Chapter 39:Done...Mistakes
A week later, Dream's POV
I feel a soft nudge.
"Bwotha?"Allsun says
I sit up.
"What bad dweam did you have this time?"I ask
"Numba 26. I think it came twue. I checked the mail and....Killa is done with me."He says
I see that he is in tears. He holds the envelope and the ring.
Shoot. He found it.
Then he hands me another envelope. It's already open. I take out a letter and see the words YOU'RE INVITED! I already got a bad feeling about it. I read it anyway.
"Dear Dream,
Hello! As you could probably tell, I am done with Nighty! But, I'd like you to come meet my new lover James! He is better than Nighty in every way! Take the pill in the envelope and come to *insert address here*! We will have a lovely time! The pill makes you an adult for 48 hours. See you soon!
P.S. Don't bring Nighty."
I look at my brother. He had already read it and is in tears.
"What did I do wong?"He asks
"Nothing."I say
"Then why is he done with me?"He says
I shake my head.
"Come here, bwo."I say
He hugs me and cries. I've never seen him cry so much before. Not when he was hurt. Not when he was dealing with Charles or some other jerk. Not even as a baby right now. And who do I have to thank? Killer.
He is dead!
"What do I even tell da kids? Ghastly looked up to him as a father...."He says between sobs
"Don't tell them anything until you're ready."I say
"I....I am gonna go get bweakfast."He says
I nod.
He heads off to the kitchen for someone to get him breakfast. I on the other hand, head off to have a little chat. Knock some sense into a special someone's skull.
I reach Killer's tree and access it.
Quick question, Killer. What would you use to kill someone personally?
A knife, duh. Why?
Oh good to know. Because now, that's what I'm gonna use to KILL YOU!
What did I do?
What did you do? WHAT DID YOU DO?! Oh, let's see! You ignored Dalilah and my warnings about our brother, ignored my warning from last week to NOT DO ANYTHING STUPID, and BROKE my brother's soul! Again, might I add! Color was one thing but who the hell is James? And how STUPID do you have to be to send a LETTER home?!
Cause guess what?! It wasn't ME who got the letter today. It was my brother! Oh, you should have seen the look on his face when he found the ring and read stuff in the letter FROM YOU, that you are done with him and found someone better than him in all ways! And, to add salt to the wound, you're inviting ME to go and meet your new lover and not allowed to bring him! What the blazing hell is wrong with you?
I had a plan.....
Oh! You had a plan! That makes every tear that he cried okay! NOT! I'd like to be filled in on a plan that includes me! Or stupid stuff like letters! But now I don't care about any stupid plan you have! He has been going night after night having bad dreams to imagine what you could be going through and how to help. But now you just slapped him in the face like HAHA I AM OK! I AM DONE WITH YOU AFTER YOU WASTED YOUR TIME CARING ABOUT ME! And oh the memories, were all those faked? What made you turn on him, huh? Don't answer that, I don't want to hear excuses. And why the hell did you even make this tree if you were gonna LEAVE HIM?! You are one crazy mind, Killer.
So I am guessing this means you are not coming.
OH I AM COMING! And when I do, I will keep to my word with my warnings! You broke my brother's soul so I am gonna do just as I said and kick your stupid behind! I am a man of my word! So listen closely, Killer. UNLESS somehow you get blessed by the Common Sense gods or something, leave whoever JAMES is, come back and manage to make it up to my brother, I have my own plan in mind! I am gonna come up there to the meet, kill you, scare off this James of yours, take you back home and have Gradient or Geno erase all the memories you had with James! Starting with the moment where you stupidly thought that BREAKING MY BROTHER'S SOUL THROUGH A LETTER was a GOOD IDEA! You are so lucky Dalilah doesn't know about this! And what do you expect him to tell the kids at some point? To tell GHASTLY? His brother was always having a part of him that wasn't sure about you, but NEVER Ghastly! What do you advise him to say?
"Oh, hey sons. Hey Ghastly, I am sorry, but Kills aka Future Papa is not Future Papa anymore"? "Why? Oh, he just found someone better. Won't explain to ME but that's ok." Like what do you expect, huh? Because there are two people who looked up to you and trusted you, my brother and Ghastly. So now you broke their trust and I am gonna break you! Starting with the hand that wrote that stupid letter! What do you have to say for yourself?
Nothing? Wow, good thing you're not a lawyer like Chara because you would stink at it. I don't know what's worse! That you sent a letter at all or that you sent one to ME that HE found and you were still referring to him by his nickname when you were SUPPOSEDLY LOVING HIM! WHAT THE HELL?!
"Bwotha?"A voice calls
Oh, speaking of my brother, here he comes now. And I have an idea.
I snap my fingers while touching the tree.
What do you see?
The tree.
I look up.
The sky.
So you can see what I see.
Good. Because I want you to see something important.
I feel a tap on the shoulder. I turn around. There is my brother.
Don't you dare call him that. You lost your priveleges to nickname him the moment you thought of sending that letter.
"What are you doing here?"He asks
"Oh, just questioning all the good times he had with you and their value for him to send that."I say
"Are you mad at him?"He asks
"I think that goes without saying, Bwotha."I reply
"Don't be mad.......It was his choice.....And whatever makes him happy makes me happy. Whoever makes him happy makes me happy. It's useless to be angwy and a waste of energy...."He says, but breaks into tears as he spoke
You hear that? It was YOUR CHOICE to leave him. To BREAK HIS SOUL.
"That doesn't mean you have to be okay with it, Bwotha. You are no doormat, and the way he left was like he was treating you as one. He was using you from what it seems. Leading you on. He's a jerk. You're soul is bwoken, you have a wight to be upset. You do not have to instantly accept it just because it makes him happy."I tell him
"B-But-"He begins
"If he doesn't care enough to look out for your happiness by leaving you, then neither should you. Besides, there are plenty more fish in the sea."I say
"But none of those fish are like Killa. He made me feel things that nobody else has....I neva knew dat he was talking about being with James when he talked to me about the future...."He says
You hear that, Killer?
Now look.
I place a hand on Allsun's cheek. He is crying again.
Take a good hard look at this face, Killer. LOOK AT HIM. This is the face of a broken soul. HIS broken soul. MY BROTHER's broken soul. YOUR FORMER FIANCE's broken soul! And who do we have to thank for that? YOU! So this is also the face of the reason why you are gonna either rethink your life choices or face my wrath!
"I loved Killa.....Why would he leave?"Brother says
"I don't know....I don't know."I say
Don't think I don't know that is another lover nickname. Don't. So when I get to that address, you better have made up your mind, Killer. Either stay with this random James like a bitch and die OR get some COMMON SENSE and leave him before I even get there to reunite with your fiance! Whatever plan you had failed because I am taking no part in a plan that breaks my brother's soul in the process!
"I wasted my time with nightmares to find a way to help him, huh? 200 nightmares with only 10 ending alright. And of course I got numba 26. He was always ok but just left for someone else."He says
I hope you're proud of yourself.
"Are you gonna go?"He asks me
"Yes. I am kinda curious to see who dat idiot thinks is better than you in every way and gives him weason to bweak your soul."I say
"Well then you should take this and go. I looked up the location and it takes a while just to get there. You'll need all the time you could get with that pill."He says, then hands me a knife
"What is this for?"I ask
"For Killer. He dropped it when he was taken....or escorted away I guess."He says
Ooo. It's sharp, close ranged and the good weapon for something personal. Thank you Killer for telling me.
"I'll bring it as a gift."I say
Yes....a gift. Killer I hope your sins are crawling down that spine of yours. Oh wait, you don't have a spine. Because then you would have common sense and the ability to think correctly and leave James instead of leaving YOUR FIANCE!
He hands me the pill and I take it. He crawls home. I grow to an adult and take out my phone. I make a plan and put in the address and start jogging there. I guess anger made me go faster because I was there within hours.
It's an old cottage. I look at it with resentment already. I grip the knife tightly. Time to find out who is behind this. Time to meet James.
"RemEmBeR ThE sAfE wOrD!"A voice says
"Ya, ya, I know."I say
Then I knock on the door.
Killer opens up.
"Oh, hey Dream."He says, looking very uneased
"Hey, Killer."I say, turning the knife around in my hand
"Why don't you come in?"He says
"Sure thing, buddy! "I say
I walk inside and shut the door.
"I'm surprised you came. James said you wouldn't."He says
"Well, I'm a man of my word. Unlike some people."I say
He bows his head.
"Listen Dream, I have a good reason-"He begins
"To break my brother's soul again? And your last one with Color was such a good one too."I say with sarcasm
"Dre-"He begins
"Let me guess, now you'll mail pain and grief flowers like you tried to give him last time? How many this time, huh?"I say, lifting the knife into view
He goes silent.
I notice his wrists and ankles are chained.
"Wait....What happened to you?"I ask
"James....Is someone Cipher found. And I do not like this finding for obvious reasons. He is go-Aah! FUCK OFF!"He says, then snaps when a hand creeps up under his shirt
"What did I say about being snappy and not letting me have fun with you?"A voice says
"Well maybe if you weren't so touchy with my rib cage and creepy I wouldn't be so snappy."Killer says, looking pissed
Definitely not the happy, I'm so in love Killer I got from the letter.
"Better than Nighty in every way, huh?"I say
"That's right! Wait, who said that?"The voice says
"Me."I say
A short skeleton peeks out and looks at me. He looks crazy and gets excited.
"Ah! You're here! So you are representing your brother with his feelings on Killer leaving him for me?"The skeleton says
"You could say that."I say, twisting the knife in my hand
"Oh! Isn't that great Killer! And look! A farewell gift!"James says, pointing to the knife
"Can we just sit? These chains are heavy."He says
I no longer see a jerk who broke my brother's soul in Killer. No, I see someone getting manipulated and mistreated. A fellow victim. We sit at a table, Killer beside James reluctantly.
"Are you the one who sent the drones?"I ask
"Oh yeah, sure did. And watching everyone scramble and cry with the camera on them was very entertaining! Too bad I couldn't catch you or Encre....Stupid mist beat me to it."James says
"And you sent my bud Ink to.....Where?"I ask
"Pfft! As if I'd tell you!"He says
"So, um...How'd you get Killer to love you?"I ask
"Oh, pretty simple. Just threaten what he loves most. His fiance."James says, lifting a remote
I gaze at it.
Killer shudders at the sight of it.
"Any of these buttons could make him disappear from the face of the multiverse forever. And it would be such a shame if that were to happen. Least to say, engines and fans weren't the only things my drones ejected."He says
"I hEaRd tHaT. I hAvE aLeRtEd tHe oThErS aNd tHey aRe hElPinG hIm nOw."The voice says
"Okay then....Well, have you thought of the future? Talked about it?"I say
"I will one day get rid of that brother of yours, and everyone Killer ever knew, that way he has nobody to turn to but me."James says
I look at Killer.
I look at James.
"Is this a personal matter?"I ask
"Why yes, the most personal. Because Killer is perfect for me and your brother is just some useless, stupid, pile of nothing that is a something wannabe since day one. Even his job was stupid. Protector of the dark apples to protector of negativity and leader of the Bad Sanses. It's amazing how worthless someone like him could-"James says
"OKAY THAT IS IT!"I snap, leaping across the table and knocking James to the ground
I start swinging punches and the knife at him.
"Nobody calls my brother worthless! Nobody calls my brother stupid! Or useless, or nothing! AND NOBODY DARES BREAK HIS SOUL! Nobody. Threatens. His. LIFE!"I snap at James, pinning him down
I let all his anger out, yelling and swinging at him. I don't even need my bow or arrows, close combat is much better right now. Then, my phone rings. I lift James into a headlock and put my phone on my shoulder, answering it.
"Hello?"I say
"Hewwo Dweam."My brother says
"Hey, Allsun. How are you doing?"I ask lovingly
"Good. Goth and Shino are giving me a checkup. I wanted to see how you are doing with the meet."He says
"Pretty good. But the James guy is a total idiot. Which fits since Killer was an idiot to leave you."I say
"Don't call him that! He must have a good weason."He says
"Is that the fiance? Pfft! I hope he knows how stupidly pa-"James begins
"Sssshhhh, ssssshhhh, sssssshut the frick up."I say in a low voice
"Who was that?"My brother asks
"Nobody of importance. What were we talking about?"I say
"How Killa must have a good weason."He replies
"Ah yes, right. Well his reason is......his reason is...."I say
I look at Killer. He is still chained up and is looking at me with a pleading, apologetic gaze. I smile.
"The best reason ever."I say
"Weally? What is it?"He asks
"You. It's a bit of a story for later though."I say
"Ok, thank you, Bwotha. Thank you, Dweam."He says
I watch Killer turn back into a baby. Free of the chains, he crawls over to me and looks up at me. His gaze begs me for something. I think I know what.
"Wait, why don't you talk with him?"I say
"What? He wants to talk to me?"He asks
"Nai Nai! Sun Sun! Pwease!"Killer begs
"He is calling your name so I'm guessing so."I say
I hand Killer the phone.
"Nai Nai! I am so sowwy! I neva meant to hurt you! I was trying to pwotect you! I wove you!"Killer cries the second he got hold of it
"Stupid fiance."James mutters
Killer slaps him.
"Don't call him dat."Killer says
Then he crawls away, talking on the phone.
I feel a hand softly groom my tail.
"I wonder how your fiance would handle your sudden disappearence. How is Ink's boyfriend handling it anyway?"James says
I stab him in the arm.
"Don't even think about it!"I snap
He chuckles.
"Nai Nai? Nai Nai! Speak! Say something! Pwease! Don't pway twicks on me! Speak to me! No cold shoulder pwease! No silent tweatment! Nai Nai!"Killer cries
I look and see that James had his foot press a button.
"Killer, he pressed it!"I say
James starts laughing. His laugh is so annoying. I take a napkin and shove it in his mouth.
"Error 504!"I say
The door gets kicked down and in comes E!Pap, a tiny pissed off baby. James is shocked.
"What? You really thought I was stupid enough to come alone? Nope! And let's just say you made a mistake messing with our friends."I say
E!Pap fires his purple strings and ties James up.
"Anyone who takes pleasure in hurting my friends and family do not get away with it. Now will you deactivate it or is it piñata time?"I ask
"I sUrE hOpE iT iS piñatA tImE. ThAt sEeMs fUn!"E!Pap says, hoisting James up with his strings
Killer was still on the phone, trying to get a clue of how my brother is.
"Okay okay!"He says
E!Pap lowers him.
He stomps on a big red button.
"Oof!"Killer says
"Owie. Where am I?"I hear my brother says
"Nai Nai!"Killer cheers
I glance over and find my brother on Killer.
"Oh, hewwo Killa."He says
"E!Pap, I will let you get the info on Ink out of him."I say
"Yay! piñAtA tImE!"He cheers
I come over and smile. I toss the knife away. Killer hugs my brother and kisses him.
"Hi, Dweam."He says
"Hello."I say
Killer nuzzles his head against my brother.
"I hope this shows you what I am capable of, Killer and makes you think twice before you do something stupid that can hurt my brother."I say
Killer nods. Then he looks around.
"Wing! Wing!"He says
"Huh?"My brother says confusedly
"Where's my wing?"He asks
"Ah, ring!"I say
I dig in my pocket and take out the envelope with the ring. I hand the ring over. He slips it back on and the ring shrinks to fit onto his baby finger.
"I'm yours Nai Nai!"Killer says
My brother looks at him, then smiles.
"You bet you are, Killa!"He says
He hugs Killer and Killer shoves him down. He kisses my brother and shows a lot of affection. I've never seen two babies get so loving. Then again....X!Chara steals the TV remote and loves putting on baby fight shows with the whole BABY SITUATION.
My brother's face burns up extremely, but he loves it.
I smile.
"PermIsSiOn To hUg tHe InFo oUt oF hIm?"E!Pap asks
"Yep!"I say
"How much time is left fo you?"Killer asks
I check the clock.
"16 hours."I say
He nods.
"I got a jar of those pills or chemicals to be made adults. Enouf fo evewyone."Killer says
"Each lasting 48 hours."I say
E!Pap crawls over and takes one from the jar. He frowns.
"I hAvE sTuFf tO tElL mY bRo. Let's gO."I say
We get up. I carry the two babies and lead him along. We go hom and just in time too. I turned back the moment I stepped through the door. E!Pap goes over to his brother and whispers to him. Error starts to cry and E!Pap puts a hand on his head.
Then he hugs his brother.
I watch and shake my head.
Wherever Ink is, he is being missed very badly. Error wants him back. If only we could find him.
Cross comes and sits beside me.
Something drips onto my head and Cross wipes it.
"Purple ink?"He says
More drips. He keeps wiping it.
"Eww, it's sticky."He says
I frown. I look up. A stain of purple ink is growing in the ceiling like a water leak and it keeps dripping. It was not there before. I recognize it, both fortunately and unfortunately. Ink pukes purple ink whenever he gets scared. This gets me curious. How is that getting here?
I crawl around and get some towels with a plunger. I toss it up and then yank it down with rope, cleaning the ceiling to show an ink portal. He must be trying to come through! I see his hands reach through. He drops a book and I catch it. He starts coming through.
"Ink!"I cheer
"DiD I jUst hErE sOmEonE yElL fOr mY InKy?"Error asks
Cross points up.
Error looks up.
"InKy!"He exclaims
"Glitchy!"Ink shouts, reaching out with a hand and trying to push himself through with the other
Error uses his strings to shoot to Ink. Ink wraps the strings around his wrist, trying to hold on. Error pulls, trying to get him out.
"Someone's got me!"Ink exclaims
Error yanks him out and then he hugs Ink. I can see two hands coming through the ink.
"InKy! PweAse! I g0t yoU! It's okAy!"He says
"I know Glitchy. I don't wanna let go. I won't let go."Ink says
"InKy...I gOtTa aSk Ya sOmEtHinG......."Error says
"Okay...What is it?"Ink asks
"Em...I-I-I wAs wOnDerInG iF....y-YoU, e-e-em....i l-L-LovE yOu aNd I wAnTed To aSk if yOu w-wOulD, Ummm, iS tHiS a Bad tIme?"Error asks, digging through his pockets
"N-No..Are you uneasy?"Ink asks
I try to disconnect him from the paint and ink of the portal.
"I j-j-JusT waNt To aSk aT a gOoD t-TiMe."He says nervously
"Ask what?"Ink asks cluelessly
"W-W-W-Would y-you l-like t-to-"He begins, taking rings out of his pocket
Then strings wrap around Ink. Yellow strings.
"Someone got me!"He yelps
"Ya,mE. YoU wiLl bE oKaY, InKy."Error says, holding his hand
Ink smiles.
But the strings pulled him until all there was of Ink here was Error holding Ink's detatched left hand. Error cries so much that he crashed, then got too angry and crashed. He crashes a lot.
Ink better be okay. But something tells me he won't be.
Ink's POV
Something is shoved into my mouth(again) and the strings tighten around me.
"Trying to escape, huh?"A voice says
I look up and see a dude sitting on a chair twice the size of him.
"I think that's pretty obvious."I say
"Well you failed. Which is kinda funny, especially since you tried to escape to a MISTAKE."He says
"Don't you dare call my Glitchy that."I say
"Oo! Touchy subject about your boyfriend, huh? Well, you won't be with him for much longer."He says
"Ya, cause I'm here."I say
"And soon, you won't ever be with him again. Not if your memory has him dead."He says
"What do you want with me?"I ask
"That is classified for only me to know. Now, I will be leveling up the security with you."He says
"You know this won't end well for you, right?"I say
"Empty threats."He says
"I'm being serious."I say
"Tch, and that's the sad part. You're being serious about something you're wrong about."He says
"You'll see."I say
"Cya later."He says
Then the strings pull me away to some machine. It looked like a car wash but for people. The strings toss me in and I hit the conveyer belt hard.
My clothes get taken off of me, water pours down to wash me, then I get dried.
All these robotic arms come down, taking measurements of me and writing them down on clipboards.
I get an idea. Two can play at the memory game.
I take one of the arm's sharpies and start writing on my arm. I give it back and smile proudly. Some new clothes are put on me, including a monitor around my neck. My message is covered by some gloves it put on me. Good. The conveyor belt dumps me onto the cold hard ground. I slowly get up to find the guy here already. He grabs me by the chin and smiles.
"You look great."He says
"And you look like an asshole."I say
He frowns.
"Now, to handle that memory of yours."He says
I frown but couldn't move.
"No te preocupes, Ink. Tengo un plan para ti. Así que solo olvida, olvida, olvida tu Glitchy. No te preocupes. Tengo un plan para ti. Así que solo escúchame. Obedeceme. Olvidar olvidar. Todo estará bien.No te preocupes, Ink. Tengo un plan para ti. Así que solo olvida, olvida, olvida tu Glitchy. No te preocupes. Tengo un plan para ti. Así que solo escúchame. Obedeceme. Olvidar olvidar. Todo estará bien."He says in a soft singing tone
(Don't you worry, Ink. I have a plan for you. So just forget, forget, forget about your Glitchy. Don't you worry. I have a plan for you. So just listen to me. Obey me. Forget, forget. Everything will be okay.Don't you worry, Ink. I have a plan for you. So just forget, forget, forget about your Glitchy. Don't you worry. I have a plan for you. So just listen to me. Obey me. Forget, forget. Everything will be okay.)
The more he sang, the weaker I feel. My mind is scrambling and a new memory is forming. He continues to sing, repeating the same words over and over. The memory becomes clearer and clearer, worsening and worsening. I can see it. It is a memory of Error's death. It is very brutal. My memory of his plan and faking my memory is erased.
"Perfecto."He says
He stops singing and releases my chin. Then he hits me on the head and I drop to the floor, knocked out cold.
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