Chapter 40:Mine!
Ink's POV
I sit in Outertale, finishing a drawing. I flip to a new page and make the base for a head. I look around, but I had drawn everyone here.
What can I draw now? Who can I draw? I have another hour before he wants me to move onto another AU.
I look up at the sky and see the hundreds of beautiful stars.
Constellations? Worth a shot.
I look around at the stars, trying to spot constellations. I couldn't find any of the common ones so I look for ones I could make up. I find some and get to work. I smile, finding this fun.
"Stargazing again huh? You always were a fan of Outertale."A voice says
A beloved voice I have not heard in a while.
I turn my head and see my brother sitting on the ledge, smiling at me.
"Pap? What are you doing here?"I ask
"What? I can't come and check on my favorite brother?"He asks, giving me a skull noogie
"I'm your only brother!"I say, chuckling
He laughs sweetly.
"You know you can always talk to me. Just mutter my name three times."He says
"So what brings you here?"I ask
"I noticed some jerk mistreating my brother and came to help. Things aren't what they seem, Ink."He says
"Oh! The collar is no big deal."I assure him
"But messing with your memory is."He says
"What are you talking about?"I ask
Something on his wrist beeps.
"I gotta go handle some things, just do me a favor and try to sketch that constellation right there."He says, pointing up at the sky
I look up at the bunch of stars.
"What do you see?"He asks
"A constellation of Glitchy!"I say, then excitedly get to work on it
"That's my brother."He says
I look at him and he fades away.
"I love you bro."I say
I keep checking the constellation and drawing it. Then I hear a yell growing louder. I look up and get knocked to the ground, the sketchbook flying from my hands. I tumble and roll across the ground, hearing someone grunt with every movement. I couldn't make sense of my surroundings. But then a hand is put down, stopping us. I hold back the urge to puke, feeling dizzy and confused. An arm is under my skull, having sheltered my head from all the rolling. I look up and feel like all the air got knocked out of me.
"Oh jEeZ. InK!PaP ReAlLy hAs a WaY oF mEsSiNg wItH mE. FrEaKiNg yEEtEd mE aCrOsS oUtErTaLe! HeY, I'M rEaLlY sOrRy-"He begins
"Glitchy?"I say
He looks at me, making a realization. He smiles, his face turning a bright yellow.
"H-HeY InKy."He says
"How is this possible? What are you doing here?"I ask, tears filling my eyes
"NoThInG cAn kEeP mE fRoM yOu, InKy. I lOvE yOu tOo mUcH tO lOsE yOu."He says
I smile.
"NoW....LeT mE sEe mY sTaR sHiNe LiKe a RaInbOw.~"He says, leaning in
I feel my soul skip beats and my face burn up. Then common logic and sense kicked in.
"No, this can't be real.....I must be dreaming. You aren't here."I say, turning my head away
"If iT wAsN'T rEal, ArE yOu aWaKe?"He says
"Yes, I'm awake....At least I think I am."I say
"ThEn hOw WoUlD I bE hErE tO gIvE yOu tHiS iF YoU wErE dReaMinG aNd I aM nOt heRe?"He says, then kisses my neck above the monitor
My face burns up, feeling him kiss my neck affectionately. He grips my hand tightly, his face a glowing yellow while I know mine must be rainbow.
"Aaah, G-Glitchy......He knows I am sensitive t-there."I say
"suRe dO."He says, then continues
My face burns even more.
"ThErE's tHat rAiNboW.~"He says
"You can't be here! You are dead! I saw you die!"I cry
He gets off of me.
"WhaT?"He asks
I sit up and hug my knees.
"I saw you die, Glitchy...You got caught by Renew and Cipher took away your abilities......Sh-She stabbed you so many times.....Cipher restrained me from doing anything but watch.....Then she cut your head clean off of you and set the place on fire. You got brutally killed.....This doesn't make sense."I cry, shaking my head at the memory
Or what I thought was a memory.
I feel a hand on my shoulder. Glitchy looks at me with a comforting hand on my shoulder.
"Y-Your phobia-"I begin
"FuCk pHobIaS."He says
"Nothing seems to make sense anymore."I sigh
"NoT eVeRyThIng iS wHat ThEy sEeM. I aM hErE fOr yOu, InKy."He says
I look at him and smile.
"You're really here, huh?"I say
He nods, then hugs me gently.
"HoW'D yoU eNd uP lIkE ThIs iF I dIeD?"He asks
"Oh, someone came and took me out of the fire. I have to serve him until further notice to repay him he says."I say
"AnD iF yOu dOn'T?"He asks
I point to the monitor.
"This goes off."I say
He frowns, glaring at it. He looks very upset now that he knows what it is. He fires his strings at it, wrapping tightly around it between my neck and its metal.
"NoT fOr LonG."He says
"No! Don't! Please."I say
He looks at me confusedly.
"If this comes off, it sends a signal to him and then something worse will happen."I say
His strings slip away.
He seems to be perplexed, unsure of what to do. I lay down.
"WhAt aRe yOu dOinG?"He asks
"Stargazing."I say
"Oh, tHaT's eAsY. I cAn dO tHat aLl dAy."He says, laying down beside me
It goes quiet. I glance at him and see he's gazing at me. He smiles. My face burns up again.
"The actual stars, silly!"I say
"OoH! OopS!"He says with a chuckle
We stargaze, pointing out constellations to each other. Multiple times he pointed to me.
"HeY, iF yoU dIdn'T wAnT tO bE pOinTeD oUt, mAyBe dOn'T cAlL yOurSelF a StaR SaNs.~"He would say with a chuckle each time I called him out on it
I smile, enjoying this. Then we both point to the same constellation.
"ThAt lOokS lIke a HEaRt."We said together
We look at each other. He smiles and rolls closer to me. He starts kissing my neck again.
"Glitchy!"I exclaim, my face burning up
He keeps going.
"Aaah, G-Glitchy.....Mmh, easy! S-Sensitive! Glitchy!"I cry out
He stops.
"It sEeMs I gOt yOuR aTtEnTioN."He says
"No kidding!"I say, crossing my arms
"WhErE's yOur oThEr HaNd?"He asks
"Dunno."I say
"WeLl, I'd aLwAys bE gLad tO lEnD a hELpInG hAnD."He says, digging into his pocket
"INK!"A voice exclaims
I sit up and spot him. Tony, the guy who put this monitor on me and who I must serve. He comes stomping over and glares down at me.
"What are you doing?"He asks with a nasty tone
"Stargazing."I say
His mood seems to sway at my answer.
"Ah, how sweet. Now, why don't you come back with me?"He says
I know that isn't a question. It's an order. Kinda like if a parent asks a kid to clean their(the kid's) room, they aren't really asking, but telling the kid.
"H-How come, if I may ask? It hasn't been an hour yet. Just 45 minutes. I still have 15 minutes to be here."I say
"I came up with another idea. And I think I want to try it as soon as possible. You might like it, you'll get a break from that monitor, though things may get a little sensitive."He says, placing a hand on my chin
"NuH-Uh! He iS gOinG nOwHerE wItH yOu!"Glitchy snaps, grabbing the fabric of my dress
"Let's go now."He says, as if he didn't hear Glitchy
I begin to doubt if he is here again.
But I also begin to question if he ever died. So many questions and my head is scrambling memory again. My head starts to ache.
"No te preocupes, Ink. Tengo un plan para ti. Así que solo olvida, olvida, olvida tu Glitchy. No te preocupes. Tengo un plan para ti. Así que solo escúchame. Obedeceme. Olvidar olvidar. Todo estará bien.No te preocupes, Ink. Tengo un plan para ti. Así que solo olvida, olvida, olvida tu Glitchy. No te preocupes. Tengo un plan para ti. Así que solo escúchame. Obedeceme. Olvidar olvidar. Todo estará bien."He sings to me
My memories get reestablished. I see once more the memory of Glitchy dying, starting to cry.
Tony scoops me up and carries me away.
He takes me inside this old cobblestone building. It was small and in ruins, seeming ready to break at any moment.
"Now, if you want the monitor off, you will go to your room and fix the mistakes in these sketches!"He snaps, shoving the sketchbook to me and dropping me
I do not object or say a word. I run up the wobbly steps to my room. I toss the sketchbook aside and drop onto my bed, which was really just a box with a blanket on it. I sigh. I really wished that was really Error.
"Brother, you are amazing. You have let nobody in the past mess with your memory but now you let this guy fake your Glitchy's death?"A voice says
I look and see my brother there, floating with the sketchbook in his hold.
"What are you really talking about?"I ask
"Okay, I will start smaller. You're the one who told me that nothing is a mistake, just unique pieces of art. So why are you letting this guy tell you otherwise?"He asks
"Because he can kill me."I say
He pauses.
"Well, just look at these! These look wonderfully unique, not mistakes as he circled!"He says
He hands me the sketchbook. In red circles are mistakes. Some had Glitchy in the background, blurred, others had his hand peeking in or his eyes. He was always put in the sketches. I had forgotten that I put these details in but like to, since it sends me into Happy Memory Lane. But he seems to hate anything that has to do with Glitchy, all of these details having red circles labeled as mistakes.
"I'm not removing these."I say
"That's my brother! Now, take my advice and take off your gloves."He says
I nod and take off the gloves. I see on my bones a message written on them in sharpie.
Hey Future Ink! Do not listen to anyone that makes you wear a monitor! GLITCHY LIVES! Your memory was messed with! Glitchy may have your hand! Get out of there ASAP!-Past Ink
I sit down and shake my head. Memories are getting sorted. My brother places the blanket on me, taking the sketchbook.
"Rest. Let your mind remake itself with the truth. Break free from the trance. I will handle what I can."He says
I nod and doze off.
When I wake up, I'm in a proper bed beside Tony with another dress on. I climb out of the bed and quickly try to leave the room.
"Where do you think you're going?"He asks
"To my Glitchy."I say
There is a pound at the door.
"He's dead, remember?"He says
"When you had me under a trance, sure. But no."I say, continuing to move
I grab the doorknob, hearing pounding on the other side.
"LeT mE In nOw!"Glitchy's voice demands
"Glitchy, there's no need to come in. I am coming out."I say
Then I get shoved against the door.
"Clearly you forgot who has power here. I can still put you under that trance again."Tony says
I try to shove him off of me. I turn and he pins my arms against the door.
"No te preocupes, Ink. Tengo un plan para ti. Así que solo olvida, olvida, olvida tu Glitchy. No te preocupes. Tengo un plan para ti. Así que solo escúchame. Obedeceme. Olvidar olvidar. Todo estará bien.No te preocupes, Ink. Tengo un plan para ti. Así que solo olvida, olvida, olvida tu Glitchy. No te preocupes. Tengo un plan para ti. Así que solo escúchame. Obedeceme. Olvidar olvidar. Todo estará bien."He sings with a cocky tone
I frown, feeling my memories get messed with again.
"No te pre0cuPeS, InKy. TeNgo am0r p0r tí. Así qUe recUErda, RecueRDa, recUERda quE s0y tU GliTcHy. No te prEOCupes. TenGO amOR p0r tí. Así quE sol0 escúchAMe. No le obeDEZcaS. ReCUErda reCUErdA. T0do va a estAr bIEn. No te preoCUPes, InkY. TEngo amOR por tí. Así quE reCUerda, REcuerda, recUErda qUe s0y tU GliTChy. No te pREOcupES. Tengo amOR p0r tí. Así qUE sOLo eScúcHAMe. No le oBEDezCas. ReCUerDA recueRDA. ToDO va a estAR biEN."Glitchy's voice sings through the door
(Don't worry, Ink. I have love for you. So just remember, remember, remember that I'm your Glitchy. Do not worry. I have love for you. So just listen to me. Don't obey him. Remember remember. Everything will be fine. Don't worry, Ink. I have love for you. So just remember, remember, remember that I'm your Glitchy. Do not worry. I have love for you. So just listen to me. Don't obey him. Remember Remember. Everything will be fine.)
"Shut up, you."Tony says
"InKy iS mInE aNd y0u dO nOT mESs wItH mY INkY!"He says
Tony grabs my monitor by my neck. He taps it twice and I see it glow red onto his hand. Then I feel electric shocks run through me. I yell and cry in pain.
"InKy!"Error snaps
Tony forces me away from the door.
"Let me go!"I snap
He takes a knife and slashes my face.
"Shut it!"He snaps
The door is knocked open. I see Glitchy come in quickly. Tony holds me close, almost like a shield.
"G-G-Glitchy..."I cry in pain
I couldn't move.
"GeT yOuR fUcKinG hAnDs oFf oF hIm!"Error snaps
"Or what? What could you possibly do no-"Tony begins
Error fires his strings, grabbing me and yanking me away from Tony.
"UsE mY sTrInGs duH."He says
I look at him. He tears the monitor off of me, which made me feel some kind of relief.
"AnD sHoW hIm lOvE tO rEplAcE tHe pAiN yOu cAuSed."He says, then starts kissing my neck
"Glitchy!"I yelp, my face burning up
He starts kissing lower and lower since more of my body is exposed, like my shoulders and arms. He puts my hand back in place and ties it with a string to hold it there. My face is a burning, blushing mess. He returns to my neck and gets really affectionate there again.
"ThIs raInBoW iS mInE!"He says
"Is he?"Tony asks, snapping his fingers
I find myself back in Tony's tight grip. He reaches down the back of my dress and feels my spine. He removes something from it, then pulls his hand out with a small gadget in his hand.
"According to this, he's mine."Tony says
"No he iS nOT!"Error snaps
"I'm Glitchy's. And Glitchy is mine."I say, wanting to have a say in this
Tony kneels down and puts his head under my dress.
"GET OUT FROM THERE!"Glitchy and I snap at him
I feel him tie something to my ankles, feeling very heavy.
"Nah, I think you're really the river's."Tony says
"Huh?"I say
He presses a button and the door drops like a flap from under me, shutting above me once I fell through as if nothing happened. I hit the water with a splash and I see cinder blocks were tied to my ankles, making me sink into the water quicker and get tossed around my the water current. I try to yell and fight the current, but got nowhere with that. i lose consciousness and limp.
That is, until I got lifted out of the water by a fishing hook caught on the string around my wrist. I slowly come to consciousness and then feel a hand pound on my chest, making me wake up. I find a skeleton untying the cinder blocks from my ankles. I sit up, still trying to figure out my situation.
"Tha-"I begin
"I see my package came."He says, grabbing me by the wrist
"W-What?"I say
"Oh where are my manners? I'm Harold, and you're coming with me. You are mine now."He says
I remember Dream or Suave talking about a bad dude by the name of Harold. I frown. Then he puts his hands on my head and tries to pull me into a kiss.
"Hell no!"I snap
I swing my leg, kicking him. Then I make a run for it. I keep running but then he grabs me by the arm.
"Don't make me kill you. I am trying to love you."He says
"I don't need or want your love! I have a lover! I have a boyfriend! Keep your hands off of me!"I tell him, trying to tear away
"No ring, no lover, you're free for the taking."He says, then punches me
I get knocked out.
I hear footsteps soon enough. I look around and see two figures. I walk closer, finding my brother talking to Dream. Dream looks at me, then runs to me and hugs me.
"Are you ok?"He asks
"Harold got me, so I don't know how ok I can consider that...."I say
"Well then you can join the not ok boat. Dream and Allsun have been taken again. I've been discussing stuff with them to get them to safety. "My brother says
Dream fades away. Now Allsun fades into sight. He looks at me and hugs me as well.
"What's your situation?"He asks
"He's stuck with Harold."My brother says
"Fuck!"He says
"Meanwhile you're floating down a river as a baby in a basket."My brother says
"Yeah, but that's better than being with someone as crazy as Harold! You get out of there ASAP, Ink!"He tells me
I nod.
Allsun fades away as well. Now Killer fades in.
"What's your situation?"I ask him
"I am searching for Nighty."He says
"And by that he means he put himself in a basket in the river with a frying pan as an oar."My brother says
"I'm sailing in search of him! And a frying pan is a better oar than Cross using a spatula! The water goes right through it!"Killer says
"Okay, well there aren't any updates on either of their positions. Tell Cross that before he tries to come."My brother says
"What's happening with you, Ink?"Killer asks
"He's stuck with Harold."My brother says
"Oh hell nah. I'd give you a knife if I could but I don't think that would work between the unconscious and conscious worlds."He says
Then he fades away.
"Everything is gonna be okay, Ink."My brother says, hugging me
"I know...."I say
"I'll just take your location from you."He says, tapping me on the head
"And now to enter your boyfriend's dreams! They have been quite interesting lately! I wonder if one will come true soon!"He says
"Huh? What are you talking about?"I ask
"I'm sure you'll find out soon. Cya brother."He says
Then I wake up. I find myself once again in a bed wearing different clothes. I look to my right, seeing Harold asleep beside me. These a-holes really like to dress me up, huh? No matter. I get out of bed, spotting something on the wall. It was a board of post-its and pictures. I could read some of notes. Then I realize this is his enire plan! I carefully and quietly take it off the wall, carrying it as I sneak out of there. I get outside and make sure I get a good distance before I release even a sigh of relief.
"Pap, Pap, Pap!"I say
My brother appears.
"What's up, Ink? What do you have there?"He asks
"Tell the others I'm sending a board with a plan that I found. And to take caution, some of these things are aimed to hurt and target them."I say
He smiles and nods.
I snap and teleport the board away.
"Where do you plan on going?"He asks
"Home. But I will follow the river in case I can find Dream or Allsun."I say
"Good idea. Cya."He says
And that's exactly what I did. I walk quickly along the river, which soon led me to a hiking trail with a map. I find the town we settled in on the map. According to the map, I just have to follow the river to its 5th right turn and then just head straight away from it. From the turn I no longer will follow it.
I smile, nodding and taking this info in. I take a map from the stand because I know my memory isn't the best. Then I hear crying. Like a baby's cries. I look around and see a small basket. I grab a stick and use it to pull the basket over. Inside, crying with a small cut on his skull, was Dream. I kneel down and scoop him up from the basket.
"Sssh, sssh, it's ok Dream. You're safe now."I say
He stops crying and looks at me. He smiles and claps, trying to reach me. I lift him and he hugs me tightly. He puts a hand on my wounded cheek, humming a bit. The wound heals. He couldn't reach the wound on his skull though. It was dead center on top, out of reach of his lil baby hands. I take a small piece of the bottom of my dress and wrap it on his head lead a bandage. He smiles at me, then looks around.
"Bwotha!"He cheers, pointing to the river
In it was another basket that has a lil baby's head popping out and looking around. I grab the stick and pull the basket over. It's Allsun alright.
"Bwotha!"The brothers cheer, hugging each other
Then they look at me.
"Ink!"They cheer, then crawl and hug me too
I smile.
"Hey guys. Are you both ok?"I ask
They nod.
"Are you?"Allsun asks
"I healed a wound on his cheek."Dream says
"That wasn't from Harold."I say
"Who was it fwom? I'll kill him!"Allsun says
"Nobody messes with our fwend!"Dream says
"Some guy named Tony."I reply
The two brothers look at each other.
"Checkup?"Allsun asks
"Checkup."Dream says with a nod
Allsun blue attacks my soul, making me unable to move. Dream makes me lay down and starts checking my condition, limb by limb, even going under the dress.
"GUYS! STOP! I AM FI-!"I begin
"I found somethin!"Dream cuts me off
He crawls out from under my dress, holding something in his hand.
"What is it?"Allsun asks
"Looks like a wedding wing. It was stuck in Ink's wib cage."He says
"Let me see."Allsun says
Dream hands it over.
"Can I please get up now?!"I say
My soul gets freed. I sit up.
"This was Erwa's. Guess he dwopped it during the OuterTale tumble and it got stuck there."Allsun says
"Oh wow, I can imagine him cwashing and panicking. Especially since dis messes up his pwan."Dream says
Allsun nods.
"Error has a plan?"I ask
"Emmmm, you heard nothing fwom me!"Dream says
"Nope."Allsun says
I look at them, suspicious and confused.
They try to change the subject.
"Where do you think Killa is?"Dream asks his brother
"Pwobably not far from wherever Cwoss is."He replies
"Oh yeah! You have quite the baby navy coming!"I say
Dream now looks at me in confusion. His brother facepalms.
"Don't tell me they went in baskets too."He says
"No, they went in baskets with home tools as oars. Killer is using a frying pan and Cross is using a spatula."I say
"A spatuwa won't get Cwoss vewy far."Dream says
"At weast they have some guidance or contwol."Allsun says
I stand up.
"Where do we go?"They ask
"I was looking at this map to figure it out."I say, pointing to the hiking trail map
Dream gets curious, using the baskets like a seat to sit and read the sign. Allsun looks at the sign, then looks around and crawls off. I start to go after him but Dream stops me.
"He will be wight back."Dream tells me
"Ok...?"I say
He starts distracting me by having me explain the map.
[Allsun and Dream, ultimate planners >:3]
(With Allsun:
"Here's your wing back! It was stuck in Ink's wib cage!"He says, handing the ring to Error, who was strolling down a trail
"I dOn'T eVeN wAnT tO kNow hOw yOu rEtRiEvEd ThiS."Error says
"Dweam did, not me. He gave Ink a checkup. Speaking of Ink, let's go."He says
They walk.
Error:-sees Ink in the distance-
-cue panic and need of a pep talk-)
I explain what the symbols on the map mean to Dream for the fifth time.
"FuCK! I cAn'T dO tHiS!"A voice yells
"Did you hear that?"I ask
"Hear what? And what does the house here mean?"He asks, pointing to a house on the map
I start to explain the map again to him. Once done, I ask him if he has any other questions.
"No, but your Gwitchy might."He says with a smile
"What do you-"I begin
"H-HeY, InKy."A voice says
I turn around and see Glitchy there, playing nervously with his strings.
"Hey Glitchy, is everything ok?"I ask, stepping closer
He quickly comes to me, hugging me tighter than he ever has.
"I'm sO gLad YoU'rE oKaY."He says over my shoulder
Before I could say anything, he starts to kiss my neck. My face burns up.
"G-Glitchy!"I yelp
He does not stop. He kisses me down the neck and shoulders. My face burns, unable to move in his hold.
"Glitchy...."I say softly, resting my burning face on his shoulder
"YeS?"He says
"Are you...gonna do this every time we reunite? It's pretty new of you....."I ask
He is silent.
"Did he crash?"I ask Allsun and Dream
They both shake their heads no.
I take some deep breaths,trying to calm myself. I feel him kiss the back of my neck.
"Aah! G-Glitchy!"I say, gripping him tighter
He doesn't say anything. His arms shift around me.
"G0tTa d0 tHiS rIghT....NoW oR nEvEr....I cAn d0 tHiS."He says quietly
"Oh!Cwoss! Ova here!"Dream cheers
"I'll get the stick."Allsun says
"Nai Nai!"a voice cheers
"Guys!"Cross exclaims
I see my brother appear with a camera.
"E!Pap would be very upset if I didn't catch this memory."He says
Error ignores all of this. He steps back and digs into his pockets. He slips a ring onto one of his fingers and holds something in his hand.
"GoTta dO tHiS bEfOrE I cRaSh...."He says, getting down on one knee
I realize what he is doing.
"G-Glitchy?!"I say, shocked that he's going through with this
"InKy....wIlL yOu bE mInE fOrEvER aNd mArRy mE?"He asks, revealing a ring in the palm of his hand
My face burns up. But I did not have to think twice about my answer.
"Yes!"I reply happily
He crashes. When he reboots, he looks around nervously.
"WhAt diD y0u sAy?"He asks
"Yes!"I repeat
He looks at me in shock, his face burning up. He shakily takes my hand and slides the ring on my finger. He scoops me up, but bows his head, hiding his face. I can feel him shake. I look around at everyone, who were whooping and cheering. They go quiet at my gaze.
"What did you do to him?"I ask
"Give him a pep talk. He was panicking."Allsun fesses up
I look at Error. I look at my bro.
"What did you do?"I ask, knowing how he can persuade people
And he has a certain history with Error that says a lot.
"ThEy dId nOtHinG. I aM jUst sO hApPy YoU sAiD yEs!"Error says, looking up at me while crying
He gains more tear marks that drop from his face like strings dangling and then drip like strings that were cut by invisible scissors.
"Glitchy! Of course I was gonna say yes! I love you! What made you think I could have said no? Bro?"I say, shooting a look to my brother
"I did nothing!"He says
"His anxiety, that's what."Allsun says
"He iS rIghT. BuT InkY, yoU mAdE mE tHe hApPiEst mIsTaKe In tHe mUlTiVeRsE!"He says
That got me.
I lean in and kiss him. His face burns a bright yellow.
"You are NOT a mistake."I say
"R-RigHt."He says
"You are my Glitchy."I say
"And yOu'Re mY InKy."He says
"Wait, you got a pep talk from a baby. Isn't tha-"Cross begins
"Ssshush Cross, don't ruin their moment."Allsun says
"Speaking of moments....Nai Nai.~"Killer says
"Cwoss!"Dream exclaims
We look over and see that the four babies were having their own moments. Killer has Allsun pinned on the ground and is kissing him lovingly. Cross is hugging Dream close, giving an occassional kiss on the head. That was enough to make Dream's face a bright yellow with Allsun's a bright purple. My bro was catching this all on his camera. I feel Glitchy start kissing my neck again. I don't make a sound, but I know my face must be a rainbow.
"ThErE'S mY sKiTtLe.~"He says
I look at him with a smile.
Then, rapid gunfire is heard. I feel multiple of the fires hit me. Killer and Cross drag their lovers under baskets for shelter.
"InKy!"Glitchy exclaims
"Should have went with never, Error!"A voice yells
Then, I get shot through my skull.
I get surrounded by darkness, unable to hear a thing. Then a bright light shines in. I get surrounded by this bright white, endless space. Almost like an antivoid.
"Welp, that didn't go well."My brother says as he appears
"Ya don't say? Is everyone else ok?"I ask
"Yep, the shooter left once you became dust."He says
"How's Glitchy?"I ask
"Sad, but nobody was hurt besides you. Killer and the others are bringing him home."He says
"Am I dead now?"I ask
"Well, yes. But no matter! We'll go with Allsun's plan!"He says, trying to laugh it off
I stare at him dully, not laughing or cracking a smile.
"You mean the plan I insisted we should have went with in the first place? But now we're switching to my just in case plan?"Allsun asks
I look at him.
"Relax, I can do this naturally since I was reborn. And if you do this plan, you will be back."He says
"You will be reborn."My brother says
"Will I lose my memories like you did?"I ask Allsun
"It's different for everyone, so I dunno. All I know is that you will be back with your Glitchy if you do it."He says
"Okay, let's do it."I say
"I'll prepare to be your guide."He says, fading away
"Come along, brother."My brother says, leading me away
I follow him and he takes my hand. He leads me through this empty space to a crowd heading up this seemingly endless staircase.
"Where does that go?"I ask
"To Afterlife Square."He says
He leads me up the steps. There, I see a familiar face. A certain Grim Reaper came to visit. Or Geno's idiot is here. And he was very surprised to see me, but then looks at my brother and shakes his head.
"Ink!Pap, how many times do I have to tell you? You can't bring the living to the afterlife for a visit. It ruins the life balance."Reaper says
"I didn't do it! He got shot!"My brother says
"What are you doing here, Reaper?"I ask
"I've been coming to chat with your bro or check on some.....clients on my list to see how they are doing here."He says
He takes a pause, then looks at me again.
"You don't belong here though, come on."He says, taking me by the hand and away from my brother
My brother smiles and waves goodbye to me. I wave as well, then see the ring on my finger. I notice how it looks like Error's eye. Red, yellow and blue. Lovely.
Reaper leads me to a guard-looking monster and that guard takes me from him to some secretary monster. They pull out a file with my name on it and read through it.
"Ya, I don't see why not."She says, stamping an approval stamp on the file
I smile.
"But, it will cost two things. Your name for security and something about you."She says
"What could I give?"I ask, gazing confusedly at her
She raises a hand to shade her eyes.
"You sure are bright and colorful.....That's it! It will cost your colors and your name. You were last called skittle so your new name will be.....Skit Link Sans. Or Skit L. Sans. First name Skit. Middle name Link. Last name Sans."She says, renaming my file
I nod.
She snaps her fingers and I roughly hit the ground. I sit up and look around. I am in a big forest. It is raining heavily down on me. Where am I? I check the puddle and see that I no longer have any color, just black and white. But my ink thing on my cheek seemed to be covered up, painted over. No biggie. I see the ring still on my finger. I smile, thinking of my Glitchy. I take it off and tuck it away. I don't want to be recognized easily by whoever shot me. I will wear it when I'm with those who I trust. I stand up, starting to wander around.
I will go to my friends. My home. My Glitchy. Everything and everyone that is mine.
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