Chapter 41:Skit and Mystery
Three weeks later
After three weeks of being stuck in this forest, a forest ranger finds me. He helps me back to the station, soaking wet from days of endless rain. I have been wandering around, trying to find my way out of here. This ranger is very friendly, kind and caring to me. He thought I was a lost dude in the woods or one that was left behind. He takes me to a station, where he let me call anyone or as many as I needed.
Glitchy would not pick up.
I could not call anyone else because then the ranger gets a call. He says very little and then hangs up.
"What's your name?"He asks after a few moments of silence
"Skit."I say
He nods.
"Let me get you to a bus station."He says
"Okay?"I say
He takes me into a ranger van and drives out of the forest area and the station. He drops me off at a bus station, giving me money since he cannot take the van more than 8 miles from the forest property.
I sit and wait for the bus to come. I hop on and pay the driver, who takes one look at me and smiles.
"I got you covered."He says
I sit in the back in the back of the bus and it gets into motion. I smile. I find some piece at my thoughts. I am one step closer to returning home.
My brother appears very faintly and hugs me.
"You'll find a warm welcome soon enough."He says
I nod and smile.
"I will always be around to help or protect you. You know what to do, my dear brother."He says
Then he fades away. I doze off, being the only one on the bus and able to lay across the seats. I wake up when it pulls to a stop. I sit up and the doors creak open. I head to the door and thank the driver. I climb off and find quite a friendly sight. Ghastly is with Allsun. Ghastly holds a sign saying WELCOME HOME SKIT LINK! with a bunch of hearts and lil doodles around the words.
"Mr. Skit!"He cheers, dropping the sign and hugging me
"Hey, kiddo!"I say
Allsun hugs me as well.
"Good to have ya back, bud. You've missed a lot. And a lot of us have missed you."Allsun says
"Heh, I missed you guys too."I say
"I don't care how soaked you are, it's just so good to have you back!"Ghastly says
I chuckle.
"Wait! Your name sounds like one of Error's nicknames for you! Skit L! Just say the sound of l instead of the letter! Nice!"Ghastly says
I nod.
"Now, let's get you home."Allsun says
We walk through the streets. Ghastly happily asks me questions about what I've been doing the past three weeks. Allsun supervises him and watches over us protectively. I answer his questions and then he excitedly tries to explain to me everything that happened in my absence.
The sun slowly comes up and shines brightly. I see the houses connect like puzzle pieces lining the horizon. I smile.
I feel safe and with those I trust, slow I slip my ring back on. Ghastly looks at me when I do this and smile.
"Oh! Oh! And Error is a whole other thing! He has missed you so much! He refuses to take the ring off or seems to accept that you are gone! He has even searched for you! But his brother told him to stay close so he doesn't get in trouble! He's been crashing more often with you gone and his phobia got worse! He won't let anyone but his brother touch him! He seems to have been having nightmares about you! Mr. Horror is in the naughty corner for telling Error last week to get over it and Mr. Lust joined him yesterday after trying to get Error to find 'other fish in the sea' and move on. But once you come and we PRIVATELY explain everything who you are to him, I'm sure he'll be overjoyed! Maybe he'll crash, but from joy! Everything will be-oh."Ghastly says, pausing
I am confused at why he suddenly stops himself. I look ahead and see Error......With TJ. And by that I mean he is getting kissed by TJ.
Allsun comes beside me. He facepalms.
"Not again...."He says, shaking his head
"Emm, Skit. Don't look at this."Ghastly says, summoning a tentacle to block my view
I bow my head. I look at the ring. It shines in the morning light.
"He said nothing of moving on....I never thought Lust of all people would get through to him."Allsun says
"H-Have they been together much?"I ask
"Not really. Running errands at most."Allsun says
"Actually yes. They've had conversations, hangouts but never official dates. Though TJ has gotten flirty and too touchy with him. I've heard him trying to also convince Error to move on, even stealing his ring while he is busy. We haven't found your shooter, but I'm finding his actions quite suspicious. Brother even says there is an obvious motive. When Error returned with news of your death, TJ was the only one not sad or shocked. He was the first to get over the news, within an hour.....Something is odd about him and I feel that crazy runs in his family from that bad man that took Papa and Uncle Dream."Ghastly explains
I gently lower the tentacle, looking to see how Error reacts to TJ's actions. He hasn't done anything. TJ looks at us, looks me right in the eyes and then kisses Error again. That broke me.
This is what I came home for?
What I came home to?
"Where is home?"I ask
Allsun points in a direction.
"I'll go get his brother."Allsun says
"I will solve the case of the shooter and TJ's weird behavior! Now, please excuse me, I'm gonna go split those two up!"Ghastly says
I head to the house, shaking my head. He has every right to move on if he thinks I'm gone. But this, this still hurts.
"Hey! Both of you! Break it up! TJ! Mr. Error is taken!"Ghastly exclaims
"Yeah, but Ink is dead."TJ says
I glance over.
"That's what you think!"Ghastly says
Error glances at me. We make eye contact. He looks curiously to me. I shake my head, wiping my tears. He summons his strings.
"LiStEn tO tHe kiD, TJ. I bEliEvE iT aS wElL."Error says
I smile a bit, having a good feeling that he still thinks like that. It may be selfish of me, but I am glad he hasn't moved on.
I bump into E!Gaster once I went inside.
"Oh! HeLlO Ink!"He says happily
I look at him.
"How-"I begin
"I'vE kEpT aN eYe oN yoU! GoOd tO hAvE yOu bAcK!"He says
I nod, with a small smile.
"WhY sO uPsEt?"He asks
I glance to the window. He peeks through the curtains.
"Oh. Him gOinG afTeR mY sOn aGaiN, hUh? WeLl, liStEn hErE InK. TJ cAn bUrN iN hElL iF hE thInkS hE cAn tAkE mY sOn FrOm yoU. AnD I wIlL sLap sOmE sEnSe iNto hIm oR mY sOn if He eVeR tRiEs t0 suCceEd aT tHat."He says
I do not say a word.
He comes over to me. He lifts my hand, showing the ring.
"I hElPeD mAKE tHiS rInG.FoR a rEasOn. I fEeL tHaT y0u anD mY s0n aRe beSt f0r eAch oThEr anD I cAn sEe yoUr lOvE fOr eAch oThEr. ThAt lOvE iS gOing NoWhErE InK. I cAn pRomIsE yOu tHaT. You aNd mY sOn wIlL bE jUsT fIne. NoW, cOmE hErE."He says, hugging me
I hug him right back. He allows me to cry but soothes me. I smile and thank him. He releases me and makes sure the ring stays where it is. Then there's a loud bang. I look over, seeing Error in tears and slamming the door shut behind him as he enters.
"InKy iS nOt gOnE! He dId nOt DeSeRvE t0 DiE! FuCk TJ!"He cries
Then he runs up the stairs and slams the door to his room shut.
"WeLp, lOoKs lIkE I hAve aN AsS tO kIcK. PaP! GeT tHe chOcOlAtE bArS aNd uNdErNoVelA rEaDy!"E!Gaster says, then heads outside
E!Pap comes in, looks at me and gets overjoyed.
"Oh! WelComE hOme dEaR fRiEnD! WeLcOmE hOmE!"He cheers, hugging me
"Heh, hello E!Pap."I say
"As y0u miGhT kn0w, GeNo fouNd thE wAy t0 keEp tHe adUlTs As adUltS aNd n0t bAbiEs!"He says to clear up confusion
I nod.
"Ghastly told me."I say
"I fInD iT qUiTe aMusInG tHaT yOu wErE rEbOrN wItH a nAmE rElAtInG tO oNe mY bRo gAvE yOu."He tells me
"Ya.....Speaking of Error, is there any way I can help? He seems upset."I say
"Ya aNd nOw Is NoT a GoOd tImE tO tElL hIm wHo yOu tRuLy aRe. He wIlL sUrElY tHinK yOu'Re lYinG aNd.....YoU kNow. So jUsT sTiCk wIth yOuR nEw nAmE uNtIl hE sEeMs ReAdY. He HaS cRaShEd aNd rEbOoTed sO mAny tImes tHat hE hAs OnLy gOtTen tO tHe AnGeR, DePrEsSioN oR sHoCk AnD iSolAtioN sTaGes oF gRiEf. He hAsn'T rEaChEd aCcEpTanCe, I dOn'T tHinK hE eVeR wIlL, eSpEciAllY wItH cErtAin pEoplE pUsHinG tOo hArd. He Is sTuCk In DenIal aNd tHEiR puShEs jUst mAke hIm mOrE sTuBboRn iN deNiAL."He explains
"Ok, is there anything I can do as Skit to help?"I ask
"YoU cOuLd tAlK tO hIm. MAyBe AlL hE nEeDs rIghT nOw iS sOmEonE tO lIsTeN tO HiM."He says
"I can do that!"I say
He nods.
"NoW, I'lL gEt tHe cHoCoLaTe aNd UndErNovEla. ThAt iS lIke hIs cOmForT sTuFf rIgHt nOw."He says, going to the kitchen
I go up the stairs, walking slowly to Error's room. I think of what to say and what not to say. I knock on the door.
"WhO iS iT?"Error's voice says from the other side, shaking with sadness
Oh, he is crying.
"My name is Skit! I am a friend of Allsun. Your bro sent me up. May I come in?"I say
The door unlocks.
I open it, step in and shut it behind me.
"LeT mE gUeSs, yOu aRe gOnNa tElL mE tO mOvE on, gEt oVeR iT, qUiT gRiEvIg tOo? tHaT mY InKy iS gOnE fOr gOod?"He says
I look at him. My soul sinks. He is wearing my scarf now and is in tears.
"No. I am not here for that. I know for a fact that won't work."I say
"ThEn wHat tHe hElL aRe yOu hErE fOr?"He asks
"To listen."I say
He looks at me in surprise.
"I know you're hurting. I know what it's like to hurt like that. And people telling you to get over it and move on are just like a band-aid over a broken bone. Trying to cover something much bigger than they understand. So, I'm here to listen. Sometimes that's all someone needs. Surely you have a lot to talk about building up in you."I say
He does not say a word. He fires his strings at me, grabbing me from head to ankle. I tense up, thinking I messed up. But then he pulls me over to him, setting me down to sit against him even. He leans against me and just starts talking. He cries and told me everything. Every person, every word said, every thought in his head, every moment, every action, every emotion, all of it. It was like it all just burst out of him like some kid's closet with too much stuff held in it that comes bursting out. But I listen. I don't care how much I have to listen to, this is Glitchy. My Glitchy. And this is what he needs right now.
"I jUsT wIsH hE wOuLd cOmE bAcK sOmEhOw.....BuT tHe mOmEnT I fInd wHo sHoT hIm.....I aM sEnDiNg ThEm rIgHt tO hELL!"He says
I nod.
"I understand that."I say
He looks at me.
"THaNk yOu sKiT. ThAt.....ReAlLy hELpEd."He says
I smile.
"Anytime."I say
He looks at my hand. He gazes at the ring.
"YoU mArRiEd?"He says
"Engaged."I reply
"WhEre's yOuR pArTnEr?"He asks
"Probably not too far away, just like yours."I say
He holds my hand gently.
"Ya....n0t s0 fAr...."He says
I look at him curiously.
Does he know?
"WaNnA bE buDs?"He asks
"Sure!"I say
The next few weeks were great but not great at the same time. I got a spare room set up. I've met everyone again, everyone giving a warm welcome back.
Well, except TJ. He seemed disappointed at my return.
Ghastly has become a lil detective, noticing this behavior and taking note of it. He has been searching for clues, refusing to get anyone involved with him though.
I have been spending time with Error, hanging out, watching UnderNovela, eating at cafes or taco shops together, even stargazing from the rooftop. He pointed out once a constellation that he called "Inkarius". It is a constellation that is like Aquarius, but is me, er, Ink pouring a bucket of paint onto a canvas. A downside is that TJ made sure to try and get him from me or whenever I came to interact with him, TJ made sure to get touchier with him. Majority of the time kissing him or something. It wasn't something I could handle seeing so I'd leave and come back later. Error vents his emotions to me and I listen. I enjoy being back by his side nonetheless.
Besides, his fam supports me. His dad has been purposely keeping TJ busy or working with E!Pap to get us alone time. I only learn about these when they happen though. It's not like I'm in on it. A bunch of these set ups consist of being locked in a room with him, sent to private places, or even public places to meet each other by them. And they have made it clear they don't approve of TJ's behavior. Error's dad, E!Gaster, has been having private "talks" with TJ. Whenever Error is stuck with TJ and he's acting trying to get too close to him, his brother E!Pap will step in and offer some food. 99% of the time TJ's food will have spices that send him running away. Either that or he will pull Error away and keep him from TJ. And other times he will just stand behind Error with this intimidating vibe and expression, sometimes holding a FREE HUGS TJ! sign. And we all know when E!Pap is angry, him and hugs mean nothing good. Plus, when his family isn't around to get TJ to back off, Error ties TJ up in strings and yeets him away.
But then, letters start coming. And not friendly ones. It got to a point that when I go to get the mail and find something addressed to Skit/me without a return address, I would throw it out ASAP. Then I woke up one morning to find a letter on my nightstand. It was not in an envelope, but was labeled with my name. I thought one of my friends simply left a note for me, so I open it.
Dear Skit Link Sans,
I KNOW WHO YOU ARE! You must think you're real clever defeating the odds of death. And you HAD SOME REAL EGO coming back home where you're not wanted. You aren't supposed to exist and yet here you are, back as a new form of a mistake! But if you think I will give up, you're dead wrong. I don't care if I have to kill you a hundred times, I will get what I want. You can kiss your lover goodbye. I will go through many lengths to end you. Watch your back and make smart choices before you regret it. One wrong choice good be deadly for you or those who you love. I am always watching. You have been warned.
P.S. Attatched is a list I made very special for you!
Attatched was a list of flaws the writer sees in me. They listed from my wording, art, appearance or personality. Basically anything about me that could be criticized, was criticized. Plus the writer sent their own "artworks", and by that I mean they sent sketches of me dying or how they will kill me. It scares me, sending chills down my spine. And the insults hit me hard, making me cry. I just set the note back on the nightstand. Then I curl up under the blankets again, not wanting to "make the wrong choice". I wanted this to be just a bad dream.
Then there's a knock on the door.
"Who's there?"I ask
"SkIt? ArE yOu Ok? I hAvE nOt sEeN yOu aLl dAY!"Error says
"Eeeh.....Could be better and could be worse."I say
He pushes the door open and comes in. He sits down. I look at him.
"WhAt's wRoNg?"He asks
I hesitate.
Should I tell him?
He takes the note off the stand and reads it, then the sketches.
"Oh HeLl nO!"He says
He grabs me and pulls me into a hug.
"Huh?"I say
"TheRe iS nO wAy I aM lEtTinG tHaT hApPeN! Do nOt lIsTeN tO ThIs jErK! WhO, iS nOt eVeN BrAvE eNoUgH To sAy wHo tHeY aRe! A cOwArD! YoU aRe nOt a ThInG iN tHat lEtTeR! Or lIsT! AnD I wIlL pReVeNt aNy hArm cOmInG tO yOu."He says
I look at him, then give him a small smile.
"Thank you Error."I say
"WaIt, yOu dIeD aNd cAmE bAcK?"He asks
"Yeah, for my beloved friends and...lover."I say
I look at him and he seems to be considering some things.
"i sEe..."He says
He does not let me go.
"I aM sTayiNG wiTH yOU t0 pRoVe iT!"He says
I nod.
A few hours later, guess who pops their head in?
"What are you doing in here, Error? With him?"TJ asks
"PrOTeCtInG hIm fRom a cOwArDlY aSsHoLe tHat sEnT hIm a fUcKinG dEaTh nOtE."Error says
"Well, why don't you go elsewhere?"TJ says
"AnD wHy tHe hElL wOuLd I dO tHaT?"Error asks
"Because I think you should be spending time with someone with more worth."He says
"Oh! So yOu hAvE aN oPiNiOn? inTeResTing. I dOn'T gIvE a FuCkIng DaMn wHaT yOu tHinK! He iS a sPeCiaL gUy wHo dOes nOt dEsErVe tO hEaR tHat fRom yOu. He iS aN amAzInG sKiTtlE. AnD qUiT fOlLowIng mE! FuCk oFf iF yoU aRe gOnNa sAy tHoSe tHinGs, TJ!"Error snaps
TJ seems surprised, then stomps off.
"BiSh."Error mutters
I feel my face burn at him calling me a skittle. He looks at me.
"WhAt?"He asks
"You reminded me of my lover....He always called me a skittle."I say
He looks at me, narrowing his eyes, then nods.
A few days later....I wake up with Error beside me in bed. I smile. He's kept true to his word. I get up and go out of my room. Almost instantly I feel something zip past my cheek, skimming my cheek. Then a second skims. I look behind me and see two knives stuck in the wall. I feel my cheek and it's bleeding.
I keep walking and feel something dig into my ankles, making me fall forward and down the stairs. What the hell? I look up and from the bottom of the stairs, I could see a sharp-edged thread taped across the wall but so thin that it is hardly visible when looking straight ahead. Seeing it from below is easy though. It's like some barbed wire as skinny as a spider's string. Pieces of bone lay by me like splatters of paint or little chips from a cookie.
"Oww...."I groan
Instantly, I see Error come out, spotting the string, cuts it and runs down the steps to me.
"SkIt! ArE yOu oKaY?! WHaT hApPenEd? Oh gOsh, yOu'rE rEaLlY blEeDinG....AnD yOu fElL dOwn tHe stAiRs....Oh dEaR.....Oh fUck...."He says
He kneels down and wraps his strings around one ankle. Then he wraps more around the other. He looks at me. Then he froze.
"YoU....HaVe aN iNk mArK oN yoUr cHeEk."He says
"Heh, cool. I was wondering when it will return or get uncovered."I say
"UnCoVeReD?"He says
"It's a bit of a story...."I say
"Are yOu OkAY?"He asks
I nod.
"Go0d."He says, holding my hand
I hold his gently, smiling. He smiles right back.
Then he places a hand on my cheek, wrapping strings there too like a patch. He looks at me and starts to lean closer. My soul pounds.
"BrOtHeR! We gOtTa TaLk!"E!Pap shouts
"ComIng BrO!"Error says, stopping
He gets up and goes right back upstairs.
So close.
I get up and wander about. I find a list on the table. It's a grocery list. I think for a few moments. I go to "Ink's" room and go to where I kept all my G. I do not dare touch Broomie. If I take him, Error will get upset or something will go wrong. I come back downstairs and look at the list. Suave comes over.
"I've been putting that list together for a few days."He says
"Why don't I go and get some of it before the list grows too big?"I say
He nods.
"M'Lord won't let me go out of his sight lately. And Jasper is a completely other story."He says
Jasper comes over and hugs Suave.
I take the list.
"According to the list size and my calculations, you should be back in 30 minutes tops. Please don't be late. Tardiness causes a lot of worry around here."Suave tells me
"Okay, Father Time."I say teasingly
"I see M'Lord has already told you about the nickname."Suave chuckles
"Indeed he has. Cya soon, Suave."I say
I head off to the grocery store. I get a few things off of the list and then get down to pasta. Oh I gotta get plenty of that, knowing the Papyruses. I notice a note on the list saying kitchen knives(many have gone missing-I suspect Killer or someone is taking them*Suave). Strange, but alright. Killer does have a history of taking those knives. I head to the pasta aisle but it is completely empty. I stand there with the shopping cart, dumbfounded. I double check the list.
Are we sure that they don't just have a secret stash?
"Need any help sir?"A voice asks
I turn and see a staff member standing beside me.
"Yeah....I can't find the pasta."I say
"Oh! We are always late to restock the shelves. Come on, let's see what we have in storage."He says
I nod, following him. We go to the storage area and I walk through the aisles, searching for the pasta boxes. I hear footsteps and turn to see the "staff member" running at me with a crowbar. Before I could react, he swings and knocks me to the ground. I hit the floor and everything goes black.
Aww crap.
Meanwhile with Error
"WhAt iS iT bRo?"Error asks, entering his brother's room
"ShUt tHe dOoR. I dO nOt wAnT tHat TJ sNoOpInG aRoUnD aNd oVerHeArInG tHiS. He iS sTaRtInG tO gIvE mE a fEeLiNg tHat cRaZy rUnS iN hIs fAmiLy."E!Pap says
Error shuts the door, then sits beside his brother.
"I'vE bEen mEaniNg t0 tEll y0u soMeThInG aBoUt InK. He iS hErE aNd hAs bEen f0r wEekS."E!Pap says
"ReAlLy? WhErE?"Error asks
"PffT, yOu'Ve bEen sPenDiNg s0 muCh tImE wiTh hiM. He's sKiT. AlSo, wHerE iS y0uR rInG?"His brother says
He checks his hands, seeing his ring was gone, but he never took it off.
"I duNno, s0me0onE miGhT hAve taKeN iT....SkiT iS iNk......"He mutters
"He diDn't tElL y0u bEcAuSe I tOlD hiM noT to. You wErE vEry.....uNsTabLe. DiD n0t sEem tHe bEst tiMe t0 tElL yoU."His brother says
Error realizes how right his bro is.He smiles.
Then he has another realization.
"I nEed t0fInD hIm rIgHt nOw! He cOuLd Be iN touBlE! I nEed t0 prOtEcT hiM!"He says, his smile fading
Then he explains what he knows to his bro. Error runs out of the room and searches for Inky or Skit. But his lover was nowhere to be found.
"And he is now 25 minutes late. This is not good."Suave says
"LAtE?"He asks
"He went to the store and should have been back 25 minutes ago."Suave says
Error's phone rings. Hopeful, he answers.
"HeLlO?"He says
"Hey Error. Has TJ come home with Ghastly, Gradient, Blueprint and Bluescreen yet? They left from my taco place an hour ago but won't answer their phones."Blue says
"No....ThEy hAvE nOt."He says
"Suave says it should only take 40 minutes to walk home from here.....Shoot. Dust! I think the kids are in trouble! TJ might be up to no good!"Blue says
"Oh hell nah!"Dust says
"I gotta go, cya Error!"Blue says
Blue hangs up but then another call comes in. He answers.
"HElLo?"He says
"Hello sir. Am I speaking to Error? This is the store manager."A voice says
"Mhm."He says
"You should come here. There is some activity found on security cameras that may interest you. I found your number from a note left in a cart."The voice says
"G0t iT."He says, then hangs up
He heads down to the store. The manager meets with him and goes to the security room. It shows his beloved Inky/Skit wandering through the aisles with a cart and list. He stopped in the empty pasta aisle, seeming confused. The manager pauses the tape, this had already happened after all.
"You know him?"The manager asks
He nods.
"Well someone approached him as a fake staff member. I found two actual staff members of mine tied up and beaten in a janitor's closet."The manager says, playing it
The manager plays it.
He watches as a random guy approaches Skit and leads him away. They go into the storage area and only the dude comes out, with a bloody crowbar. He has a bad feeling.
"HaS aNyoNe chEckEd tHeRe?"He asks
"All I found was a pool of blood, pieces of bone and tire tracks. But not truck tire tracks from unloading supplies from trucks, more like a van. I think he got taken elsewhere."The manager says
"AnD yOu cAlLed mE tO exPlaIn tHis aNd nOt tHe cOpS fiRsT bEcAuSe?"He asks
"Because I thought someone close to him should know. Then when the cops come, it will be easier for someone to give tips on how to locate that guy."The manager says
He nods, understanding. Now the manager goes to call the cops. He has only one question now. Two actually.
Where is he and where is the culprits so I can kick their asses?
Then the questions just branch off from those.
Back to Ink!
Cold water is poured onto me, waking me up. Many of my wounds start stinging and screaming. I try to open my eyes but it hurt too much so I keep them shut. I start coughing and choke something out. Might be blood. Might be ink. Might be both. I don't know. Then I feel a hand grab me roughly.
"Get in the crate."A voice says
Then I get shoved into a wooden space. I frown, knowing this must be a crate. I pull myself into the crate. I hear them shut it behind me and hammer with nails to lock it in. I feel four pairs of tiny hands gently grab me.
"Skit!"One tiny voice cheers
"InK!"Another cheers
"Oh dear! You're wounded!"A third says
Another is a small voice that I recognize but can't decipher.
"Hello? Kiddos? What are you doig here?"I ask
"TJ toOk uS."Gradient says
"We were close to solving your case and TJ sent us here! Least to say we know where the stuff that made you all babies came fwom."Ghastly says
"Oh, I see."I say, getting the idea
"I fOuNd EwwA's wInG hErE."Gradient says, placing something in my hand
It feels like a ring. I nod and tuck it in my pocket. I feel the crate start getting into motion, like feeling the bumps from riding a truck. I can hear a clinging sound, like the clash of metal. The kids grip me a bit tighter, scared. I scoop them up, holding them in my lap or arms. This seems to give them some security because they held onto me, snuggling up into my hold and crying less.
We pull to a stop and I hear dead silence. That put all of us at unease. Then I hear someone starting to pry the crate open. I put the four kids behind me protectively. A feel someone starts reaching in, grabbing me. I whack their hand away blindly.
The hand returns and grabs my head. I blindly reach up and grab it.
"Whoever you are, please don't hurt the kids. Leave them alone. Don bring them into this. Please."I say
"Ink? Skit?"A voice says
I recognize the voice.
"Blue?"I say, looking up
"Oh dear! You are wounded badly! Here! Let me help you!"He says, grabbing me gently
"Wait!"I say
I turn around, scoop the kids back into my arms and shakily rise to my feet. Blue pries the crate apart and gently helps me limp out of it by holding my arm. I smile and he sets me down.
"Blue? Blue? Where are you?"Dust shouts as Blue starts to bandage me up
"I'm outside! I got Skit and the kids!"Blue shouts back
"It will be okay."Ghastly says
Bluescreen and Blueprint rest against me while Gradient rests on my arms with Ghastly.
"Oh dear, are you sure you didn't bandage him too much?"Dust asks
"Well he was quite wounded and couldn't see."Blue replies
"Oh jeez. I will call Error."Dust says
Some time passes and then we hear sirens. Dust and Blue sit on both sides of me.
"Where's the caller?"A voice calls
"I'll go find them."Dust says, being the caller
He leaves and Blue sits beside me. He now holds Blueprint and Bluescreen in his arms. I smile. I can hear Blueprint talking to Blue while Bluescreen peacefully rests now. I can hear Ghastly and Gradient dozing off in my arms. Then I hear running footsteps. A hand slams on my shoulder.
"OW!"I yelp
"Easy, he got wounded badly."Blue says
"SoRrY, I jUst gOt ExCiTED."A familiar voice says
"Oh really?"Blue says
"Mhm."The voice replies
"Alrighty."Blue says
"I hAvE sOmE iNfO aNd I wAnT tO kNow iF iT's rIgHt. I KnoW hOw tO tEsT iT tOo."The voice says
"E-Error?"I stutter, feeling him wrap his arms around me
I feel him lean in and start kissing me. At my neck. My face burns up. My soul pounds.
"A-Aaah, mmm. E-E-E-Error! Please!"I stutter, huffing a bit
"seNsItIvE tHeRe?"He asks
"Y-Yes Glitchy."I say
"I lovE tHaT nIcKnAmE, InkY, oR sHoUlD I sAy SkiTtLe?"He says
"You know Skit is me now, huh?"I say
"YeP."He says
I smile.
"I'm sO gLaD yOu arE oKaY! I'M sO gLad You'Re hErE! I mIsSeD yOu! I lOVe yOu InKy!"He says, hugging me
"I love you too."I tell him
"I wIlL kilL wHoEvEr iS tRyIng tO kIlL yOu!"Error says
"Error! The cops are nearby!"Blue says
"OoPs."He says
The kids remain asleep.
"WhAt hApPeNeD tO yOu?"He asks
"I went to the storage with someone who I thought was a staff member, then he knocked me out with a crobar. I woke up unable to see and feeling wounded, then was put in a crate with the kids."I explain
"Who became babies."Blue says
"AnD y0u cAmE bAck h0w?"He asks
"Mistuh Reapa helped him and then he was stuck in a fowest for weeks. A ranger found him and sent him on a bus where Papa and I picked him up, taking him home."Ghastly says
"Well look who's up!"I chuckle
"Yep! And Ewwa, he saw your wittle kiss with TJ. That's why I came over and bwoke you apart. Remember I said that's what you think when he said Ink was dead?"Ghastly says
"Oh rIghT. BlEgh. SorRy yOu hAd To sEe tHat aS a WeLcoMe bAcK sIghT."He says
"I see that look in your eyes, sir. Just do it."Ghastly says, crawling out of my arm
"I'm coming to you, Mistuh Bwue!"Ghastly says
I feel someone shift me into their lap.
"E-Error? G-G-Glitchy?"I say nervously
I feel him rest a hand on my chin, guiding me to look in a certain direction. Then, I feel him kiss me. I feel my face burn and soul race. He wraps his arms around me and then kisses my neck again.
"Glitchy!"I exclaim
He chuckles.
"WaIt.....sInCe WhEn cOulD gRaDiENt floAt?"Error asks
I feel Gradient start to leave my hold.
"No! Gwadient!"A voice exclaims
I then feel two little babies land in my arms.
"BwUescwEen! WhA-?"Gradient begins
"You were being taken! I can't let them take you!"Bluescreen says
"Bwuescween...."Gradient says
"I wuv you Gwadient."Bluescreen says
"WeLl tHat wAs aDoRabLe."Error says
"h-Huh?"Gradient says in surprise
There is a crashing sound.
"WeLl hE cRaShEd."He says
"The suspects got away. Is everyone okay here?"A voice asks
"Yes, officer."Blue says
"Blue!"Dust cheers
"Hey, Dust!"Blue says
"Look out!"Dust says
"Put your hands in the air!"The cop says
"Aww, you people are no fun."A voice says
"Let go!"Blue snaps
"We'll be on our way now."The voice says
Blue falls silent.
"Blue!"Dust yells, full of anger
"Stay back sir."The cop says
Footsteps are fading, growing distant.
"Neva hurt Mistuh Bwue!"Ghastly snaps
"What kind of baby is that?"The cop says in shock
"A go0d oNe."Error says
"Blue!"Dust shouts
I hear running footsteps and then a skidding sound.
"Blue, wake up. Come on. Please, wake up!"Dust says
"Wait....Bwuepwint?"Ghastly wonders
"Shoot, we're missing a baby?"The cop says
"He won't wake up!"Dust says
"HaVe yOu tRieD tHe SuPeR sEnTeNcEs?"Error asks
"I already did the Taco Tuesday! It didn't work!"Dust says
"AlrIgHt. BlUe, iT'S rAiNinG tAcOs."Error says
Nothing but silence.
"ThAt uSuaLlY wOrKs....."Error says
"Are those the only two you both know?"I ask
"Yep."Dust says
"Mhm."Error says
"Wow, so you haven't learned the third?"I ask
"There's a third?"Dust asks
"Yep."I say
"TeLl aWaY, SkiTtLe."He says
I smile.
"Quick Blue! Dust got himself in trouble!"I say
I hear some attacks get summoned.
"What?!"Blue snaps, waking up
"HeY! ThAt wOrkEd!"Error says
"Awww, Blue!"Dust says
"Wait...You're okay Dust?"Blue says
"Clever. You all are close huh?"The cop says
"Mhm."I say
"Well, I'll report to my station and alert them on what happened."The cop says, walking away
"Bwuepwint! Bwuepwint! Where are you?"Ghastly calls
He gets no answer.
"Bwuepwint got taken......"He mutters
I feel a tiny hand grab my arm. Then someone climbs into my arms.
"Bwuepwint......Fwend......gone...."Ghastly says softly, sniffling
"AwW, GhAstLy! No cRy! It oK! It Ok!"Gradient says
"Mhm!"Bluescreen says
I feel a shift in my arms and it feels like the two are hugging Ghastly.
"I sure am ok! I'm just glad you are! Now come here!"Dust says
"Huh? Then why'd Ink say-!"Blue says, getting cut off
"AaND ThEy aRe kIsSinG."Error says, followed by a chuckle
"Home?"Ghastly says
"Ok. GuYs! KiSs bAcK aT tHe hOusE! GhaStLy wAnTs tO gO hOmE!"Error says
"Okay!"Dust says
"Dust! What are you picking me up for? I'm fine!"Blue says
"For safety and love."Dust says
"AnD aWaY wE gO sHoRtIe!"Error says, picking me up
"Hey! I got a bit taller!"I say
"Ya! A BiT!"He says with a chuckle as he carries me
"Good to see you have not changed."I say
"WhY wOulD I?"He asks
I hold one of his hands gently.
"WhAt aRe YoU dOinG?"He asks
"NoThiNg."I say as I slip his ring back on
He shrugs, then keeps moving. I hold his hand and smile while the lil ones hold onto me, sitting on my arms.
"Brother!"Étoile cheers
I feel Ghastly get lifted from my grasp.
His big brother instantly starts caring for him and cheering him up. He may not have ever dealt with Ghastly as a baby, but boy does his caring instincts kick in naturally. I can hear Ghastly laughing thanks to him. I feel Bluescreen get lifted away by Sprinkle and Fury, who want to help by checking for wounds on him. Gradient stays with me though. He gripped on tight, making it impossible not to. Then I get lifted from Error's hold by his brother, who wants to check my condition. That's when Glitchy realized his ring was back on.
"InKy! YoU sNeAkY liL sKiTtLE!"He snaps
I chuckle.
Suave removes the bandages and uses a kit to aid me properly and so I could open my eyes. Then I hear Raven.
"Where's Printy?"He asks
Nobody answers him. Nobody knows. Well, someone does. And others will learn. Gradient, although being a lil baby, already is checking code and doing some tricks while he sits in my lap. Bluescreen crawls in and hugs Gradient, which then became a grab-Gradient-and-go. Bluescreen carries Gradient away.
"Dinner time!"He says
Suave helps me get to the table. That dinner was very awkward and quite tense in a way or two. We all quietly ate our food, chatting a bit or trying to plan. But the tension in the room built up when TJ enters the room, his clothes covered in red stains, holding Blueprint's scarf, and sits down casually beside Error. Everyone just glared at him, silent. Some were suspicious, other were angry. Suave was upset that he dared come late to dinner in such messy conditions. Raven snatches Blueprint's scarf from him. The new babies sat in baby chairs the other kids built for them. Gradient was still working away while sipping from a bottle. Bluescreen looks at him in surprise and a how-the-hell-did-you-get-that-? look. Ghastly made it very clear how he felt when he used his spoon to catapult a meatball at TJ, landing right smack in his eyehole.
"Yay! Hole in one on the jerk hole!"He says
TJ looks at him while the kids laugh at this sight. Ghastly innocently eats his food like nothing happened. Then TJ starts getting touchy with Error while he was having the spaghetti his brother made.
"Don'T tOUcH mE!"He snaps, slapping TJ's hands away
"If this is about Ink again, he is-"TJ begins
"RiGhT hErE!"Error cuts him off, holding my hand
TJ gave me the nastiest look. It was almost deadly. I look away and keep eating. Suave sent him away to get dressed properly.
"Ooo! Oo!"Gradient says suddenly
"What is it, Gradient?"I ask
"FounD!"He cheers, then shows me his tiny screen
It has a tiny dot glowing on some map. It is labeled Blueprint and in the corner are the coordinates. He looks at me with this hopeful look in his eyes. The did-I-do-good-? kind of look.
"Good job, Gradient!"I say
He smiles proudly.
"WhAt dId hE dO?"Error asks
"Find Blueprint."I say
"Oh! GreAt jOb, kIdDo!"Error says
Gradient smiles even more. Bluescreen gives him a spare meatball and a hug. Gradient seems as happy as he can be right now.
Raven didn't hear though, he was helping Suave dislodge the meatball in TJ's eyehole.
Blueprint will be ok.
"The mystery is nearwy solved!"Ghastly says
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