nothing but trouble."I tell her
She frowns.
"My husband."She says
"Ooo, where to start with him. Well, he started stalking my friend Allsun, kidnapped him and assaulted him as well as his brother Dream. He was a total yandere to them. He tried to eliminate all our friends to get to them, kidnaping and assaulting two of them before getting arrested and framing another one of my friends. He did so much and just didn't know when to quit, completely insane."I explain
"Sounds like I dodged a bullet when he left."She says
"You really did."I say
"And my daughter?"She asks
"Oh, she follows in his footsteps. She kidnapped my SON, the same one that your dealer kidnapped, and tried to abuse him worse than what her father did to my friends as revenge for what happened to him somehow. My son was torn apart, electrocuted and beaten up because of your daughter. Another bullet you dodged. Luckily, my son got rescued with one of my friends she also kidnapped. But then she joined the dealer that kidnapped my son and his crew. Not sure you know this, but they are a crew that are currently some of the most dangerous threats out there! So uh, yeah, that's what I know about them. What are you like?"I say
She sits there, dumbfounded. The sun starts to rise. I look at the clock. 7 AM.
"Ah, 2 hours already passed! Lovely! What would you like for breakfast?"I ask
"Ummm....."She says
I get up and head to the kitchen.
"Do you like pancakes?"I ask
"Oh, yes. They're my favorite."She says
"Well how about we fix this situation a bit and I'll make you some! Let's get off on the right foot, shall we?"I say
I start making pancakes and soon sit with her, eating them. We chat, soon finding friendly conversation with each other.
But, I have to be honest, her place was a wreck. Dirty laundry piles laid in every room. Garbage bags scattered in the rooms and some were tipped over, spilling their contents out. Cobwebs were in the ceiling and a window was even broken. Junk like empty chip bags or soda cans covered the furniture. Muddy footprints climbed the wall and furniture as well. She looks around at the place now, seeming embarrassed at me seeing all this. She tries to subtly clean it up, but just makes the mess worse.
"How about I help ya clean up?"I suggest
She nods.
I help her clean up, garbage bag by garbage bag. Dirty sock to dirty shirt being washed, we made it all tidy in here again. I went to take the garbage bags out and felt dozens of eyes focus on me. I look around, but nobody was in sight. Though I did see a lot of other houses shut the curtains by their windows...Odd. I drop the bags into the cans and go back inside.
A few hours go by.
I am reading a book while Felisha watches TV.
"So.....Do you have a phone?"She asks
"Deal maker broke it."I reply without looking away from my page
I turn the page.
"Ah....Charles cut the phone lines in here and broke my cell before he left."She says
"Pfft, he's done worse."I say
"I know now."She says
There's silence.
I keep reading.
"So what's this idiot of yours like?"She asks
"Idiot?"I say
"The guy you say is dating you."She says
"Ahhh, I see. Well, he can be an idiot, but he's my sweet idiot. And if you're trying to jab at me with the whole ugliness thing, it's like I said. You can try telling him that when your time comes. Or, the way he puts it, you can talk to his scythe."I say
"Interesting."She says
There is a knock at the door.
"I'll get it."I say
I go to the door. I open it to find a basket full of flowers and a note with a red bow. I pull it in and look around. Nobody is around. I shut the door and snatch the note. Welcome to the neighborhood! Call me and we can have some fun!~What follows was a phone number. I shake my head and sit back down. I read for a few more minutes before there is another knock at the door. I go to it and find a basket of chocolate now. The note is different in handwriting and words. Hey, cute guy! Come over sometime! I'm across the street! Your one eye is pretty! Then there's another phone number. I shake my head.
I sit back down and go back to reading. 15 minutes pass before there's another knock. Felisha answers this time and brings in ANOTHER basket full of books.
"You seem smart so I gave you some Einstein books. Maybe you could read me? Then there's a sloppy phone number."She reads from the note.
"No thank you. Already have a boyfriend."I say
"How come you're getting all the affection from my neighbors?"She asks
"Dunno."I say
"Maybe you aren't so ugly."She says with a nasty tone
I ignore her and keep reading.
Two hours pass and then a rock smashes through the window.
"THE HELL?"I snap
I look out the window and see a guy standing with a huge sign saying DATE ME CYCLOPS SKELETON!
I shut the curtains and groan in frustration.
"You're neighbors are bigger idiots than my boyfriend. If he finds out about them doing this, he is so putting them on his list."I say with a shake of my head
"They're a bunch of nutcases."She says
"Ever thought of moving?"I ask
"Still searching."She says
I shrug and keep reading.
I watch the minutes tick by very slowly. The only thing on my mind is Goth and wondering if he is being sent home like Cipher said he would be. I watch the hours crawl by. I wonder if he is hurt or truly safe. What if Cipher handed Goth back over to the crazy daughter? What could he be going through? My soul sank just thinking of the possibilities. I wonder if anyone saw my notes and what they may be doing now.
Lastly, I wonder about myself. I take out my scarf from my pocket and clench it. Once my time in this deal is up, what will I do? It's not like I can just teleport home or call anyone! I don't even know how far this place could be from home! I'll have to be careful and just figure stuff out. I can do this.
For Goth....I tell myself. Do it for Goth.
Nobody seemed happier for my time to be up than Felisha.
Once the 48 hours were up, she got really excited. She shook me awake and told me to get up. She quickly got me set up to leave. She gives me some G, a jacket and a blue scarf. She takes my red one.
"To hide who you are from these threats you talk about. Say hi to your kids for me."She says
"Sure."I say
"Good luck getting home."She says
"Thanks."I say
"And make sure your imaginary boyfriend treats you right."She says
I go out the door and leave her house. I walk down the streets endlessly.
I find a payphone and decide to give it a shot. I put one G into it and get some change. I dial my call in and call home. I leave it up to chance for someone to answer and who. After just two rings, someone picks up.
"Hello, this is Shino speaking. How may I help you, Mystery Caller?"Shino says
"Hey sweetie. How are you? Is your brother Goth home?"I ask
"I'm good. We got a letter saying he is on his way. Now, how can I help you get home?"She asks
"Well I don't really know where I am and can't teleport so....."I say
"I'll call Dad. I already pinpointed the source of where you're calling so I will just tell him to go that way. You'll be-"She says, but then gets cut off
There is a crackle and it starts raining.
"Shino? Shino! Hello? Shino? Sweetie?"I say, thinking instantly something happened to her
"Oh, whoops, silly payphone is broken."A voice says
A hand taps me on the shoulder.
I turn around and a man stands there with an umbrella, giving me a bad feeling. Something is off.
He steps closer with a creepy grin. He is sheltering me a bit but I'd rather not be near him. Something tells me he is no good.
"How about I take you to some shelter before you get soaked?"He offers
"I have a hood and scarf, I will be alright. No thank you. Besides, a little rain never hurt anyone."I say, stepping back
"Heh, guess you don't know what rhetorical questions are."He says
Then he swings a punch at me too quick for me to react. I take the hit and he grabs me. His grip electrocutes me, knocking me out.
I slowly open my eyes and look around. Where am I?
Instantly I see some bone spikes coming from the floor and ceiling around me, making it impossible for me to leave without my ability to teleport. I look around and it is a small bedroom. I say a towel hanging up, having a brand sewn into it. The Cloudy Day Motel.
Everything comes back to me. I press against the wall, looking around. I sigh with relief that I am alone for now. But I am still tense, uncertain of what to do. Or what will happen. I hope Shino gets the news to Reaper. Or someone comes before something goes wrong. And Goth better get home safe.
Swap to Reaper!
"Geno? Geno! Where are you? Can you hear me?"I call
I keep walking and calling for him. He won't answer his phone and the notes he left make me worry. Then I feel that I stepped on something. I step back and look. I see Geno's broken phone laying there on the ground. Then I find a paper nearby. I pick it up.
"Send Geno to Felisha's house for some time, make more deals and watch the trouble unfold. Felisha's house....."I read, then get the address from the note
I take out my phone and figure out how to get there. I start heading that way. It becomes an empty area with a small town at its center.
I walk through this town, looking for the address. I did not have a care for anything but Geno here, so the grass and gardens were wilting as I passed through. Then, I find the address. There are a lot of garbage bags in cans on the curb. I see a lot of the neighbors peeking through the curtains. I look around but they hid away at my gaze.
I look at the house. I see a lady sitting on the roof of the house. I look at her. She looks at me and grins.
"Hello, there! I haven't seen you around here before!"She says
"Hello. Yes, I know. Most people would be happy about that."I say, then fly up to her
I notice Geno's red scarf is with her.
I frown.
"Where is Geno?"I ask
"Who is Geno?"She says
"Don't play dumb. You have his scarf."I snap
"Why do you care?"She asks
"Because he is my boyfriend."I say
She looks at me in shock.
"What's your name?"She asks
"Reaper, as in the Grim Reaper."I say
"You're real?!"She says
"Well of course I am real. What? Did you expect the Tooth Fairy to be the one to come when your time comes?"I say
"And you're his boyfriend? I thought he was bluffing due to his strange qualities!"She says
"What do you mean? And you better answer me or you'll be talking with my scythe."I say
"He had a weird eye that made him look...less attractive."She says, careful with her wording
"You listen here, Felisha..."I say, leaning forward
She starts shaking.
"Geno is the most beautiful damn being that you'll ever see and meet with such kindness. Now, you'll bring him out here right now or it's your time."I say
"He is not here anymore."She says
"Well then you better start talking!"I snap
"You're right about his kindness. He was very nice........Making that deal for his son's safety. Once his time was up, he left here to try and find his way home. I don't know where he is if he is not home already. Though you might want to check with my neighbors. They kept a close eye on him from their houses whenever he was outside and certainly tried to give him a warm welcome....Too warm of a welcome. I've been here for 30 years and they never did anything like what they did when he came."She says
I process this.
"Come in and you'll see. I still have all 30 of the baskets. My neighbors sent them in two days, 15 per day."She says, casually hopping down from the roof
I follow her. She goes inside and dead center of the living room is a pack of baskets with all kinds of gifts. Books, flowers, chocolates, sodas, poems, you name it. And when I saw their notes, I realized their intentions. I take note of their names, marking them on my list for my next shift.
"And you have his scarf because?"I ask
"So he isn't easily spotted. Then again, his eye is a good giveaway. He sounded like many threats were near, plus some dealer named Cipher took his power away so he can't defend himself. He didn't even have the ability to cover his eye with a glitch like he said he usually could."She says
"And which way did he go?"I ask
"I'll tell you....for a price."She says
"How about you getting to stay unknown to my scythe for now?"I say, ticked off
"That and your word that you'll treat him right. He was very nice and he was very caring. He gave up a lot for his kids, heck look what he did for one named Goth. And we talked a bit about that. He said he would do it for anyone he cared about and when I asked what he would do for this boyfriend of his, he chuckled. He told me that if somehow you were in trouble, he would gladly make sacrifices like he is making for his son now for you. Not many people like that come very often. So you better treat him right and make sure he knows he is loved and appreciated."She tells me
I give a small smile. She may not be the most pleasent, but she seems to know her values for Geno. Though she was scared, she'd rather talk back to him about Geno then just complying. Stubborn, like Geno. I chuckle.
"Deal."I say
She leads me back outside. I take his scarf off of the roof.
"Down that way."She says, pointing in the direction
I nod and leave her at her house. I head in the direction. I go through the empty road all the way to another city. I get a call on my phone. I see it's from Shino. I answer it.
"Hey, kiddo, what's up?"I say
"Mama Bear is very likely in trouble! I was on a call with him before while he was at a payphone near you two hours ago! But then the call glitched or broke! I could hear him but he couldn't hear me! I heard someone talk to him, then hurt him! They took him and hung up the phone!"She says
Worry fills me quickly.
"Don't worry, I'll find him. He couldn't have been taken far in an hour or two. You said a payphone nearby?"I ask, spotting a payphone
"Yes!"She says
"Okay, I'll handle it. You just focus on your brother coming home. See you soon, Shino. By 7 tonight most likely. Love you."I say
"Love you too, Dad."She says
I smile and hang up.
I get serious then. I start going into each building nearby and showing a picture of Geno, asking if anyone saw him. I wasn't getting any luck. I see this motel with plenty of vaccancy and quote:"Free rooms for a week!" This may be a good place to look.
Back to Geno
Well, the asshole came back. He took my jacket off of me and played with the scarf. Then he had the bone spikes disappear. He tosses me onto the bed and gets on me.
"Let's have some fun.~"He says
"Fuck off. I have to get home to my boyfriend and kids."I say
"Sure ya do. They always make up stories to avoid me, but there's nothing you can do to stop me. I see you have no power."He says
"You are so dead."I say
"Not from you, stupid."He says
I couldn't move. He had positioned himself so I couldn't get a good kick or punch at him.
"See? Nothing you can do. I've learned my lessons."He says
"Ah so you're experienced with kidnapping people who want nothing to do with you. Clearly you haven't learned the lesson to, oh I dunno, NOT KIDNAP PEOPLE WHO WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU?!"I say
"Oh shut up."He says
"Yaaaaa, no."I say
"I can just as easily kill you, hide you and bury you where nobody will find you. You can't defend yourself after all."He says
I did not want to test his talk for his bite. I shut up. He shifts and starts to take my shirt off me. When he finished doing so, he was in a position that gives me an oppurtunity. I grab his wrist firmly and swing him, flipping him off of me and slamming him into the floor.
"Clearly you haven't learned the lessons to never underestimate or let your guard down."I say
"Oh, you're gonna die!"He snaps
I get out of there FAST. I run along the railing, hearing him behind me. But I hear someone else underneath on the ground floor, knocking on doors.
"Hello, have you seen him? He's gone missing and I fear he may be in trouble."A voice says after the creak of a door opening
I recognize the voice.
I trip over a kid's pool toy that was left out, falling head-first down the stairs. The cold hard cement gave my skull a rough welcome.
"Ugh....My head.....Ow...."I groan, slowly trying to sit up
A shadow casts over me. I look up. There's Reaper towering over me. I back up a bit, startled. I feel exposed too. I can't cover my weird eye and now I don't have a shirt either.
"Geno...."He says
"H-Hey Reaper."I say
"How'd you fall down those stairs?"He asks
"Tripped over a toy running."I say
"From what? Or who?"He asks
"Weird eye! You are gonna die!"The guy yells
"Him."I say
Reaper turns around and looks at the guy upstairs. Just his gaze scared the guy off. Reaper turns back to me with a smile. He is up to something. He picks me up and looks at me.
"You're looking quite nice."He says
My face warms up a bit.
"Put me down, Reaper and shut up. I know my eye is-"I say, looking away
"Beautiful."He cuts me off
I look at him.
"Both of them are. And I made a deal with a Felisha lady to make sure you know something, so I can't put you down or shut up. Now let's get some privacy.~"He says
I realize he has plans in mind. My soul pounds and I feel my face warm up.
"Reaper! Don't you dare, you idiot!"I snap
He smirks and winks.
"There's my Tsundere boyfriend.~"He says
"Reaper!"I exclaim
He carries me around, finding a vaccant room and going in it. He locks the door and puts me under him in the bed.
"Reaper, don't even think about it!"I tell him
"Aww come on. Here we don't have to worry about the kids walking in on us."He says
He holds my hand gently.
"It will be fine."He says
"That's what you said when you had us leave the kids home for a movie! Look how that went! We should go home now! Before something ha-Aaah! Reaper!"I say, but get interrupted by him kissing my neck
My face burns up. He doesn't stop. He just continues, making my face burn and soul race with each pounding beat. He feels me gently with his hand. Then he starts kissing lower and lower from my neck.
"R-Reaper you idiot! C-Cut that out!"I snap but with a shaking voice
"Aww, but I love you, Geno."He tells me
I had nothing to counter that, going quiet.
"I love you too."I say
He smiles, taking that as a GO AHEAD cue, which it WAS NOT. He continues and my face burns as he does so. He creeps back up to my neck.
"A-Aah....R-R-Reaper!"I stutter
He wraps his arms around me and pauses. I place a hand on his cheek.
"You're very affectionate, Reaper."I say
"Of course. Can't be having anyone like that guy or those stupid neighbors thinking that they can take you."He says
I smile.
"And I know you you don't have your powers so you can't just teleport away from my affection.~"He says
"Of course you do."I say with a shake of my head
He smiles. He leans in and kisses me directly. At last, I give in. He kisses my cheek.
"You're adorable when you blush, Geno."He says
"Sh-Shut up."I stutter
He chuckles.
Then there is a knock at the door before he could continue. He gets off me. I go over to answer the door. Then I get tackle-hugged to the floor.
"Mama Bear!"Shino cheers
"Huh?"I say
"I mean-Daddy! You're okay!"She says
I see Reaper get up quickly. He looks around, searching for something.
"Shino, sweetie! What are you doing here? You're supposed to be safe at home!"I say
"Someone here is an hour late on their promised curfew so she got worried. She tracked you guys here and I came to ensure she stayed safe."A voice says
I look and there is Radier in the doorway.
"Are you okay, Daddy?"She asks
"Yes."I say
"Good! Dad, it's 8 PM! You said you'd come home with Daddy by 7!"Shino says
I look at Reaper and he facepalms.
"Dang it. I forgot!"He says
He set himself up! Pfft!
"Well then let's go! It's supposed to be very cold tonight, which is no weather to be shirtless in! By the way, where is your shirt?"Shino asks me
"Someone attacked me here and I bet they have it."I say
She shrugs and helps me up.
"Well then, let's go! Palette says that Goth came in the mail!"She says
"Wait!"Reaper says
I look at him and he takes his cloak off. He puts it on me and lifts the hood up too.
"Aww! Dad looks nice in your cloak!"Shino says
The hood slips over my face, making me unable to see.
"I can't see."I say
"Oh right, I forgot that it's big on ya."He says
"You seem to forget a lot of things, Dad."Shino says
I chuckle a bit.
"Yeah....I do."Reaper admits
"What do you mean Goth came in the mail?" I ask
"I dunno! We will have to ask Palette! Now let's go!"She says excitedly
I push the hood back, seeing Radier take Shino's hand. Shino uses her other hand to hold mine. Reaper takes my other hand with his scythe held defensively in his spare hand. Reaper looks at me with a smirk. He kisses my cheek, making my face burn up. Then the hood flops down over my face again. I hear Reaper chuckle.
Radier leads us along, Shino gripping my hand tightly. We get on a bus and sit together. I peek, seeing Shino lean on Radier, whispering to each other. Then she sleepily rested against him, Radier wrapping a protective arm around them. Then I see the guy from before creep his way up from the back of the bus, eyeing Shino.
I grab Radier and Shino, wrapping my arms around them. Radier looks at me confusedly. I nod to the guy. He looks at the guy, then at me. He mouths quietly Ooooh!
I feel two arms wrap around me and pull me back. Shino and Radier get pulled closer. I turn my head, seeing Reaper hold me close and giving the guy a hostile glare. He sits in a row behind us, watching us. I rest my head on Reaper gently, the hood blinding me again. Radier puts Shino between us, also noticing this guy's gaze at her probably. We wait for this guy to get off for his stop. But he doesn't.
"Hey, dude. Where's your stop?"Reaper asks after 8 stops
"I dunno, where is that little girl's?"The guy says
"None of your business mister!"Radier snaps
"Aww, I just want to make sure she gets home safe."He says
"She is with her parents here and I!"Radier snaps
The guy leaves us alone. We get off even though it isn't our stop and so does he. Radier carries Shino, not wanting to wake her up. I pick him up and he smiles at me. We try to lose him in the crowd and get on another bus. We sit down and I see the guy through the bus window. He spots us and comes running over, revealing a knife, but the bus shuts its doors and drives off. Plus a cop saw him and tackled him to the ground as we rode off. Radier sees this and sighs with relief. Shino wakes up.
"Is everything okay?"She asks
"Yes, you're safe, Shino. A bad guy had to be stopped is all. We're going home."He says
"Dang it, my partner got caught."A voice says from right behind us
I look and see a man looking exactly like the other sitting behind us. He looks at me and grins.
Oh come on.
Then he looks away. I face forward, focusing on reaching our stop. Radier looks out the window, Shino sitting between us. Reaper holds me close to him, nuzzling my head with his.
I feel Shino slip from between us. I look and she is gone. I look behind us and the guy is holding her while she squirms to get away, covering her mouth so she doesn't make a sound.
"Excuse me, that's my daughter."I say, trying to NOT make a scene
"Oh, well I'll only borrow her for a little bit."He says with a grin
"Not happening buster."Radier says, hitting him on the skull with a fist of his tentacle
The guy releases Shino. Radier scoops her up and back with us. She hugs him.
"Shouldn't have taken her. Now you should know."I say
Shino hugs us both. Our stop comes and we get off. Reaper scoops me up and carries me, despite my objections. He carried me all the way home and smiles. Shino still holds my hand with Radier. Radier shuts and locks the door behind us.
"We're home!"Shino cheers
Raven comes over and hugs us. I smile at him.I notice a box that Palette is opening. He opens it and looks in it.
"sᏟᎪᏁᏁᎥᏁᎶ......ᏟᎾmᏢᏞᎬᏆᎬ!"He says
He takes out a USB Flash Drive of some sort. I look at him curiously. He looks at me and smiles. He looks at the drive and his screen becomes a heart.
"Is that Goth?"Shino asks
He nods with a grin.
I smile.
I look in the box and there is Goth's soul. I gently scoop it up. It shakes a bit.
"Don't worry, Goth. You're safe. You're home."I say
The soul now nuzzles my sleeve and arm. Then goes to Reaper and back.
"What are you talking about?"I ask, then look at my hand
I see a string around my finger. I gaze along the other end, going to Reaper.
"Nobody sees the string in between?"I ask
Palette shakes his head. Shino smiles.
"What string?"Radier asks
Reaper smirks.
Goth's soul hops and I look at it.
"Goth, did you do something?"I ask
Palette scans the soul.
I smile.
"You really are a good kid, Goth."I say
"And I don't mind being tied to you, Geno."Reaper says, coming over and wrapping his arms around me
"That drive must have his memories and everything!"Shino says
"I'lL gEt To wOrK wIth a sOlUtIoN fOr hIm."Gradient says
"Ꭵ'ᏞᏞ hᎬᏞᏢ!"Palette says
"Children unite!"Shino cheers
All the kids come together and soon the box is gone.
"Well they're off to help him."I say
"Huh, and all the adults are busy, soooooo, let's go."He says
"Reaper!"I exclaim
He pulls me into another room. He shuts the door, locking it. He takes his cloak off of me and gets right back to what he was doing in the motel room.
"R-R-Reaper!"I exclaim, my face burning again
He kisses my neck repeatedly and holds me close to him. My soul pounds quickly.
"I love you, Geno.~"He says
I wrap my arms around him again.
" you too, Reaper."I say
"You alright?"He asks
"Tired....."I say
"I see."He says
I nod.
He gently places a hand near my eyes. He touches them with a down motion.
"Sleep."He says
I shut my eyes, dozing.
I wake back up at a knock on the door.
"Who is it?"Reaper asks sleepily
"GrAdIeNt aNd PalEtTe! We hAvE gOoD nEws!"Gradient says
I sit up and get a shirt on from a drawer. I open the door.
"It tOok a Few hOuRs, But wE mAdE a tEmpOrArY bOdY fOr hIm. HiS reAl bOdY iS sTuCk wIth tHat cRaZy dAuGhTeR. BrInG hIm In, PaLetTe!"Gradient says
I smile and watch Palette walk in.
"Hello, Dads."Goth says
"We uSeD sOmE oF PalEtTe's vOicEmaIlS tO rEcOde hIs vOicE."Gradient says
Goth smiles at us.
"BiT of RoBoT, bIt oF sKeLeTon."He says
"Hey Goth."I say
"Hello..."He says
I kneel down and open my arms to him.
He looks up at Palette and Palette nods.
He runs to me, hugging me. I hug him right back. Reaper kneels and hugs us.
I look at Gradient.
"Thank you."I say
"No pRobLem. NoW I hAvE t0 gEt hElP."He says
"You got this, Gradient!"Goth says
"Come here bud!"Reaper says, pulling Palette into the hug.
We all hug and smile.
"Wait! Goth, where is your phone? Maybe we could fix Palette's voice!"Reaper says
"Huh?"He says
"I know you must have his voice saved somewhere."He says
He looks shyly away.
Reaper's head goes up.
"Palette, you go with your Gothy and figure that out. I'm gonna go check on the littlest ones."Reaper says
The three of them split from me. I sit there and soon Raven comes over.
"Printy is having a private talk with Gradient about something."He says
We sit together and chat.
"Raven!"A voice says
Desire comes in quickly. His face is burning.
"Woah! Did someone get into the hot sauce again?"Raven asks
"You and me. Talk. NOW!"Desire says, dragging Raven away
I check on everyone and smile. I end up chatting with E!Pap. He's quite nice and then goes to stop PJ from being up to no good again. Error keeps teasing Fresh now, catching onto the signs of him having some feelings for Deccy. Error says it's only fair after all the trouble Fresh caused him. Deccy sits beside me now.
"Do you know what they're talking about? I dunno."He says
"Hmmm.."I say, thinking on if I should tell him or not
Fresh covers Error's mouth once seeing Deccy, making Error crash.
"Nothing now."I say
We chat a bit more. Then I hear Reaper yell.
"Say what now?"Allsun asks, popping his head from the kitchen
"Oh no..."I say
Then I feel a hand grab me. I get yanked through a portal and land on a raft of some kind.
"Daddy! Look what we made!"Shino cheers
I sit up and look around. We are on a raft, a really big one with a wooden house at its center. There's nothing but a deep blue sea stretching in all directions on the horizon. Up above is a beautiful night sky, stars sprinkling across it with many constellations.
"We coded it to be like the Mid-Void. Nobody could detect us here. There is everything we could need here and if we run out of anything, there are lil islands with stuff."Radier says
"It is time for a break.I It's clear a lot of trouble is on our hands."Shino says
"Alrighty. This is amazing."I say
"Check out underwater while we grab the others!"Shino says, shoving me into the water
I sink a bit and see this beautiful coral reef. Fish and all kinds of schools swim around near me. I look around in amazement. Then I rise back to the raft, seeing our friends on it and looking amazed. I hear a splash and look around. I see Deccy trying to swim after falling through a portal. I dive under the water again, grabbing him and pulling him back up.
"Hey, Fresh! We have a Deccy overboard!"Dust shouts
"What? That's unrad!"Fresh shouts
We watch him dive into the water as we climb onto the raft.
"He does realize he just jumped over me, right?"Deccy asks
I shrug.
A few moments pass and Fresh pops back up. He looks at us, now with towels and blankets to dry off and warm up. His shades that stuck on like goggles said BRUH. He quickly climbs onto the raft and hugs Deccy. I smile.
"Error do not even start broseph."He says to the glitchy skeleton a few feet away
"I dUnnO wHat yOu'Re tAlKinG aBouT."Error says innocently
Fresh shoves him into the water. Skit and E!Pap hop in to join him, not knowing he was shoved in.
Allsun is already taking the role as lifeguard as the kids start swimming and enjoying this new place, including Killer and his new sons who no longer call him Future Papa but K-Papa. I notice a letter in the water. I pick it up. The bottom righ corner was soaked, making the writing smudge and unable to be read. But it was for Bluescreen.
"Hey, Bluescreen! There's a letter here for ya!"I say
He comes over and looks at it.
"Huh, interesting."He says, then sits towards the center of the raft as he dries off
This will be an interesting break.
"I bet you 5G that some feels and confessions are gonna go down."Deccy says
"Pfft, you're on. It is quite obvious."I say
"An additional G for me if Desire, Faith, Radier or Bluescreen confess first. And not as babies or in a fairytale or something. You got an additional G for each other one for those four confess first."He says
"Alright, wait. How come Shino and Radier are in this? They are quite young."I say
"Good point, they would probably just reach mega best friends."He says
"Ya, I can see that."I say
Allsun blows his whistle when Ghastly pulls Goth into the water by surprise to play with him. Luckily Gradient made sure to make the robot parts water-proof. Science was quite amazed by Goth's new body that the kids made for him, but E!Gaster and the others kept him at a distance, banning him from running tests on this body.
"Now I will get this guy a towel or blanket to dry off like us."Deccy says, leaving with Fresh
Error comes over, gripping the edge of the raft and soaking wet.
"I bEt yOu a chOcOlaTe bAR onE oF tHem wIlL cOnFeSs."He says
We shake on it and I grin.
This will be interesting.
Ya, I think you know what's coming the next few chapters. :3
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