Chapter 42:Case closed?
Two days later, Blueprint's POV
"Sweetie! Come here!"A voice says
I obey.
I crawl to the person who seems to be my caretaker. She puts me on her leg and opens a book. She reads to me The Ugly Duckling story, but not the end. I found that odd. Then she takes another book out.
She flips through the pages carefully. There are pages and pages of photos.
Photos of babies.
Even adults or the elderly.
I look at them all curiously. I do not have a clue where this is going.
"Do you see what all of them have in common?"She asks
"All are pics...."I say
"NO! They all are normal. They don't have weird marks like you."She says, touching my cheek
Not this again.
"Change and fit in."She says in a harsh tone
"O wha?"I ask
She frowns.
Next thing I know, I get the word MISTAKE stamped in red on my skull and tossed into a box. That box was thrown into water. It was another crate. Upon landing in the crate, my wounds start bleeding from my skull again. I start crying from the pain.
I peek through a hole in the crate small enough to look through.
I see a bunch of houses. Familiar houses. Then I see familiar faces.
"Shino! Goth! Pawette!"I shout
"Do you hear something?"Palette asks
"Ya, it sounds like a baby Blueprint."Goth says
Shino doesn't answer the question. She looks around and then to me, er, to the box I'm in.
"There!"She exclaims, running to the land's edge.
Everything starts to darken. I put my head down and shut my eyes.
Many hours later.
"Ugh, jeez, what they do to the kid?"A voice says
"ThEy wErE iDioTs, ThaT's wHaT."Another says
"Well then it's a good thing Shino....him."The first says, cutting out
"YeaH."The other says
"ERROR GET IN HERE!"A third shouts
"Aww, mY tImE...hUh? InKy, wiLl yOu....?"The second asks
"I'll be....."The first says
"!"The other says
Some moments pass. I slowly start to wake up.
"Yes! Got that stamp off! Now to.....him!"The voice says
I slowly open an eye. Everything is blurry.
"Oh! Good! You're up, Blueprint! Everyone was so worried! Well, besides one person....but that doesn't matter! What matters is that you're okay!"A white blur tells me
"Huh? Whaa?"I ask
"Oh right, Shino saw a box and dove in to get it. It took her and her brothers to get it out, but they got it out of the water. Shino opened it up, only to find you inside. She took you to the house before her brothers and Palette even knew that anything was in the box. She found me and I got to help you. I got that stamp off of you, now I just have to replace the bandages on your skull."He says
"Ink...?"I say
"That's me, buddy."He says
I blink a few times. He becomes clearer.
I try to sit up but it hurt too much.
"Easy! You just woke up, don't rush yourself!"He says, putting a hand on my head
I could see the strings tied around his arm as well as bandages.
"How lo was I out?"I ask
"From what I know, from noon to now. Which is.....eight hours. But it may have been longer....Good to see you're up though!"He says
"Bwos?"I say
"Oh right! Bluescreen! Sprinkle! Fury! You can come in now!"Ink calls
The three of them come running in. They look at me. Each of them had different reactions.
"I'll get Blue and Dust."Fury says, running back out
"Who would hurt a baby?"Sprinkle says, then starts checking outside like a guard through the window
Bluescreen crawls over and hugs me close to him. He is in tears, thanking the stars that I am okay. He has a translator, but his crying and quick talking made him unable to be understood. He doesn't let me go, yet holds me gently. I smile and grip him tight.
"It okay, Bwuescween. It ok."I say
He keeps crying.
"Gwadient!"I call
Gradient crawls in.
"Help me make him happy n' stop cwying."I say
He nods. He crawls over and hugs my bro as well.
"It's oVaH nOw. No nEe tO cWy."Gradient says
With us both hugging him, he stops crying.
I smile.
Blue comes in.
"Dust just left with Error. And by that I mean they got dragged out with Cross and Killer by E!Pap."He tells Ink
"Didn't Dalilah seperate him yesterday from Allsun?"Ink says
"Bad luck before weddings, she says."Blue replies
"Wait...Does that mean-?"Ink begins
Dalilah comes in, already dragging Dream along. She grabs them and drags them too.
"Come on kiddos! I got E!Gaster and X!Chara getting the others!"She says
Gradient opens a code screen up. He taps a few things and our clothes change color.
"I thInK iT iS wEddIng tIme. ThEsE cOwoRs aRe dA dWeSs cOdE."He says
Our clothes became black pants with shirts having either shaddes of blue or purple. Basically cool colors was the dress code, no warm colors. Bluescreen helps me up and holds Gradient's hand, causing Gradient to blush a bit. Sprinkle grabs my hand, helping me walk while the other two stumble ahead, learning to walk again. We follow Dalilah out and wait while she takes them in a private room after snatching Geno as well.
"Man, she's just getting everyone."Sprinkle chuckles
They come out, Dalilah having them wear dresses now. We go through a portal to the Midvoid. Radier was like the bouncer or security, making sure we came safely and only those who were invited came. Which is everyone but TJ. He is stuck in the Naughty room, which is basically solitary confinement of the naughty corner. He is locked in a room until further notice. According to Gradient at least. And as I looked around, I could tell nobody is gonna mess with THIS wedding, with everyone who is here being here.
I hold onto Sprinkle as he leads me to the sitting area, which was neatly set up and had each seat reserved for someone. I look around and see a nice line of flowers growing on each side of the aisle. One line was purple, the other was red with a hint of black. There was an arch covered carefully in these flowers. E!Gaster stood under it, Dalilah giving him the job to wed her brother and Killer. E!Pap sat with a violin, ready to play. I recall he said he learned in an AU how to play one and have heard him practicing a song lately. Everyone was starting to sit down, Killer standing under the arch with Cross holding his arm that he tucked behind his back for support. I've never seen Killer so nervous. Everyone was quietly chatting, or flirting in Reaper&Geno's case. I could hear Geno telling Reaper to shut up after complimenting how he looked in the dress. But my focus was soon taken away from all that though.
"Ooo! Blueprint! So good to see that you're okay!"A voice says
I look over and see Shino with Goth, both wearing purple shaded clothes, come over. Shino smiles at me.
"Shino!"I say
Goth releases his grip on Shino. Sprinkle releases my hand. I step closer to her.
"Heya! I knew you'd be ok! You're a strong, tough buddy! You are-oh!"She says, stopped when I hug her
"Thank you. Thank you fo savin' me."I say
"Aww! No problem, Blueprint!"She says
I could FEEL someone staring me down as I hug her. I release her and look around, spotting Radier watching us.
"My brother will be so happy to know that you're okay! He might even find you cute like this, a baby! Then again...He always finds you cute."Shino says
I look at her. She has this clever look in her eye.
"Raven! Come here!"She calls
Sprinkle got taken to his seat by Desire, who was assigned a seat beside him while Palette took Goth to his, who also was "randomly" assigned to sit beside next to him by the shipper that is Dalilah. A shadow casts over us. I look up and it's Raven. I feel unsteady. I fall backwards onto my butt. That was fast, how fast he came.
"Yes, Shino?"He says
"You no longer have to worry about Blueprint! He is right here!"Shino says
I try to get up but fall back down. I look up at him. He looks at me, uncertain and amazed.
"I'll let you two settle in!"Shino says, going to her seat with Radier, who had shut the portal once all the guests were here
"Printy?"Raven says
"Wha is it Rawen?"I ask
I freeze up. I feel my face burn up just from the look he gives me now. He scoops me up.
"Printy! You look adorable! You sound adorable! I'm gonna protect you in every way I can! I will keep that from happening to you again! Ooh, just look at you! So cute!"He says
"Shuddup."I say
He holds me close and kisses me on the head.
"I love you, Printy.~"He says
I go silent, internally screaming. My soul is racing again.
He carries me to his seat, where I find mine right next to his. But he keeps me in his lap with his arms wrapped around me.
E!Pap starts playing, which makes everyone go quiet. I watch Dalilah bring Allsun down the aisle. Allsun has his head down, his face burning. Killer seems to have gotten less nervous. His gaze focuses on Allsun and smiles. The ceremony begins. Ghastly brought the rings over and they happily smile. Then everyone cheer when they kiss. And that's when we all learned what job Dalilah gave X!Chara. That job was to fire flowers at the coupled adults from some cannon hidden on the arch. Many adults were knocked down in their chairs. Error crashed after getting a boquet of flowers to the face. Error, Dust, Dream, Geno, Horror, Encre were all knocked down with their lovers trying to help them.
Yes, great planning Dalilah. 10/10.
Flowers would come loose when fired, so I was able to see some of the kids grab these flowers. Palette caught one and gives it to Goth, making him a blushing mess. Shino gives one to Radier and he got a she-is-so-precious-and-innocent look on his face. Gradient crashes after Bluescreen gave a flower to him. Faith gives Fury one and he hides his face in a purple bandanna. Sprinkle gave Desire one and he just smiles.
Raven catches one and places it in my lap while he holds me in his lap. I feel my face burn up. Everyone gathers, talking, dancing, enjoying themselves and congratulating the newlyweds of course. I smile and it is a lot of fun.
A few days later I sit at a table with Blue and Dust. Dust is trying to complete a puzzle while I play with my Rubix Cube. Blue is watching to make sure no pieces fall to the floor and is still deciding on what he would want to do. I complete the cube and smile proudly.
"I di it!"I say
"Good job, Blueprint!"Blue praises, patting me on the back
"Master cube puzzler here."Dust says
I smile. Blue gets a puzzle and starts piecing it together, placing the box as a barrier to keep Dust's pieces from getting mixed in. Bluescreen, Fury and Sprinkle join in a few minutes later. It's a ton of fun.
Once we were done, I start to walk around through the tunnels to see how the others are doing. Soon I could not walk so I start to crawl around. I chat with Gradient and he seemed uneased. I ask him what's wrong and he points out TJ who was watching us from a dark hallway. I could tell it was him because he has been freaking everyone out lately and I recognize his eye-lights that were focused on us creepily. He must've realized that he got our attention because he gets up and tries to walk past us like nothing happened. I roll a ball in front of his feet, tripping him. I am still annoyed at him for putting us in danger days ago. He groans and shakes his head. Then he walks out of sight. I continue to talk and play with him. But then he stops and stares behind me again.
"Wha?"I ask
"TJ iS gOiNg InTo GeNo's rOoM."He says
I look behind me and sure enough, I see TJ trying to sneak into Geno's room.
"Didn't they have a fight yesterday?"I ask
"SoMeThIng aBoUt TJ bEiNg uP tO nO gOoD, yEs....I dO nOt hAvE a gOoD fEewInG."Gradient says
"Stay here."I say
I crawl over to the doorway. He is moving stuff around, looking for something it seems.
"Hey! TJ! Quit snooping in Geno's woom!"I say
He jumps, looking at me.
"Don't make me get him."I say
He runs out of the room quickly.
"Tch, weirdo."I mutter
Little did I know what TJ really was doing or how bad things would go from this intrusion.
I hear footsteps and crawl back over to Gradient.
"There we go."I say
He smiles.
"Now about you and Bwuescween...."I say
His face burns up.
"BwUepWiNt!"He exclaims
"I know about your wittle kiss and what he told you."I say
"DoeS hE kNow HoW I fEeL?"He asks
"No, I did not snitch on you."I say
"YoU kNow?!"He asks
"It's obvious, bud. I see how you get awound him and how you got when he was taken."I say
He is silent.
"But you can tell him now. It's not like you will get wejected."I say
"Isn'T tHeRe aNoThEr wAy tO tElL hIm?"He asks nervously
"I can help you."I say
He smiles.
"ThAnK yOu."He says
Then I feel two hands lift me up. I look and it's Raven.
"We'Ll fIniSh tHis cHat lAtuh."Gradient says
I nod.
Raven carries me to his room. He puts me in his lap and opens a book. I look at him, remembering the last time someone read me something.
"Do I have to go somewhere?"I ask
"What? No! Why would you say that?"He asks
"The wast time someone wed me somethin', it was to point out that I'm weird and had to leave, then got thwown into a box."I say
"Okay, that's....a good reason."He says
"So I don't?"I ask
"No! I just wanted to read to you a book of puzzles! It's called Brain Games and I thought you'd like it."He says
"Oh! Okay then."I say, resting my head on him
He smiles and starts reading. We play this book's brain games for the rest of the afternoon.
Hardly a week later, I get a feeling of something going wrong. I go to check on everyone, crawling around. I see that Geno seems to be in a great mood, smiling and skipping around. He seemed to be on cloud nine, which is rare. Sure, he gets in good moods and is happy regularly, but not like this.
"And what's gotten you in such a good mood?"Ink/ Skit asks, also noticing this
"No reason."He says, but clearly there is a reason
"Oh, can't say?"Skit says
Geno nods.
"I see."He says with a smirk at Geno
"I'll be back soon. Gotta find a certain place."Geno says
Then he leaves. I don't know why, but something urged me to go after him, so I do. I crawl through the snow, following him. He goes to this clearing and stands under a single tree. He hums, rocking back and forth on his feet. He is clearly waiting for someone to come. I crawl through the snow and climb the tree behind him. I sit, hidden on a branch and wait.
Some moments pass and then there is a rustle from some bushes.
"Reaper?"Geno says, joy filling his voice
No response. Just a syringe shot from another bush into his arm, injecting something into him.
"Agh!"He grunts
"I can't believe you fell for that trick. But you will pay for it."A voice says
In comes TJ. I watch silently.
"I can't move..."Geno mutters
"Just as I wanted. Now, you need to be taken out of the way. You're getting too close to the truth. Can't let that happen."TJ says
I witness TJ pull Geno away from the tree. Geno bites his hand roughly, unable to do anything. TJ cuts him on the head and Geno yelps in pain.
"Don't make me do something you'll regret."TJ says
I couldn't take this.
But what am I gonna do? I'm a baby!
I can't fight.
But I can get help or warn the others. I climb down and back into my snow tunnel. I go through it all the way back to the house. I crawl inside, not even caring to brush the snow off of me. Goth looks at me and frowns.
"What's wrong, Blueprint?"He asks
"Where is Weapa?"I ask
"Out."He says
"Well call him! Geno is in twouble! TJ is attacking him!"I tell him
Goth calls Reaper on a phone. He hands the phone to me.
"Hello?"Reaper says
"Hewwo, Mista Weapa. Get here quickly."I say
"Why? I'm at Outertale and waiting for Geno to show up. He left me a note to meet him there."He says
"I think you were set up with a distwaction. If you don't come soon, there may not be a Geno to meet."I say
"What do you mean?"He asks
"TJ is attacking him. And he paralyzed him."I say
I hear a click.
"He hung up."I say, returning the phone to Goth
I crawl away and go to see what I could find. I put on gloves in order to not tamper with what I may find. I go to Geno's room and find a note that was telling him to meet Reaper at that tree. No wonder Geno was so happy. I set it aside and search the room even more. I check the pillows, finding traces of a chemical on the cases. I set the pillows with the note. I look in the drawers and find a notebook. In the notebook are multiple notes by Geno. He has grown suspicious of TJ and these notes portray signs that TJ is up to something. It's like journal entries of evidence found and such. TJ did say he was getting too close to the truth.
I set the book with the pillows and note. Then I decide to check TJ's room. I slide through a secret passageway and pop out in his room. I scavenge through it and find A TON OF EVIDENCE! He was PLANNING BIG THINGS! I find a gun under his pillow, matching the type of gun that would be able to shoot the bullets that killed Ink. I find notebooks upon notebooks of entries that took note of our every move for each of us and least to say, he was VERY fond of Error while Ink could quote:"Die in a blank pit of hell with his phobia where nobody will even miss or find him".
Then, I find notebooks noting in detail his plan to get rid of Ink, soon Dream for his brother's sake since he saw Cross as a "weaker obstacle than the phsyco Allsun is in love with". Now I find a notebook full of paronoia and noting his suspicions of Geno getting close to the truth, later also writing a detailed plan to get rid of him while keeping Reaper away without the ability to protect him.
Not to mention I found a bunch of clothes covered in gunshot residue, proving that he had used that gun. I know what it is since ever since Blue got falsely arrested, I've been doing crime and forensic research so that if someone else I know gets arrested for the wrong reason, I might be able to help.
I take all these pieces of evidence back to where I gathered the evidence in Geno's room. I look at the amount of evidence. I frown. It is so much, so much against TJ. And the details of it horrified me. Evil does run in Charles' family.
"What's all this?"A voice asks
I look and there is Reaper. And he looks pissed. Sure, he can look calm, but his lack of eye-lights now, his hold on his scythe and the overwhelming aura or vibes of anger from him was enough to know.
"Tell you later. Here is where you must go to help Geno."I say, handing him the note
He reads it and his anger grows. He leaves as quick as he could.
A few moments later Error comes in.
He asks the same question.
"Ewidence against TJ. He is up to no good against Ink, Geno and Dweam. Least to say, I found ewidence that he's Ink's killer."I say
He kneels down and looks through what I found. He reads the notebooks especially. He frowns.
"CrOsS!"He shouts
"What?"Cross calls
"StIcK wIth DrEaM! MaKe sUre hE iS OkaY!"Error says
"Okay? Gladly!"Cross says
"Gah! C-Cross!"Dream yelps seconds later
I could hear Cross chuckle.
"THIS IS NOT FUNNY CRO-mmmh!"Dream exclaims, getting cut off
"Aaand there goes my possibly future father attacking Father Dream with love."Palette says
I smirk.
Skit comes over.
"What's going on Glitchy?"He asks
"StAy wItH mY bRo."Error says
He nods and go off to spend time with E!Pap.
Error picks me up and carries me to the living room. And guess who walks in right as he sets me down?
His knife is gone and so are his clothes that he wore when he attacked Geno, probably thrown away. But there is one thing he could not throw away. The bite mark on his hand.
"Oh! Hello Error and Blueprint. What are you doing up at this hour?"He says, surprised to find us in the living room
"OnE, iT iS 8 o ClOck TJ. NoT maNy aRe aSlEeP rIghT nOw. TwO, WHeRe WeRe yoU jUst nOw? ThReE, GiVe mE a ReAsoN n0t To KiLl yOu rIghT nOw."Error says
"Why would you?"TJ asks
"DoN'T pLay dUmB. I kNoW yOu kIlLeD MY InKy. AnD I kNow yOu aTtAcKed GenO aNd pLaNnEd On hUrtING DreAm."He says
"You have no proof."TJ says
"Oh, bUt tHe noTebOoKs anD eViDeNce fOunD wOuld sAy yOu ArE a LiaR. NoW, aBoUt ThaT rEasOn!"Error says, getting ticked off
I crawl over and yank TJ's hand down. I look at the bite mark.
"Geno! Geno!"I say, pointing to it
"ANd tHe wItnEss iDeNtiFieS mOrE eViDeNce."Error says, using a string to safely pull me from TJ
"I regret nothing."He says
"Oh, tHeRe's tHe laSt mIstAke yOu wIlL EVER MaKe!"Error snaps
He places me in another room beside Raven while he took things outside with TJ. Raven looks at me confusedly.
"How'd you manage to annoy Error off to the point where he kicked ya out?"He asks
"More like TJ did. He just put me here so TJ doesn't hurt me."I say
"What happened?"He asks
I start to explain what happened to him. He nods, understanding now.
Reaper appears in front of us, holding a red scarf with tears in his eyes.
"Is he...?"Raven begins
"No, but I saw enough there to see he was pretty wounded. TJ is hiding him somewhere. Just gotta learn where."Reaper says
I get up and crawl all the way back to the evidence and grab the notebook telling his plan for Geno. I bring it back and flip through the pages. I find the page and show it to Reaper. The unfortunate thing is that TJ had a list of places he may put Geno written down, not just one place. TWELVE. Reaper smiles though.
"Well, there's a start. We know more than he thinks now."He says
"HeY! ReApEr? YoU bAcK fRoM OuTeRtAlE?"Error asks
"Yeah...."Reaper says
"WeLl wOuLd yOu lIkE tO dO tHe hOnOrs wItH TJ? I hAvE hIm oUtSidE!"Error says
Reaper smirks.
"Sure, I'd love to."He says
He goes out and it is dead silent. Then he comes back in with a grin and his scythe covered in new dust.
"I know where he hid Geno!"He says proudly
"Did ya kill him?"Raven asks
"Nah, that coward cut a deal with me. He will tell us whatever we want to know as long as he can go to jail and live until his prison death. Though I made a point for him to not break his word by using my scythe on his unbitten hand."Reaper says
"Why not the bitten one?"Raven asks
"So that there is another permanent reminder of what he did wrong and to not do it again."Reaper says
Raven nods, understanding.
"So, let's go get Geno back!"Raven says, getting up and summoning his scythe
"No."Reaper says sternly
Raven gives him a confused look.
"TJ shared a lot of information. Info that puts your friends and siblings in danger. I'll handle Geno, you go and check around on everyone."Reaper says
"I'll check their piwos!"I say
"Yes, check those."Reaper agrees
"Alright. Just be careful."Raven tells Reaper
Reaper nods.
He leaves through the back door.
I look at Raven and he sighs.
"I really hope Mama Geno is okay."He says
Then he picks me up and we go around to search. By now, E!Gaster has secured the evidence I gathered with X!Chara.
Geno's POV hours later
I slowly wake up and open the one eye that didn't hurt to open. I look around the best I can. I am in some ball. It looks like a giant hamster ball. I see nothing but darkness around the ball, and it is balancing on a spike. I check my wounds. They are multiple slash wounds across my body and over my eye. I look around, trying to figure out where I am. I am partly confused.
If TJ wanted me gone, why did he send me here and not kill me? He had the perfect chance....Unless he has something else planned.
Then I recall stuff he said. Goth is next! I gotta do something about it. I gotta help him. Protect him and the others he said he was gonna go after. He plans to get rid of everyone until Error has nobody.
I start trying to move. I start rocking the ball back and forth. It falls off of the spike and luckily doesn't break. But it kept rolling due to the momentum it built up. I manage to start moving again, the injection wearing off.
The ball rolls right into a hole. Well, I should say a pit since it's pretty deep and the ball takes a while to drop. I just sit in the ball and wait.
It finally lands and starts cracking.
I reach up and push the lid. It pops open and I climb out, landing weakly on my feet. My wounds made me unbalanced and so I drop to one leg once landing. I put my hands out to hold myself up. I push myself back to my feet and take a few steps. I take some more steps, then more and more and more. I quicken my pace, starting to run. I am in some kind of tunnel with a light at the end. Not knowing any other options, I run towards this light. I feel something pierce me through my chest. I hear a gunshot. I drop down to the ground and lay there. Everything hurts and I want to keep going, but right now, I fear moving. And not just from the pain of my current wounds. I shut my eyes and wait.
Minutes pass and I get a sense that nobody is around. I sit up and look down the tunnel where the gunshot came from. There was a trail of footsteps that do not belong to me leading back the way I came. Someone was here. Someone shot me. I check myself and find that now, I have a bullet hole carved into my spine just below my rib cage. I won't stop here though. I can't. I rise to my feet again. I limp towards the light, then feel this overwhelming warm and friendly aura welcome me when I did. I step into this beautiful garden. I limp further and further into the garden, getting away from the tunnel. But then I lose the strength and feeling in my legs, making me drop back down to the ground.
This time I hear footsteps.
Welp, here comes the final blow.
"Oh dear! Geno! What happened to you?"A voice asks
I look up and see someone I've never met, but recognize. I've heard of her from Reaper.
I try to speak but only end up coughing.
"Oh goodness! Here, let me help you!"She says, kneeling down and picking me up
She starts trying to heal my wounds.
"H-How do you know me?"I ask
"Reaper talked so much about you. Geno this, Geno that! He cared a lot about you and from what he has told me, you're very good and we could get along."She says
"Heh, so you're Life? Reaper talked about you too."I say, covering my mouth when I cough again
"Yep. I find that very interesting. Though I didn't exactly picture this as our first meet. Speaking of Reaper, is he around here?"She tells me
"No...."I say
"Then how'd you get here?"She asks
"I dunno....."I say
"With your wounds.....That must have been very difficult. Wait, this is just like the hooded child....Oh dear."She says
I hear those words and panic. Hooded child? My mind instantly goes to Goth. No!
"What hooded child?"I ask
"Oh, there was this young skeleton child wearing a white hood and had wounds all over him. He came with a broken scythe in his grip to help him walk. I came to help him and he thanked me. He was so scared and crying, talking about some TJ guy who wants to hurt his friends. He then found a strange hole in my garden. Someone reached from it, took him and the hole disappeared."She explains
"But don't worry! I'm sure he's safe! Just like you will be soon! And if I know anything about Reaper, he'll be here soon!"She says
"O-Ok..."I say
She starts to heal my wounds. The ones she could see at least.
We chat for a bit. Well, the best I could without coughing or feeling the pain of a wound she could not see. She is very nice. Just like Reaper claimed.
"M-May I go to this hole? Or where it was?"I ask
She nods.
She helps me walk to this empty space of the garden. There was a portal.
"Oh! It's back."She says
I kneel down and try to analyze the code of this portal or "hole". But then a hand grabs me and pulls me through.
"Oh wow! Farewell, Geno! It was nice meeting you!"Life calls after me
But I was not pulled through by a friend or someone welcoming. No, far from it.
Next thing I know I'm getting shoved out of a van with even more wounds than before. The moment my skull hit the ground, I was out cold.
Life continues to tend to her garden, making flowers bloom and grow. She makes trees rise and branch out. She was unaware to the troubles the two nice skeletons she met were facing. No, she simply thought they were recruited by their friends who must really love holes. She thought first about the small skeleton child. He was very shy and hesitant to come near her at first, mostly from fear. But once she introduced herself he came to her, being so sweet, polite and even helped her care for the garden for a bit. But she guesses she reminded him of something bad because when she asked where he came from, he started to tremble in fear and cry all this stuff about his friends and some TJ guy who, personally, she thinks should get to meet Reaper's scythe. She hopes the child is having fun with his hole buddies now. Then there's Geno. He was just like Reaper described, but she really wished they met on better terms. He did not deserve those kinds of wounds. But he was like the child, nice and polite, though not as talkative.
Life notices some of the grass wilting and dying. She knew who is here. She smiles. She turns around.
"Oh hello, Reaper! How are you today? Your little friend Geno is so nice! Just like you said!"She says with her constant warm tone
But then she sees her friend's expression. He seems worried, upset.
"Did something happen? Did I say something wrong?"She asks
"You saw Geno?"He says
"Well, saw is an understatement. I met him. I spoke with him. He says he came through a tunnel of some kind. Oh the poor dear, he was wounded worse than a hooded child that came only moments before him. I am amazed he could even stand. I healed him and talked. Reaper, he was exactly what you described to me, a very nice guy. Then took him to a hole at his request. Someone reached through and took him away, just like with the hooded child."She explains
"Hooded child?"Reaper asks
"Oh you sound like Geno when I told him. Yes, a hooded child came. He was a lil skeleton child with a white hood and broken scythe. He was wounded and scared. I healed him and we talked. He feared someone named TJ hurting his friends, which reminds me.....Geno feared that same guy hurting you or his friends. The child found a hole and got taken through it as well."She tells him
He nods, processing this. Then his phone rings. He answers it and only listens. Life actually saw Death cry.
"What's wrong?"She asks once he tucks his phone away
"Geno is in a hospital according to one of my sons."He says
"You have kids?"She asks
"It's a long story."He says
She thinks up an idea quickly. She walks away and quickly comes back a few moments later.
"Here, this will help him remain stable."She says, extending a special flower she made
He takes out a bag and she drops it in there. He thanks her.
"I look forward to that story at your next visit."She says
He nods and disappears.
Reaper reappears in a hospital room beside Raven and Blueprint.He looks at the bed and his soul sank as deep as a shipwreck to Davy Jones's locker.
"The nurses say some lady found him laying by a mountain hiking trail. He just got stabalized."Raven says
"How bad is it?"He asks
"He's in a coma."Raven says
"Open this bag and put it with him."He says
Raven goes in the bag and takes out the flower. He looks at Reaper confusedly.
"What will this do?"He asks
"Help him."Reaper responds
Raven shrugs and places it by Geno. Geno's hand grips Raven's wrist weakly, but still had some grip.
"I think he knows we're here."Raven says
"Cool."Blueprint says
"It's us, Geno. We're here. You're safe. Raven, Reaper and Blueprint."Raven says
Geno actually smiles for a moment. His other hand starts patting around on the bed, as if searching for something. Reaper goes around the bed and puts his hand down. Geno grabs it without hesitation.
"Hey, Geno."Reaper says
Reaper feels Geno squeeze his hand.
"Ya, that's me."He says
Geno smiles even more.
That made everyone in the room happy.
Hours pass and Dust came to take the kids home. Reaper stays by Geno's side, not wanting to leave.
Those hours turn to a day.
That day gained an s.
Those days become a week.
That week gets an s.
It nearly became a month. But something changed.
Geno starts doing the motion of writing something with his finger. Reaper knows how rare or temporary this could be so he got a pencil with a notepad and gave it to Geno. Eyes still shut, he unconsciously was writing something.
"HeLlO, Mr. WeApA."Gradient says, crawling in with Blueprint
"Hewwo!"Blueprint greets Reaper
Error walks in and sits in a chair beside Reaper, being their supervisor.
"WhaT iS hE wRiTinG?"Error asks
"Dunno."Reaper replies
Gradient grabs Reaper's hand.
"WheRe iS dA DeWicE?"He asks
"Device?"He says
Gradient nods.
Reaper rolls up his sleeve.
"Oh! This!"He says
The device that controls his killing touch.
Gradient tears it off of him and starts messing with it. Reaper quickly tucks his hands away, knowing the risks now.
"I'm recAwwibwAtInG iT fOr aNoThUh aBiwItY."He says, the puts it back on Reaper's wrist
Then, the monitors start beeping. Geno's rates had start racing and then flat-lined.
"JuSt In tImE. ReApEr, pUt yOuR hAnD oN GeNo's hEad."Gradient says
Reaper doesn't know what Gradient expects to happen. But he does it anyway. He puts his hand on Geno's head, at the back and very gently.
"Now what?"He asks
"KeEp iT tHErE."Gradient replies
"oOh! i sEe wHat YoU aRe tRyIng tO cAuSe!"Error says
"Mhm."Gradient says
"But uSuAlLy tHeRe nEeDs eMoTiOnaL fUeL.....ReApEr, dO yOu loVe GeNo?"Error says
"What are you talking about? And what the hell kind of question is that, Error? Of course I love Geno! I love Geno more than anything! Well, the kids too of course, BUT STILL! I-!"Reaper says
"Reaper........"He hears a voice call him softly
"Euweka! It worked!"Blueprint cheers, high-fiving Gradient
Reaper looks to see Geno opening his eye, looking at him. He takes the breathing mask off of himself.
"What's going on? What are you talking about? Is this a hospital? I-"Geno says
Reaper cut him off though. He got so happy and kissed Geno. Geno's face burns up.
"What was that for?!"He asks when Reaper stops
"I'm just so happy you're okay."Reaper says
"Aww, Reaper!"He says, holding his arm gently
"I chAnGeD tHe dEviCe t0 gIve WItTle rEwiwaL cOde iNto wHoevA yOu aRe ToUcHiNg hApPilY."Gradient explains
Geno looks at what he was writing. His eye light shrinks, as if remembering something.
"What's up Geno?"Reaper asks
"Goth got taken by someone called the Big Boss."Geno says
"I sure hope it's wike Zootopia where they aren't so big and spare him."Blueprint says
"I'll gO tElL PaLeTtE."Gradient says, crawling away
Everyone starts moving around, but Geno is forced to stay off his feet. He wants out of the hospital, so Reaper solves this by promising to be his protector. Reaper carries his dear Geno in his arms. Geno was surprised at first, yelling at him like the Tsundere that he is, then calms down and doesn't mind. He feels safe in Reaper's arms. Now they just gotta hope that Goth is okay...Case closed? More like one case shut and another opened.
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